Parasite- Pandemic love story

Autorstwa sugaismyworld3000

178 15 10

A love blooming in the parasitic pandemic Więcej

Blood sucking worm

178 15 10
Autorstwa sugaismyworld3000

Hehe! You didn't even have idea where I get this inspiration to write this story from.

I was watching a Urban legend stories where I came across the parasite pandemic story and got the idea to write it. I want it for bible and build but the name sound extremely modern based on the historical background. So got back to Vegas and Pete again. Any way hope you love this story too.

Story Began here.

Doctor Vegas is very well known alpha in the area for his healing skill and knowledge of all diseases although he is in his late 20s. He earn the respect from the villager due to his hard work and fast healing skill. One day he received a very serious invitation from a farmer house in another village. There is a omega standing infront of his door asking for help with him to cure his father who has been sick since two days.

The omega looks lean and thin with a worry visible on his face for his father. Vegas found that omega to be attractive but didn't smell any fragrance coming from omega . May be he has used scent blocker vegas though to himself. The omega can smell the Woody fragrance mixed with the smell of earth when it receives the first rain. However, he didn't care for this at all. He is here to ask for help and he needs to take this doctor in his home as soon as possible. Following the omega, Vegas kept walking for around two hour to reach the omega house.

According to the omega his father seems to be in critical condition.

Hurry up doctor my father can't take it anymore.

Vegas just nod.

Arriving upon infront of the house the omega open the gate and invite doctor Vegas inside.

As the omega led the doctor inside he hurriedly called his mother.

Mother I invited doctor vegas to come here.

The mother has just come out repeatedly urging him in because she was afraid that her husband condition wouldn't make him last long.

The mother invited doctor vegas inside while talking about her husband condition. Her husband has just got sick two days ago and getting worse very quickly.

The person lying on the bed was older man with a pale face and wide open mouth and eyes roll backward. Doctor approach the older man to observe the older man situation. The older man rolled his eyes, panicking and continuously shouting.

It hurts so much. They are crawling all over me. Please kill me. I'm so much in pain.

A blanket cover the older man so, the doctor didn't know what's the older man problem was.
So doctor vegas decided to come and see what was under the blanket. But when he approach, the man strongly reacts to the doctor vegas. He pushed doctor vegas away. It seems the disease has made the man panic and no long aware of his surrounding. But with the years of experience doctor Vegas quickly convinced the man to be examined. Despite following the orders of Doctor, the older man still seems to be very uncomfortable and afraid. As soon as he lifted the blanket, doctor vegas was amazed to see the patient current condition.

The older man belly was monsteriously bulged. Suddenly the older man appeared to be in pain as if just moving the blanket make his whole body suffer. Doctor vegas now seems to understand the condition of the older man. So he told the older man son and wife to hold the older man tightly. Both of them joined forces to be able to hold the older man down. Eventho he is struggling with pain. After the older man was held tightly, doctor vegas unbuttoned the man shirts revealing the tight swollen abdomen full of veins and blood. Doctor vegas now looked thoughtfully at the large protruding belly now what looks like tendon. They were all very large and swollen on the skin of older man abdomen. The strange thing is that the tendon could move or rather it look like worm or parasite inside of him.

Doctor vegas has seems to understood the problem. He turn to take out the acupuncture needles from the tool box. The need les were long and sharp but doctor vegas believed that these needle could help the older man now. Doctor vegas just stop thinking for a moment then started his treatment. Acupuncture needles were inserted into older man belly in sequence. Doctor vegas was very good at this acupuncture method. After while acupuncture needle were quickly inserted all over the belly and the things black worm also started to stop moving and a few minutes later they disappear completely. No longer visible on the skin of the older mans belly. The older man also began to calm down feeling less pain and was able to rest for a while.

The son seems very worried about his father and he immediately ask doctor vegas what strange illness his father is suffering from. Doctor Vegas didn't told directly about the diseases at this time but he began to learn about the time when the older man got sick.

Doctor vegas said to the son" Your father had been infected with a type of poisonous parasite if let for any longer it will consume all of his organs. The situation is very dire"

The son asked doctor vegas" If his father would be saved"

The wife also said that her husband become suddenly strange a few days ago after cutting the grass to feed the cows that's when he began to feel sick.

Upon hearing that, doctor vegas quickly asked her about the location of the lawn as he wanted the patient family to leading him to check it out and inspect.

According to the mother description the son also knew the location of the lawn area.

By the time it was getting dark the omega had already started taking doctor vegas because it was around while across relatively far from their home. On the way the son still didn't understand why his father illness has something to do with the wild grass. But the doctor vegas didn't explain anything. He had his own conclusion. After walking quite a distance, the omega said that they were almost there.They just have to go behind the cliff and they would arrive.

When they arrived, doctor Vegas was amazed and also afraid. It seems that his suspicions were correct.

