Doctor Otto Octavius x Reader...

By Broken_Samurai_

137 6 3

One shots with the beloved Doctor Octavius or Doc Ock! I adore this man so much. More

Otto x Girlfriend Reader (Part One)

Otto x Hero Female Reader

95 4 2
By Broken_Samurai_

~~Your Pov~~

"So! It is with great pride we honor the heroes of New York City!" The governor declares, placing medals around yours and Peter's necks. "Without these two, we would not have justice."

"Imagine that," You hiss quietly at Peter as you both smirk behind your masks when the governor turns away.

"You'll blow the cover," He fires back just as quietly.

"So! I would love to invite both heroes to my Christmas Eve party tonight!" The mayor declares, the cheering crowd drowning out the groans this earns from you and Peter.

"We'll try to swing by," Peter tells the mayor. "But, I'm afraid we really must be off. Crime doesn't sleep after all."

"Most crime," You chuckle before Peter lets go of his webbing to latch onto a building and swings away.

Fire swirls around you before you're gone in a flash as well, humming softly as you appear in your boyfriend's lab.

"The ash Y/N! The ash!" Otto groans when he walks in with a cup of coffee. "How many times have I told you not to do that?"

"I've lost count at this point," You admit, pulling off your mask and walking over to give him a kiss. "I see you didn't sleep again."

"You're one to talk nighttime vigilante," Otto huffs back. "I saw the interview. You're not really going are you?"

"I was just thinking a stop in. Why? Did you have plans?" You ask him with a smile.

"No," He huffs in reply. "You know my feelings towards our wonderful mayor."

"Considering he funds a lot of your projects I'm surprised you don't like him more," You remark, hopping onto his work bench.

"Are you on a destruction mission?" He questions, shooing you off his table. "Please get down."

"What's this?" You ask, plucking his notes out from under you to thumb through them.

"Don't you have work?" Otto asks, glancing at his watch. "You're going to be late."

"Is all you ever do is work?" You sigh, setting down the stack of notes after writing and doodling on them with your infamous blue pen.

"What's the matter?" He presses, resting a gentle hand on your thigh as his gaze softens. "What holiday did I miss this time?"

"Christmas. Someone clearly didn't watch the interview," You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck when he comes closer. "I have yet to be asked to be your Christmas present."

"As if I'm dating someone else?" Otto questions, giving in to your kiss. "What's this really about? I know for a fact Christmas isn't for another week."

"I wanted to see if you'd be my date. Just a quick stop in then straight here. He invited us on live television. It would be rude to refuse," You explain.

"Aren't you and Spider-Man supposed to go together?" Peter asks as he walks through the lab door, earning a groan from you.

"Well, the Phoenix no longer wants the spider," You reply, sticking your tongue out at Peter.

"Aren't you a little old for that?" Otto chuckles, gently grabbing your chin. "Don't want me to bite it off do you?"

"We're smart enough to speak in other ways," You hiss back, returning Otto's kiss until Peter makes gagging noises.

"Work. Both of you," Otto orders, Peter doing a mock salute and heading to the computer.

"Think about it?" You plead with hopeful eyes.

"Off you go." He orders gently.

You huff but do leave after one more kiss, snickering when Otto's frustration reaches you just before you vanish in flames. Christmas isn't for another week but the mayor wanted to hold the party early since he needs to travel. Otto has already declined the invitation and isn't very intent on changing his mind. Plus, you're a hero of the city! You try to remind yourself of the fact you two don't need to drum up more attention than necessary. Not that Otto isn't capable of defending himself.

~~Otto's Pov~~

"Why do you like her if she's so childish?" Peter asks after a little while of silence in the lab, nothing but the clacking of computer keys and various machines in the background. "I know she's smart, but she doesn't show it like you do. I can't tell you the number of times she's acted oblivious to the world and yet, she's able to solve sequences we get stuck on for weeks!"

"Because, we see things different. Where I'd rather avoid the world she wants to meet it head on. Makes you both see things different," He explains as he looks over your blue notes and doodles. "Peter, rerun sequence three at reduced speed."

Peter complies, blinking his eyes when the code they've been after for days finally stabilizes in the computer results.

"Always going too fast," Otto smiles softly to himself before turning to Peter. "Plus, she gets me in ways most people don't. You know as well as I do opposites attract." 

"Why not have her help you then?" Peter asks. "She's as smart as you."

"She's not meant for a lab setting," Otto laughs. "You know that as well as I do. Should I humor her?"

"I don't see why you shouldn't. Not like you can't defend yourself," Peter laughs. "I know she thinks the same."

