Jaune, the Strategic Gamer

By Darkdecade97

32.3K 952 1.1K

We all know the Story of Jaune's Transcripts being revealed by Cardin or even Pyrrha, where he was beaten, bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

3.7K 114 83
By Darkdecade97

The Dragon Continent: Settlement Landing Bay

By the Landing Bay that Jaune had built by the entrance of the Settlement in which the Compound is located, an Arc Clan Bullhead can be seen landing on it. Once it lands, the Bay Doors of the Bullhead open and out steps Belze, who is joined by a large group of Individuals, they are Sephiria, Train, Cerberus, Olivia, then we have Jaune's three Sisters, Jade, Aqua, and Saphorn, who is joined with Terra and Adrian.

As they look around the Landing Pad, the group notices someone heading up the steps leading to the Pad. There, they see three First Order Stormtroopers walking up to them, the first two are the regular First Order Stormtrooper Infantry Soldiers, while the one in the middle is an Officer, donning a red Pauldron to signify Rank, this is a First Order Stormtrooper Commander.

Belze and the rest of the Arcs that are with him are curious of the First Order Stormtrooper Commander, with Jade pointing out they look more advanced than that of a Standard Soldier of Atlas, but it looks like it can fit in a certain Empire in another world.

First Order Stormtrooper Commander: Are you Belze Rochefort-Arc?

Belze: Yes, I am.

First Order Stormtrooper Commander: I see. Very well, follow me, I'll take you all to the Base.

The First Order Stormtroopers left as Belze looks at his Family, and they nod. They follow the Stormtroopers to the Base, where they will get the surprise of their lives.


The First Order Stormtroopers continue to lead the Arcs around the Settlement. When they are still walking towards the Base, Jade looks around the Settlement and notices a lot of changes on it, last time she was here, the Houses did not look futuristic at all, what she sees here is something out of the Kingdom of Atlas, she figures this was the work of her Brother.

But she will get the biggest surprise of her life, once they reach the Base.

Jenos: Okay now, what the hell are we looking out? 

And it was not just Jenos, but everyone else has the same feeling as him. It's because, right in front of them is the Military Headquarters of Jaune and his Legion.

The Base or Headquarters looks more advanced and heavily fortified than any Atlas Base the Arcs have ever seen. Belze and Sephiria look up in front and see Squads of Soldiers patrolling the Area, Vehicles parked in the very large Hangar Bays, and Ships flying in the skies. Jaune built himself an Army, but the question is, how? Belze already knows the answer to it, and wishes to get more info from both Jaune and Ash.

The First Order Stormtrooper Commander continues to lead them inside as they enter the Halls of the Base, seeing more Clone and Stormtroopers patrolling the Halls until they reached the Office. The minute they reach the doors to Jaune's Office, Belze sees the First Order Stormtrooper Commander place something on the Console of the Door, it's a Code Cylinder. The Door opens as the Commander gestures them to enter.

Belze nods as he enters Jaune's Office, which is quite large, larger than that of Ozpin's as the window gives out a whole entire view of the Base, and up by the middle of it is the Desk, where he can see both Jaune and Ash talking, the two stop what they are doing when they see their Family walking up to them.

Ash: About time you guys showed up. What took you guys so long?

Train: Had to deal with the Elder's Bullshit. After that little fiasco with Jaune's Transcripts, Mason and the Elders decided to make Buddy Buddy with the Vale Council, granting the Arc Clan more power in the Kingdom.

Olivia: In short, they want to "help" Vale against the threat of the White Fang, wiping out the Vale Branch as soon as possible, since the Vytal Festival is coming up soon.

Jenos: And I can see you've been busy, Jaune. I take it this all came from that Ability, Ash told us about? The Legion?

Jaune: Yup, what you see here is a by-product of the Legion Ability. Good thing we spent all those days training and bringing me to those missions, cause the System rewarded me with a lot of Credits to build the Army you see now.

Ash: And it was funny that this Base was a Gift to him in the Legion Store.

Train: Wait, what?

Ash: Yup!! This Base was a literal gift given to him by the Gamer System, didn't need for him to buy the Base with all the Credits he has, cause I know full well, this thing will cost like a Million Credits. I mean, that other Base or City is like 2,500,000 Credits, right?

