His Safe Haven

Por Rash_max16

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_Dhara Sinha_ : A smart and confidant finance woman. The grand-daughter of Ashalata Malakar Sinha , the matri... Más

Dhara Sinha
Rudraneel Singh Chauhan
Chapter 1 :- Clueless
Chapter 2: When it Pours , it rains
Chapter 3: The Gravity of the situation
Chapter 4: Clearing the mess
Chapter 5: The boss lady
Chapter 6: Totally annihilated
Chapter 7: Emotions
Chapter 8: Funeral talk
Chapter 9: The Rituals
Chapter 10: The 'incident' on repeat?
Chapter 11: Two years later
Chapter 12: He's back..!
Chapter 13: Awkward much?
Chapter 14: The confrontation
Chapter 15: Developing feelings
Chapter 16: Developing feelings 2
Chapter 17: Butterflies in my stomach
Chapter 18: Assurance
Chapter 19: Antagonists?
Chapter 20: The Arrival
Chapter 21: Respect
Chapter 22: Moments
Chapter 23: Disagreements
Chapter 24: Coming storm?
Chapter 26: Confessions
Chapter 27: Scars of the past
Chapter 28: A love, boundless and hopeless
Chapter 29: Liberated: The First Kiss

Chapter 25: There for you

85 7 0
Por Rash_max16

Author's POV:

On the way:

Dhara's sits comfortably as Rex drives the car smoothly through the road.

But Dhara's getting restless by every passing second, for some reason, she keeps feeling as if something's gonna happen.Thinking that it's related to Rudraneel's check up , she asks Rex to speed up,

"Rex! Speed up a little.

We need to reach fast!"

"Boss , I am trying. But the speed limit is 40 here. " , reasons Rex.

Dhara's trys to calm her nerves down , but doesn't seem to be able to.


On the other hand, in Nishith Villa:

Rudraneel's check up is on the go,
Dr.Chaddha and team are performing various tests on him.

But Rudraneel here, is also feeling restless for some reason.
Though he isn't the type to pay heed to such vague feelings but after being with Dhara most his time in this past few months, he also has started to take them into consideration.

Rudraneel's POV:

The checkup has started, Dr.Chaddha seems pretty happy with the results.. probably the reports are coming ok.

But..I feel this anxiety for some reason..is everything okay?
Is my wife okay?

She should be. Afterall, she's in the office.

Still. Maybe I should call her?

Author's POV:

"Dr.Chaddha, ask somebody to call for Badi ma." , Rudraneel commands.

He asks a servant to call for her.
A few moments passes as she arrives .

"Badi ma. Call Dhara."

"Oo ho~ Beta-ji , biwi seh door raha na jaaye?"
Being the frank person she is,Badi ma tries to tease Rudraneel.

"Badi ma, the call."

Rudraneel asks sternly this time, as concern for his wife looms deeper in his mind.

But Badi ma, unaware of Rudraneel's concerns maintains her light mood and calls Dhara while playfully huffing.

On the call:

" Hello? Shonamoni, where are you?"

"On road?..oh, your coming back!"

"Oo~ kuch nhi , apke patidev koh apki baare-

*Cough!* *cough!*

Rudraneel cuts her off by clearing  throat. Now, Dhara doesn't need to know he's  worried about her on intuition, does she?

Badi ma eyes Rudraneel teasingly, but only for him to avert his gaze nonchalantly. Obviously, why would he want to get teased?

But what Rudraneel heard next made him snap his head back in a instant!

"Yeah?.. Dhara?! Beta, what?!-", Badi ma asked in panicked tone!

A scowl appears on Rudraneel's face as worry envelopes his being! Rudraneel instantly makes his way close to badi ma, taking the phone from her, as he asks, agitated,
"Dhara? What happened?!

"Rudraneel, I think we're ambushed!!-*gun shot" I will call later!-"

"Wait!! On which road are you!?I am coming!-"

"No need! You get checked, the reinforcement are on the way probably!-*gun shot!!"

"DHARA, NO. I need to know it! Tell me." , Rudraneel roars as he puts in more authority in his my tone.

Seriously! What's wrong with this woman?! My wife's ambushed and she expects me to keep getting checkups?! Why doesn't she understand that I want to be there for her!

Thinks Rudraneel, as he waits for her answer.

Dhara paused for like a millisecond before giving him all her info.

"G.B road , 10 km in!*gun shot!!*  I am sharing location,there should be a servant called Dheer, Badi ma has his number, take it from her, he will have my location! *Gun shot!!* B-bYE!-"

The call ended.

Without a second of delay Rudraneel turns to Badi ma.
Rudraneel turns to see a panicking badi ma,
"Badi ma, don't worry. I will bring her back!" , he assures badi ma before proceeding to ask for Dheer.

On getting Dheer's contact, Rudraneel proceeds to command him for assistance and leading himself to Dhara!

On call:

Rudraneel: Dheer?

Dheer: Yes sir. I have been alerted by Rex, I shall protect and assist you!