Infront of them was a bunch of weeds as tall as people and at first glance as normal as any type of weed. Doctor vegas and the omega started to walk closer to the grass area. The doctor was extremely weary and the omega doesn't know what was going on. Doctor vegas walked and looked around like he was looking for something. Finally found what he was looking for.

seeing that they had been gone for quite long time from home and the doctor being extremely quite without telling him about his father condition. The son began to worry. At this point, doctor vegas began to explain the cause of appearance of parasite. The parasite caused his father illness. They were infecting and sucking blood from his father belly fat. The parasite were born from strange worm and it only reproduce on this type of weed. After that doctor vegas started to rummaging through his tool bag. The son still didn't understand what doctor vegas was going to do. Then, Doctor vegas give the omega a fix scarf that look like it was swine with many layers. The two began to approach the weeds. The alpha doctor needed to experiment to bit to be sure something that could treat the patients. After a while of searching, vegas reached out and picked the branch of the tree which grow among the weeds. Indeed they looked at with naked eye, it would be difficult to distinguish this plant in the middle of the vast lawn. Even the son was very surprised. Doctor Vegas held the branch high and asked the omega to look closely above the small leaf which were the eggs of the parasite. At this point the omega starting to get scared but still want to know what it was. So also he look at the leaf.

And indeed in the surface of the leaf, there were some seeds. Tiny as white as a grain of rice. When he tries to take a closer look the son suddenly realized they were eggs covered with thin membrane like silk . The son wondered this things is so small how could such thing can cause terrible diseases. Doctor vegas didn't explain much, he just asked the son to take a good look at what he does next. Doctor Vegas rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a small vile and then gave it to the son. Telling him to apply on his face and hands. Applying this drug would help avoid the insect even these parasitic larva that attack the body. After that doctor vegas started going deeper to the grass like he was looking for something. The weeds here are taller than the person head. So there is a lot of potential of danger. In the end it seems the doctor Vegas has found something important that could help cure the older man illness.

After reaching out to pull the tree branch doctor vegas showed it to the Omega son. There were many small purple fruits on the branch looked very strange. Doctor vegas held it out infront of the omega and told him to look for more fruits like this. It grew from the same tree where the poisonous parasites lay there eggs. Doctor vegas told the son to look carefully and picked a lot to bring back to save his father. The two began to split up to find an picked the strange fruit which only reproduce on this plant and only its fruits could kill those parasites. In just a moment the two are able to pick a lot of fruits.

After getting out of the weeds, doctor vegas suddenly took a small knife and cut a small cut on his finger. The omega was extremely surprised but still very quite watching the doctor. Next the doctor vegas began to drop his own blood from cut. The drop of blood directly fall on to leaf containing the small larva eggs. At this moment the son was putting the leaf on the handkerchief and holding on his hand.

What happened next made the omega extremely scared. After the drops of blood permits to the egg sacks, the seems to began to move. From within the tiny egg, strange creature looking like small worm began to break the egg sack and came out. At first they were just bigger than the thread but after they sucked all the blood from the leaf they suddenly became as big as chopsticks. They gradually got bigger and bigger. And in instant they almost full out the entire handkerchief the son was holding making him shiver with fear.

At that moment, doctor vegas took the purple fruit he has just picked. He gently squeezed the fruit and it immediately ooze the purple liquid. After that directly drifted that to a parasite. Miracuriously the purple juice from the wild fruit worked. The poisonous parasite began to rot in pain and died. Seeing this thing the omega understood what the doctor wanted to say.

Suddenly Doctor vegas seem to remember something, He glanced at these weeds and thought for a moment. But now it was getting dark, they needed to go home with this pile of the purple Fruits quickly. Doctor vegas didn't forget to ask the omega if anyone have known this lawn area and doctor vegas began to worry when he closely look at the weed behind him. He was worried that if he continued to leave this lawn with this dangerous plant here, more people would be harmed. So doctor vegas asked more carefully if this land was own by anyone or not. Because the older man condition was critical, they didn't dove much but quickly went home to treat him.

Arriving home doctor Vegas gives the wild fruits to the wife of the older man and told her to get the basin and squeeze the juice of purple fruits into it. After squeezing the juice, doctor vegas began to pull out all the needles that has been inserted in the older man belly first place. Within those purple fruits seems to be a lot of liquid. Full basin was squeeze out.

Doctor Vegas say to the wife" Take this wet towel and wipe your husband all over his body"

This method would cause pain to the parasite and was intended to force out of the patients body. Following the doctor instruction, the wife quickly wiped it all over her husband and then they allow it for few minutes. So that the purple juice can penetrates the skin. A few minutes later when the times came, Doctor vegas held a small scalpel he cut an extended cut on the patients wrist. This would be the way for the parasite to escape. And yes after the purple liquid penetrate into the skin, the parasite began ache and increasingly wiggle beneath the older man's skin they were crawling around and seems to be looking for a way out. The sight was terrifying. Witnessing what happened in front of their eyes the wife was terrified wondering if her husband could stand it. Seeing that Doctor Vegas tried his best to comfort her everything would be resolved soon.