Jaune: Yup.

Train: And since the Base was given to you as a Gift, you spent all your Credits on building the Army?

Jaune: That's right! Even got some rewards when setting up the Base and the Army, as well as helping out the Villagers.

They all nod, but Saphorn has had enough, not understanding a single thing on what Jaune and everyone else is talking about.

Saphorn: Okay, I know the part about you all secretly supporting Jaune and all, as well as keeping him safe from Mason and the Elders. But, can you please explain to me what is really going on?

The Arcs all look to Belze for an answer, as he nods, telling them it's time for Saphorn to know.

Belze: Take a seat, Saphron. This might take a while to explain.

She nods, as her and Terra, who is holding Adrian, take a seat near Jaune's Desk as Belze and everyone there explained the events that happened before, but this time, adding in the detail of the Arc Clan murdering Saphorn and her entire Family. What makes it even more shocking for her was her Family didn't show an ounce of regret and empathy when they killed her. Saphorn questions why are they willing to commit such an act towards their own Family. Did their bonds and love not even matter to them anymore?

Jaune: I was told of this information, Saphorn, and was not pleased by what happened. If you want time off from seeing the Family, you may step out and we'll have a Ship discreetly bring you back to Argus.

Saphorn: No...it's.....it's fine. I just...I just need a few seconds to get my bearings. Do you mind if I can step outside for a moment?

Jaune: Sure.

She thanks him as Saphorn and her Family take her leave, not before giving a side-glare towards Aqua and Jade, the very two people that had no shame in the deaths of both her, Terra, Adrian, and even Jaune. The two Sisters can only look down in shame and regret, knowing the actions they did in their past life. But this time, they can fix their mistakes once and for all.

Jaune: Just give her time. After all, this kind of information is unbelievable at first.

Jenos: Sadly, yes.

Jaune: Anyways, I believe it's time we get down to business.

He presses a button on the Console in his Desk as the Window Shades close, making the room dark, a Hologram now appearing in the middle as Jaune and Ash walked up to it. The Arcs can see the Map is both the Kingdom of Vale, and that of an Arc Clan Compound.

Sephiria: We were informed by Ash that you have a plan to essentially win the hearts of the 4 Kingdoms.

Jenos: Or how I see it, get the 4 Kingdoms to ask for your help.

Jaune: Yup! As you all know, the Ability of the Legion allows me to buy and command different Armies. Each of them different from one another, if we want the 4 Kingdoms to ask for my "help", we need to give them an enemy that they cannot defeat, and I have certain Factions and Groups that can do the job.

Belze: So you are not limiting yourself to just one Faction?

Jaune: Yes, I want to cause chaos around the 4 Kingdoms and essentially play "Hero" fighting against our "enemies", and putting a stop on their plans of destroying Remnant.

Aqua: You know the 4 Kingdoms won't ask for your help at first, case in point, the Kingdom of Vale, where they won't accept it at all.

Jaune: I know, that is why I will continue our slew of attacks around the Kingdom of Vale, forcing the Council to ask for our help. Seeing as we are the only Faction that can go toe-to-toe with our "enemies", and win.

Sephiria: That's an interesting plan, Jaune. But how do you intent on hiding your Forces here in this Base? No doubt if the 4 Kingdoms wish to make an alliance with you, the talks will happen in your Base, or do you have somewhere else in mind?

Jaune: Actually, I already made countermeasures to ensure this does not happen. Besides the Ability of the Legion and numerous others, I was able to get my hands in a Pocket Dimension Base, it can allow my Forces that will be used as the Enemies of Remnant to stay there for the time being until we reveal ourselves to all of Remnant.

Ash: And this is how you get access to it.

As Ash shows off some sort of Key-like Device in his hands.

Ash: Jaune made sure only certain people can access it. Those who don't have his approval, can't get access to the Pocket Dimension.

Train: Huh, guess you already made plans for this.

Jaune: I made a lot of contingency plans in case certain situations backfired. I want to make sure we don't get caught and I don't want anybody leaking this information to the public. Word travels fast after all.

Belze: And your plans regarding the Arc Clan?

