Raincloud's Followers-The Fal...

By liontail11

848 53 33

Dedicated to the real Smokeheart who ran away, may StarClan light your path wherever you are, in ThunderClan... More

Have you?
Important Information
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Part 1
Chapter 7 Part 2
Chapter 7 Part 3
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Fan Awards
Harry Potter Roleplay(?)

Chapter 3

32 4 0
By liontail11

What do you think of RaincloudXStormfall? Do you think they should be together?

Yowlpaw padded into the clearing, his mouth full of fur from carrying a skinny squirrel he caught while it was collecting nuts from the beech tree.
 Ha! Mouse-brained squirrel!
He padded over to the fresh-kill pile, adding his squirrel to the four pieces of prey, a sparrow, two voles, and a scrawny mouse. He hadn't noticed while hunting his hunger and thirst. Maybe Cloverpaw will wanna come with me to the border, he thought. He crossed the clearing and sat down beside Cloverpaw briskly smoothing his fur. "It's to warm for patrols!" She mewed. Her voice like a gentle leaf in the wind.

"Yeah, I just got back from hunting with Cloudsound." Cloverpaw seemed to wince at the sound of his mentor's name. "I was thinking, since we're both done with patrols, that we could get a drink for the elders. I'm sure RiverClan won't mind if we steal a few sips, I mean, they do have another river." He struggled to get the words out. Cloverpaw's tail drooped.
"We can't steal! You may be banished from the clan, and may not care if you become a warrior, but I do! You can go get your ears clawed off by Finchstar and Reedstar, but don't invite me!" Cloverpaw's words stung his heart. Had she really thought this way? That he was a no-good troublesome rouge? 


His tail and head that were normally held high drooped into the dust. He longed to get some peaceful sleep with the warmth and comfort of his den-mates. He knew it wouldn't happen, he knew they didn't like him.
"Hey look! It's a rogue patrol!" Greenpaw hissed in his ear. He had just come from gathering moss with Cloudsound and Raincloud near Snackerocks. "Hey look!" He pointed his tail at Greenpaw. "A mouse-brained kittypet patrol!" He retorted. Greenpaw hissed and left for the apprentices' den, tail held at a low angle.

"Go bring the moss to Rainpaw," Yowlpaw started to pad over, when his mentor mewed in his ear, "Nice, don't let that younger cat get to you! We'll be leaving soon anyway, soak all the clan life in." Cloudsound gave a mischievous look.

He was glad Cloudsound was his mentor and not Duskhollow. He held the moss in between his chin and chest, trying not to drop any. He slowly reached the Medicine cats' den without a hassle.

"Thanks, we were running low! You wouldn't believe how much elders can complain!" Rainpaw started to move the moss into a damp hole. "Trust me, I know I'll miss 'em. Even their never-ending stories!" Rainpaw gave a look of satisfaction that his friend was happy. "I'm gonna miss you though," he sighed. Why did I say that? Rainpaw looked up from his work. 

"I've got to go, the moon will be rising soon," the apprentices heard Prickleface say.                                  
"Well, can you give me the herbs?" Daisyheart's voice rang with worry. Herbs for what?                            
 "I suppose, it won't take long. But if Quialfeather gets angry, it's your fault." Daisyheart let out a mmrrooow Of laughter.
"Rainpaw, will you stay behind tonight? I need to travel alone, just the stars and I." Rainpaw nodded, not looking up.

"I'll be on my way then, Rainpaw can get you the herbs." Rainpaw nodded. "May StarClan light your path, and make it bright!" Rainpaw called. Prickleface headed out of camp in a surprisingly good mood. 

"Goodnight, Yowlpaw!" Rainpaw stalked back into the medicine den. Yowlpaw looked up at the moon, it beautifully lit the sky.
He padded into the apprentices' den unseen except by Lionfang, who was standing guard. He curled up in his nest, seeking warmth from other cats. He sighed, Greenpaw and Cloverpaw had gone for a night exercise. He would've gone too, but Finchstar said it'd be foolish to teach an enemy. Yowlpaw could tell Cloudsound wanted to rake Finchstar's ears off by the expression he made.

