golden king and idol faker (o...

By andres0731886

9.7K 205 42

...... the 4th holy grail war a big event for the magus world, the only winter kirei kotomine and his servan... More

Author note
The end and a new beginning
The Meeting of the faker and king
Absolutely not... maybe yes
A kings return
The Date
Yes please 1st part
Yes please 2nd part
Father's love
Author note
Pre time skip
Whats your dream?
Ova: the wedding
An unexpected reunion

Kids and dayly life

524 12 1
By andres0731886

Since the last time 2 years have passed and aqua and ruby are 3 and they started talking. This was wierd to Gilgamesh as he suspected something was wrong but he let it pass as everyone says they're prodigies . Gilgamesh also became more famous around Japan, acting in some movies outing a good act and modeling while Ai, is still an idol and her career becomes more demanding as she is exploiting her career up. Gilgamesh has passed more and more time with the kids, and aqua and ruby. Ruby likes him now and feels comfortable while aqua is a bit cautious but he lets himself be comfortable around him.

Aqua: oi ruby

Ruby: what?

Aqua: I think I like Gilgamesh more

Ruby: same, he is being really good to us and mom. I think he does deserve we give him a chance

Aqua: yea, I'd like to think he is really our dad

Ruby: who knows maybe after all he could be our dad

From the other room Gilgamesh screams

Gilgamesh: oi brats where are you???

Ruby: in our room dad

Gilgamesh: we're going to the park

Ruby: yay!!!!

Gilgamesh: I really need to take them out more after all they shouldn't be inside always.

Aqua: we're ready

Gilgamesh: let's go out then

Aqua: let's go

The group of 3 go out walking Gilgamesh has outed a wig to not be bothered and glasses,(the wig is black).

Aqua: why is mom out more often??

Gilgamesh: she has more deals to attend, after all her career has reached a higher level now but don't worry she'll be back soon and we'll go out together.

Ruby: okay daddy!! (Smiles)

Gilgamesh: dad?

Ruby: is there a problem daddy?

Gilgamesh tries to hide a smile "it's okay Ruby-Chan". Gilgamesh holds them both on his shoulders while walking.

As he walks a man bumps into him while Gilgamesh was talking and joking with the kids

Man: watch out you little prick

Gilgamesh; get off mongrel

Ruby: yea get off mongrel

Man: you disrespectful brats

Gilgamesh: don't talk to my kids or me like that

Man: you should teach her some respect

Gilgamesh: I'm teaching her how to deal with mongrels like you, who don't deserve to look up at me or my little kids.

Man: you show off brat

Gilgamesh sends a terrifying aura to the man and his face goes cold

Gilgamesh: back of or you'll die

Aqua: "what is this feeling"

Man: okay okay I'm leaving

(The man starts running away)

Gilgamesh: and that's how you deal with mongrels kids

Ruby: yay!!

Aqua: ehhhhh???

Gilgamesh: your both my kids your better than anyone other kid, if a mongrel bothers you tell me okay kids (sweet smile... to sweet)

Ruby: yeas daddy!!!

Aqua: (quietly) yes.... D...da....d

Gilgamesh: well now lest go back home I don't want a creep to stalk us now

Ruby: that'll be gross

Gilgamesh: remember your both my prince and princess.

Ruby: yay dad!!

Aqua: let's go home I'm hungry

Gilgamesh: sure

They arrive home as the kids enter home a woman stops Gilgamesh being his neighbor.

Gilgamesh: what is it (annoyed)

Amelia: hey neighbor-kun (lustful)

Gilgamesh: if your gonna be a dog in heat then go away I'm busy

Amelia: you sure? (Flirty) we could have a good time (wink)

Gilgamesh: you're like 30 and I'm 18 sorry but I'm good with...

(Amelia hugs him pressing her chest to him)

Gilgamesh: don't touch me dog (annoyed)

Amelia: hey come on you got a girlfriend? Is it the person living here? I never seen her but I know it's a girl and the kids?

Gilgamesh: get off now (glare)

Amelia: sure sure I'll leave but if you need some release you can find me (wink)

Gilgamesh: (sighs getting inside the apartment) dirty dog

Ruby: what did the crazy woman want from you daddy (pouting slightly angry)

Gilgamesh: the usual she's being weird (takes off wig revealing his golden hair)

Ruby: don't cheat in mom (goes and plays with aqua leaving Gilgamesh standing there slightly blush)

Gilgamesh: (murmuring) I'm not with Ai she's just a faking mongrel...

Some time later Ai arrives from work, Ruby starts running towards her.

Ruby: mama!!!

Ai: hi my little one (she holds her up and then goes for aqua). How where you all

Aqua: we were good

Ruby: dad made some food


Ruby: yea let's go to the kitchen

They walk to the kitchen seeing Gilgamesh finishing cooking

Ai: hey Gil

Gilgamesh: hey how was work?

Ai: tiered (winning)

Gilgamesh: jajajaja food is ready

Ai: thanks

They go to the table and start eating

Gilgamesh: I gotta go out for some time

Ai: where you going?

Gilgamesh: need to exercise (marks on the exercise part)

Ai: ohhh have fun

Gilgamesh: sure see you later

Gilgamesh goes to take a taxi and gets to a Forrest some time later. He walks inside the forest coming his eyes. He later gets to an open area and starts to train his powers.

Gilgamesh: I never thought I needed this training (he opens 5 gates and fires to his sides rapidly as he can, he later tries to open more maxing it up to 8 gates. He then sits and takes out a wine and drinks)

Gilgamesh: this is pathetic, I'm to weak at the time... (he sighs and then starts to train all of his weapons individually being able to take out weapons up to A class but it's harder). I think I should go back now.

