Poppy Playtime GH Edition


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Based around the Poppy Playtime animation videos by YouTuber GH'S. I need some help on the cover. More

Coming 2024
Where's My Toy?
Straight To The Point

A Tight Squeeze

12 0 3

*Third Person POV*

~Playtime Factory~

*A group of four arrive*

Andrew: Is this the place?

Michael: It's got "Playtime" up front. So... Yep.

Ellie: You sure you two want to go in there? It's pretty risky.

Lily: Yep.

Andrew: Well, if we go in there, there might not be any way of turning back. You don't want to back out now?

Michael & Lily: ... Nope. *They proceed to the front entrance*

Ellie: ... *Shrug* Okay. *She and Andrew follow*


Andrew: No offense, but this feels like a rubbish idea.

Michael: That's your perspective.

Ellie: He's not wrong, Michael. I mean, we're entering an abandoned facility for a lost toy.

Michael: Which was made by this company, might I add. If anything, our parents went as far as to throw Huggy into this building to ensure that we never see it again.

Lily: But Mommy and Daddy are wrong. I'd do anything to see Huggy again.

Andrew: Even so, it's not like the one you had was the only one ever manufactured. How else do you think it became Playtime's mascot?

Michael: I know that, but it's not like they're gonna leave everything behind in this facility. They have to move everything to the new facility.

Lily: *Bumps into something*

Ellie: Careful.

Lily: Sorry. *Notices what she bumped into* Is this a TV?

Michael: Does it still work? *Presses the "Power" Button*

*The TV turns on, much to their surprise*

Andrew: That's weird. How is there still power in this place?

Michael: *Shrug*

*The TV shows a pre-recorded message*

(A/N: For each tape that appears, make sure you play the whole thing before continuing.)

Lily: ... As if that's gonna stop me. *Continues on*

Ellie: Lily...

*Tape continues looping*

Michael: ... Come on. *He and the others continue*

Andrew: So, where's a good place to start looking for Huggy Wuggy? A big storage unit?

Michael: Our dad used to work here. So, he must've found a good spot to leave Huggy.

Ellie: *?* Your dad used to work here? You never told us that.

Michael: Well, he doesn't like to talk about it anymore. So, I guess it wasn't worth mentioning to anyone else.

Lily: *Spots something* What's this?

Andrew: What's what, Lily?

Lily: *Grabs it* This. It looks like a bent tube with straps and a hand.

Michael: *Notices a VHS tape labeled* "GrabPack"? *Grabs it* Hm. *Inserts it into a nearby TV*

*The TV displays an instructional video*

Michael: That's odd. The video showed two hands. This thing only has one.

Lily: Maybe, we'll find something related to the GrabPack along the way?

Michael: Maybe.

Lily: ... *Puts it on*

Ellie: Why are you putting it on?

Lily: It might be useful.

Ellie: I know that, but why do you want to use it?

Lily: ... Uh...

Michael: Don't bother answering that. The rest of us would suck at using that... thing anyway.

Lily: *Opens a nearby door* ... *Looks around* Hello?


Andrew: There's no one here, Lily.

Lily: Doesn't Huggy cou- *Spots something* *!* Ooh.

Right in the middle of the room, there stood a giant statue of Huggy Wuggy.

Ellie: Whoa.

Michael: It's a Huggy Wuggy... but not the one we're looking for.

Lily: *Spots an open door* Maybe, he's in here? *She and the others enter and look around*

Andrew: Nope. No sign of him. Just another monitor and another tape.

Ellie: *Grabs the tape* "Security feed"? *Inserts it into a nearby TV* Of what?

*The TV shows security footage of an unknown room*

Michael: ... I think it's actually "abideable".

Andrew: I don't think he was using it right.

Ellie: ... *Turns back to the door* *?!* Uh...

*The others turn to her*

Ellie: ... Where's the statue?

*They all look outside to see...*

Michael: Okay. That's weird.

Andrew: It's creepy. There's no way a statue can just... disappear like that. Not to mention, we didn't hear anything.

Lily: *Spots another door* That door wasn't open earlier. Maybe, it went that way.

*They head to the door and enter*

Ellie: What's this room?

Michael: *Notices a conveyor belt and door at the end* I guess this is where the toys come out.

Andrew: *Spots something pinned under the door* What's this thing? *Approaches it and tries to pull it out*

Lily: *Notices a lever* Does this turn the belt on? *Pulls it*

*The conveyor belt eerily moves and the door creaks open*

Ellie: There's your answer.

*The item rides along the belt, before revealing itself in front of the team*

Lily: *Stops the belt* It's the other hand. *Grabs it and puts it on* Now, the GrabPack is complete!

Andrew: *Checks the doorway* Might as well check this path.

*They all do so*

Ellie: We better tread carefully. The deeper we go, the darker it gets.

Michael: *Notices another TV... which is still on* How is this still running? *Reads something the screen* And who's "Stella Greyber"? *Presses the "Play" Button*

Ellie: ... Okay. That was a weird interview.

Lily: *Opens a nearby door, revealing a still-lit room* Huh. *Looks around* What's this big machine for?