Rudraneel: I. am. NOT. the one in need to be protected right now! *Raspy, dangerous tone*

Rudraneel's dangerous tone , sends shiver down Dheer's spine.

Dheer: B-but sir-

Rudraneel: No buts! You do what I ask! Got it?

Dheer: O-okay sir.-

Rudraneel: Now get a damn car and come here! Take me where Dhara is!

As Rudraneel asked, Dheer complied.

A few minutes later, a matte black car stopped infront of Nishith Villa,

Rudraneel got in it and the car speeded off to where Dhara location is traced!

__________ ________

Dhara's situation:

Dhara's car is surrounded by the attacker's onse, left ,right and behind while chasing her!

They're showering bullets on them! Only thing thats protecting them is thr car being bullet proof!

Dhara's POV:

'F**k! Where the hell did they come from?' , that's what I thought when I saw the cars following us about 10 minutes ago.

But now that they're showering bullets on us, I am wondering, will I survive today? I mean, literally the only thing protecting us is the bullet-proof car.

If it was what we faced two years ago with Trishani and Shivansh, I would've fired back! But there's no opening for me to do so here!

I was feeling restless the whole week, it was probably for this..huh..so it was my life that I should have been concerned about , not his...Whatever! If I survive this , the first thing I am doing is bringing Rudraneel back and declaring a fucking war on this hidden coward publically!!!

"REX *gun shot!!* INCREASE THE SPEED!! *Gun shot!* OUR MEN SHOULD BE ABOUT 2 KM AWAY NOW!*Gun shot*" I shout.

"I AM TRYING! *Gun shot!!" BUT IT'S ALREADY AT SPEED LIMIT!!" , he replies.

F**k it! I should buy a car with better speed limit and security system from next time!

Ugh!..Fuu..*exhale*..Let's calm down and think of what more can I do except for asking Rex to speed up!

Ok, No.1: Take my M4A1 assault rifle and start firing at them?

But I need an opening to start firing, damn it!

No 2: Ask Rex to ram our car onto the onse on our left and right?

Wow! Such a practical solution! *Mock*

...Looks like there's nothing I can do except for being ducked down and waiting to reach the reinforcements..

*Exhale deeply*

Ok, let's wait.

1 minute...

2 minutes...

3 minutes...



Ok! Here should be reinforcements.
As our car passes the point, I look back for them immediately!



here are they?

"Rex..?" , I ask, as my anxiety rises but still trying to remain calm.

"I-I am looking for them!" , Rex sounds hesitant.

"Guys, are you there?! Hello?!" He asks picking up his walky-talky.

No response..

If there's no response...One things clear...Those bastards following us got them...

*Inhale and exhale deeply*

Huh..honestly, if I die today, I don't care if all my efforts of the last 2 yrs will go to waste but...who knows, how much more broken will Trishani and Shivansh be..

And Rudraneel may not seem like it, but he needs me there too. As his wife..as his partner! He should need me..he should right..right? *Anxious and doubtful*

But. These bastard's dare hurt my ppl! I won't fucking spare them today!! *Extreme anger*

Author's POV:

Anger rushes through Dhara's veins! The pain of losing her subordinates overshadows her judgement!

"Rex. Get back. I will drive." , Dhara says in full authority.


"Get back, I said!! These bastard's dare to kill my subordinates! I WILL SHOW THEM HELL TODAY!", Dhara roars in dangerously!

Hesitant, but Rex does as Dhara asks.

Swiftly changing positions, Dhara is in Driver's seat now!

"But what are you gonna do?!" , asks Rex.

Dhara doesn't say anything but looks back at him for a fraction of seconds, Rex understands...

Today, the plan is to give it for nothing or something!

Dhara's POV:

They were chasing ME! But why should I be chased? What wrong have I done?

They should be chased..out of this world!


Dhara does a 360° turn , ramming her car into the attackers!!

"REX!!" , calls Dhara!
Rex takes the opportunity to shoot down the shooters in the car successfully!

They were racing there cars on a bridge now,

and this turn led to the cars in left and right falling down into  the river!!

She again goes for a head-on collision with the cars which were earlier behind her! But it seems these bastard's learned from their partners mistake and they shifted.

But Dhara ain't the one to be caught in such simple tricks! She did another 360° turn and due to both the car's bonnet's being in contact with Dhara's car, the car's turned too!

But 2 cars vs 1 was obviously a disadvantaged dual , the attackers rammed into Dhara's car due to which they got stuck inbetween the bridge railings and the attackers cars!

Rex trys to take the chance still, to shoot thr attackers and even though he does get successful in shooting a couple but ends up getting shot!
Another attacker shoots Dhara!

Inside Dhara's car:

"Rex..huh..haa..I will open the tailgate! Jump into thr river in count of three!",
Dhara instructs Rex while struggling to breathe!

"What..agh..hiss!..what about you?!"

"I will do the same after you! Go! We don't have enough time!"

Rex wanted to ask Dhara to go first but due to Dhasa warning , he thought asking her would only give her less time fo escape, so he did as asked!