He takes his stuff and starts walking away but then hears small steps around him.

Gilgamesh: come out

Wolves come out from the bushes looking hungry at Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh lets out some of his presence to the wolves the wolves as they charge he shoot's swords at them.

Gilgamesh: easy practice (suddenly a wolf comes out from behind biting his shoulder, but he quickly shoves him away and kill him). Filthy dog *angry*. Die (he opens all the gates he can and shoots all around the forest)

He then leaves the place returning home covering and healing his would, as he takes out some medicine from his gate of Babylon. As he arrives home he goes shower not much as Ai pouts as he ignores her

Ai: don't ignore me so much idiot (pouts)

Gilgamesh: not on the mood

Ai: what happened

Gilgamesh: a simple wolf surprised me

Ai: your wounded?

Gilgamesh: took care of it

Ai: you sure your okay?

Gilgamesh: yes I'm okay I just need to rest

Ai: well let's go I'll do you a tea

Gilgamesh: let me shower first

Ai: come to the table after your done

Gilgamesh: sure

Gilgamesh goes and showers during it he is debating in what to do again, either go live happily this life and opportunity or participate on the next holy grail war.

Gilgamesh: am I even still a servant? I think I am but I'm not sure if I can make a contract... I don't need one anyway I can do it by myself but, I like this live (smiles) I think I could get used to this life but I still need to be strong... (his face goes dark remembering the time he saved Ai and her kids) if it ever happens again, I should be able to protect them. That's why for any danger I need to train and go back atleast to some of my old form.

He finishes and dresses and goes to the living room encountering the kids

Aqua: hi Gil-san

Ruby: hi dad

Gilgamesh: hi you gave your mother problems? (Small smile)

Ruby: no way

Aqua: we were good

Gilgamesh: let's go your mom made tea

Ruby: carry me

Aqua: you can walk

Gilgamesh Carry them both to the kitchen

Ai: hey tea is ready

Gilgamesh: I know (he sits the kids)

Ai: serves the tea

Gilgamesh: it's good

Ruby: yea mom it's really good

Aqua: yea it's nice

Ai: thank you all

Gilgamesh: I got work tomorrow

Ai: acting?

Gilgamesh: photo shooting

Ai: I'll call miyako

Gilgamesh: thanks

After spending their time they go to sleep

Aqua: mom I can't sleep

Gilgamesh: come here (he Carrie's her to the living room sitting in the sofa) what's wrong?

Aqua: nightmares, what were you like?

Gilgamesh: as a kid?

Aqua: yea where you ever scared?

Gilgamesh: not really as a kid I didn't fear anything.

Aqua: how??

Gilgamesh: honestly, as a kid I never thought anything could hurt me or do me damage I thought I was the best and great, nothing could compare to me, that's why I never really was scared of anything.

Aqua: funny most kids are scared of things

Gilgamesh: your also special

Aqua: how?

Gilgamesh: your my son (aqua blushes opening his eyes) your great and you'll be able to overcome any fear you have believe in yourself

Aqua: thanks.... Dad

Gilgamesh: let's go sleep shall we?

Aqua: did you look like me as a kid?

Gilgamesh: yes I was similar in looks not quite the same.

Aqua: I think I can sleep now

Gilgamesh: let's go then

As he takes Aqua to sleep he then heads to his own bed next to Ai

Ai: everything good?

Gilgamesh: yes

Ai: he had a nightmare?

Gilgamesh: yea he had one I don't ask for it only gave him a solution

Ai: that's alright

Gilgamesh: let's  sleep now

Ai: yea but your still an idiot (smirks)

Gilgamesh: (smirking) you've grown some nerve

Ai: (giggling) well my king of heroes, I'd know you won't hurt me

Gilgamesh: shut up already

Ai: sure, good night Gil-kun

Gilgamesh: good night my idol (smirking)

Ai giggles and snuggles a bit before falling sleep

Aqua pov:

Aqua: I had a nightmare, it was about the time I died on my past live. It was terrifying the feel of dying but Gilgamesh dad really does help. I can't ever imagine him being scared not even of death....

Gilgamesh pov next mourning:

I wake up a little with a cold sweat

Ai: what's up? (Rubbing eyes)

Gilgamesh: had a nightmare, damn aqua he made me remember my weakness

Ai: you mean you had a nightmare?

Gilgamesh: I fear death

Ai: what?

Gilgamesh: when my best friend Enkidu died I became obsessed and terrified of it.

Ai: don't worry your great you can't die ever

Gilgamesh: why so sure?

Ai: because the kids would be sad their dad is not here (pouting)

Gilgamesh: only the kids? (Teasing those)

Ai: me too you have to stay I won't allow you to die

Gilgamesh: in a way I'm dead already

Ai: yea I'm a way you are but not to me

Gilgamesh: well lest go to work

Ai: yea it's time

Gilgamesh: actually you wanna go out after work?

Ai: what?? (Blush)

Gilgamesh: I'm telling you to go out you and me like going to eat us two.

Ai: sure why not (smiles)

Gilgamesh: jajaja made you blush

Ai: shut up (blushing)

Gilgamesh: well let's go then

Ai: yea Gil-kun

They go get ready after a happy day of a regular day together. Work is hard but they'll get through it as something is starting to be in the air, but that is a thing for the next chapter a chapter of love date and romantic (ps: no lemons, maybe insinuations in the future, but not gonna describe anything like that).

Next chapter: The date 


Author note: sorry for the long time I wanted to do it early but had not much time I'll try to release them earlier. Also the first time skip is near from this a 2 year time skip until Ruby and aqua are kids like 5 years old.

Well thank you all and have a good day

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