By Coffinfriends

398 10 0

A successful woman running her own designer clothing company, wife to Scrooge McDuck, y/n l/n She's hadn't ta... More

The Letters
The Spear Of Selene And Chrystal

The Buddy System

91 3 0
By Coffinfriends

Y/N stirred awake from her phone vibrating on the bedside table. With a quiet groan, she sat up and rubbed her eyes as she let her vision clear up. She looked at Scrooge's sleeping figure with a smile as she slipped out of bed, grabbing her phone.

"Hello?" She moved her hair to the side and spoke into the phone. The other person in the call was hardly audible to understand, but Y/N got every third word about spending time with her and her brother.

"Okay. I'll mark down a day and update you when I can." She sighed as she ended the call, placing the phone on the bedside table.

Exiting Scrooge's room, Y/N now wears business attire with her hair neatly put together as she walks down the stairs and to the kitchen, where she sees her brother starting to prepare breakfast.

"Seb, you can't just cook bacon and not make any pancakes." She said she was getting pancake mix from the cupboard.

"I know, but still, the kids would love bacon."
"True, but still."

Y/N placed the mix beside him as she rolled up her sleeves, catching his attention.

"It's so early in the morning for you to be all dressed up. So what's the deal with that?" Sebastian arched a brow as he met her gaze.

"I just had a meeting with some young genius who, by the way, has been non-stop emailing the company for some reason, and I finally agreed to meet with them just so they could stop."

"However, you own a clothing company. All I hope is that this genius knows how to use clothes and anything else they have in mind."

"I hope so." The two cook and prepare in silence till a plate is thrown their way, causing them to flinch and grab pans ready to throw them.


"You could hurt someone you know?" The two lowered the pans as Beakley frowned at them.

"I apologize. I'm not used to having others awake before me."
"We understand, and would you mind setting the table?" Beakley grabbed some plates already filled with bacon and pancakes and placed them on the table.

"Seb, help Bentina with the rest. I'll go wake up Scrooge and the kids." And with that, she washed her hands and walked up the stairs into the boys room.

"Huey, Louie, Dewey, it's time to get up. There is breakfast with bacon." Y/N said, dragging out the word 'bacon' which made them spring out of bed, so she left them to get ready and went to scrooge.

"Scrooge, wake up," she said, shaking him lightly, causing him to grab her, pulling her onto the bed.

"Just stay for a bit, lass..."
"Scrooge, I have a meeting, and you can't stay in bed all day." Y/N tried to get out of bed, but Scrooge held her close to him.


"The kids will eat everything that's for breakfast if you don't get up." With that said, his eyes shot open. Quickly, he got changed, dragging her along with him, just as the boys and Webby were getting on the stairs and looking at them.


Just like that, the two adults raced the four kids down the stairs and to the table.

"Aw, man, we almost made it."
"You almost did, lad. Better luck next time."

"That is, if Scrooge can wake up on time. Now enjoy breakfast." Y/N spoke as she headed to the kitchen, seeing her brother covered in cookie dough.

"Seb, you could have asked me to help you."
"I know, but you're my younger sister, and I have to be the one to help you, not the other way around."

"Seb, it's fine; besides, we are family after all." She smiled, causing her brother to smile.

—Webby pov—

{I need to know more about this Chrystal; what if this has something to do with my parents?}

I finished eating just in time to see Dewey leaving to meet with Launchpad, so I went to my room and looked back at the board. Something wasn't adding up, so I went to do research on the L/N family, barely finding anything on them.

"So I think I'll have to ask, but who?" I frowned as I looked at the chrystal.

"Could you be the key to my family?"

-Time Skip-

"The bin, the bin, the bin, slow down!" Dewey yelled while Launchpad stepped on the brakes, causing the limo to turn around, parking perfectly next to the other cars.

The two entered with a launchpad, wondering what his surprise was going to be when he finally arrived in the room where Scrooge was with Gyro.


"Shhh!" A lanky chicken exclaimed as he stood next to Scrooge and Sebastian.

"The Gearloose monophonicicrail converts aural input into kinetic propulsion."