At this point the parasite began to appear all over the older man's body it turned out that they had proliferated a lot in his stomach and were now trying to crawl out . The parasite eventually discovered the cut on the older's man wrist so they started making their way there. In an instant they began to crawl off from the wound on the older man's wrist. The scene was gruesome long parasites like worms were jostling to escape the older man's body. At a glance these parasites were fat and red.It seemes they had sucked a lot of blood from the older man's body and after only a few minutes all the parasite came out from the mouth of the wound. Underneath the floor Doctor Vegas also left the basin of purple fruit juice so they fell straight into it.

The purple juice began to work directly killing those fat parasite they withered and decomposed utterly leaving only a pungent stench like the smell of carrion. After the parasites had all escaped the older man's body started returning to normal. Doctor vegas turned back and informed the son and his mother that his father was out of danger. Doctor vegas advised a few more things to take better care of the older man a few days of rest he would get better.

After that Doctor Vegas also said goodbye to the older man's family because he needed to handled something important cause he already had a plan in mind . He decided to deal with this problem decisively . Otherwise, many more people would be harmed by this poisonous parasite.

That night he walked toward the weed area in the afternoon. He lit a fire and burned it all. He hoped that noone would be accidently infected with this blood sucking parasite ever again.

A week later

Doctor Vegas was working on his paper when he heard the knock on his door.

Ignore the tattoo

He went to open the door and find out it was the son of the older man whom he had treated a week ago.


The omega handed him a basket full of  sticky rice with red bean paste and dumplings.

"My mother and I want to thank you for saving my father lives " The omega utter still standing infront of the door while bowing down as a gratitude towards the doctor.

"It is not necessary as it is my job to save them" Vegas replied not taking the basket from the omega hand.

My father wants to invite you in the dinner but as you seems to be busy we decide to give you this dishes as a thank you. It would be great if you accept this. My mother has prepared all this for you waking early in the morning.

Vegas felt bad for not accepting those dishes  at first as he isn't much into dumplings and sweets but hearing the omega reason he couldn't say no to him . He accepted the basket and invited the omega inside his house.

The omega scan the doctor house carefully, it look quite peaceful and calm. Cleaner than anyone could have imagine.

Do you want something? Vegas asked.

The omega shook his head.

Last time I forgot to ask what is your name?

ahhh! It's pete.

That's pretty name.

Thank you.

Pete is fidgeting his finger as if he want to say something but couldn't. He continuously kept glancing at vegas and looked down at the ground.

Vegas noticed it and asked if he need something to say.

Pete immediately raised his head and slowly utter.

 I want to work with you as your assistant.

Huh! Vegas asked confusedly

"I want to work under your assistant" This time pete said louder.

You see pete I love to work alone and i have never allowed anyone to work under me as they feel pressurized under me. So it's better i reject you.

Hearing this pete immediately keep his reason for working with Vegas.

I want to learn everything that you know. I love how you handled all the situation in my home. The scene in front of you was terrifying but you remain calm and handle the situation so nicely. I have decided at that moment i want to work with you and please don't say no to me i will do any thing you ask for like cooking, washing and cleaning but please take me under you so that i can also learn how to treat the sick one. It take me  a week to convinced my parents that i want to work with you. You see cause of my secondary gender they didn't want me to allow to study under you but i assure them it won't be problem i will take care of myself properly. Please Doctor Vegas don't say no to me.

Vegas sigh.

I will be a strict as a teacher.

 "It's okay" Pete said slowly as he is determined to learn from him.

How old are you ?

Huh! Me ?

Yes, you


what about the time, you are having your heat cycle?

Ummm, I will visit my home as it is safe and my mother would be there also to help me.

So you have prepared your answer for everything huh!

MIght be.

And what if i say NO to you? Even after hearing your reason.

hmm! This time pete lift his head not knowing how to answer this.

Vegas sternly look at him for the answer.

But pete remain silent.

After a moment he spoke, Even tho it isn't my dream to work as a doctor after watching you treating my father i really want to learn. It will be humble of you to accept my request.

So are you saying i'm not humble enough.

No that's not what i mean, pete raised his voice more than normal.

So from when do you want to start?

Huh! From today Pete replied after realizing that vegas has accepted him.

Before teaching you i want you to know again that I will be strict as a teacher. You have to woke up at four  Am and should do the necessary cleaning of the house except my study and store room where medicine are kept. You have to cook afterward and then we can start to learn.

Cleaning? Pete asked confused.

Don't you have said you can do cleaning cooking washing ? 

I can pete said nodding.

For today you can take a rest, from tomorrow we will gonna start. You can take a tour around xiu will help you.

you can have the room next to xiu. She is gardener here. You can ask extra detail of her to her. I have something important to handle i need to go.

Calling xiu and letting her to help pete, vegas made his way to his study room again.

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