Research: Romance

By Melpomene16

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phone call
the study
a horrific idea
sweet dreams
the four pt.1
the four pt.2
double trouble
faking it
one bed
manic monday
amusement park
road trip
dinner & dessert
friday i'm in love
take me out
the line


44 6 12
By Melpomene16

Robert and Liza make another appearance Friday afternoon, as Robin and I go to a couples counseling session together. 

It's for the fake dating trope, and while a bit unorthodox, who better to tell me how a functioning couple dynamic should work than a therapist? So, while Dr. Carver, a kind man in his sixties with exceptional taste in sweaters and succulents, was analyzing the inner workings of Robert and Liza Johnson's personal lives; I was examining every word he said regarding their relationship from what was wildly unhealthy to what was satisfactory. Each relevant detail was jotted down with my lucky pen in the notebook where I was actively keeping story notes.

Since I now had less than 10 weeks to produce the book, I was quick to flesh out the plot line thoroughly, despite not having a full grasp of the characters. I thought I had made use of every minute before the deadline was reduced, but I was very wrong. Desi had me on the most rigorous writing schedule of my life. If I was breathing, I was writing. Even when I slept, I was still writing so that when I woke up, I could crank out a chapter and go back to sleep... where I continued writing. 

Before our appointment, I ran down the premise I had of the novel to Robin, who happily volunteered to get into the mindset of his character. With him researching with me, discovering who they were would be a breeze. 

The story opens with the scene of a disastrous car accident, the protagonist (still Isabella, for now) is attempting to wake her best friend who is sitting in the passenger seat before falling unconscious. Isabella wakes from a deep sleep a few days later to find that she can suddenly see ghosts...and that the other girl didn't make it. Upon hearing this, she searches everywhere for the ghost of her best friend. After days of searching, and a deep bout of grief, she sees her friend's ghost in a cafe starting at man by the window.

Isabella assumes that this man is her friend's unfinished business, and she decides to help her friend move on by figuring out what his connection is to her. However, unlike the other ghosts she can see, Isabella finds she can only communicate with her best friend's ghost when around the man.

What's the connection then? Of course, this man is the one who discovered their car at the scene of the accident. To her surprise, Isabella communicates better with her friend's ghost through the man than on her own. Assuming her friend has a stronger connection with the man, given he is her unfinished business and all, Isabella accepts she must work with the man all without giving her motivation away. To him, she is just a woman who can see ghosts, looking to help her friend.

However, the more Isabella falls in love with the man, the faster her powers seem to fade, and she begins to feel as if the world is moving without her. At one point it feels like he is the only one that can see her. Here's the twist! It's Isabella that's dead, and not the friend.

As she falls in love for the first time in her life, she realizes that her unfinished business is wrapping up and she's passing over. The love interest is a medium and the one who watched her pass away at the hospital. It's all very tragic and romantic. 

Being that it involved the supernatural, Robin was more than excited to get a jump on things. Hence, therapy for Liza (me), who was there to grieve the passing of her friends death and felt like she couldn't communicate and Robert (Robin), who was trying to be supportive, but felt there were details about Liza's grief he couldn't connect to. 

At the end of the session, Dr. Carver shook both of our hands and guided us to the door as I tucked my lucky pen back in my bag, "I hope you two continue to communicate so openly with each other. Grief is painful, but it can bring people together, too." 

"Thank you, Dr. Carver." I smiled at him. "You've been such a great help." 

Dr. Carver nodded, scratching his white stubble. A friendly expression warmed his eyes, "Anytime, Liza. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I hope to see you both again soon." 

After securing his baseball cap, Robin shook Dr. Carver's hand and we parted from his office. Entering the lounge space where a few receptionists were sitting at the counter, we both smiled at one another before taking a second to check our phones for updates.

I still had to get Robin to the party without him suspecting anything, which seemed easier said than done. He was shamelessly nosey, and even more naturally suspicious. If he even got a whiff that I was hiding something, Robin would be on my trail like a blood hound. A sweet one... but not any less persistent. 