When Greenpaw and Cloverpaw came back from training, they shared his squirrel he caught. They slipped into the bracken den and hissed at the sight of Yolwpaw.
"Go sleep in the nursery! Where Flywing can lick you clean! Rogues! So messy!" Scoffed Greenpaw. Cloverpaw sneered at Yowlpaw, "He's not a rogue! He's not even strong enough! He's just some mouse-brained kittypet!" Yowlpaw left the apprentices' den.

"Where are you going this late?" Lionfang asked kindly. He had been one of the cats that didn't think they should leave. Lionfang was a good, talented warrior, too. Rumor had it if Daisyheart died or retired, he would take her place.

He sighed, "I don't know, I don't care. As long as I get some sleep. Why should it matter where a fox dung rogue like me is going?" He didn't look up from his paws. "You know, you don't have to leave the clans. You could just join another clan, not RiverClan, of course. But I'm sure you could fit in in ShadowClan," Was Lionfang telling him this? The most loyal cat ever? "Thanks, but I could never join another clan. I couldn't fight my clanmates." Besides Greenpaw, he added.

He padded down by the ravine, climbing up it. He would miss the territory. He found an emptied hollow space near the owl tree. Did the owl make this nest? Oh well, he wouldn't mind joining the owl for a quick rest.


"Clouds will rumble, rain will cloud the sky, storms will fall." Yowlpaw stirred in the leaves. Had he heard something? He stood up, shaking his fur from the awkward sleep. Careful not to disturb the forest, he padded out into the night. He looked at the half moon. It was nearly dawn, how long had he slept? His belly growled, the pain of hunger striking him like a mad fox. Should I hunt, or will I get scolded? His belly seemed to answer for him. He scented the air for prey, trying to find the slightest trail. He picked up a faint squirrel scent. He tracked for a few tree lengths, avoiding the sticks that had fallen from a storm.
The trail must have been to old, because it disappeared into thin air. Scenting for prey again, he heard the pitter patter of a squirrel bounding accross the forest floor. Meaty dinner!

He leaped for the squirrel. Stretching out his claws, he squashed it and bit its neck for a nice, clean, quick death. Dragging it back to the oak hollow, he sniffed out a water vole nearby. He had already gotten himself prey, why waste some he wouldn't eat? Maybe the elders will appreciate it. They always did tell me I was their favorite apprentice, and the kindest. Creeping up behind it, he stomped on its tail, making it squeal. Cutting it off, he bit the neck. Trying not to make a mess or eat the vole, he carefully carried it back to the hollow. He dug the squirrel up, starting to eat the water vole. It wasn't as tasty as a normal vole, but it filled him enough. Picking up the squirrel he started to head back to camp.

"I know you ate that vole." A white shape emerged from the bushes.

"What vole? Oh, that vole.... I- I,"

"You broke the Warrior Code, Yowlpaw. I trained you better than this. I expected more from you, to break the code!"
Yowlpaw ducked at his mentor's harsh words.
"I'm sorry, I was going to bring the squirrel to the elders," he whimpered.

"I will not punish you. You have broken the Warrior Code, and I'm sure my disappointment is enough. You will bring that prey straight to the elders' den." Yowlpaw nodded, picking up the squirrel. Trotting just behind Cloudsound, he heard a faint whisper. "The storm has begun! Thunder strikes, Rain falls, Storms cloud the sky!" He shuddered, shaking his fur. It had started raining! Suddenly, his legs were surrounded by water. This isn't water! It was blood!
"Cloud, Cloudsound!"
The blood had reached his chin. He blinked, then the blood was gone.
"Yes?" He had sounded irritated.
"Never mind, I think I'm imagining things." He shook his head clear.
Cloudsound scoffed, clearly annoyed.

