Blood Approval [ON HOLD]

By Mirandax08

22 6 0

Twenty-four-year-old Tatianna's life feels out of control after she meets V. With his charms, business man at... More



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By Mirandax08

Few days have passed after being dropped off by Jungkook and V, therefore even after mines and Violet's incident. Before heading to bed that night, Violet wasn't even in her room or no where to be found until seven in the damn morning when she arrived back home with a massive headache and in different pairs of clothes.

She jumped right into bed next to me a hugged me like there was no tomorrow. Till this day we still haven't discussed the situation we had, nor do I want to but something soon has to be addressed as I'm not going to be treated like a object or treated like shit.

Especially not hearing from V has also been a red flag as well after what happened, trying to piece all the event's that happened last night. I'm still sitting and wondering what could have possibly occurred to the point Jungkook had to start treating me differently.

I've been scratching my head and urging myself to text him and get the word out, but due to my lack and wanting to give them space, I didn't bother.

After finishing up the final cake order for today, staring down on my piece of work I adore working on. Picking it up and placing it inside the refrigerator, my phone receives a text message as a notification pops up.

Before I get back to my phone placed on the counter, Violet's door opens and she is dressed nicely once she steps out and closes her door. "You look good for a Thursday night, where are you going?" A bit of my heart cracks as she is heading out without me for the billionth time, use to it as always but she always asks me to head out with her.

"Going out with co workers again, just dinner though and no club." Obviously no club, it's a damn Thursday. "Nice, well oki doki, be careful and text me when you get there." Giving her a soft side smile, she does the same and head son out the door.

Once it shuts, I quickly check my phone and see it's actually V who texted me. Knowing deep down that I am glad he texted me, but the other hand I am scared on what he texted me. Are you free tonight? Is all he says, sending him back a quick message back.

Yes I am. The dots come up and another message comes through quickly. Wonderful, be there in 15. The quick panic sets in me when I don't waste anytime and rush to my bedroom quickly to get dress.

In me want's to dress casual and not fancy, especially how they dress, but the feeling of wanting to sets off in me. Giving me a hard decision to make, I just go for it and end up dressing in casual clothes instead of a simple dress.

Can just go in a simple black pants with a black long sleeve blouse with cute flats. Perfect for this type of weather as well as the cold hasn't settled in yet but just breezes and wind here and there.

Heading to the bathroom to put on the simple makeup along with straighten out my long hair and add the last details to everything until I hear my phone ring in the kitchen as that's my que to head out the door and meet him.

I hurried out to meet up with V as I stride my legs with big long steps as I hustle myself and not make him waiting. When reaching the parking garage, I see the same luxurious car that I was just in a few days ago. Another feeling hit's me

What if he sent Jungkook and not himself? I stand still for a moment on if I should head back inside, instead, I continue walking towards the car until coming close is when I hear the car unlock.

Placing my hand on the door handle and open it, gently set myself in the passenger seat and close the door. I look to my left and see a pair of dark brown eyes. The nerves and my tensed shoulder relaxed and let out a deep breath.

"Happy it's you and not your brother." Announcing to him, he laughs and put's the car in drive along with me putting my seatbelt on. "Soon things will change Tatianna. Right now, you're meeting my family."


We were flying down the street and turning on the highway before I could even really protest, not that I would've anyways. Meeting families was usually my least favorite thing in the world, but a family like V's intrigued me with the satisfaction of wanting to know them more then what I already know.

"After what happened last night, I think it's time." V explained clearly, but I had no idea what his family could possibly have to do with last night. Including his older brother Jungkook, who is one cold hearted son of a bitch.

Staring at V for a while of how smooth his skin probably is, his side profile is breathtaking. He than takes a quick look at me and focuses back on the road. "What's wrong? Something on my face?" Turning myself more towards the car door and look out the window.

"No no, just, thinking." Oh dear lord Tatianna, get your shit straight. Not only meeting families, my anxiety and the nerves are getting to me. Thinking about it, a short memory comes to my mind as it saddens me. Family was my number one priority in life, but thanks to my step father it was the worse childhood of my life.

