
By anointedlily17

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All it took was one fateful encounter with her to change his life. More



421 19 12
By anointedlily17

Tick. Tok. Tick. Tok. The sound of pencils scribbling began to occupy his mind and the constant ticking of the clock soon started to create a parallel reality for him. This was the life he knew. Exams. The continuous life of a student. Long hours each night preparing... studying. It never stopped. Never slowed down. With college entrance exams approaching at the end of the year, the pressure was at its highest. This was make or break. You either succeeded or failed. Went to college or dropped out and was never heard of again.

"Pencils down." His hand stopped moving and he finally let go of the pencil. His skin was red. He must have been gripping too hard. Lifting his gaze, he looked around at all the other students. Nervous. Sure. Confident. Complete dread. Such was the myriad of emotions on test day. It never stopped.

"Hand your exams in as you leave." He stood and gathered his things. Coming to the front of the classroom, he placed his exam on the table and soon left. Today was Friday, the day all students silently rejoiced and wished for. Today, he could relax if only for a little while. For tomorrow, it was back to school. He headed towards the gates and took his favorite shortcut. Away from the masses, he could be alone. This was a way no one knew of.

 Of course, he could have been picked up. But then, what good was it to have a flashy car there for everyone to see? He didn't want that kind of attention. He preferred to be treated just as everyone else. He slung his backpack over his shoulders and reached up to unbutton his jacket and loosen his tie. Life such as this got very stale. Boring. He questioned his existence. What was he here for? All he did was the same. Everyday, it began predictable. There was nothing ever exciting.

The wind picked up and hit his face like a fresh wave. There had to be more to life than this. Going to school, studying and sleeping. Surely. There had to be. Right? He sighed and slung his backpack over his shoulder. Life was so exhausting. Even the sun seemed cliche.

"Iwase-san!" He stopped to face his driver. When had he driven up? How long had he been following him?


"Why didn't you wait at school?"

"I wanted to walk."

"I am instructed to pick you up."

"I wanted to walk." He repeated in a monotone voice.

"Please, I must take you home." He was silent as he got in the car. As the trees faded in a green blur, he wondered what laid between the green, the center? If he went there where would he go and what would he find?


Life as she knew it had just been completely flipped upside down. Here she was having been practically shipped in a box to Japan. She had begged her parents not to send her here but being that her father had prominent connections here in the Land of the Rising Sun, she was to go wherever they sent her. Pulling up to the house, she sat in the back of the car and tried to blend in with the seats.

"Ms. Marshall, please exit the vehicle. I must get you inside."

"I don't want to."

"I know it's a little scary... but I'm here with you. Everything will be okay!" There was silence before an audible sigh was heard in the dark quietness.

"Fine." She opened the car and got out. The spring air was a bit chilly and she shivered, clutching her thin jacket closer.

"Here is key. Go on inside." She took the key and went to unlock the door. Stepping inside, her eyes widened. The house they had provided for her was nice! It was simple but would do for her. It sucked that the only ones here was going to be her and a few others. Her driver told her that it was in a good neighborhood so she wouldn't have to worry about anything happening. The school she was enrolled in was a walk away and all of the necessities like stores and food were close. She guessed it seemed homely. Her driver soon came in with some of her bags.

"Why don't you go upstairs. I'll show you how to use the bathroom. Get ready for school tomorrow morning." She followed her upstairs and was rudely awakened with a culture shock. The bathroom was nothing like American ones. It was one big wet room with a tub, toilet and sink. Up against the wall was a stool.

"Baths are more our style. You can still shower though." The driver commented with a smile.

"I see."

"Here are some bags, I'll put them in your room. We went shopping before your arrival. There should be bath wash and towels there ready to go." Without another word, she left her still gawking at the bathroom.

"How will I shower?" She asked to the empty room. Japan was so weird. Sighing, she got in the tub, filled with vanilla scented bubble bath. Soon after, she found herself standing in the hallway.

"Where's my room?"

"The room with all the pretty things in it." A humored voice called from downstairs. She snort and went to a cream door. Maybe this was it. She opened the room, unlike any of the other doors in the hallway and gasped. Her belongings were there by the foot of what had to be a queen sized bed. At least there was something resembling home in here. Her room was quite large and the furniture they had placed here made it look really romantic and European. Finally, a western look she could be comfortable with. She smiled to herself and got dried off.

Coming back into the hallway, she found her way to the stairs.

"Minako?" She called to the driver.

"Yes, down here." She came downstairs and found her putting food in the pantry.