Jaune: The same as the 4 Kingdoms, but this time, I will have my Forces target an Arc Clan Compound and kill an Elder. Ash was able to get intel about one of the Elders staying in a Compound that isn't as heavily guarded and where all of Chronos are far from reach.

Ash: And with the death of an Elder along with the attack on Vale. Mason and some of the Elders will turn to Ozpin and the 4 Kingdoms for assistance as they have a common "threat".

Belze: Do you have the means to commence an attack on the Compound?

Jaune: We do, not only do I have an Army that can do said task, but a General to lead them.

As he says that, a Robotic Figure that has grey and dark green metal parts with yellow markings, steps out. The Arcs can see the Robot staring at them with its three red eyes, its mechanical movements can be heard in the room as they take each step.

Jaune: This is Kalani, he will spearhead the attack of the Droid Army. Sending the message to the Arc Clan that they declared war on them.

Belze: I see, and when will the attack happen?

Jaune: Tomorrow, I already have a Hero, as the System likes to call it, initiating the attack on the Kingdom of Vale, and while that's happening, Kalani will make his attack.

Belze: Hmmm, very well then. Once the rest of the Arc Clan gets word of what happened in the Compound, we'll play out part until the time to reveal allegiances comes. I believe we are all on agreement with that?

He looks at the rest of the Arcs as they all nod in agreement.

Jaune: Excellent, like what Uncle said, we'll each play our roles in this facade until the time comes, and we'll give the 4 Kingdoms and that of the Arc Clan, the biggest surprise of their lives.

Vale: Atlas Outpost

With the Vytal Festival coming up and Ironwood's Fleet acting as "security" for the Kingdom. The Vale Council allowed them to create an Outpost where they can store their Equipment and Vehicles, not knowing it was already stolen by a certain Thief.

We can see a large Convoy of Atlas Trucks carrying in a supply of the AK-200s, which will be displayed to the Public later on, as well as the Atlesian Paladin-290s. Security isn't as tight, knowing how the Atlas Military works, as the Atlas Soldiers start leading the Trucks inside, unknown to them and everyone else in the Outpost, we can see Thermal Explosives placed all around there, waiting to be detonated.

Up by the Rooftops, we can see Men and Women wearing light blue and brown overalls which are all dirtied up, with Armor Pieces that are attached to them, like with the clothes, they are also dirty. They can be seen wearing Helmets, Scarfs, or Bandannas. These Individuals can be seen aiming their Weapons at the Rooftops as someone approaches the edge, he is described to be wearing a Variant of the Outfit the group is wearing, only more Armored. He can be seen having slickback brown hair, a beard, blue eyes, and a couple of scars on his face. This Man here is Saw Gerrera.

Saw was handed a Macrobinoculars by a Rebel and sees the Convoy heading in.

Saw: Not much Security in the Convoy, our main priority is the AKs and the Paladin. I'm heading down there and taking out that Truck with the Paladins. We go on my signal.

He gives the Macrobinoculars back to the Rebel and heads off the Rooftop and down to the ground. The Atlas Convoy can be seen heading towards the middle of the Outpost as Saw was able to make it just in time, he hides by a corner of a Hangar Bay, seeing his Rebels up by the Rooftops. From there, he gives off the signal. Saw brings out the Detonator and presses it, the Thermal Explosives erupt, causing an array of explosions all over the Outpost, destroying everything.

The Atlas Soldiers didn't have time to react as the screams and war cries of the Rebels can be heard as they got out of their hiding positions and attack them from the Rooftops.

The Rebels fire their Blasters, which are comprised of DC-15S Blaster Carbines and DC-15A Blaster Rifles, an array of blue Blaster Bolts hit the Convoy, with one of the Rebels shooting the Atlas Soldier in the Driver's Seat. The Rebels continue blasting the Atlas Convoy, with them taking out the Atlas Soldiers firing at them, a Rebel can be seen lobbing a Thermal Detonator all the way to the group of Atlas Soldiers that caused an explosion that sent them flying.

Atlas Soldier: It's an ambush!! We need reinforcements! Send in the AKs!!

