Classroom of the Elite: Liars...

By Jes_132

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Ouma Kokichi from Season V3 of Danganronpa dies after getting crushed by a hydraulic press. However, he wake... More

Chapter 1: An Endless Voyage without Passion or Purpose
Chapter 2: New Autonomy
Chapter 3: New Person
Chapter 3.5: Same Old Mistakes
Chapter 4.5: To Heal Your Heart
Chapter 5: Gold Roses
Chapter 6: Refreshing Child, Pure Child
Chapter 7: The Choice is Yours
Chapter 8: I Accept
Chapter 9: Survive
Chapter 10: It's Magic
Chapter 11: Angels and Demons 1
Chapter 12: Angels and Demons 2
Chapter 12.5: Desire
Chapter 13: Mystery Bonds

Chapter 4: To Atone for my Sins

630 24 25
By Jes_132

"Your classmate, Yamauchi Haruki, was expelled. He left the school's premises last night." 

Those words silenced the whole class during homeroom the following day. It was no surprise to many in this classroom that he would be expelled. It would be more surprising if he did show up after yesterday. However, if Yamauchi's not showing up wasn't enough evidence that he was gone, the school removed his desk as if he was never here in the first place. 

This announcement affected everyone in some way besides Koenji, who couldn't care less. Knowing him, he's probably grateful that an eyesore has left his presence. However, on the opposite end of the reaction, we have Hirata, who was shaken after hearing those words. His face was pale, similar to the one I witnessed yesterday. His hands were clenched into fists, trying to suppress his anger. 

This behavior is totally not what one would expect from the popular boy in our class, and sometimes I would notice some of those who have crushes on him, like Karuizawa and Mii-chan, take brief glances at him out of concern. 

As lessons passed by, I noticed a difference inside the classroom. I saw that my classmates were silent and listened to the instructors, or at least pretending to listen. The reason for why this sudden change is the initial shock after losing a classmate. They finally understood that the school would punish someone if the action were severe. 

Though this change will only be temporary, as I can see, possibly by next week, most will revert to not paying attention during lectures. The only reason the silence exists as of now is because of the initial shock. After a while, my classmates will remember that the person who was expelled in their eyes is a creepy criminal who defiles people's clothes. 

Yamauchi had two close friends named Ike and Sudo, who happened to be my seatmate. During class, Ike always seemed to be questioning his life choices. He wasn't very popular with the girls, and since he was closest to Yamauchi, other girls didn't want to be near him either, just in case he was like Yamauchi. Meanwhile, Sudo looked frustrated, perhaps even disappointed in his friends. He was never well-liked in the class because of his short temper and violent outbursts; most didn't approach him. Ike and Yamauchi were some of the few who could tolerate his presence. So, after yesterday, he might do some self-reflection about how to move on, though it will take time for someone like him.

Lessons finally ended, and I first noticed that Kaurizawa's group surrounded Hirata, trying to get him out of his depressive slump by inviting him out, but to no avail. It's no use when a man is in a state of frustration. A defense mechanism commonly used is to push others away, not opening up about their feelings about the situation. So until someone can reach him, he will be in this sad state that is unattractive to see. 

However, he has good friends willing to stick with him even during dark times. However, it would be best to leave him alone for the day so he can collect his thoughts and build himself up. The group also thought that way. 

Anyway, since I want Hirata to feel better as well, I think joining Kaurizawa's group for lunch will be my plan for today. 

"Hey! Karuizawa-chan, can I join you?"

I got up with my bag and went to the group. Knowing that I was the victim of Yamauchi's crime and was sort of indirectly responsible for his expulsion, it must feel awkward for them. 

"Come on now. We don't have all day now."

Kaurizawa answered, giving me the green light to join them for lunch. However, she doesn't need to be so rude when answering. 

I focused on Ayanokoji, who looked to be conversing with Kushida about something, before departing with the group. I had already handed him his bento in the morning, and it looked like he could eat with others without me being present, so I left the room with Kaurizawa and her group.

As we entered the cafeteria, since I had already brought a bento, it saved me on points today compared to the others. After the other girls brought their trays and joined me at the table, we began chatting about various topics. However, the mood took a serious turn when Kaurizawa opened a discussion. 

"All of you, I want to talk seriously about yesterday."

Well, this isn't unexpected; however, because of this, I could feel the eyes of the other girls directed right at me. A brown-haired girl named Sato Maya spoke up first about this predicament. 

"Kei-chan, are you sure? I mean, this might be a sensitive topic for Sakura-san."

The other girls in the group hesitantly nodded as well. However, no one else could speak up to Kaurizawa's dominating presence. However, she was not going to budge until I spoke up.

"Oh, I'm fine. That bastard is gone now. Maybe swimming class can be a bit more enjoyable now."

I responded, trying to sound relieved at the removal of his presence. With this, the others began to voice their opinion as well.