Andrew: *Finds an info panel* "Make A Friend (1960) - Our founder, Elliot Ludwig, was a visionary. He set the stage for all of Playtime Co's greatest feats. Yet of all the amazing things that he created, the Make-a-Friend Machine is one of the most creative, impressive, and advanced. It is solely responsible for nearly every Playtime Co toy sold on the market to this day. All it needs is to be fed the proper parts, and it will then paint, assemble, and do a quality inspection of the toy all on it's own. Gone is the need for complex sorting or back-breaking labor. This machine can do all that- and more!". That's interesting.

Lily: *Finds power source* Hm. *Remembers the instructional video* Oh, right! *Uses the red hand to grab the power source* Do this... *Wraps the wire around a nearby pole* ...wrap like so... *Notices a separate power box* ...and tap this? *Uses the blue hand to tap it*

*The Make-A-Friend machine powers up*

Michael: Oh, my.

Lily: *Cheerful giggle* It's working!

Ellie: *Spots a big red button* Is this what makes it work? *Presses it*


*The machine gets to work*

Ellie: Yep. There we go.

Andrew: What are we making?

Michael: *Shrug*

After a few moments, the team saw a toy pop out at the end of the machine.

Lily: Oh, I know this toy. *Grabs it* It's a Cat-Bee. They built this toy during the factory's final years.

Andrew: What are we supposed to do with it now?

Ellie: *Spots a door with a scanner* "Nobody leaves without a toy". Maybe, we should place it over there.

Michael: Let's try it. Lily?

Lily: *Approaches the scanner and places Cat-Bee on it*

*The door opens, revealing a dark corridor*

Michael: The deeper we go...

Ellie: ...the darker it gets.

Andrew: *Spots something on the floor* *!* Actually, we don't have to go down the corridor. Look!

*They all spot the same object on the floor*

Michael: Is that...?

Lily: ... *Approaches it* ... Huggy? *Grabs it*

Andrew: Well, mystery solved. We got what we came here for. Time to go! *Tries to leave*

Lily: ... Wait.

Andrew: *Stops* Ugh! Now, what?

Lily: ... This isn't the Huggy we're looking for.

Andrew: What are you talking about? It's a Huggy Wuggy toy.

Ellie: *Notices something* ... With one arm.

Andrew: So, what? It probably got its arm ripped off at some point when your parents dumped it here.

Michael: No. When we got the toy, it was in perfect condition. And it's only been a year since we last saw it. So, it couldn't have been torn off with ease. And this place is abandoned. How can it be torn off when there's no one-


Michael, Ellie, & Andrew: *!*

Lily: *Still gazing at the Huggy Wuggy* ...

Michael: ...here?

*The three turn to the corridor to see a tall dark figure slowly approaching them*

Ellie: What...

Andrew: ...the hell?

Michael: *Notices something* Wait a sec. That looks like the... *!* ... Lily?

Lily: ...

Michael: Lily, we need to leave.

Lily: ...

Michael: Lily!

*The dark figure speeds up revealing itself to be a monstrous version of the...*

Lily: *Snaps out of it* Hm? *Notices the Huggy monster* *!*


Lily: AHH! *Clutches her head*

Michael: *Grabs her* Come on, Lily!

*They all run into the vents, with the Huggy monster chasing them*

The chase soon ended up on a catwalk of sorts.

Andrew: Good god, Michael! We had the chance to leave!

Michael: Not now, Andrew!

*They all bump into an obstruction*

Ellie: Oh, god! It's a dead end! We're trapped!

Lily: *Spot a crate above the catwalk* Huh?

*The Huggy monster burst through the door*

Lily: *!* *Uses the GrabPack to grab the crate*

*The monster charges at the team*

Lily: GO AWAY! *Slams the crate onto it*

*The monster falls off*

Lily: *Gazes down at the falling monster* ... *?* Wait... That thing... *!* Could it be...?!



*An image of Lily holding her Huggy Wuggy appears*

*Flashback ends*

Lily: *Gasp* HUGGY!


Lily: ...

Andrew: ... W-Wha...?

Ellie: ... Why did you shout that?

Michael: ... Lily... was that...

Lily: ... That was him. That was our Huggy Wuggy. But why...?

No one had an answer. All they could do was silently stare at the now-deceased monster.

Lily: ...

Michael: ...

Andrew: ...

Ellie: ... *Hugs Lily* I'm sorry, Lily.

Andrew: ... *Spots something* ... What the heck is that?

*They all turn to see a door with a giant poppy flower painted around it*

Lily: ... *Breaks the hug* A poppy flower?

Michael: *Spots something else* *!* Another tape and monitor?

*They all approach them*

Michael: *Grabs it* "1006"? What does that mean? *Inserts into the TV*

*The TV displays a video log*

Michael: ... Oh...

Ellie: ...my...

Andrew: ...god.

Lily: ... Did... Huggy do that?


All: *?* *They turn to see another strange figure approaching Huggy*

Lily: *!* *Runs down to them*

Michael: Lily, wait! *He and the others follow her*

The figure, seemingly female, gazed at Huggy in disappointment.

???: ... Another failure. He will not be pleased. *Raises her hand, ready to snap her fingers*

Lily: *Blocks her* Stop!

???: *!* Hm?

Lily: Don't take him! He's my friend!

???: ... You...

Lily: *Look up at the figure* Hm? *!*

The strange figure had the appearance of...

Poppy: ... You... remind me of someone.

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