The Truck opens up, showing a rack filled with AK-200s, a Rebel sees one AK being dropped from the rack and fires the DC-15A Blaster Rifle at it, taking the AK out in one hit. The rest of the Rebels fire their Blasters at the AKs in the rack, taking them out before they can even be deployed. Another Truck can be seen opening up its Trailer to deploy the Paladin, but Saw isn't allowing it one bit. Saw comes out of hiding and fires the DC-15S Blaster Carbine at the Atlas Soldiers, who didn't have time to turn towards him as they were all shot down.

Saw climbs the Trailer, throwing Thermal Detonators everywhere, going up to a Failsafe Switch in the Paladin that allows the Cockpit to open if the Pilot can't do it from the inside. The Atlas Pilot sees this and couldn't do anything as he was shot by Saw, he then throws three Thermal Detonators inside and jumps off the Trailer of the Truck as it erupts in a flurry of explosions. Saw looks behind him to see the rest of his Rebels finishing off the Atlas Soldiers.

He climbs up the Truck and looks at one of the Rebels as they gave him a thumbs up. Saw nods and presses a few buttons on his Gauntlet.

In the City of Vale, the Rebels have placed Holoprojectors in spots where a large number of Citizens have gathered. When all of a sudden, a large Hologram of Saw appears in front of everyone as the Citizens of Vale turn their attentions to the Rebel Leader.

Saw: People of Vale. Your time in this Kingdom ends here.

All over Vale, large Holograms of Saw can be seen playing as he speaks to them from the Atlas Outpost. His voice echoing in the Hologram.

Saw: We have seen how vile and cruel you are to one such Individual, whose only Crime is forging his Papers. You all say it is the worst Crime ever committed in this very Kingdom, and yet, people like Roman Torchwick get to roam free, the White Fang walking in the middle of your doorsteps, you are willing to imprison someone like Jaune Arc so easily and yet don't even bother dealing with the real threat? Well not anymore.

The White Fang in the Docks see the Hologram of Saw and grit their teeth in anger, with Torchwick watching with a bored look. But another looks at this with interest.

Saw: Today, we will take back Vale and make it to the Kingdom we wish for it to become, not riddled with the corruption of the Vale Council, their greed and lust for power will not be allowed to stay in our Homes any longer. The same can be said for the so called Huntsmen and Huntresses of Vale.

The Vale Council see this and start making Calls, in hopes of dealing with this pathetic Rebellion.

Saw: We've seen the kind of actions these "Protectors" of Remnant do to many Villages outside of this Kingdom. They are greedy, corrupt, egotistical, and only care about themselves. This is not what we stood for, and won't let this charade go on any longer. If they are willing to treat one Man like he's the worst mistake in Remnant, what of the other Citizens of Remnant?

In Beacon Academy, we can see the Students of Beacon hurling insults at Saw for the words that were said about them. Some of them are eager to rid of Saw and his Band of Rebels. They'll show them who's Boss around here.

Saw: That is why I, Saw Gerrera and my Band of Rebels will declare WAR to all of Vale!! And we will not stop until every last seed of corruption is cleaned in this Kingdom. Mark my words, we will set things right, one way or another.

The Hologram ends as things are starting to heat up in the Kingdom of Vale.

Mistral: Arc Clan Compound 35

In the Mountains that overlook the Arc Clan Compound, Kalani can be standing in a Separatist Command Center, looking at the Compound using the Macrobinoculars, he zooms in closely and sees by the Entrance of the Building, the Arc Elder entering it alongside a small Squad of Arc Clan Huntsmen. The sound of metal footsteps can be heard as a Robot whose frame is very skeletal and is beige in color with yellow markings, approaches Kalani. This is an OOM Command Battle Droid.

Battle Droid Commander: General, all our Forces are set and awaiting your command.

He puts down the Macrobinoculars and turns his attention to the Droid Commander.

Kalani: Proceed with the attack.

The Droid Commander nods and began contacting the Droid Forces in their Communicator then looks at another set of Droids and gives out the signal. Up by the Mountains, we can see the Droids bringing in their Artillery, they can be seen walking up towards the edge of the Mountain, aiming their Cannons at the Arc Clan Compound, these are J-1 Proton Cannons.

The Proton Cannons began firing, erupting in a large booming sound as they fire. The entire Arc Clan Compound was erupted in a fit of explosions, causing debris to fly all around the Area, with majority of the Arc Clan Huntsmen rushing outside to see who's attacking them.