"For such a nice girl, I didn't take you to be the one who swears. Though I do agree, the way he ogled us was disgusting."

Kaurizawa voiced her opinion that she and all the other girls in the class had. However, something else that interested me was her slight dig at my character. That is true. I've been holding back on the swears I let out when I am not around Ayanokoji. 

"I agree with you two. It's unfortunate that had to happen, but this should be a warning for all the other boys thinking about doing anything disgusting in the future."

The next to speak up was another brown-haired girl named Matsuhita Chiaki. She has a mature vibe towards her, as if she was raised in a higher background. Her logical reasoning backs this up regarding why Yamauchi was expelled compared to mine or Karuizawa's response. I wouldn't be surprised if she is one of the more intelligent individuals in the class.

However, this is also fortunate for me since no one has any suspicions about yesterday's ordeal. Well, not me, but the actual perpetrator who helped me set up the whole thing. 

"Do you think Hirata is okay?"

Kaurizawa posed a question that caught everyone's attention. She led us to a nearby table where Hirata sat alone, staring at his food. His face was expressionless in a similar manner to Ayanokoji's. 

Though more seriously, I do feel bad for him that we can do nothing to reach him right now. Especially me. I want to help him so badly, but the interaction between us will be awkward, given that I was responsible for Yamauchi's expulsion. 

I noticed that Kaurizawa was particularly concerned about Hirata's well-being. It seemed as though she wanted to help him more than any of us. She is a really good friend.

"I don't think so. Should we leave him like that?"

Satou asked, trying to gauge an opinion on whether we should intervene and assist Hirata after seeing him in this even more pathetic state. 

"Hm, not now. He's affected by what happened yesterday, so leave him be for now."

"Fine, you're right this time," However, I had this feeling that Kaurizawa was about to interrogate me about something, "Say, Sakura-chan, I've always never understood why you are interested in that dull-faced moron. Like, are you into gloomy guys?"

Ayanokoji and I have talked to each other frequently since we met on the staircase. Yesterday, we happened to run into each other again. Well, he is gloomy and dull, but there is something to him that I can't fully understand yet. 

"We like to mess with each other, that's all."

"Then why did you make Ayanokoji food? That doesn't sound like messing with him."

I sighed and took a sip from my purple Fanta out of frustration. I made today's bento for him, including the Umeboshi sour plum. I absolutely despise that fruit, but I figured he might like it, or at the very least, he would have a funny face once he bit into it. 

"Hmm, it's just my way of expressing our friendship. That's all there is to it."

I enjoy cooking for him, not only because I like to see his reaction to my food, whether it be I want to prank him or enjoy my food, but also as a way to see if he is willing to open up to me. There's a saying that goes, 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach,' I've always wanted to know if that saying is true, so in a way, it's like an experiment. 

I'd be sad if that saying were a lie. 

However, I guess societal norms would interpret my actions as potentially having a romantic interest in Ayanokoji. Despite being in a different world, the norms are very similar to the one I used to live in. Well, I already have my eyes set on someone else currently who needs my help. 

"Really? I refuse to believe that is true in the slightest. Before the dance video, you brought him with us where he watched us like a creep." Satou remarked.

"Come on, he's just a little nervous. I just wanted to help him out. He overthinks conversations in his head, so he is overwhelmed. I mean, he gets along with Kikyo's group just fine."

"Whatever, that guy is probably the same as Ike and the rest of them." 

I can't change their minds about him, but he doesn't seem to be the type to care about this sort of stuff. So, for the remainder of lunch, we continued to discuss the latest gossip and planned to go and do karaoke later today. Unfortunately, I declined their invitation as I already had other plans with Kikyo. 


"Yo, how was lunch today?"

As lunch ended, we made our way to the classroom, but before taking a seat, I headed to Ayanokoji's, sitting alone in his seat. His poker face makes it hard to tell whether he enjoyed the bento.

"It was fine, I guess."

He answered as he placed one of his hands on his face as if he was disinterested in my bento. 

"What do you mean, you guess?! Like yesterday's, I put my heart and soul into the bento." I pouted.

"You say that. However, something tells me that your heart is sour right now."

The worst thing about him critiquing my food is that his voice is entirely monotonous, so it's not easy to tell if he is mad or just disappointed. Though what was with that remark, my heart is not sour. It is sweet and delicate.

"What, you don't like the sour plums I gave you? Are you allergic to them? If so, I would never put them in the bento again." I lied.

"That sounds like a lie. Though I don't have allergies that I am aware of. So, if that's a concern for you, it's fine."

"No, I'm not a liar. I am a truthful person!"

Ayanokoji raised his eyebrows. However, before our bickering continued, there was a voice that came towards the two of us.

"Ayanokoji-kun, do you have a moment?"