"You look much better now that you're clean." She said with a smile.

"Oh.. thank you. I feel better."

"Good. You can go ahead and take the rest of your things up while I make dinner."

"What are we having?" She asked, reaching down to grab a bag.

"Simple Japanese meal."

"What? Sushi?" Minako laughed and doubled over.

"You Americans are funny. You think all Japanese food is sushi. No no, I am making real food we eat."

"Okay." She grinned and lifted the rest of her bags upstairs. More of her things would be coming in over the next couple days. She didn't know when her father, mother, brother and sisters would join them but she guessed she would have to be alone for a while.

"Minako, my room is very pretty." The chop of the knife and the fresh smelling ingredients made her feel at ease.

"Yes. We made it custom for you. You have very feminine taste. Like me." Minako winked and continued to cook.

"Can you tell me what it is?"

"Surprise." She said before turning on the stove.

"Okayyy. Can I watch television?"

"Yes. Grab the remote and I will teach you how to use it." While the food was cooking, Minako came over to her.

"This is how you turn it on, turn it up. We have lots of channel. What do you want to see?" She shrugged.

"I don't know. What do you like to watch now?"

"News. Watch news. It'll help your Japanese." She sat down on the couch.

Soon, the smell of food filled the living room and she looked back toward the kitchen.

"Ready!" She skipped over to the table where dishes were placed so nicely.

"Minako, this looks awesome!" She blushed.

"It is nothing. Please, sit." She sat down and together they said Itadakimasu.

"Would you like me to tell you what I made?" She nodded as she said a quick prayer.

"Saba Shioyaki, Nikujaga, Sunomono, and Genmai."

"Whatever you said, it is great! I like the fish!"

"Saba Shioyaki."

"Saba Shi...o...yaki." She repeated sheepishly.

"Try this." Minako pointed to the clear soup.



"This," She pointed to the bowl with fresh steamed vegetables and meat.


"" Minako nodded in approval.


"Yeah. It tastes like what I'm used to back home."

"Our food is not different, very much alike."



"What is that?"

"Cucumber." Ohhh. She smiled. Japan was weird but it was actually kind cool.

"Genmai must be the rice then."

"Good job. You are right!" The rest of dinner was quiet as they ate and watched the news. And then it was time to go to sleep.

"You are satisfied?" Minako asked, grabbing the dishes.

"Yes thank you. I'll help you with those."

"Ah, no that is okay! You must rest for tomorrow. School early!"

"Thank you for dinner!"


"Yes. Whatever that is. I guess bed time then. Night." She chuckled.

"Good night. Oyasumi."

"Oyasuminasai." She headed upstairs and soon fell into her new bed. The sheets were freshly washed and smelled a breezy clean scent. She sighed and closed her eyes, anticipating tomorrow. It was the big day.


This day was not normal. It was out of the ordinary. He gripped his backpack and trudged up the road. He couldn't be sure but he just felt it. Something new was in the air.

"Hiroto-kun!" He turned to find his friend Tobu running towards him with a grin on his face.

"Good morning.."

"Good morning! Did you sleep well?"


"Why do you look so unhappy Hiroto-kun?"

"I always look like this. Today is no different."

"The least you could do is smile. Winter is over! Did you attend the Cherry Blossom festival?"


"Why not?"

"I didn't want to." Tobu rolled his eyes.




"..... never mind." Tobu was a welcome distraction from the otherwise gloominess of his life. He was grateful to have such an energetic friend to help him stay grounded. Even if it got on his nerves sometimes. They came to the entrance of their school and greeted the head administrator.


"What?" A classmate ran up to him excitedly.

"I hear we are getting a new student today."

"How do you know these things? Do you spy in the head administrator's office?" He grinned.

"I have my ways of acquiring information. Listen, I hear that it is a girl." Tobu's ears perked up.

"I wonder which prefecture she is from? Maybe she is a country goddess."

"Or maybe a country bumpkin." The classmate interceded.

"You two are sad. I'd come to class before Teacher makes you stand outside." He called, already having left them to walk into the classroom.

Class was as per usual. The teacher taught something new and if he didn't understand, he would have been just as his classmates: confused. He sighed and tapped his pencil on the desk and looked outside at the cherry blossoms falling petal by petal. Why did they have to fall so prettily?

"Class, attention." Tobu grinned at him, eager to see this country goddess of his. In stepped a girl and the class hushed. The teacher turned to the class.

