𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝|𝐁𝐗...

By money_festing

79.1K 2.8K 364

Just when Mizuki thought he had found his one true mate, his entire world turned upside down. He went from t... More



2.3K 91 26
By money_festing

Mizuki ●

Zephyr left hours ago. He just left me there in the garden.

The guards came, and I tried my best not to let it affect me, but it did.

As soon as I got back to my room, I cried.

It was now 7am in the morning, and I had no clue if he came back or not. I wanted him to like me, to at least accept me.

On the bright side, at least he didn't try to kill me after finding out we were mates like Kalex did.

I wanted to do something special for him to make him like me a lot more, but I knew nothing beyond his cold exterior.

I got up from the bed wrapping the robe around me and walked over to the closet, just like back at lara's. The clothes were white, and I loved it.

For me, not for the people who cleaned. White must be a bitch to wash if it's actually really dirty.

I closed the door to the closet because I forgot what I actually opened it for.

Maybe if I made him breakfast he would appreciate me more?

Housewife duties.


Mate duties.

That was actually a great idea. I took off my robe and was only left in the silk pyjama set and rushed out of the room.

The guards stood at the end of the hallway and watched me walk towards them.

When I was a few inches from them, they turned to block my path.

“Can you move?” I asked, looking at both of them.

“Where are you going?” one of them said, not once looking down at me.

“The kitchen” I simply said.

“We shall accompany you”


They both moved and let me continue my journey to the kitchen, but with them following me.

Once I reached the kitchen, I stepped inside, and they both stopped at the door.

I first spotted Mylo and ran towards him..

“Mylo!” I exclaimed, and he jumped slightly before turning to me, and a huge smile filled his beautiful features.

“Mizuki!” He extended his arms, and I hugged him.

It felt like ages since I last saw him. He looked even prettier than before.

“How have you been? I haven't seen you since I don't even remember. Why are you in pyjamas, though?” he asked in a rush.

Oh, I forgot they don't know Zephyr is my mate. I wonder if I should tell them.

Can't hurt, right?

“Well the king is my mate-and I've been staying here.” I watched as Mylo's face twisted into an expression of shock, and I smiled shyly.


I nodded “Yeah and I came here to make him breakfast actually,  I don't think he likes me very much”

His expression changed to disappointment, and he quickly replaced it with a smile.

“What are you gonna make him?” He asked, and I pulled my lips inwards.

I didn't think that far.

“I don't know, pancakes?” I suggested, and he gave a small chuckle, shaking his head slightly.

“Sure, he's your mate after all” he smiled teasingly, and I blushed.

Mylo and I continued to talk as he helped me make the pancakes. I had no blueberries, so I settled for the old chocolate chip pancakes.

Once we were done, Mylo gave me an encouraging look, and then I left the kitchen with buff and buffer behind me.

I carefully climbed the stairs with the trey in my hands and made my way to his room.

It was close to mine.

When I came face to face with his door, I knocked twice.

A few seconds later, there was shuffling on the other side, and I took a step back.

The door swung open, and I first saw his naked chest.

His rippling muscles and tattoos compliment his warm olive toned skin so well.

I shook my head and slowly trailed my eyes up till I was making eye contact with him.

His eyes were a dull red this morning, hair all over the place. I could tell he had just woken up.

His eyes pinned me, and a frown came on his lips, making me quite sad.

I don't know what I did to him, and I wish he would tell me.

I extended the trey filled with pancakes and orange juice towards his chest.

He looked down at the trey and tilted his head.

“I-I wanted to make you something special, there were no blueberries, no strawberries and I didn't want to add banana on top of this because it is disgusting and whoever adds banana on top of pancakes deserves to burn in-”

The ruffle of sheets cut me off, and I looked around the large alpha, looking further into his room.

In black silk sheets, a naked blonde hair boy, I'm assuming, was wrapped oh so comfortably.

I looked back at Zephyr, and his face was void of any emotions. He just stood there staring at me blankly.

Disappointment and hurt shot through me.

“Your breakfast, I didn't know you had company, I'm sorry.”

I placed the trey down at his feet and dashed to my room.

Of course, he had someone in his bed.

Someone other than me, I can't believe I thought maybe just maybe he would warm up to me.

He slept with someone.

I paced around my room, and images of the blonde fueled my anger even more.

“You should kill him”

I should kill that son of bit-

kill him”

“I can't kill him Cass ”

Why not?”