It was the voice of Kushida Kikyo approaching the two of us, or more correctly, Ayanokoji. Right, speaking of her, I do need to give her the tracksuit she landed me yesterday. While they started conversing, I went to the lockers and grabbed the bag with her tracksuit I washed last night, and when I re-entered

As I re-entered the room, I noticed that Kikyo had made her way to me, who looked to be finished talking to Ayanokoji. 

"Airi-chan, you didn't have to."

I handed the bag to her, which she looked taken back

"But I did. It isn't much, but I am grateful for lending me this yesterday. I appreciate it."

"It was the least I could do after that whole situation. Just thinking about what occurred makes me sad."

She shed a tear; I must admit she has some good crocodile tears. If anyone else saw her cry, they would believe she is a genuine girl to whom you could pour your heart out. Unfortunately, we are the same butter-and-breath professional liars, so it's easy for me when someone is faking sympathy.

I wouldn't be surprised if she thought that I deserved it or something of the sort. I should get her to stop the fake tears for me now.

"Thank you for the consideration, Kikyo-chan. I'm doing a lot better now."

With a meek smile, I showed my fake gratitude for her perceived kindness towards me, and she stopped crying. 

"That's good to hear! Though, do you mind if I ask you something as well?"

"Hit it to me."

"Right. I saw you talking to Horikita-san during swimming class yesterday. So, I was wondering if the two of you are friends?"

Horikita, does this girl have a crush on her or something? That is what I would like to say if I wasn't so suspicious of why she wants to befriend her so badly. 

"Oh, it wasn't much. Though calling her a friend would be incorrect. Are you still trying to befriend her?"

"Don't you remember that I want to make friends with everyone? With what occurred yesterday, I don't want another situation like that again. So, I thought that if everyone got along, it could prevent someone from being isolated. Don't you share the same sentiment?"

There are plenty of other loners besides her she could try to befriend. Horikita seems to be doing okay, just fine without friends. Now, she would be a good target for my shenanigans, similar to Ayanokoji, but I'll wait because I know she will be running toward me once the school's true nature is revealed. 

However, I am interested in seeing these two interact with each other. 

"Sure, I agree, but I don't know how to help you with your plan to befriend Horikita. So if you have a plan, I'll assist you."

She had the brightest of smiles that could captivate any boy. I do enjoy spending time with this liar.

"Really?!" She looked delighted when I decided to assist her, "I'll let you know when I have a plan."

Since class was about to begin, we returned to our seats just before the instructor came in. 

I was extremely bored during the lecture. The room was quiet, and no one was misbehaving, or at least they did a good job of deceiving the cameras. I wish I had more points so I could buy the ability to skip class like the current English class. I would say that I am pretty much close to a native speaker when it comes to my abilities in speaking, writing, and understanding the language.

It got to the point where I started playing games in my head to pass the time. It finally did, and classes finally ended for the day. 

As I got up from my seat, I recalled that I was going to do some shopping with Kikyo and her group after class today, so I made my way toward them and intermingled with them while we waited for Kikyo, who looked as if she wanted to invite someone else. 

"Horikita-san, would you like to go shopping with us today?" 

Kikyo asked Horikita, who was preparing to depart from the room.

"Not interested." Horikita instantly responded.

"I see. How about another time, then?"

Kikyo started to make her way to the rest of us when Horikita called out to her.

"Wait, Kushida-san. Don't invite me again. It is a massive headache."

As she left the room, Kikyo's face was filled with sadness. The other girls in our group also noticed this, but unlike me, who was more neutral about her presence, they had a more emotional reaction after seeing her sadness. We started to exit the room, leaving Horikita behind. 

"Kikyo-chan, just stop inviting her. I hate her so much. She is such a massive bitch."

It was Ichihashi Ruri who spoke first. She is known for being aggressive with those she doesn't like. For example, she dislikes Hasebe, and Horikita always uses any opportunity to cuss them out, like right now. However, she can be a sweetheart if you are close to her.

"Don't say that. Maybe today was just a bad day for her. She might have a change of heart one of these days."

Kikyo's words rang through us; she knew that Horikita wasn't well-liked by anyone in the class besides Ayanokoji and me, who were okay with her. It's sort of terrifying how well Kikyo knows how to use her social presence. Isolating Horikita by inviting her, knowing she will constantly refuse her request. 

Due to Kikyo's popularity, except for me, due to my similar status, the class would despise anyone who would oppose her. She isn't as naive as she paints herself to be; by isolating Horikita from everyone else, she knows the endless possibilities you can have with her if you have a considerable enough influence. 

I could expel Horikita, make her life at this school an udder mess, and, if she is, in fact, the student council president's brother, potentially use her to ruin his reputation. If I am not mistaken, it's an ingenious plan Kikyo is carrying out. 

"I don't know why you keep trying with her; I would've given up by now." 