Arc Clan Huntsman 1: Get our defenses ready now!

Arc Clan Huntsman 2: Wait, what's that in the sky!?

The Arc Clan Huntsman points at the sky, seeing something heading to the Compound, and fast. They seem to have a design not resembling that of a Fighter, they are grey, blue and white in color, in the middle it has a head with two red eyes glowing, with the left and right being two oval-shapes and spiky in the end points. These are Vulture-Class Droid Starfighters.

The Vulture Droids fire their Twin Blaster Cannons at the Compound, the Blaster Bolts taking out the Arc Clan Huntsmen instantly, when the Blaster Bolts hit them, it sent them flying or crashing to the walls of the Buildings. It did not help with the amount of explosions coming from the Proton Cannons.

Inside the Main Building of the Arc Clan Compound, the Elder is being escorted to the Saferoom as an Arc Clan Huntsman runs up to him.

Arc Elder: What's the report? Do we have any information on who's attacking us?

Arc Clan Huntsman: I'm sorry, Elder. But we don't, it's made worse that they seem to be jamming our Communications. We have no means to contact the rest of the Compounds, our best option right now is to take you to the Saferoom.

The Elder nods, knowing he will be safe in the Saferoom. When all of a sudden, he can hear the Arc Clan Huntsmen shouting something by the Entrance.

Arc Clan Huntsman: We got incoming!! By the Gates!!

The Arc Clan Huntsmen look to see what's coming out of the Gates, and entering the Compound are a large set of Robots similar to that of the Battle Droid Commander, with the only difference being they don't have any markings, and are equipped with a Backpack, with an Antenna attached to it. These are the B1-Series Battle Droids.

The B1 Battle Droids start marching in formation, metal footsteps can be heard as they head further into the Compound and up towards the Main Building. The Arc Clan Huntsmen fire their Dust Bullets which did nothing to the Battle Droids, only slowing them down, the Dust Bullets not doing damage and only exploding in their bodies.

The B1 Battle Droids see the Arc Clan Huntsmen charging at them, seeing Dust Bullets are not doing anything to stop them, they decided to use their Melee Weapons. The Droids aim their E-5 Blaster Rifles and fire, a sea of red hits the Compound as one by one, the Arc Clan Huntsmen get gunned down by Blaster Fire.

Battle Droid Commander: Push forward!

Numerous Squads of Battle Droids surround the Compound in different directions, the sounds of Blaster Fire and Red Light erupt everywhere. It's worse when the Arc Clan Huntsmen deal with another Droid, the design of it being more bulky and taller then that of the B1 Battle Droid, it has a combination of both blue and grey in color, with a red circle in the left side of its body, and has the Battle Droid head attached to its body. With their Weapons located in their Arms, this is the B2 Super Battle Droid.

The Super Battle Droids lead the charge to the Main Building with the Battle Droids acting as support for them. The Super Battle Droids fire their Wrist Blasters at the Arc Clan Huntsmen, taking them down in around two to three shots. They try firing their Dust Bullets at the Super Battle Droids, and like with the B1 Battle Droids, it did nothing but explode in a burst of Dust. The Super Battle Droids look at the Huntsmen, and blasts them to pieces.

One of the Arc Clan Huntsmen was foolish enough to charge at the Super Battle Droid, screaming his heart out as he smacks the Arm of the Super Battle Droid. But as he went to do it again, the Super Battle Droid grabs the Huntsman by the arm, lifting him up in the air and blasting the Huntsman in the chest, then at the head. As the Droid proceeds to throw the Huntsman's Body to the ground.

They continue forward towards the Main Building of the Compound, with the Droids pushing forward and the entrance filled with the Main Building getting engulfed with Blaster Fire. The Battle Droid Commander gives out an order as a group of Super Battle Droids move forward, but the difference between them is they are armed with an Integrated Rocket Launcher on their Left Arm. These are the B2-HA Super Battle Droid, a Heavy Weapons Variant of the B2-Series Super Battle Droid.

The Super Battle Droids fire their Wrist Rockets at the Main Building, causing explosions to erupt in the inside of it, sending the Arc Clan Huntsmen flying out of there. Some of the Super Battle Droids fired their Wrist Rockets that are armed with Homing Rockets as they head towards the Arc Clan Huntsmen bunkered up in the Building, as the Droids blow them into pieces.