Maybe because I'm not a murderer and I have no weapon in my reach to kill him.

Mizuki, you don't need a weapon. Just use your powers.”

“No I can't do that, I don't think it's necessary for me to kill him. Technically, he didn't cheat or anything he just met me, and I don't know how to control these powers.”

Cass didn't say anything after that, and I just kept walking around the room.


I stopped and looked towards the window. It sounded a lot like Zephyr, so I walked over there.

There he was, the blonde male. He was kind of pretty.

“But why? We had fun, didn't we?” The omega asked and stepped closer to Zephyr.

Zephyr didn't say anything more to the omega. He just walked away, leaving the poor omega outside, all alone.

I watched as the omega looked puzzled and helpless. I smiled to myself and shook my head, watching him walk away.

After he was out of sight and I turned and walked towards my door. I opened it and stepped out, but I was not in the hallway.

I was outside.


Why are you calling me? I had nothing to do with this”

I don't even know what this is, some form of sorcery maybe.

I heard footsteps in the distance and quickly stepped back. A few seconds later, the blonde omega emerged with a frown on his lips.

Honestly, I was shocked, I had managed to teleport ahead of him?

“A win is a win” Cass said, and I could tell he had a sickening smirk on his face.

The omega looked behind him then to his left, I guess he was lost. I would be too because this place was big.

Wait a second, I am lost because I had no idea where I was right now, and I had no clue how to get back.

If I could teleport, why didn't this come when I was stuck in a room back on earth.

“Are you lost?” I asked the omega, and he jumped. He probably realized I, too, was an omega, so he calmed down.

“Yeah- a little bit” he nodded and rubbed the back of his neck,I went closer to him.

He was a little bit taller than me. His hair was long, which he had tied up in a ponytail.

“What are you doing out here by yourself?” I asked him.

He looked at me sceptically.

“I could ask you the same thing”

I smiled at him and looked off in the distance. “I work in the kitchen”

He grabbed my hand and looked at me with the eyes of a child on Christmas morning.

I looked down at his hand then at him. I prayed my facial expression was in check.

“So you can help me find my way out of the castle grounds, right?”


“Yeah” I nodded.

He sighed in relief and pulled me in a hug, thanking me over and over again. Now, who in the goddesses name hugs someone they knew nothing about.

My head was pressed up against his, and I could hear thumping.

The beating of his heart, it was calm and steady.

I drowned out my surrounding noise and focused on his heart. I imagine it getting slower and slower.

Until it stopped. I quickly opened my eyes cause what was that?

I'm not going to kill this omega. That wasn't me. I had no clue where that thought came from.

I went to let the blonde go and noticed his weight seemingly doubled in the short space of time.

“hey you can let go now” I removed his hands from around me and froze when he fell to the ground with a thud.


My snapped up to see Mylo standing a small distance away from us with his hand over his mouth in shock.

I quickly stepped away from the unconscious man and shook my head. I was trying to tell Mylo I had nothing to do with this.

Mylo ran over to me and looked down at the omega.

“Did he hurt you or something?” He asked as he grabbed my hands and inspected them.

“N-no I just, I don't know what happened.” I said truthfully.

Mylo nodded and bent down to the blonde. He first pressed 2 fingers to the side of his neck, below his ear, and then looked up at me.

“I don't feel a pulse-”

“So he's dead?” I asked, I hope he's not. How the hell will I tell Zephyr I killed his one night stand.

“I don't know - wait” he dipped his hands in his pockets and pulled out a small circular compact mirror.

He opened the small object and held it just beneath the blonde's nose.

“What are you doing?” I asked him quietly.

“I'm checking to see if he's breathing. It's not fogging up, so he's not breathing.” He slowly removed the mirror and slammed it shut.

I looked down at him in anticipation, and he said the two words I didn't want to hear.

“He's dead”


“Cassius shut up!”

Cass snickered, and I looked at Mylo. “I killed him” His face told me he did not believe.

I did, though. I imagine his heart stopping, and it did. I'm the reason he's dead.

Mylo sighed. Maybe he saw the conflicting emotion on my face and decided to believe me.

“Do you know him?”

I nodded, then shook my head, telling him no.

“I went up to give Ze-the king his breakfast, and this omega was in his bed. I came back to my room, and then I don't know”

Mylo smiled at me sympathetically and told me to wait a minute. I watched as he walked out of eyesight.