Kayano is not as aggressive as Ruri but also has her annoyances with Horikita. Kikyo just giggled at her response. 

"Well, that shows how determined she is to befriend everyone at this school. Isn't that right, Kikyo-chan!"

I encouraged Kikyo's words in an attempt to gauge a response from her.

"Thanks, Airi-chan, you don't have to compliment me like that. Though, I'm not going to give up befriending her, or else I won't be able to accomplish my goal."

The rest of the girls were impressed with Kikyo's determination to befriend Horikita. I share their admiration but for a different reason. I think there might be a connection between the two of them from their past, especially when Kikyo lied about no one from her junior high attending their current school. As someone who can detect lies, I know she was not telling the truth during her introduction. However, after seeing Kikyo's persistence in her efforts to befriend Horikita, I have a hunch that Horikita might have gone to the same junior high as Kikyo.

However, Horikita has repeatedly refused offers, not indicating she knows her. However, that doesn't seem surprising as Horikita isn't the type to be fully aware of her surroundings, at least when navigating social situations.

Our group eventually reached a clothing store and began browsing around. While looking at the items, I stumbled upon something nostalgic - a baseball cap with the same design Saihara wore when I first met him. From what I recall from my time with him, Saihara's hat represented his inability to stand up for himself. During our class trials, he became more confident once he removed the hat, and I had fun debating with him.

Even though I try not to think about my former classmates often, I still think about him often more than the others. Despite being weak, he had the potential to become someone great. It's a shame I never got to see how the story ends; maybe I could've witnessed a miracle from him. 

"Hey, what's with the weird cap? It's not the most flashy one."

Muyu approached me while I was daydreaming about Saihara, returning me to reality.

"Oh, this? It's a gift for someone."

"A gift, you say, who's the lucky guy? Is it Ayanokoji-kun? I could see this hat suiting him well."

"Nope, not this time, but someone who needs it. Nishishi!" 

Muyu was confused by my answer, though she accepted that I wanted to keep the recipient a secret. 


After purchasing a cap from the store, I parted ways with the group I was with earlier. I intended to visit the library and explore it. Although I generally find libraries boring, I hoped something might interest me. In the ultimate academy, there was a secret passageway in the library. Perhaps there might be something similar here.

On the way there, I passed across Ike Kanji, and he had a downcast face on him. He looked as if he had no direction in his life. Typically, when I am near him, he is super excited and says, 'Sakura-chan!' or something of the sort. However, he walked past me today, not even acknowledging my presence. 

It was a sad sight, but losing a friend does that to someone. From what I recall, he was one of the guys who set up the bet about who has the most enormous breasts in Class D. From what I heard from Ijuin. They believe that only Hasebe outclasses me in that department. Not that I care about that stupid bet, but I don't know if I should be disappointed I'm not first or be grateful that my breasts could've been much worse. 

Well, if any other girls knew about that, it would only cause a split in the class between the two sexes. 

Afterward, I noticed a group of individuals from Class A on my way to the library. One person seemed pleased as his eyes lifted, and he noticed my presence. He made his way towards me, with the others behind him just watching the two of us interact.

"If it isn't the idol queen! What brings you here?"

Hashimoto Masayoshi, my stalker, and Class A's playboy, called out to me. His charming voice gathered all the attention nearby towards the two of us. 

"Well, I'm going somewhere, Hashimoto-chan. What did you think I would ask you out on a date?"

"Oh, you don't need to do me dirty like that. I know you will one day."

I just scoffed at that remark. There was no way I would date him. He's the type of guy who looks like he dates for the thrills. Now, I like a nice intimate relationship if I date someone who is way more... 

I'm getting distracted. 

"Well, enough of that. Did you do what I asked you to do yesterday?"

"Of course I did. I would never refuse the request of a girl in need."

I just felt my skin twitch as he said those words to me. 

He went into his bag, pulled out the love letter I handed him yesterday, and returned it to me. 

"Now, I did require a little assistance from someone. You already know who, but she gladly translated the letter for me."

[.- .--. .-. .. .-.. / ..--- ...-- .-. -.. / .- - / --- ..- - ... .. -.. . / --- ..-. / - .... . / ... .--. . -.-. .. .- .-.. / -... ..- .. .-.. -.. .. -. --.]


The inscribed message on the love letter was done in English Morse Code. Perhaps it is a coincidence, as April 23rd is the same day the store clerk told me to pick up my damaged phone. It seems that the child got the same result as I did. She couldn't figure out who the sender was. 

"When the princess read the letter out, I was creeped out. I feel sorry that you have to deal with these creepy stalkers."

Hashimoto brushed his head. 

"I see. Thanks for the advice." 

I don't intend to visit the special building that day, but I have plans with Ayanokoji to collect my newly repaired phone. However, the clerk hasn't specified where we should meet yet. Perhaps he was the one who wrote the odd love letter to me. If he did, then his ability to foresee the future is inhuman.