The Droids chase a few of the Arc Clan Huntsmen to the Main Building as they fall back inside. The Droid Commander sees this and contacts Kalani.

Kalani: Report. What's your status on the Compound?

Battle Droid Commander: We have secured the Compound, we're eliminating the last of the Arc Clan Huntsmen and are proceeding with the attack on the Main Building.

Kalani: Understood, I will meet you in the Saferoom once you captured it.

Battle Droid Commander: Roger. Roger.

The Droid Commander ends the Holocall and begins ordering the Droids.

Inside the Main Building of the Compound, over a dozen Huntsmen can be seen aiming their Weapons by the Entrance, waiting for the Droids to burst in. It was quiet for a few seconds, with the Huntsmen sweating in fear, when from out of nowhere.


A huge explosion erupts, forcing all the Huntsmen to cover their faces due to the debris and dust flying inside the Room. They quickly got their bearings and aim their Weapons by the Doors as the sound of something metal rolling inside the Entrance Hall can be heard.

Arc Clan Huntsman: Fire!!

The Arc Clan Huntsmen fire their Dust Bullets at the Droids, which are described to be in some sort of Wheel Shape until they stop in place and start to form into something else entirely, their appearance not looking like the Droids they saw outside. These are Droidekas.

The Droidekas form their bodies and activate their Built-In Shield Projector and proceed to fire their Two Twin Built-In Blaster Cannons, again, a sea of red engulfs the entire Entrance Hall, killing every single Arc Clan Huntsmen in the Area as they all ran from the Area.

They tried everything they have in their Arsenal to destroy the Shields, but it isn't doing anything to it at all, some foolishly charged at the Droidekas and only got blasted down in the process. The Droidekas slowly push forward as the Arc Clan Huntsmen fall back, with some jumping out of the windows and getting out of there, seeing this fight to be nothing but a Death Sentence. But even with them escaping, the Huntsmen were immediately gunned down by the Droids outside the Building.

By the Hallways, the Arc Clan Huntsmen can be seen falling back, but stopped in their tracks when they hear metal sounds in front of them. There, they see another set of Droids appearing in a flurry of acrobatic stunts, their design is more human and not robotic compared to that of the B1 Battle Droids. These are the BX-Series Droid Commandos.

The Commando Droids and the Arc Clan Huntsmen have a stare off for a few seconds before the Commando Droids began marching towards them, firing their E-5 Blaster Rifles, taking the Huntsmen out instantly.

All around the Halls of the Main Building, the Commando Droids began dispatching all of the Arc Clan Huntsmen in sight, Blaster Fire could be heard as bodies drop to the floor, with the Commando Droids using their Vibroblades to slash at the Huntsmen, jumping around in numerous acrobatic stunts, making it hard for the Huntsmen to fire at them and were met with a blade to the face. A few even grabbed the bodies of the Huntsmen and threw them at their allies, with a Commando Droid grabbing a Huntsman and slamming him to the floor, before stepping on his face, crushing it.

By the Entrance of the Main Building, Kalani can be seen entering the Entrance Hall with a Squad of 12 Commando Droids, 6 on each side. The Super Tactical Droid looks around, seeing the numerous corpses of the Arc Clan Huntsmen laying on the floor, riddled with Blaster Bolts.

Kalani: What are the loses?

Battle Droid Commander: Our Forces have suffered no casualties, as for the Arc Clan Compound, the population of Huntsmen and Huntresses here have all been wiped out, with only the Arc Elder remaining.

Kalani: Good, take me to the Saferoom.

Battle Droid Commander: Roger. Roger.

The Battle Droid Commander leads Kalani out of the Entrance Hall and into the Hallway of the Compound, with his Squad of Commando Droids following close behind.


After a couple of minutes or so of walking, the Battle Droid Commander leads Kalani to the Saferoom, where he can see the Droids blowing up the entirety of the Compound, leaving only the Saferoom there. Kalani can see a Battalion of B1 Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids having their Blasters trained on the Saferoom, as Kalani gave the order.