"It means it's a sound-powered train." Sebastian said as he waved at Dewey while Launchpad got interrupted once again by Gearloose, who wanted to hear nothing.

"This is a sensitive prototype that runs on noise; observe." Gearloose hummed as the train model slowly started to move, surprising them, but the doors swung open, and in came a young duck rambling on about various different projects, causing the train to move faster and faster.

The faster the train became, everyone backed away before it got sent flying off and hitting a glass window, breaking it with water entering.

"My blueprints!" Gearloose explained as he pressed a button that closed the broken window and drained the water while he tried to dry off his blueprints.

"Sorry, Dr. Gearloose."
"Intern, try to think."
"But that's all I do all the time."

"Well, do it better." Gearloose mumbled to himself as he walked off to dry his blueprints.

"Don't let Gearloose get to you." Sebastian said with a smile towards Gearlooses intern.
"I try not to."

"Eh, you probably couldn't even fix a tiny driver in that tiny train anyway. Uh, say, speaking of drivers: "

Scrooge interrupts Launchpad as he walks towards Gyro with Sebastian.

"Gyro, the board needs results. Ever since bulb tect backfired, you need an invention that, well,"
"Won't you turn evil and kill us all?"

There was a small pause of silence before Sebastian spoke up. "He said it, and he's not entirely wrong."

"Due respect, sir, invasion doesn't work that way. I can't just wake up one morning and say, "
"How about a self-driving robot?"

"A what, now?"
"Wah! There are too many variables. A self-driving robot car would turn evil like that. Nobody could."

"Mark Beaks did." Sebastian said, looking over Dewey's shoulder. "And he's having a demo today."

"What?! That hack couldn't even program a microwave! We'll see about this." Gyro took Dewey's phone and looked at everything it said about the self-driving car.

"Okay, cool. I'll tell you my big news later."
"Launchpad, I almost forgot."

"Yeah?" Launchpad looked up at him with a smile as Dewey, Sebastian, and Gyro entered the elevator.

"Stop having mail delivered to my office. That's for incoming checks and death threats only." Scrooge dropped the envelope into the water while Launching opened the envelope to see his driver's license.

"Wait, what does 'smiley face, anvil, roadkill' mean?"


"Crushed it!" Mark Beaks yelled as the crowd cheered. Scrooge and the others moved through the crowd.

"It's a hectic world posting things online and checking to see who liked your post. Couldn't you use a little time for yourself? Couldn't you use a B.U.D.D.Y?"

With the press of a button, a robot appeared on stage. It waved at the crowd as they clapped their hands together.

"That's the 'Beaks Unmanned Driver Drone Yay!' BUDDY will drive you anywhere quickly, efficiently, and cheaply!"

Scrooge liked hearing the idea of cheap, but Launchpad didn't like it as much. Buddy climbed into a Waddle car and gave a thumbs up as Mark Beaks continued.

"BUDDY is compatible with any vehicle, making traditional drivers a thing of the past. The Waddle BUDDY system. Because machines are the new man. And hold for applause!"

The crowed cheered while Sebastian, Launchpad, and Gyro called out their negative feelings about Buddy.

"Whoa, Scrooge's driver and his chief inventor are threatened by my buddy here, and with Sebastian L/n no less. Well, that is how you know it's a good product, haha."

"Uh, how can you ensure that this machine won't turn evil? Huh. Never said that out loud."

Sebastian's face was palmed while Beaks spoke into the mic. "Top secret Beaks tech means this baby's 100% obedient to its master. Next question, please?"

"Oh, yeah? Can you program a robot to brave the unknown and laugh at danger?"

"Yes." Launchpad climbed on stage, and Beaks moved back to allow room.

"Can a robot greet you with a kind word at the end of a long day?"

"That's a nice gray cardigan, Mr. Beaks. You are killing it today."

"Huh, yeah, well, can a robot pull you from the wreckage of a crash with a reassuring smile that tells you everything's going to be okay?"

"Well, no, because it can't crash."
"Wait, what, now? I'm sorry, what was that?"
"BUDDY, show him."