"So, about the payback, how about that date?"

He really wanted that date with me so badly. Well, he did do what I requested him to do despite getting assistance from someone I told him not to. 

"Yeah, no. See ya!"

After I rejected his proposal, I left him before I could hear his response. Besides, I already have plans with someone else at the moment.

After finishing that exchange, I finally arrived at the library and ran potential ideas on this letter. As I stepped inside the building, I was immediately disappointed that there was nothing special about the library. All there were shelves of books stacked upon each other that appeared to be organized by the genre of the book. Additionally, tables were scattered across the library, filled with tables. Several groups were studying, most likely upperclassmen preparing for an upcoming test or something of the sort. 

I was planning to go to the history section to learn more about the differences between this world and the one I belong to. Since academic performance is likely a crucial factor in this school, this can be an issue since I am lagging in history compared to others. It is the one subject that I find challenging to keep up with. So, to close that gap between my classmates and me, I tried to find a history book that contained a general overview of the curriculum. 

I found the book I was looking for, but it had a slight issue. They placed the damned book way too high like I need at least ten more centimeters to even think about reaching the book I need. Now, I could do what I usually do in these odd circumstances and climb the shelf to reach it, but it could be a problem as cameras are also present in this room. So, as I was about to make my way to find some ladder or stepping stool, I noticed someone else grabbed the book. 

"You wanted this book, didn't you?"


It was a male voice I didn't recognize. He had violet hair and purple eyes. He wasn't from Class A, that's for sure, so that leaves either Class B or Class C. 

"Yes, I did. Um, thank you very much. I'm Sakura Airi. It's nice to meet you."

"Sakura, I think I heard Ichinose mention that name. Well, no matter, I'm Kanzaki Ryuji. Nice to meet you as well."

So he is from the same class as Ichinose. I haven't talked to any of the guys from her class, so maybe I might get a different perspective on her leadership right now.

I noticed the book in his hand, and I think I somewhat heard of it from the curriculum Chabs-sensei discussed in one of her lectures.

"I see. Say, is that the Tales of Heike?"

"Hmm, oh, this book. I am interested in reading classical Japanese literature whenever I am alone." 

"Interesting, say do you want to read together? I think that book is a part of the curriculum."

"I see. I wouldn't mind spending time with you."

I was grateful to have someone to read with, as studying alone is boring. At least now, the two of us made our way to our table. As we sat down next to each other, we started to read next to each other silently. He told me about the book he was reading while I was trying to teach myself history. Sometimes, I would ask him for clarification about a specific historical event, and he would gladly help. 

After studying for a few hours, we left the library together, and I noticed the sun setting as I exited the building.

"Say, you are really good at understanding all of this. Are you good at academics?" I asked curiously. 

"Besides having an above-average academic record, I excel in history, business, and politics due to my long-standing interest in the topics from childhood."

"Politics, you say? Are you interested in going into that field?"

"It's not that my parents are wealthy, so they made me study a bunch of various topics. History just happened to be one of them. Where I want to go at this moment, I am unsure. However, I have been interested in classical literature because of my studies."

"Wait, your parents are wealthy! That is so cool!"

My eyes sparkled out of interest in his background. Kanzaki could only just let out a light chuckle in response.

"Yeah, coming from a wealthy background has its upsides and downsides. However, I would like to think that I am more than my wealth."

"For sure! You must be well-liked in your class. Well, if not, I like you at the very least."

"Thanks, for the compliment. Though I am unsure how the others see me, I'll try to do my best for Ichinose and my classmates."

"I see. So I wanted to  as--"

"Hey Kanzaki! Over here!"

As the two of us were talking, a group of boys, presumably from his class, approached the two of us.

"Hey, Shibata, Watanabe. What's going on right now?" Kanzaki asked.

"I just wanted to greet my friend... Oh, hello, it's nice to meet you, Sakura." 

"Nice to meet you two, Shibata-chan and Watanabe-chan. I've heard of you guys from Hirata-chan."

 I waved at them back. If I am not mistaken, the two are part of the soccer club along with Hirata. Though with Hirata being the way he is, I could see that his   

"Actually, Sakura, I want to ask you something. I noticed that Hirata skipped practice today. I wonder if anything happened to him."

Watanabe asked me, seemingly concerned for his friend. I don't think Ymauacho's expulsion is known to the other classes, so maybe I'll lie to him. 

"Hmm, he's not doing well today. Oh, I got an idea. How about you guys set something up to cheer him up!"

"Something, I get it. I know. How about a trip to the arcade? I can message him right now?" Shibata pulled out his phone and looked as if he was about to message Hirata. 

"Wait! Message him a bit later. Actually, I'll message you when it's the right time to invite him." I intervened right as he took out his phone. 