"A pretty tame day for us, huh?" I laugh, sliding my phone into my back pocket, "Things actually went according to plan!" 

Robin grinned at me, opening his mouth to reply. When his phone rang, he stuck up a finger to ask me for a minute with an apologetic look. I just nodded and when he stepped into the hallway leading into the clinic, I wandered to a wall where there were some brochures about relationships. Selecting a few to browse later, I glanced around the office. 

It was a rectangular room, with the receptionists at the center and doorways leading into the other offices like spokes in a wheel. People sat in the lounge, where quiet music was playing, and a muted television was displaying ads. Four therapists operated within the clinic itself, including Dr. Carver who was the senior among them.

Sitting in a chair by the brochures, I had just started reading before Robin ducked back through the door. He approached me with an excited look, making the green in his eyes shine as he passed through a patch of sunlight. I took a deep breath to center myself. 

Since the escape room, there was a prickling in my chest whenever I saw Robin. Logically, I understood it was natural for my body to react differently after what happened, even if it was for work. But the part of me that was attracted to him before The Four went from being a benign detail at the back of my mind, to being stuck in the lungs with a sharp thumbtack every time he came near. 

I knew what that sharp pain meant... I had felt it once before, and I would be damned before I went anywhere near it again. So, each time it surfaced, I cleared my head and shoved it aside. 

"That was Drew, I guess my meeting after this was canceled. So, my schedule's clear until tonight!" 

"What's tonight?" I asked cautiously, standing up to tuck the brochures into my bag. 

He shrugs passively, "Some fancy dinner Drew set up." Then his eyes light up and he snaps his fingers, "Speaking of which, can we stop by the dry cleaners later? I have to pick up my suit." 

"Sure," I nodded, relieved that he still didn't have a clue.

"Great," He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb, "Do you want to grab coffee and talk? We finally have a minute." 

 "I'd love to," I smile at him, looping the strap of my back across my body. See Desi, nothing to worry about. "I think I saw a place just down the street." 

"Robin?" Another voice joined in our conversation, making Robin turn around. 

The man was around our age, if not a few years older, and dressed in a pale blue button down that was open at the collar. Dark sunglasses blocked out his eyes, despite us standing inside. He was bearded and had light slicked back hair, which shone under the fluorescents with each step. Below, he wore cream slacks and had a folded wad of papers under his massive arm. 

Upon seeing Robin turn around, He beamed and pulled off his sunglasses. Hanging them on the open slot of his shirt, he shouted, "Little Robbie Moore! What are you doing here?!" 

"Caleb?" Robin's voice all but echoed confusion. "What--" 

"Ahh, come here buddy!" Caleb yanked him into a tight embrace, his giant frame swallowing Robin whole. It was the kind of hug that made you feel like a nuggie to the head was rapidly impending. I didn't think there was a man in the world who could make Robin look small, but this guy was the exception. 

I flinched when Robin collided with Caleb's chest with an oof. Caleb patted his back then squeezed Robin a little too tightly. "How the hell have you been? Not too good if you're here I take it, ha!" 

Before anyone could say anything, Caleb caught sight of me, "Well, well, who is this?" He sized me up appreciatively before mumbling back to Robin, "You sly dog. Dating on the down low? Seems fame has been good to you, huh? Sam mentioned you were quiet lately." 

"It's not like that." Robin unwrapped himself from Caleb's bear hug as graciously as he could. When he turned around, he looked at me with wide eyes. Every inch of his expression screamed Get me out of here! 

I widened my eyes back at him. What am I supposed to do? Tackle him?! 

Just then Dr. Carver came out of his office holding my notebook in his hand. When he saw us, he held it up, "Ah, you forgot this!" 

Robin was quick to take the segue and stepped away to grab the notebook. Dr. Carver handed it to him, but continued to walk toward us, "I wanted to mention this earlier, but I forgot. If you two are looking for more resources, there's an excellent couple's course--" 

"So, you are a couple!" Caleb booms, proud of himself for figuring it out. "I could tell. You always got squirmy when you had girls around. Remember when you dated Poppy Thornton in college? You squirmed just like this when I caught you two making out in your dorm." 