I looked up at the castle window just in time to see the curtain shifting back into place.

I sighed loudly, knowing that he saw me out here, standing over a dead body.

After a few minutes, Mylo returned with 2 guards behind him.

“Can you take care of this?” He asked them, and they gave firm nods.

Mylo grabbed my hand, dragging me along with him.

I turned to look back at the guards. One lifted the boy by his legs and the other gripping him from his under arm.

I did that.

I killed him.

I lowered my gaze and looked back at Mylo as he continued to drag me.

We came to a stop and I decided to ask where we were going.

“Lara told me to go into town to get things for her, I also need a few things, and I thought maybe you would like to tag along and clear your head,” he said.

I guess getting out of the castle will be good for me.

“Sure, let's go” I smiled at Mylo, and he returned it.

We walked through the gates and turned on the path to the town.

Oridian was truly beautiful. It was like the year 3000 here.

Expect for flying cars, but whatever you imagine for 3000, this is it. Lara told me Oridian had a dark side, too, a place where people were traded and used for purposes unknown to man. I'm lucky she took me in and let me stay with her, or else I would probably be there right now.

“I need a few more ingredients to make dinner for my mate” I turned to look at Mylo.

I still can't believe he was 25 and married with a mate. He looked 19 at best. To be honest, Mylo was so sweet. Oftentimes, he would come to the kitchen with puffy eyes and still had a bright smile on his face.

I wondered what his mate was like. Mylo was so pretty, so his mate must be a good-looking guy, too. I hope whoever he is knows he was a lucky champ.

We entered a bakery of some kind, and the smell of fresh bread infiltrated my nose.

I welcomed the smell and eyed the shop.

There were multiple types of pastries on display.

“I'll be back” Mylo said and walked off to the counter.

“Would you like to try one?” A girl came up to me with a trey filled with small pieces of cake, with toothpicks in the middle of each.


“Okay, we have strawberries, blueberries, chocolate, and pineapple. Which would you like?”

“pineapple,” I said immediately.

She took up the cake and handed it to me, which I took gratefully.

I loved pineapples. Back in my pack, my dad even had a little field filled with pineapples just for me.

I would die for pineapple.

I thanked the girl and popped the cake in my mouth. It had a creamy taste, and the faint taste of pineapple pleasured  my taste buds.

“This is amazing” I said and pointed at the other pineapple samples on the trey with the toothpick.

“I need one of these” The girl smiled at me and walked over to the other person who entered the bakery.

I walked up to where Mylo was packing the things he got into two bags.

“I need one of those pineapple cakes” I said to him, and he looked over at me with a smile, snickered slightly.

“That can be arranged, your majesty,” he said playfully.

I nudged him gently and laughed.

“Don't call me that” he laughed even harder and took up the bags. I helped him with one of them, and we left the store.

We continued walking further into the town. We stopped a few times when Mylo saw something he thought his mate would want.

It was kind of sad that he wasn't getting anything for himself.

“Oh what a beauty you are” an old man said as we were passing. I smiled at him politely and slightly bowed my head.

He smelled of herbs.

In front of him were some fancy looking bottles, and he took one of them up and held it out to me.

I carefully took it and sniffed the edge of it.

They were perfumes. The one he gave me smelled a lot like vanilla and caramel. Somehow, it reminded me of Mylo.

I should get it for him.

“how much?” I asked the old man.

I didn't even have money,  so why was I asking the price.

He smiled at me, the few teeth he had on full display, which made me smile.

He's cute.

“For you, your majesty, it's free of charge” I tilted my head in confusion.

“How did you?” He waved me off and sat back down, closing his eyes.


I know, right?

Dismissing that I turned back to Mylo, who had his attention on whatever was in front of him. He looked over at me then to the bottle that was in my hand.


I nodded.

“This reminded me of you,” I said and extended the bottle to him.

He looked back at it and smiled. “I can't take it." My face fell, and I looked at him with a pout on my lips.

“Why not?”

“You didn't have to get me anything”

“But I wanted to, so I insist you take it.” I urged him, I swear if you looked hard enough, you could see his ears slowly filling with tears.

“Thank you, Mizuki.” He beamed.

I smiled at him and told him it was no problem at all.

I handed the bottle over to him, and he took it and placed it into his bag carefully.

“Let's go back to the castle, shall we?”

I held out my hand for him to take it.

“We shall” he placed his hand in mine, and we made our way back.


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