Scars and Kisses

By Jinnieluvz

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Saint Costa, second born son of the Costa family, also known as the Costa Mafia. His family pretty much owns... More

The Meeting
Mr. Di Angelo.
Slaps and Deals

Damn...its time for the ball

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By Jinnieluvz


After I finished shopping I headed home with just one shopping bag. I managed to get a shirt, some pants and some shoes. Honestly, I was pretty happy with my shopping hall. I was even in a mood to go to a cafe. If that doesn't tell you I feel better.... I don't know what does! I ran up to my room to get ready. It was currently 5 pm which means i have some time before the ball. I made sure I was shaven and clean. I always feel better after I groom myself. If I can control something, I will do it perfectly. Since I don't have control of myself most of the time, things like being clean and everything being neat is such a big deal for me. It given me some sense of control. A sense of satisfaction. I walked up to my second closet which was hidden behind a huge painting of hell and heaven. It was my favorite painting growing up by a French artist. My mom eventually saw how mesmerized I was with this painting when we saw it at an auction...sooo...she may have bought it for $5million. She gave it to me for my 20th birthday. And I was in awe. I didn't even know they were selling this painting. Honestly I dont think they were but knowing my parents.... I think they may have "persuaded" the museum into selling it. But never mind that. I opened the closet and was immediately greeted with knives and guns I've collected. There was only 5 guns in there but there were over 100 knives. I like knives. It feels more personal when I use one against someone.

I grabbed my favorite knife which was black and red. It was the size of my hand and fit perfectly. My uncle had it made for me. He knew how much I liked knives so he made one with my last name imprinted on the butt of the knife. It was really pretty. I grabbed it and placed in my waist band.
I was wearing black pleated pants and a black long sleeved collar . The only color that was on me was my necklace . It was red and hung low on my collar bone. I wore black dress shoes that had silver buckle in each side. I felt...good. Clean. My hair was good and my bangs were styled perfectly on my forehead. I liked when my bangs covered a little bit of my eyes. It made it easier to talk to someone face to face. I was about to put some cologne on when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said as I sprayed some in my wrist and rubbed it. Santino came in and closed the door behind me. He looked much more elegant and grown up than I did. He was wearing a white button up with a black suit vest and black dress pants. His hair was neatly styled up showing his face with confidence. There was a silver chain hanging from his vest. And his gun was placed in his waist band as well.

" dressed up!" He said as he got closer to me. He walked around me touching my outfit. "You haven't dressed up in ages. You look good!"he said excitedly.

"'s your birthday. " I said with a small laugh. "Kind of had to for the occasion".

"That's not true...You know damn well I don't care if you showed up to my coronation in pijamas." He said giving me a smirk. He was teasing me. I rolled my eyes at him.

" It's the day you are getting recognized as the next Don. I'm not gonna show up in pijamas." I said as I lightly punched his arm.

"Happy birthday!" I yelled out. He laughed out loud pulling me in for a hug.

"Why thank you baby brother. You know...I thought you were incapable of showing me affection." He said as he hugged me tightly.

"Telling you happy birthday counts as affection?" I said as I tried to push him away .

"Uhm...DUH!" He said as he let go of me with a stupid smirk.He put he hands around my face making sure I look up at him.

"You are usually really quiet and when you talk to me even if it's to call me annoying...ITS A SIGN OF AFFECTION!" He said as he squeezed my cheeks together. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he was being. I pushed him again and he finally let go.

"Anywaaaays.....where is mom and dad?" I asked as I turned around to close my closet.

"They are downstairs already. They are greeting everyone. You know our family and friends." He said as he sat down in the edge of my bed.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Santino as walked up to him and sat down.

"Not at all. I've been training for this moment and...well it's about damn time!!" He said with a a smirk and a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Well that's good. You have been training your ass off since we were kids. It was only a matter of time." I said as I stood up.

"It's..gonna be a full house right?" I asked as I twiddled my thumbs.

"Hmm...yes it is. But if at some point you don't feel well, you have to tell us." He said as he stood up and walked up to me.

"Or I could run away again" I said jokingly with a small smile. Which was a bad idea because the look in his eyes looked like death.

"I was joking!" I said with an exasperated sigh.

"Good. I'm guessing Father already talked to you regarding you leaving without permission." He said as he looked right into my eyes.

"Yeah yeah...he talked to me" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Saint." He said in a warning voice.

"He already told me what would happen if I didn't talk to either of you guys before leaving. I promised." I said as I looked around for my medication. I'm going to take them in case something happens.

"Your medication?" He asked as he looked around helping me.

"Yeah. I'm going to take them with me." I said as I finally found them lying next to my bed. I grabbed them and put them in my pocket. I looked at the time and it was already 8pm.

"Ok! I'm ready." I said as I smiled up to Santino. He was already looking at me and returned my smile.

"Alright. Let's go down there and watch me be named the next king." He said with that dumb smirk.

"Yeah yeah" ,I said already done with our conversation as we walked outside together .

We walked down to the living room where the ball was being held. I could see everyone was talking, enjoying themselves. There were bodyguards everywhere and guns. I could see my uncles and aunts , as well as family friends. The rooms ambient felt good. I didn't feel nervous which was a first. I could smell the food that they were serving and hear the music that was playing . Santino brought me back as he put his hand in my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked .

"Yes I'm okay."I responded with a small smile. We both walked onto the dance floor and were immediately greeted with familiar faces. I saw my mom and dad as well as my uncle from my dad's side.

"Santino and Saint Costa! It's been a while since we were reunited." Uncle Alessandro said as he reached over to us with a handshake. Santino gave his hand first.

"Hello Uncle Alessandro." Santino said as he shook his hand and then went in for a hug.