The spot where BUDDY appeared from opened and outstepped Y/N. She looked around confused when she was suddenly shoved into a Waddle car with BUDDY, who drove around different obstacles before stopping beside Mark Beaks.

"No matter the situation, you can count on BUDDY to get you where you're going safety. Any more question?"

Soon Dewey, Scrooge, and Gyro walked on stage to see Buddy up close. Sebastian frowned at seeing Mark help Y/N out of the Waddle car and placed his arm around her shoulder, causing him to pull her away from him.

"This automated marvel could save McDuck Enterprises a fortune!" Launchpad stared at the ground, upset, with Dewey and the twins stepping in.

"You're not seriously gonna buy one of these things. I mean, not when you have plenty of good drivers/pilots already." Dewey signaled towards Launchpad, who smiled nervously.

"I may buy a whole fleet! Unless anyone has any brighter ideas." Gyro looked away while Launchpad held a determined expression.

"A race."
"What are you doing?"
"Thinking with my gut. Me versus the bot. Winner gets free candy for life."

The twins looked at each other confused before Dewey whispered to Launchpad about a better offer.

"Oh, that's better. Winner is named the ultimate driver."

Scrooge grinned, liking the idea, "A race would give me a chance to see how BUDDY performs in a real-world scenario."

"Ooh! Dramatic!" Mark exclaimed that he liked the idea of showing off his invention.

"May the best man—ooh! Aah! Robot hand! Very strong robot hand." Launchpad yelped in pain as BUDDY still held his hand. Sebastian looked at Y/n with a small frown.

"So what happened with meeting the smart genius?"
"Apparently Mark Beaks is the smart genius.

His eyes widen as he pointed at Mark only to receive a nod from her, "There's absolutely no way he beat Gyro with this self-driving robot."

"I don't know," She dusted off her suit and frowned at him. "But there's something off about that BUDDY."

At Night

"So, how'd the meeting go?"
"It went well, until I was dragged into a Waddle car with Buddy."

Scrooge's eyes widen with shock before he grabs her face. "Are you alright? You not hurt anywhere?" Scrooge looked at her with concern, and she leaned against his feathered hand with a content smile.

"I'm fine, Scrooge," She whispered softly as she gently pressed her beak against the palm of his hand.

"It's late, so I think you should get some sleep." She looked into him, seeing a light pink color above his beak. "Alright darling."

Scrooge held her face for a few more seconds before removing his hand from her. He smiled at her before heading upstairs to his room.

Y/n sighed as she saw him turn the corner. Her phone rang, and she looked to see it was her brother, so she answered. "Hello. A plan to help Launchpad? Count me in!"

Y/n hung up and headed towards the door, leaving towards the lab. The elevator door opened, and she saw her brother, Dewey and Launchpad.

"Oh, in this scenario, you're still you." Launchpad winked, making Gyro squint his eyes with suspicion.

"Dummy! There's some dummies here to see you."

"At your beck and call, Dr. Gearloose. I heard everything. Everything..." Gyros intern appeared next to him and smiled nervously at Manny.

"I'm happy to prove my worth by aiding Mr. Mcquack. Dr. Gearloose is working on an innovation that will better all of mankind, both literally and figuratively. Behold!"

The intern pressed a red button, and it opened with smoke coming out of the hole in the ground. "Operating passcode: blathering—"
"No!," Gyro quickly pressed the button and chuckled nervously. "That is not ready yet. Go to your room!"

Gyro's intern, Fenton Crackershell Cabrera with them down the hall to his room. "Forgive Dr. Gearloose. He's a little more deranged than usual trying to figure out how Beaks beat him to the self-driving car."

"Deranged definitely fits him for how he's been acting lately." Sebastian grinned as he earned an eye roll and punch in the arm from Y/n.

"That won't be a problem once I put that tin can in its place. In the recycling, where the garbage goes."
"Woof. We'll work on smack talk later. Right now we need something to help Launchpad get the edge on BUDDY."

"Step into my laboratory." Fenton opened a bathroom door causing the twins to look at one another confused.
"I'm sure it isn't that bad."

It was, it was a small room sure but there was blueprints all over the walls and above the toilet seat.