"This is a new student. Her name is Ebere Marshall. She is from America. She is new to Japan so treat her kindly." She bowed politely and spoke softly.

"Hello. I am Ebere Marshall. It's nice to meet you. Please treat me kindly." He watched her and he couldn't stop staring at her. He knew today was not like any other day. He took in the very shock (richness) of her brown skin, her short but shapely legs and small feet. His eyes made their way back up to her face. Such a beautiful mouth. He wondered what she would look like smiling. There... the very thing that captivated him. Her eyes. How hypnotizing. This girl was beautiful.

"Damn. Hiroto-kun," He gathered himself and slowly turned to Tobu.

"She's a kokujin. What is a kokujin doing at our school?"

"How would I know that?"

"Look at her. She looks like one of those hip hop girls."

"Tobu, stop drooling. What about your country goddess?"

"Forget the goddess. I want to cruise the jungle now." He barely held back the urge to roll his eyes. But oh was she intriguing. Never had he seen a black person. With the exception of them being on the television screen. He wondered... wondered so many things. The chatter was obvious and stares were intense on her as she made her way to her seat. Several guys turned to watch her. She came to her seat and sat down, rigid. Frightened.

"Class! Do not stare. That is rude. Let's pay attention to the lesson." He cleared his throat and picked up his pencil, one last time glancing at her.


Hot. She felt hot. Flushed. She felt like she wanted to get up and run away. They all stared at her like she was some alien. Granted, she was sure that this was many of their first time seeing someone like her. But still. The whole staring thing was not settling her stomach. Glancing at the board, she felt ice slid down to her stomach. What the hell was on the board? The teacher kept writing and talking; meanwhile she was over here stuped. His Japanese was rapid and made her head spin. Too much. She had been learning before she came and she could only catch some words. She lowered her head and clutched her palms together. She hadn't been aware that the class was over until she watched the students rustle and stand up. She couldn't.. it was time to go. She had been feeling nervous this whole time and now she felt like throwing up. Getting up, she headed towards the lockers.


"Hey," He eyed the commotion near the back of the class. The girl... was attempting to get her things. There was some murmuring in the corner before one brave soul decided to approach her.

"Hey girl." She didn't lift up or turn her head. Instead, she continued to get her things. He watched as a vein appeared in his neck. His eyes were slimy. They undressed her.

"Africa!" Her small figure grew stiff and slowly she got up.

"My name is not Africa." His eyebrows raised.

"Ah? What?" He pretended to not understand.

"That is not my name." She tried in Japanese. He could tell that she was still learning. All of the words weren't pronounced right. Her accent was still too American. The vein in his neck grew.

"You have big mouth." She ignored him and turned back around. Bending down, he found his face grow hot as slowly, the material lifted and a peek of her bottom showed. The skirts were entirely too short in his opinion. He looked down some. Even if he didn't know her... He would show her the respect she deserved. She was in the same boat as him.

"Oh." His eyes lifted to see Jerk Face get closer to her until he pressed himself against her. She gasped and tried to move but he placed a hand on her hip and pressed into her until she almost fell into her locker.

"So sexy. This is what you are hiding hm?" She hit his hand and tried to kick him. The other students just watched, amused. Lust was growing rapidly as the desire rose in some of their eyes. Bastards. He clenched his fists and stood up.

"Uota!" His lewd movements against her stopped and he turned, letting go of her hips.


"Stop it."

"Don't tell me you don't wish you could do the same. She has more than the other girls. Don't you ever wonder what she is like?"

"You're being a perverted asshole." He replied, daring him to reply.

"Are you even a man? How could you not want her?" His mouth twisted up but he practiced his breathing. Slow. Calm.

"Leave her alone." That was the end of it. That was all he was going to say. If he had to open his mouth again, there would be no talking. He turned around and sat back down.

"I know you want this Iwase. Africa, do you want him? Maybe you secretly desire this too." Uota taunted. He jeered and in spite, grabbed her and thrust against her again, making her scream. That was enough. He found himself walking over to him and yanking him away from her. His fist met his face harshly and he fell to the ground. Out. Cold. One punch was all it took? Weak. The other classmates stared at him, unsure of what he would do next.

"You are all cowards. Are you so dumb that you can do nothing but stare?" He asked, looking at them. Silence. He could feel anger rise and turned. He had to go. It was too much for one day. He didn't say another word and got his backpack and other belongings and left. Poor girl. Her first day here and this is what awaited her. 

A/N: hehehehehe *continues to feel giddy.* 

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