Shibata looked confused at what I was trying to say but shrugged off his concerns.

"Hmm, well, I'll listen to you. Though I can't understand your intentions, just be sure to message me when it's all settled and done."

After that exchange, we agreed to go to the arcade tomorrow as a way to help cheer Hirata from what occurred yesterday. I also made arrangements to ensure Shibata doesn't let Hirata know about my involvement in this setup. 

The four of us continued talking until we reached the dorms, and we each went off to our own rooms.


I returned to my room temporarily to prepare dinner for myself and someone else. It was natto that I prepared the night prior. It was a boring meal but surprisingly refreshing. Mundanity feels calming, a bit too calming for my liking. 

After finishing my meal, I left my room with two bags in my hand. One has the cap I bought earlier today, and the other has a box containing a bowl of natto I made. As I entered the elevator, I checked if Hirata had responded to the message I sent back at the library, but he left me on read. Well, at least he knows the messages I and probably the other girls have sent him.

Now, according to the receptionist, Hirata resides in room 613. On another note, this will be my first time entering another boy's room. So, I couldn't help but be excited about seeing whether the rooms differ based on gender. As I approached the door, I decided to ring the doorbell a few times. 


When I say a few times, I mean repeatedly ringing the doorbell until he responds. However, despite my persistent behavior, he still hasn't opened the door. I guess I will have to resort to my old but reliable method of entering his room if I want to talk to him.

"If your ass doesn't open the door! I am busting inside!"

I shouted towards the door to ensure my demand was loud and clear, and I even swore to his face to make him shocked by the sudden shift in my personality.

"I told you I didn't want attention today!"

He finally responded. His voice was groggy, clearly angry at my presence. Yep, I will have to use the old, reliable lock picking. 

Now, the apartment door locks require a key card to unlock, and we were handed a key card to our room on the first day. Unfortunately for the school, these locks are child's play for me. I am like the ultimate lock picker or something of the sort. However, I didn't need to do that, as the receptionist sold me a copy of his key to his room. Why they do that is a mystery to me, but the school will regret allowing others' key cards to be purchasable. 

However, for now, I have other priorities.

"Well, too bad, I hate taking orders from emo boys!"


I slowly opened the door and stepped into a dark room. From there, I went to Hirata's bedroom, where he was lying down with an angered expression. He looked pathetic, and I knew this needed to change as soon as possible. I went to his bed and sat beside him, placing one of the bags near his face. 

"Wow, Hirata-chan, you look absolutely miserable right now!"

I sounded an absolute prick right now. First, I broke into his room without permission, and now I am mocking him for being a sad male.             

"Yeah, so what? Are you just here to make fun of me, or what else are you here for?"

Unsurprisingly, he wanted me to leave, but I remained calm and started thinking about how to approach this conversation.

"Well, I did come here to have a chat with you. Look, I even made dinner for you."

I took the bag in front of his face, revealing the dish I had prepared for him earlier, and then I placed it in front of his face to get him to speak. He looked like he hadn't eaten anything all day, so it's no surprise he would take this reception well.

"You made all of this for me?"

"Yep, I prepped the soybeans myself, just so you know. Talk to Aya-chan. He'll tell you how good of a cook I am. Nishishi!"

He continued staring at the dish I had prepared for him. It seemed like he wanted to decline my request, but his hunger prevented him from doing so. He turned to me confusedly, and I greeted him with a warm smile.

"Are you sure I can eat this?"

I vigorously nodded, indicating that he had my permission to do so. Now that he is grateful, he won't think about reporting me to the school for illegally breaking into his room. Though, he might consider it rude to eat in front of someone without eating.

"If you're worried about me, I ate before arriving, so you can eat to your pleasure."

He got up from his lying position and sat right next to me. He looked more relaxed as I handed him the bowl of natto I prepared. He started devouring the meal, and I noticed his face looked less pale. 

"Say, Hirata-chan, you look way better now! So tell me, how was the dish?"

"It was good. Thank you. I didn't realize how much I needed this."

Hirata let out a slight smile, showing his gratitude towards me. I could feel my heart beat faster as I saw his smile. Now I can see why half of the girls in the class have a crush on him. 

"Yep, you barely touched your food at lunch, so I knew you would be hungry right now. Nishishi!"

"Say, can I ask you something?"

"Well, since you asked nicely, go right ahead."

I was confused about what he wanted to ask, but I decided to hear him out. My facial expression showed that I was confused at this sudden turn, which I am sure Hirata noticed.

"How are you so cheerful after what happened yesterday? I can't bring myself to talk to anyone after yesterday, yet you had it the worst, and yet here you are trying to cheer me up!"

As he asked his question, his frustration increased to the point where he started shouting at me. I can sense that he is currently being hard on himself. Perhaps he feels guilty about his inability to make us all get along. 