"Your lab is in the bathroom?"
"Dr. Gearloose says this is the perfect place for my work. I'm just now realizing that remark may not have been entirely complementary."

"You think?" Y/n crossed her arms while she looked around his 'lab', "I think we need to have a talk with Gearloose."

"No matter!" Fenton exclaimed happily as he started talking with them on how they could help Launchpad win.

-In the middle of somewhere-

Launchpad and BUDDY were behind the start line, waiting for the race to start as Launchpad got some extra pointers from Fenton.

"These visual cues will trigger psychosomatic synaptic reflexes to improve your performance. Did you get all that?"

A Waddle car arrived with Beaks stepping out, "Welcome to the Waddle test track! Time for the ultimate contest between man and machine. First around the block wins."

"Don't worry Mr. McD. I got this."
"Good lad. Beat this bionic blackguard, and I can probably talk Beaks down on price when I buy a whole fleet of them. Anyway, good luck!" Scrooge walked off, but Dewey came by the car and encouraged him.

"Hey. You're the best personal driver I've ever had. You got this!" They fist bump as the twins smiled at Launchpad, "This victory will be amazing Launchpad!"

"Follow the tips, and you have a 51% chance of winning. And what ever you do, play it safe. Don't crash!"

"Wait, don't crash?" Launchpad looked out the window in shock, the twins frowned at this.
"He can make it without crashing, right?"
"He can. I know he can."

"Racers to your marks! Get set..." Beaks finger guns the air while imitating laser sounds.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Beaks with confusion while he looked annoyed. "That means go!"

Both BUDDY and Launchpad prepared themselves. BUDDY was speeding ahead past the first obstacle while Launchpad drove off a bit slower.

"And we're off. Hands at ten and two. Keep it in first gear. Or was it hands at ten and one, and second gear? Where's the index?" Launchpad turned to look for the index cards while the car hit a speed bump, causing all his notes to fall.

"Oh, no!" He exclaimed as he reached for his notes and let go of the steering wheel, causing the car to turn into a lamp post.

"Gotta catch up!" Launchpad exited the car and hopped onto a motorcycle with his notes as he passed BUDDY and a red light.

"Uh, check your six. Carry the two." Looking at his notes led to him crashing into a fire hydrant, but he continued the race on a bicycle.

"17, other number, Q!" Launchpad moved ahead while BUDDY prepared itself for the damage Launchpad created. Once again, the launchpad fell, but his gaze caught some rolled skates, which he wore while hanging off the Waddle car.

Pressed up against the Waddle car, Launchpad pushed himself from the car, almost making it to the finish line, when the wheels broke, leaving him to jump and fall to the ground behind the finish line while Buddy drove past him.

"Ha Ha! Yes! Did it! Take that, everyone who's not me." Beaks exclaimed happily before posing with BUDDY.

"Impressive display, Beaks. You really built something here."

"Or did he? I couldn't be sure until I saw how it performed under pressure." Gyro walked from behind his cardboard cutout to BUDDY.

"The precision, the deadly grace. Oh yes, I've seen it before." Gyro pulled off Buddy's head to reveal his invention, Bulb Tech.

"Beaks Tech is actually Bulb Tech! That's how he beat me to the punch. He stole my technology! Officer, arrest this man!" Gyro ordered the policeman cardboard, which fell behind him.

"Is this true?"
"Of course not. I didn't steal it from him. I stole it from a public online forum, then Beaks'd it up."

"How would one of his inventions end up online?" Gyros eyes widen as he looks at his intern standing next to Buddy. "You!"

"Oh, wow! You circumvented the kill switch. Why didn't anyone else on the message board figure that out?"

"You posted my top-secret plans on the internet?!" Gearloose yelled with rage, while Sebastian smiled calmly as he stood beside Fenton.

"I'm sure there's a very good explanation for this."
"There is! Dr. Gearloose, you were having so much trouble keeping your inventions from turning evil, so I turned to the net to crowdsource a solution?"

Gyro jumped about to get ahold of his intern when Scrooge, Dewey, and Y/N held him back. Sebastian now standing in front of a shaking Fenton.