They reached camp, heading through the entrance. Lionfang nodded, as though he approved. Cloudsound flicked his tail in agreement. Hanging his head down low, he padded through the clearing. It was dawn already! Swiftly reaching the elders' den, he poked his head in.
"Come in," Whiskertail wheezed.
He stepped in, scannning the den.
Poppystep was stirring, while Frosttree lay snoring.
"So nice to see such a plump squirrel. Is it for us?" Poppystep started to wash herself with her rough tongue. He nodded, gently setting the squirrel down in front of Whiskertail's paws.
''Thank you, Yowlpaw. It's a shame you won't ever be a ThunderClan warrior. You may have made it to be leader one day!" Whiskertail mewed in between bites. Yeah, right. And hedgehogs might fly, as well as speak! He wouldn't say this, not in front of such kind cats.
He remained silent.
Frosttree had woken up, helping eat the squirrel. They finished it quickly.
Yowlpaw stood up, turning to face the entrance. "Aren't you gonna stay for a story?" He heard Whiskertail wheeze again. He sighed, it couldn't hurt?
He nodded, and sat down beside Poppystep.

"I had been an apprentice for three moons by then," He started.

"We were at a Gathering, Poppystep, do you remember?" She nodded, "Frosttree was there too! He was already a warrior," Whiskertail twitched his half tail. "Let me tell it!"

"Me and Poppystep were just apprentices, sitting by our mentors Nightsong and Dawnfeather. We had only gone to one other Gathering before. We were sitting near RiverClan. We became friends with a nice RiverClan apprentice. He was older than us by a few moons, and loved to adventure." Frosttree glared at Yowlpaw with menace. What did he do? He only stood up for his clanmates!

"The tom, Perchfeather, at the time Perchpaw, had told us he once cimbed the Great Rock," Yowlpaw gasped, when he was only an appprentice! Poppystep began to lick her fur again. Frosttree didn't remove his glare.

"We asked if he could show us-"

"Move over, flea-brain! We want to hear the story." Cloverpaw and Greenpaw budged past him.
"You don't deserve to hear the story, rogue." The last word hit him hard. Standing up, he decided to leave.

"Like a good respectful apprentice, Yowlpaw brought us prey." Poppystep said gently warning.
"And he asked." Whiskertail lied.
"Keep going with the story." Greenpaw hissed.
"I've got to go, for, a patrol." Yowlpaw left.

"Mouse-brained rogues think they're so special!" He heard Cloverpaw remark. He felt Frosttree's glare harden. Swiftly he padded back to the apprentices den. He spotted Birchbark eating a sparrow the size of a LionClan Warrior's' paw. "Are you sure you can eat all of that?" He joked.

"I don't know, it's pretty big! Wanna help me?" Birchbark prodded the sparrow. Yowlpaw shook his head, "I already ate. But I could take those feathers to the nursery." He prodded the feathers gently, still feeling guilty about his earlier catch.

"That'd be great, Flywing needs a break from the kits." He picked up the feathers gently to make sure they weren't bent or broken.
"I'm going to be the best warrior ever!" He heard Duckkit yowl.
"No! I will be!" Treekit argued.

"You both will be the finest warriors ever known." Yowlpaw purred. He clambered into the den, trying not to wake Hazeleyes.
"Yowlpaw! Are you here to save us?"
Duckkit whispered.
"From what?" He asked flicking his tail.
"Me!" Treekit pounced on Yowlpaw's hind legs. " Your no match for me!" Yowlpaw fell (not trying to stay up) under Duckkit and Treekit's weight.

"You got me, I surrender!" He yowled as they tussled out of the den.
"Hah! If you really surrender, then you'll say ThunderClan cats are the best!" Duckkit swiped his ear.
He sighed, "ThunderClan cats are the best." The kits got off him, pawing at the feathers.

"I've got to go hunting now, goodbye."
"Bye!" The kits chorused, attacking the feathers.
He padded over to the patrol, where Cloudsound waited patiently with Raincloud.

Awe, kits can be so cute. Vote if you agree! Sorry for not updating, school is being a pain the butt. But- hehe, im trying to update ALL of my books as fast as posaible this few days. Hope you like it, comment your thougts!

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