"Suits are stuffy," Otto huffs. "How am I supposed to get one tailor made for these?"

Otto points out the metal arms present on his back.

"I thought Y/N could sew?" Peter asks, earning a grimace from his boss. "You want to surprise her."

"I know, it's a ridiculous thing," Otto huffs, running his hand through his hair. "She drives me nuts Peter. If we weren't together I wouldn't have to stress about going to some stuffy party."

"Aunt May is great at sewing. We can close up early," Peter points out. "Plus, I know you like the fact she wants to be seen with you."

"Is this an excuse to leave early?" Otto teases the boy before sighing and nodding. "Alright. We'll close up early."

Once everything is locked up and secure Otto heads home to grab his suit before heading to the house of the Parkers. He knocks on the door and smiles at the old woman that answers, entering the home when she motions him inside.

"You're not overworking my nephew are you?" Aunt May asks, earning a chuckle from him.

"Most of the time," Otto smiles. "Y/N keeps him busier than I do."

"I've been meaning to speak to her about that but she doesn't come around as much anymore," She sighs. "I miss the girl."

"You know how she is Aunt May," Peter tells her, setting down her sewing machine. "Plus, she spends most of her free time with Otto."

"She gets me out way more than I'd like. I'll start sending her to you," Otto laughs.

"I remember being that in love," Aunt May sighs, returning Peter's hug. "Now, let's make you look presentable for tonight."

"I wonder what she's wearing tonight? We're just going in our masks," Peter explains, plopping down on the couch. "Have you seen her dress yet?"

"No. Usually she begs for my opinion during these things, and she hasn't come by once with any dresses." Otto mumbles as Aunt May takes his measurements.

"She probably wants it to be a surprise. It's a rich people's party. It's almost as important to dress nice for the party as it would be for her wedding," Aunt May points out. "She may not show it, but she cares about outside opinions."

"I've been working with her on that," Otto says, sitting down by Peter once Aunt May is done measuring. "She had a hard time when you appeared you know."

"Me? Why?" Peter questions in surprise. "What did I do?"

"Stole the spotlight. Granted, she wasn't fighting huge enemies, but she was tackling crime. When you came along? She was ready to give up being a hero," Otto explains. "She felt like New York no longer needed her."

"I get the feeling," Peter mumbles softly.

"Don't we all?" Otto sighs softly.

Since being back after the trip to the other multiverse Otto had gotten a second chance at life. He got his position back and he worked with Spider-Man when it comes to saving the city. Spider-Man does more than he does but he's been developing things to help. He's changing the city to more advanced technology in the right way. He's no longer after power. He just wants to be comfortable. He knows you feel the same way. You're happy to be a hero, but at the end of the day, you're just as human as the rest of them.

~~Your Pov~~

"Otto! I'm home!" You call, stepping foot inside his apartment.

You still have your own but you spend pretty much all your free time with Otto. You may as well live here at this point. You frown when you don't get an answer, searching the apartment only to find Otto isn't home. You huff and look between the two dresses in your hand. You had wanted to ask Otto which one he liked better. You wanted to surprise him being all dolled up but you bought two gorgeous Christmas dresses and couldn't decide which one to wear. Oh! Aunt May can help! Peter and Otto are probably still at the lab.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?" Aunt May gasps when she opens the door.

"Otto isn't home and I can't choose a dress," You explain, sheepishly holding up the two dresses. "Thought you could help?"

"Aunt May, who is it?" Peter calls, showing up in the doorway but freezing when he sees you.

"Peter? Is Otto still at the lab? He wasn't home," You say in surprise. "A second opinion doesn't hurt. Can I come in."

"The right one," Aunt May smiles softly. "We have company though."

"I agree. The right is best. Sorry, we have family visiting" Peter grimaces. "I'm sure Doctor Otto will be home soon."

"Alright. Thank you, sorry to be a bother," You smile before disappearing in a burst of flames.

You look over the form fitting red Christmas dress and let out a heavy sigh. You at least want Otto to see you before you left. You go through the motions of getting ready, doing your makeup and strapping on your heels. You look at yourself in the floor length mirror Otto installed for you. No one else knows your identity except Otto, Peter, and Aunt May. You head to the bed and sit down on it, gently picking up your mask and running your fingers over it.

"A frown doesn't really suit you," Otto's voice comes out gentle, your head snapping up and your eyes widen at his state.

"Otto?" You breathe, standing up.

"It's a little old and needed a few alterations but it fits. Do you like it?" He asks, grunting when you throw yourself around him. "I'll take that as a yes."

"You changed your mind?" You breathe, pulling back from your hug and looking up at him.