Now sending in a Droid that walks with 4 Legs and is around half of the height of the Droids, having a half circle shaped head, two large red eyes, an antenna, and a Cannon which acts as the nose of the Droid. This is a DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid.

The Dwarf Spider Droid moves in position, with Kalani and the rest of the Droids backing up as the Spider Droid takes aim. It focuses on the middle part of the doors leading to the Saferoom as it readies its Heavy Blaster Cannon, and-


One shot, literally one shot causes the doors of the Saferoom to burst open, sending it crashing to the ground in a pile of smoke and rubble. Kalani orders the Commnado Droids to head in, they move in to the Saferoom, and Kalani can hear shouting inside as the Commando Droids throw the Elder's body to the ground, in front of Kalani.

Arc Elder: You!! How dare you attack us!! Do you know who you are crossing with Tincan!?

Kalani ignored the Elder's insult and had the Commando Drois grab him, so he can stand up. From there, he contacts Jaune, through Holocall, once he answers, he is wearing a disguise, all black robes and his voice is distorted.

Kalani: It's done.

Arc Elder: You! You must the be their Leader!! Once the Arc Clan hears about this, you'll wish you didn't attacked us from the beginning!!

He was ignored as Kalani continues to talk with Jaune.

Kalani: The Arc Clan Compound is destroyed with every single Huntsmen in the premises eliminated, only the Elder remains.

Jaune: Good, and by now, the Arc Clan should know what has happened here. Withdraw the rest of the Droid Army in Mistral, bring them back to our Base in these coordinates.

Kalani nods, as the Commando Droids let go of the Elder as he sees Kalani raising his right arm up and aiming the E-5 Blaster Rifle at the Elder.

Arc Elder: Wait-


The Arc Elder's body falls to the ground dead, as Kalani and the Droid Army take their leave from the Compound, with a Commando Droid approaching Kalani.

Commando Droid: General, our Scouts have reported multiple Drones surveying the Compound during the attack. We managed to eliminate them, but one escaped.

Kalani: Affirmative, all according to plan.

Dragon Continent: Military Base - Jaune's Office

Inside the Office, Jaune can be seen sitting on his Desk, watching the footage of both Saw's Message, and the Drones that Jade purposely sent to broadcast the attack to the Members of the Arc Clan.

He also got the Rewards for completing the Quest, got a lot of Credits, Lien, and Experience for this.

Anyways, getting back to the main point. Jaune knows the Elders will be furious of this attack, trying to find out what the Droid Army is, who their Leader is, and why they choose to attack the Arc Clan. They would think it's a new Faction that Creed and the Apostles of the Stars allied with or an enemy of their Allies. He knows they will have to investigate this matter, and the same can be said for Vale. The Vale Council will ask the help of Ironwood to deal with this problem, the same can be said for Ozpin, and with this attack on both sides, the two sides can come to an agreement of helping each other out. After all, once the Droid Army attacks Vale, they will have no choice but to ally with the Arc Clan, seeing as they have a common enemy.

Jaune: But what if isn't the Droid Army that attacked Vale? What if a more powerful Empire attacked the very Kingdom that wanted me dead, wanted me imprisoned, all because they can't satisfy their fragile egos? What if I show them what power really is? Isn't that right, Malgus?

In the shadows, a tall and imposing figure wearing black and grey Armor, steps on to the Room. He has deathly pale white skin, bald, has red and yellow eyes, and is wearing a Respirator on his mouth. This here is Darth Malgus.

He lets out an evil laugh and walks over to the window of Jaune's Office, looking at the view of their Military Base.

Malgus: Indeed, we shall show these Beacon Students the true power of the Sith, and send them a message they'll never forget.

Jaune: Yes. As of now, the pieces of the Chessboard have moved in their favor, and in due time, we shall wait for the right time to strike.

Author's Notes:
- I do not own any of the Images you see here, and they all belong to their respective owners.

- The next Chapter will focus on the aftermath on both Vale and the Arc Clan.

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43.4K 787 13
jaune wanted to be a hero just like his old ancestors was but it all changed when his transcript was revealed to the world many others saw him as a f...
133K 2.2K 25
Jaune Arc is known as the "Weakest" Student in Beacon, his records and combat skills are the lowest and no one, and I mean no one, takes him seriousl...