Dhara opened the tailgate and Rex jumped into the river through it!

But instead of being able to jump herself, the attacker's moved their cars back but instantly rammed back into Dhara's car again as if to smash down!!

Due to the extreme force , Dhara along with car, rather ended up falling down the bridge in the river!!


Dhara's POV:


The car fell into the river..water's rushing in the car!

I need to escape! I can't die like this! No! Never! I refuse to die like this!

The window! I have to break the window! *Panicked and distressed!*

Author's POV:

As Dhara breaks the window, water rapidly rushes in before she can even hold a breath!

Dhara get's out of the car in a haste but due to lack of air she struggles to swim up! Things become blur infront of her eyes but she still tries her best to swim up!

Dhara's POV:

Ugh..huh! Agh.. things are getting blur..my body feels numb...no! I need to go back to my family!

Shiv, Trisha..Rudraneel..I wonder how would they feel if I am not there..will they be affected?..

Ugh*lack of air*...will Rudraneel be unhappy if I am not there?.. He will need me right?

He needs me for vangeance! Yeah!
I can't give up! I can't be away from him! *Struggling to swim up!*

But..huh..my body..it feels so heavy... should I just let it float..? Will this be the end of me...? *in a daze and weak*

They say, I will be free..will I be?..

Author's POV:

Dhara loses consciousness..Her body starts to sink down deeper..

___________ _______

On the other side of the water:

The attackers get out of the car and rush to the railing!

Dhara was sinking into the river...

Man 1: *grin* Good job boys. We're successful!

Man 2: Ya. Boss's gonna be so happy!

Man 3: Looks like we can have some fun tonight!..*smirk* and probably some bitches too..*smug*-

But then..!!

*Gun shot!*

*Gun shot!*

*Gun shot!*

All the three men were shot dead!

Another car pulled up by the bridge, two men rushed out and went to railing,

Rudraneel: Dhara!!-

Rudraneel jumps down into the river without a second thought!
Dheer does the same , following him!

_________ ______

Author's POV:

Rudraneel swims deeper with the hope of finding Dhara!

Panicked he swim frantically in her search!

.....There!! He spots her, sinking down unconsciously..

Swimming fast towards her , he pulls her up to the shore of the river.

Rudraneel's POV:

I check her breathing....she's not breathing!..No..No..

Dhara, jaan... please.. please don't leave me!

What do I do?! *Panick*

...CPR..Yes! I need to perform CPR!

Author's POV:

Rudraneel performs CPR on Dhara!

After a few times Dhara coughs out water and her breathing stables, though she remains unconscious.

Relief rushes over Rudraneel as his jaan , literally comes back!
Dheer too finds Rex in the meantime! 

As they both find them, Rudraneel picks up Dhara bridal-style and Dheer carries Rex , they make their way towards the car!

____________ ________

They reach the car , Dheer makes Rex sit in front while Rudraneel sits behind.

He takes Dhara in his lap while he hides her face in the crook of his neck.

He instructs Dheer to drive them to Nishith Villa as fast as possible!
And car speeds off!


But unbeknownst to them, Aahvan's informer watched this whole scene with shocked eyes..!

The guy makes a call in a hurry.

The man: Boss! Boss! *Frantic tone*

Aahvan: What? Is the work done?*Curt tone*

The man: No..but-

Aahvan: What?! There were so many of you!! And you couldn't kill a single fucking woman?!--*Furious!*

The man: Boss but please listen once!

Aahvan: How dare yo- *deep angry tone!*

The man: Rudraneel Singh Chauhan is alive!

Aahvan: ..What?..What are you saying? Are you sure? *Doubtful*

The man: Yes! I saw it with my own eyes! Please trust me! *Eager to convince*

Aahvan: Comeback and report properly. *Curt tone*

The call ends and the man sighs in relief as his life maybe spared now.

____________ __________

While the man leaves, Rudraneel reaches the villa with Dhara!
Rudraneel carries Dhara and rushes off to the Docs.

He's panicking because Dhara's still unconscious and has lost alot of blood due to injuries.

Dr. Chaddha and medical team are treating Dhara and Rex.

Rudraneel waits outside the room with his eyes closed..body slouched , sitting on the staircase..

Rudraneel's POV:

..when I reached there, I witnessed probably the most horrific scene of my life, my wife being pushed off like that..

I realised I was late...Why am I failing to protect my loved onse always?! First  Dada sa and Dadi sa... and now..my wife..my love..ugh!

..But anger surged through me looking at those three fuckers! And I shot them! I don't and I won't regret it, ever!

But now, I do regret the time I wasted in shooting them..If I would have been a minute faster would my wife be in a better state?...I don't know! I don't know anything...*in deep despair*

But I do know one thing!
I want my wife back with me! Laughing?
Arguing? I don't care! I just want her back!


Dhara..my love..meri jaan..please be okay. Come back to me.

I will do whatever you ask. Just as you ask..
So please...*squeezes eyes tightly*


I will be there for you.. always.. anyways.. anyhow!

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