"Fired!" Gyro yelled as he was sat in the Waddle car by them.
"Hey, it's not your fault; you were just trying to help. Don't let it get to you." She said it with a smile as she patted Fenton's shoulder.

"Uh, back to town, Mr. McD?" Launchpad asked as he opened the door to Scrooge's limo, the bumper falling off.

"That's all right, Launchpad. We'll ride with Beaks and BUDDY to sign the paper work. Come on Dewey." Scrooge entered the car, with Dewey following behind him.

"Mr. And Mrs. L/n?" Launchpad smiled a bit as he held the door more open. "We'd love to launchpad, but Y/n has some talking to do with Mr. Beaks." Sebastian grimaced as he eyed Beaks before entering the car.

"So, how did you keep Bulb Tech from going bad?"
"Say what now?"

"The morality circuits. You modified them to keep them from going evil?"

"No, I just made them look less dorky. They're dumb robots, right?" Beaks said with a grin causing Gyro to freak out.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no!" He repeated as BUDDY's bulb turned red making everyone scream.

Launchpad and Fenton lay on the limo's hood. Fenton sighs with Launchpad, "I have so many ideas, but I try too hard hoping at least one of them will stand out. Just vomiting them out at random like, blah solve world hunger, blah infrared toothbrush."

Fenton looked at the ground with a sad expression. "I just wanna help people, you know? Make them better."
"Why? Even if you try to be better, there always someone better than you. Maybe with built in Wi-Fi. You'll just be ignored. Best to stop trying." Launchpad sat up and looked down at his drivers license.

"Man, is there anyone having a worse day than us?"

Unbeknownst to the two, there was. Inside the Waddle car everyone screamed as BUDDY drive out of control.

"Churlish child locks!" Scrooge shouted as he tried to open the door.

"Please remain seated." BUDDY ordered but Scrooge was having non of it. "Take that, you pneumatic monstrosity!" Scrooge hit BUDDY with his cane resulting in seat belt wrapping around him.

"Sanctimonious seatbelts!"
"Fry its circuits!" Y/n order as she went to help Scrooge only to be held back by seatbelts.

"Robot, what is love?"
"That's stupid! Robot, could I invent an element so heavy even I couldn't lift it?"
"I definitely could."
"No, you couldn't!" Gyro argued leading to himself and Beaks being bound by seatbelts.

"Give it a rest, geniuses!" Dewey slipped out the seatbelts and used Scrooge's cane to honk the steering wheel, hoping to catch anyone's attention.

"Yes, you've replaced me with a cool robot car. I get it." Launchpad looked away as they drove by but Fenton saw everyone tied up in seatbelts along with BUDDY's bulb.

"BUDDY's gone glitchy. They're in trouble!" Fenton said as the Waddle car turned a corner.

"I may not be Mr. McD's driver for much longer, but he can still count on me to get him where he's going. I'll keep them busy. You figure out a way to get them out of the car."
"I think I got something for that," Fenton pulled out his phone. "You try corralling them into a ravine, or-"

I'll probably just crash into it." Launchpad stated as he started the car.
"Isn't that really really unsafe?"
"Tried playing it safe, old friend— didn't work. Let's get dangerous."

He repeated with his Darkwing Duck bobble head before driving off following BUDDY.


"Dewey, here." Sebastian held a dagger towards Dewey which he used to cut them free. Y/n smiled seeing Launchpad approaching close to the window. She pulled the window down as she held Dewey close by her side.

"Give me your hand!" Launchpad said moved closer to grab Dewey's hand.

"Please keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times."
"Shut it robot!" Sebastian when to grab the steering wheel but BUDDY wasn't going down easily, they turned to the left causing Launchpad to hit a rock and let go of Dewey's hand.


Dewey screamed thinking he was done for when suddenly he felt someone catch him, he opened his eyes to see a duck in metallic armor.

"Gotcha!" He said as he sat Dewey in the limo with Launchpad before ripping off the door on the Waddle car.

"Hold on, I'll get you out of here... somehow."
"Oh, great, another robot." Scrooge said looking at Gyro sarcastically.