"I heard you were being names the next Don of the family? But I dont think that the little boy who walked around without a diaper is actually going to become the Don."He said in a teasing manner making Santino laugh.

"Those were just rumors uncle. Just like the rumor that you aren't able to beat me in a chess match." Santino responded making me and my uncle laugh. Uncle turned to look at me.

"Saint...look how much you've grown up!" He said as he reached over to hug me. I smiled.

"Nah he looks the same as he did 15 years ago." Santino said making me roll my eyes and making Uncle laugh.

"It's good to see you . It's been awhile." I said as I looked down.

"Yes it has been a long time. My brother told me that you guys were growing up to be fine men." He said with a smile. I cringed. "Fine men". I wouldn't describe myself as that. My brother? Yes. Me? Not really. I'm more of a burden. Someone to ALWAYS keep an eye out for.

"And as you can see...They have." I heard my father say as he walked over to us with my mom in his side. Honestly...power couple. My mom and dad looked like a king and queen next to each other. How did people like them give birth to me?

"Hello my babies!" My mom said with a small squeal as she hugged my brother kissing him in his forehead.

"You look beautiful Mother." Santino said as he took my mom's hand and gave it a kiss. A sign of respect. Respect was a major part of our family. He turned over to my dad and bowed his head as he placed a hand over his heart. Another sign of respect. My dad smiled and gave him a small nod. My mom looked over at me and reached over to hug me as well. She hugged me so tightly it felt like she wanted to crush me.

"Hi mi amore. You look so handsome in your new clothes." She whispered in my ear. I felt shy.

"Thank you." I said as I grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it. And then I faced my dad bowing my head towards him. He gave me a smile as well and a nod.

"Wohooo well it looks like my favorite cousins have grown up to be quite the men!" I heard a voice say as they went in the middle of my and Santino and wrapped heir arms around us. I smiled. It was Victor. Son of my uncle. He was really close to us. His personality was like Santinos. Very outgoing and ...murderous.

"Yeah...and you? Well at least you're nice." Santino said teasing him. Victor let out a laugh.

"Screw you." He said as he patters out shoulders making me chuckle.

"Well that's not nice Victor. I thought those therapy sessions were working." Santino retorted with a smirk and a gleam in his eyes.

"No, turns out the therapist you sent me only works for people like you. You know...psychos. Delinquents. Assholes. But maybe one day you'll get better if you attend your sessions like a good little boy." He laughed out loud.

"Screw you. You know I might just chooses someone more....nicer as my consigliere."
Santino threatened Victor with a smirk. Victor is going to be the right hand man of my brother once my father retires. Someone to counsel my brother through his decisions. My dad's consigliere is Uncle. I would have been my brothers right hand man but I decided not to since I can't really make decisions and counsel other people when I can't do that for myself. My dad reluctantly agreed and decided to make Victor his right hand man.

"Yeah? Well I guess I'm free of responsibilities. I guess I could date. That sounds fun. I was thinking.....Aurora. You know her right? She is the daughter of Luca Gambrelli." He said knowing that would send my brother over the edge. My brother turned to look at Victor and his blue eyes looked black with jealousy and anger. Santino has been chasing Aurora for about a few months now. Santino doesn't do well with rejection so once someone finally did he vowed to make Aurora his. I think she liked him as well but my brother is very conceited so she is just gonna make the chase harder for him.

"Well! Let's start this shall we!" My mom yelled out wanting to not start a fight. My father agreed and led her to the top of the stairs to make his announcement.

"Costa Famila." My dad said loud enough for everyone to make them stop talking.

"Tonight is the coronation of my eldest son. Santino Costa. " he said as he held up a glass . Santino walked up the stairs and took his place next to my dad's.

"The next Don after I retire will be my son. Santino. He will lead this family until the day he retires and gives over his position to his eldest Son." he said with a huge smile.

"Let's hear it for Santino Costa!" He yelled out as everyone broke out in cheer clinking their glasses. I clapped as I watched him be crowned. I don't really like drinking but I took a sip of the champagne. I walked up the stairs to congratulate my brother.

"Congratulations." I told him as I bowed my head down to show him my respect.

"Thanks you. But don't bow your head to me." He said with slight frown. I always jokingly bowed my head to him since he was older but he always hated it. He said that we are the last people on earth to ever bow down to anyone except our parents.

"Hmm...I don't know." I said a little worried I might come off as disrespectful if I didn't bow.

"This is the last time you bow to me Saint. Am I clear?" He said as his eyes slightly darkened. I smiled.

"Fine." I raised my head and gave him a hug instead. I felt safe and sure of myself when I was with my family. I didn't have those rushing thoughts.

"You know...I have a meeting with a rival mafia tomorrow. The Di Angelos. Victor can't be there since he has to go back home to prepare for his position.And I would really love it if you accompanied me instead. Just so I have family with me." He said as he looked down at me. I was honestly surprised he asked me since he knows I hate meeting people. But...if he actually asked must mean he must really want me there.

"I won't be of much help. I'm not in a position to counsel anyone." I laughed out.

"You won't need to talk unless you want to. I promise ." He said as he lightly pushed my shoulder.

"Fine. I'll go. " I smiled at him.

"Awesome! Ok I'll let father know. " he said as he walked to talk to my dad. I've heard of the Di Angelos. Well more like I've heard of their leader. Giovanni Di Angelo. He was known for using force first. He was like the devil reincarnated. I've heard of all the gruesome ways he would kill. Skinning,maiming,burning... He sounds really intimidating if I'm being honest. I'm not sure what type of meeting it will be....but considering my brother's personality and Di Anglos personality...I'm guessing this could go south very fast. Two powerhouses under the same roof. What could go wrong?

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