{"You son of a bitch! Tatianna get your ass over here!" My step dad barks out to me while laying in bed, terrified and not wanting to move. I have no choice but to move my already bruised up limped body closer to a grizzly bear.

Dragging my feet towards my opened door to my bedroom, I peak out and see him with a belt in his hand. No reaction I make, I'm already use to this and that's not okay. "Tatianna. Come. Here."

He demands me and do as he says or else I get the chop across my face with his bare hands.

Slowly approaching him as the hallway to our  apartment is small. I try not to limp as that makes him more angry due to not being able to take the harsh treatment we receive from him.  He stands tall and strong when I stop right in front of him.

The dark brown eyes glint at me with hatred and not guilty of what he does to me, my brother, and my mother. Pleading with my eyes to please not to hurt me again for the rest of the day, to please start life all over and go back to his old self.

The devil in him took over and here we are. "Why didn't you clean the dishes?" I tried to take a peak to the kitchen to see if there were any dishes, he had other plans. He saw what I was doing and bends over as I wince in pain as he grips my chin harshly and moves it back to him.

Coming closer to my face, I try to back away but it was no use. He is stronger then my sore limp body. Tears beginning to fill my eyes, "Now don't you dare start crying! Why didn't you clean the dishes?"

Answering him quickly so I won't deserve a beating. "Cause you said momma will do it." My voice was calm but it came out as if I was being choked to death. He lets go of me and  scream again as I feel the belt slap against the side of my stomach.

Placing a hand on my left side where he hit me, "Liar, I said it was your mom's day, but since she had to work today YOU had to do it!" Looking up to him, wanting to talk back but knowing the consequences to that will make it much far more worse.

"Get your ass back to your room before I want to hurt you more." On my end I hurriedly walk away from him and head back to my room. My breathing was unsteady as I just ran a marathon and didn't stop at all.

Jumping back into bed as I pull the covers over me and turn to face the wall is all I could do. Starring and let the sting pain effect me more as a tear drop then falls from my eye sideways instead down my cheek.

"Momma please come home."}

"Tatianna." V's smooth deep voice breaks me out from looking like a zombie and turn my head to him, "Yes, I'm sorry." V signs, " I want you to meet them, but you can't act like this. You have to act completely oblivious." His tone was light but he was being firm.

"I mean it Tatianna. My family, my rules." Rolling my eyes, "Yea yea I get it, act like my true natural self. Got it." Looking out the window again as the world passes by in a flash. "Where do you live anyway?" Curiously on where he is taking me, cause clearly I do not know where we're at now.

"In St. Louis Park, by a Lake." he said, "It's not that far." I didn't know much about the area he specifically said, but what I had heard is that there were lots of nice, expensive homes. So it would make sense that V lived there, since we were cursing down the highway in a black Porsche 911.

"Don't worry," he attempted to reassure me. "They'll like you. I think. Namjoon might not be there. So it's just Aurora, Yoongi and Jungkook. That should make it easier."

"Where's Namjoon?" For some reason, knowing one of his brothers probably isn't going to be there makes me more nervous. Maybe V knew Namjoon wouldn't like me, and that's why he was bringing me over when he wasn't around.

"Business thing," V said with a shrug, "He's gone a lot with work stuff." I scoff, "Well, the Porsche doesn't pay for itself."

"Yeah I guess that's true." He looked over at me, and then laughed at my nervous fidgeting. I had started chewing on my nails, which was an awful habit that I kept vowing to quit. "Seriously, you'll be fine. Especially Aurora, she will like you for the most part."

He just made it worst. What appears to me though, we hardly know each other and this isn't flying by me like that. He hasn't asked me about my childhood, not like I want to talk about that, wondered if he noticed some scars on my neck or arms, asked about my mom, siblings, anything.

All I told him about was my baking business when we ran into each other the very next day after what happened. He has mentioned his family and brother but not the word brother's cause who the hell is Yoongi now? He asked for my number and that is it.