'Calculating options activating shoulder blades'
Scrooge, Gyro, and Beaks stayed still as the blades cut them free. Sebastian and Y/n got on the roof Scrooge's car as the three were taken out the Waddle car.

"You brought the thing, right?"

Sebastian then took out a pen and clicked the top before throwing it in the air. Turning into a top less race car, the two quickly hopped in just in time to see the metallic armed hero place down Scrooge, Gyro and Beaks.

"Who the blazes are you?"

"Call me..." The hero was hit and takes by the Waddle car but he still answered their question, "Gizmoduck!"

"Gizmoduck..." They stared as Gizmoduck with either confusion or wonder when the twins arrived.

"Seb, you're not going to like this, but give me the necklace."
"Y/n. That's only for emergencies."
"This is an emergency."

Before he could finish, Y/N took the necklace from him and hopped out of the car, telling Scrooge, Gyro, and Beaks to get on.

"Sebastian, take them out of here; I'll make sure everything will be fine. And Scrooge."

Y/n grabbed his coats collar and pulled him for a short peck on his beak. She pulled away leaving him with a pink color on his face as she placed on the necklace.

"Come back in one piece." Her brother ordered with a smile, she smiled back and nodded as he drove of with them.

-Scrooge POV-

After Y/n kissed my beak, I saw her place a necklace on while Sebastian drove off, leaving her behind.

"Are you mad?! Why are you leaving her there! She could get hurt!" I yelled in panic, but Sebastian only looked at me through the review mirror.

"Well, I guess you should see for yourself. Why the L/n family is well known."

"What the blazers!?" I yelled in shock and excitement as I saw energy swirling around her.

Suddenly, there was a brilliant flash of light, and in its wake stood a magnificent creature, a dragon. Its scales gleamed in the dim light as it roared and flew into the sky, filling the space with its presence.


"I need to find Dewey and Launchpad." I said as I flew downward, trying to burn the Waddle car that was following behind them.

As the Waddle car followed Launchpad, a giant rock fell, causing the Waddle car to stop in front of them. Launchpad was about to go head first when Dewey stopped him in time to see fire burning the car and BUDDY altogether.

"Ha ha, take that, you bucket of bolts! Oh, I'm sorry, is that offensive or-"
"I'm not a-"

Suddenly the ground beneath that caused them to fall but were saved by Fenton, whose helmet had a mini helicopter flying them to where Scrooge was, and I followed, changing back to normal.

Launchpad drove the beat up limo to Scrooge's money bin and opened the door, only for it to fall and push it under the car.

"Have a good day, Mr. McD."
"Nice work today, Launchpad. See you tomorrow."
"You're not gonna replace me?"

"Replace you? Don't be daft. Where would I ever find a driver as crazy and dangerous as I am?" Scrooge said as he helped Y/n out the car.

"Oh! Dewey told me about your driver's license. Congratulations." He held his hand for Launchpad to shack, only to pull into a hug.

"Aww, your approval is all the driver's license I need." Launchpad tried to rip his license but Scrooge grabbed it from him.

"You should really keep the license." Launchpad smiled with tears in his eyes. Scrooge and Y/n linked arms as Fenton quickly exited the elevator.

"Sir, I was cleaning out my desk when suddenly the prototype armor burst from the chamber like so many split atoms, and-"

"Eh, save it. You're not fired... Gizmoduck."

Fenton looked at Gyro with surprise but smiled when Gyro placed his hand on his shoulder. "Scrooge is always complaining my inventions are dangerous. This armor's gotta be 100% idiot proof, and, well, you're just the idiot to prove it."

"Oh, thank you, sir! You won't regret this. This project stays top secret till it's out of beta. I won't tell a soul."

"Bye, Gyro! Bye, Gizmoduck!" Launchpad bid goodbye as he reversed the car.
"From now on."

"Gizmoduck. What a stupid name." Gyro frowned as he walked off.
"He sure seems like fun." Sebastian said with a chuckle as Fenton chuckled with him.

At the top of a building, Beaks walked towards the door leading downstairs.

"I must have him..."

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