In a way, he reminds me of someone, Momota Kaito. Momota believed that we should be trusting and not doubt our friends. However, to see the real Hirata, I need to pry more information about him. 

"Hirata-chan? What is with the down face? You look like you are thinking about something negative."

I frowned, signifying my concern for his mental health. He realized this and started to take deep breaths, calming himself down before speaking up again.

"You're right. If you want to know, right now I feel like a failure."

"Does Yamauchi's expulsion hurt?"

He let out a sigh, not wanting to answer. He hunched his back forward, trying to get me to stop putting pressure on him. 

"I'll ask something else then. Do you think Yamauchi should've been expelled?"

Hirata's eyes widened, and he turned his head quickly. 

"How can you say something like that?! Did you forget what he did to you? I tried to make up excuses like he was framed, but the face I made yesterday was that of a guilty person."

"Oh, you want to know why I am not devastated after yesterday? Let me tell you a secret about myself."

I approached his face and leaned towards his ear so I could whisper. He was surprisingly tall, or I was just short, so I had to lean up from my seat to get towards his ear. 

"I lie to myself daily, telling myself everything will be fine even though I want to dig myself into a hole and cry."

I moved back from his face and forced a smile while tears started to stream down my cheeks, and my body started to tremble. I'm trying to convey the fear I've built up inside me. To him, it'll make him think that I am still traumatized from yesterday and that my act is just a lie. In actuality, the kind, abrasive mask that I keep up in front of others is just a lie, and in reality, I am just a meek, timid girl trying to find a path in this school. 

I let him watch me momentarily to see him break in guilt. It was a sight to behold, but it was necessary for him to realize his frustrations and let it out to someone. 

"I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry for failing you. I wanted everyone to get along, not realizing the type of person Yamauchi was. I failed you, and I failed him."

I let him vent his frustrations. His body was trembling, and tears were falling from his eyes. 

However, I learned about the man known as Hirata Yosuke. He is telling the truth when he wants everyone to get along, but the reason for his drive to be a good person finally showed itself to me. 

Hirata has a hero complex. 

Momota Kaito, someone I came to understand as I died for the first time, had this sort of complex. I can see similarities, but there is one significant difference. His emotions ultimately drive Momota to be a good person. Hirata, meanwhile, doesn't have that problem; instead, his complex stems from somewhere else. 

"So you see yourself as a failure. Let me guess, this isn't the first time you've failed someone?"

"Well, you would be correct. However, I don't want to share this story yet."

Hmm, that's alright. He might carry similar guilt to what I feel. In a way, he might have this complex out of atonement for his past actions. 

"I wasn't going to ask. I should tell you that you aren't the only one who has failed someone before. So I can empathize with what's happening with you."

His eyes widened out of shock at the fact that I had failed someone in the past.

"How do you carry the burden then? Whenever I think of him, I realize I must atone for my past mistakes." 

It was a question that even my heart didn't know the answer to. However, my actions already have an answer for themself. 

"That's a good question. You move on. You must accept that you can't save everyone no matter how much you try."

"I'm not trying to be a hero to say everyone, but rather. I want to help those who I can. Whether it be you or any of the other classmates."

I wonder if that is the case. I could test something out then. I wonder how far he is willing to help a timid girl keep her strength.

"I see. Can I ask you to help me with something then?"

"Sure, I can assist you to the best of my abilities."

"Enter a fake relationship with me. At least until to the point where I don't need to lie to myself and be okay with being confident with myself."

With an expressionless face and timid-sounding voice, I stared right at him when I asked this request. I wanted to show that I was serious about this request, 4 but was afraid to admit it out loud. 

"Um, what! Are you sure you want to be requesting that?"

"You said you would do anything to help the classmates, so I thought I could use this opportunity. If you believe you have failed me, use this opportunity for your atonement, as you like to put it."

Hirata pondered this for a bit and ultimately responded. 

"I see, very well, I can accept this proposal."

I was surprised at how easily I accepted this request I made of him. I could tell that the reason he wanted to accept this wasn't because he was after this horrendous body of mine but rather to pay for his guilt. If I were to have asked this request of anyone else besides perhaps Ayanokoji, they would've had an ulterior motive.  

Afterward, he went quiet for a moment. I stayed silent and observed him, accepting the reality of having me as his girlfriend.

"Say, when do you want to start this relationship?"

"Hmm, how about two weeks from now? I think that'll allow you to cool down after yesterday. How does that sound to you?"

"That works just fine with me. I should say thank you for giving me this opportunity, Sakura-san."

Hirata Yosuke, with this, I finally understand the final piece of the puzzle. He is willing to do anything to help anyone, even accepting the proposal of a fake relationship. 

"Right, I have one more thing for you."

I grabbed the other bag and took out the cap I had bought at the store earlier today. 