He is still a stranger to me, but meeting his family already is another level.

The car started slowing down, and he turned off the road, meaning we were getting closer, and my heart thudded. When he pulled up to the house, I winced.

Incredibly beautiful and massive, it was more of a mansion or a castle than a house. There was a five-stall garage at the end of a short, winding driveway. The whole place had been done in some kind of pale sandstone.

The front door entered right into a rounded tower. There was a large rectangular window above it, covered in wrought iron bars. The tower flowed into what  would otherwise be a rather conventional square house, if not for the gorgeous black iron balcony coming out of a second floor window underneath a weeping willow.

"Oh my gosh." I gasped as we pulled into the garage. "You live here?" He hears the awed tone in my voice and chuckled. "Yes I do, It's just a house."

"Just a house? Oh you're crazy." I said under my breath as I'm too stunned to speak. He laughs harder and started getting out the car when the engine turns off. I followed suit, but much slower. I have never felt so intimidated in my entire life.

Everything about me suddenly seemed plain, sad, and deary, and I felt totally ashamed that I had let him see me come out of my some what disgusting apartment complex.

Looking around in awe as I can feel my eye balls probably out of my socket. Never had I ever, seen this much hard work into a home that I wish I can call it a home to myself, instead, I lived in a abusive trailer with them while now I live in a apartment with Violet.

We had reached the huge wooden door that presumably led into the house, and he turned back to grin at me, now making me more anxious. Jack threw the door open, shouting hello. I had barley crept in the house behind him when a giant mass of white fur flung itself at him.

I almost yelped, but jack was scratching the dog and telling her how pretty she was, and I realized it's a gigantic Great Pyrenees.

"Matilda!" A warm voice with a soft, British accent filtered through the house, and then I saw a women rushing in to greet us. She was beautiful, probably in an unconventional sense, but that almost made her more stunning.

Her long, light brown waves of hair had been clipped back to keep it out of her ocean colored-eyes. Her skin looked like white porcelain but warmth came off her in comforting waves.

She went over to the dog, pushing her down to continue scratching the dog's head. In a slightly scolding tone, she said, "Oh Matilda, do be a good girl. Please."

"Ah she's alright." V crouched down to continue scratching the dogs head. "I'm so sorry." the women apologized breathlessly, putting her hand over her heart to show how sincere she was. She looked at me for the first time and smiled. "Matilda's still a puppy."

"Mattie's always a good girl, aren't you?" V's voice was verging on baby-talk, and Matilda licked his face appreciatively. He gave the dog one final pat before standing up. "Tatianna, this is Aurora. Aurora, this is Tatianna."

"Well, look at you!" Her smile grew broader and warmer. "You're lovely!"

"Thanks," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. She was far more beautiful than I could ever hope to be, and I didn't know really how to respond to her open affection. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine!" Aurora gushed, placing her hand over her heart again. "You really have no idea."

"What have you said about me?" I give V a sidelong glance, wondering what he possibly could've said to them. "What I said? it's more on Jungkook then myself Tatianna." Okay yeah right. "No no, your brother hardly knows me unlike you, you seen me more often. Barley"

"Well he will begin to see you more often to scratch that off." Now turning my head and about tom say something, Aurora get's in between us and cuts it off. "Yeah yeah no fighting V!" She defends me off from him, "She just got here and you starting already?"

He laughs hard. "Shall I give you the grand tour?" Aurora asked, looping her arm through mine. "Would that be okay with you?" She looked over to V, "I'm fine with it, mostly on Jungkook. Remember sis." He had already started playing with the dog again, seemingly contented to let her kidnap me and do as she pleased.


Now now now, I know what you're thinking and know what question's you're asking yourself. Why is there more V time then Jungkook when it's all about Jungkook? Trust me, after the next chapter, we will be beginning to see more of Jungkook then V. I wanted V to pretty much slowly introduce his brother (Jungkook) including with his sister in law Aurora to draw her closer to him to make things work out. Not going to say it as it's a spoiler to future references on the story, but we will get there and I promise you all!

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