Oh. Wow. I all but flush at the mental image, and my stomach flips.

"This isn't happening." Robin whispered painfully under his breath. Then he tossed my notebook so quickly that I fumbled to catch it. When I had it securely in my grasp, I wrapped it close to my chest. It didn't seem beyond Caleb to enter someone else's personal space. In fact, it didn't seem beyond him to do anything considered rude or wildly inappropriate. 

Caleb eyed me knowingly while I fidgeted with my bag. When he caught my gaze he whispered conspiratorially, "Don't' worry, she was bonkers. They didn't last more than two months."  

I nod politely, as if that made any difference to me or Poppy Thornton. Meanwhile, Robin was talking to Dr. Carver, doing his best to be civil despite the tension rising in his shoulders and neck. "Great suggestion, Dr. Carver. We'll be sure to check it out." 

Satisfied, the doctor turns around and waves good-bye to us. In the time it takes for Robin to turn around, Caleb is already seizing him by the shoulders, flinging a giant arm around his neck. 

"God it's been forever! You really are my little Robbie, aren't you? Still so polite!" He laughs, smacking the bill of Robins hat. I feel myself blush for the poor guy. Caleb's boisterousness is drawing attention from other clients, and the more people look the greater the chance at getting recognized. The greater the chance of having the press turn up. 

Caleb turns to me, swinging Robin around like he's nothing more than the paper under his other arm. "You should have seen this guy in high school, what a dork! Now he's wearing contacts and pulling tens!"

I do my best not to look at Robin, giving Caleb a tight-lipped smile in response. He doesn't seem fazed by my silence, however, and continues to relive the glory days. Turning to Robin he laughs loudly, "Do you remember when you and the film club had to make that movie for health class and---" 

"Okay!" Robin interjects, pushing Calebs arm off his shoulder. "Well, this has been fun, Caleb, but we should go now. Lots to do today. See you!" 

Before I know it, Robin is sweeping his arm around my waist and urging us toward the door like we're in an active fire drill. I look back, worried that Caleb might be offended by the brush off but he's completely unfazed. 

Caleb smiles, "Right, the party! I'll see you tonight then!" 

Robin halts, and I feel my stomach drop. Shit. 

Slowly Robin turns and addresses Caleb over his shoulder, "Party?" 

"Yeah, for your birthday! You know our firm does business with a few places in the area, including your manager's office building. Your face is all over that place dude! So, I stopped in to track you down. Imagine my surprise when I hear a bunch of interns talking about your birthday party tonight! The whole studio is going to be there. I can't wait!"

I don't think he realized it, but the arm Robin had strewn around my waist tensed up, curling fast. The motion hurled me into the side of him and his fingers dug into my side. My eyes widened at him, but I kept quiet. He turns back to face the door, and I watch in worry as the information processes on his face. 

"You and your girlfriend are going to be there, right? I'm so stoked to catch up. Sam wants to hear all about it!" Caleb calls after him. 

"Yep. See you there!" Robin says, just loud enough for Caleb to hear. Then he's back to shuffling us out the door and onto the street. 

The whole time we're walking away he's whispering frantically, "We are screwed. We're screwed. We are so screwed." 


Hellooo lovelies! 

How is everyone? We doing okay out there? 

I feel like a lot has happened in the brief but crazy first two months of 2024. At least, for me it seemed like a non-stop adventure. Not that I'm complaining, I think I quite like it! However, it doesn't leave much room for reflection, so it's nice to have these little moments!

What do you think of the novel so far? I know it's still rough around the edges (trust me, my perfectionism reminds me of it every day) but I would love to have feedback at any time to help me improve as a writer! 

This chapter is dedicated to Phases_md

I've really enjoyed reading your works and the comments you leave on my novel!! I can't wait to read more :) So this is just a thank you for the good vibes and for having reached out to me so we could support one another!

Other than that! I hope you enjoy some sunshine, tasty food, and a nice laugh today <3 

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed today's update!!

With love, 

e.g. :)

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