"I'm tired of the papers claiming you and Peter are together. You're several years older and no longer a college student. Let's make a point to tell people you're mine," He says with flushed cheeks as he avoids your gaze.

"I didn't know you were so possessive Doctor," You tease him.

"I'm still full of surprises," He chuckles. "So, will you be my date?"

"Can't. Spider-Man already asked and I said yes," You declare with a smirk as you attempt to feign ignorance.

"Very funny," Otto huffs, leaning and giving you a peck on the lips. "Shall we?"

"Can I do it?" You ask, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

He groans softly and you can hear the protests in his head but he smiles and nods his head. You gasp with delight and hug Otto's arm after putting on your mask, the two of you going up in flames. You appear outside the mansion with Otto where the party is being held.

"Just a pop in and out," Otto grumbles softly.

You giggle and nod your head in agreement. You can't help the smile on your lips as you walk in on Otto's arm, cameras clicking as people whisper in surprise.

"Hey Doc! You stole my date!" Peter grins as he hangs upside down from the ceiling in a suit and his mask.

"She's too old for you and she's my girlfriend," Otto announces, his voice firm and loud in the whispers of the room.

Your eyes widen behind your mask but you're also grinning ear to ear as you gently squeeze Otto's arm.

"Doctor Octavius! So kind of you to join us! I had no idea Miss Phoenix is your girlfriend!" The mayor cries in surprise. "This is proving to be an interesting party!"

The chatter fills the hall and you make your rounds with Otto and Peter to go around and meet people. You all shake hands, exchange words, and after an hour you and Otto decide to call it quits. At least, that's the plan when the mayor suddenly gets on stage.

"Everyone! May I have your attention?" The mayor calls, everyone's attention falling on him. "As you all know this is the season of giving, and I have a surprise for one of this city's favorite heroes! Phoenix, if you'll join me on stage!"

You frown behind your mask when your name is called, hugging Otto's arm a little tighter.

"It'll be okay," He whispers, giving your cheek a kiss before you nod and make your way onto the stage.

"Miss Phoenix, you are a great hero to this city. Crime has been reduced thanks to your efforts. Me and the city would like to offer our appreciation," The mayor smiles when you come on stage. "As you know we have had extra funding thanks to us not needing to constantly repair the city and with that we have been able to improve our city. In your honor, we have created a brand new fire station!"

You blink in surprise behind your mask as applause goes through the room.

"We have named the station after you in honor of all the work you do. We are continuing to improve the city thanks to your protection efforts. When we open it we would like to grant you the ability to open it for us! If you accept?" He asks you.

Isn't a fire station kind of counterproductive to your powers? You use fire and a fire station seems an odd way to honor you. Still, it is an honor and the city has been needing another fire station.

"It would be an honor," You tell everyone. "thank you everyone. I couldn't do what I do without all of you. I do accept this great honor."

Applause and cheers fill the room as your gaze goes to Otto and Peter. You shake hands with the mayor and you're crowded when you get off the stage, earning congratulations and thanks from everyone at the party. You're stuck for at least another hour until you're able to escape, slipping outside into the cold winter for fresh air. You lean on the railing of the balcony as you look out at the city twinkling in the snow, a soft smile coming to your lips. Despite any issues some may have with heroes you still find your work meaningful. You want to protect this city. It's been your home all your life after all.

"The guest of honor shouldn't escape," Otto's voice brings you from your thoughts, a smile coming to your lips when he wraps his coat around you. "I hope you'll take care of me when I get sick."

"You know I will," You giggle softly as he leans against the railing.

"I wanted to wait until Christmas but I'd like to one up the mayor," Otto says, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"You really don't like him," You snort in amusement.

"Since you're going to be my Christmas present, which means I know my gift, so I want to give you yours," Otto explains.

"Oh yeah?" You smile, looking over at him. "And what's the surprise?"

He chuckles and pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket handing it to you. You accept it and read it over, your eyes widening in surprise. The paper is a lease with your name signed next to Otto's.

"I don't see why you need to have your own place when you pretty much live with me, so I thought it was time to ask you to move in with me," He explains.

"Otto," You breathe, throwing your arms around him in a tight hug. "Yes! Yes I will!"

He chuckles and returns your hug, making you feel secure in his arms. He truly is the sweetest guy you've ever met.

"Ready to get out of here? Peter already bailed," Otto chuckles.

"Yes I am. I want out of this dress and heels," You chuckle.

"You're cleaning up the ash," He chuckles as you wrap yourself around his arm.

"We'll see," You snicker, the two of you going up in flames.

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