"I bought this for you. I had a friend who wore a hat like this in the past. When he wore it, he looked pretty emo, but I liked the hat a lot on him. So now I want you to wear it and find meaning like he did with it."

I handed the cap to him, and he stared at it momentarily before trying it on himself. It suited him surprisingly. Perhaps he has the potential to reach the same height that Saihara did.

"Your friend. If it's okay to ask, is this the friend you failed in the past?"

I have failed many people in the past. Did I also fail Saihara? Perhaps I did, but he wasn't the only one I failed. Gonta, Iruma, Shinguji, Chabashira, Yonaga, Tojo, Hoshi, Akamatsu, and Amami were just those who died back then. As for those who were still alive when I died, I doubt they even cared for my life.

"Yes, he was. I still think of him pretty often. In a way, he was similar to you. He would crumble when he was overwhelmed. However, he grew a lot, and let's say I've grown to like him a lot."

I recall when Saihara started to cry after the death of Akamatsu. He was lucky to have Momota, wasn't he? Sometimes, I wondered if I helped him grow, but I doubt it. However, I am interested in my new class, and through this relationship, Hirata will grow. By the time our relationship ends, he will become a new person.

"I see. I will cherish this cap, then."

"Thank you."

Those words felt genuine, though I couldn't tell. Hirata might be the person I'm looking for in this new life.  

"Now, Yosuke-chan, since we'll be dating in two weeks, I need you to start calling me Airi, got it?"

"Don't worry, Airi-san. From this point forward, I will call you by your name when we are around others."

"Good, who knows? Maybe I'll steal your heart someday." I let out a seductive smile in his direction.

I was a bit upset when he didn't get flustered at all. Saihara would always blush when I flirted with him, but this guy seemed immune to my charm. I wondered if it was because I'm a girl now. I knew I was way cuter in my previous body. If I were Kokichi, I would've definitely gotten him flustered.

"I'm not interested in a real relationship now, but you can try your best." He played along with my teasing. 

"Aw, I thought that would get you. Well, I should be heading out right now. Don't forget me, my love." I joked as I got up from his seat and gathered the belongings I brought him.

I waved to him and said my farewells before departing the room, feeling accomplished and knowing I had gotten closer to Hirata that day. 


As I exited the room, I made my way to the elevator to return to my dorm, and once it arrived at the floor where I was stationed, there was a familiar face waiting inside the elevator as well.

"If it isn't the idol-girl!"

The bright, masculine voice of Koenji greeted me as I approached the elevator.

"I haven't spoken to you in a while. So nice to see you again, Koenji-chan!"

Now, I haven't talked to him since the swimming class incident. I'm interested in seeing if he knows more than he should. 

"Unfortunately, yesterday's waste of space chose to defile your clothes. I can only truly feel sorry for you. A maiden should never have to deal with a degenerate like him."

"Yeah, it was an overwhelming experience, so thanks for the words, Koenji-chan."

Now, there are two possibilities with him. Either he knows the truth behind the incident and doesn't care as the person expelled was Yamauchi. Or, he actually doesn't know the truth that occurred; now, he is probably the most observant in this class behind me, so he probably knows the class's inner workings despite doing his own thing. 

"Now, I have a question for you. What is your relationship with the chubby glasses boy?"

So he's caught on that Yamauchi wasn't the one who created the whole setup.

"Which one? The one who sits next to me, or the one who makes dumb references no one gets?"

"Oops, I forgot there were two of them. Anyway, it doesn't affect my perfect existence much. But next time, be careful with your toys if you plan on doing something like that again. Or did you care if your toy got exposed?"

"Toys? What could you be referring to by a toy?"

He glanced at me and started to laugh. "You are certainly a mystery to me. Unlike all of the other young maidens, you might be the most abnormal one of them all."

So, he knows there is something off about my presence. It seems I can't underestimate this guy's observation skills going forward. 

"What a compliment from the perfect existence. I am so honored."


"Well, young maiden, I must head to the roof to admire the beautiful moon. For now, I must bid you adieu idol-girl."

"See you tomorrow, Koenji-chan." I bid farewell as I arrived on my floor again and went to my room. He really is weird, but I really am interested in him.

As I entered the room, I washed the dishes I used to prepare dinner while I started thinking about the upcoming few weeks. 

 Hirata Yosuke, my future fake boyfriend. With my guidance, I can make him and the rest of the class grow to new heights. 

This is my test for Hirata Yosuke: how far will you go to protect me from danger? Will he be able to move on from his trauma, or will he falter, and I have to dispose of him? Only time will tell.

I made my way to the whiteboard and erased the word defect from the red section and instead drew a throne with no one sitting upon it. Then, on the throne, I wrote out the word defect right on the throne, as right now there is no leader for Class D . However, there is one section missing on the board that I hope to fill out soon: the yellow section. 


[Word Count: 8151]

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