Unreal Realities - Creepypas...

By GetJinxed0

327K 13K 9.7K

A story about a girl and her brother goin around eatin people's and killing people's (duh) then one day they... More

Chappy 1 - Past in the Present
Chappy 2 - New Future for the Two
Chappy 3 - Meetings of Mad People
Chappy 4 - Calling of the Duty
Chappy 5 - Trollololololololo
Chappy 6 - The Slendies
Chappy 7 - Man Eating Friends
Chappy 9 - I-It Can't Be
Chappy 10 - Broken
Chappy 11 - Eyebrows On Fleek Tho
Chappy 12 - KIDENYS!!!!!!
Chappy 13 - My Savior
Chappy 14 - KAWAII!!!!!!!!!
Chappy 15 - Halloween
Chappy 16 - That's NOT Candy!
Chappy 17 - Nice Feelings
Chappy 18 - Just a Little Bit of Nothing
Chappy 19 - ALL THE BACON IS WHAT?!?!?
Chappy 20 - Bloody Boys
Chappy 21 - Lovefool
Chappy 22 - OH SHIT!!
Chappy 23 - Giant Ass House
Chappy 24 - TAKE IT!!!!
Chappy 25 - Why?
Chappy 26 - Hi
Chappy 27 - Really?!
Chappy 28 - Saved (some what)
Chappy 29 - Old Friends
Chappy 30 - Comfort from a Friend
Chappy 31 - Drunk as Fuck
Chappy 32 - Insert Title Because I'm so Good at Making Titles. Arent I?
Chappy 33 - The New Guy, Animal, Pet, Thing
Chappy 34 - B-But What Happened to the Other Little Shit?
Chappy 35 - Fuck, Marry, Kill
Chappy 36 - FNAF?
Cahappy 37 - I'm Not Dead..... Right?
Chappy 38 - Building Back Up
Chappy 39 - Admiration
Chappy 40 - Wait!
Chappy 41 - Listen, Please!
Chappy 42 - A Pedo Thing?
Chappy 44 - ?
Chappy 45 - .........
Chappy 46 - This is a lemon. Sour, is it not?
Chappy 47 - Il Vit Et Nous Célébrons
Chappy 48 - The Other Side Is Now and It's Confusing

Chappy 43 - Tachyon

3.2K 156 79
By GetJinxed0

Your POV

The moon began to go down as you and Lj walked home. You had a smile on your face as you hummed a song that you soon began to sing

Got a little soul, the world is cold
cold place to be
Wanna little warmth but who gonna save a little warmth for me
We know the fire awaits, Unbelievablers
All of the sinners the same
Girl you and I will die Unbelievablers
bound to the tracks of the train
If I'm born again I know that the world will disagree
Wanna little grace but who gonna save a little grace for me
We know the fire awaits Unbelievablers
All of the sinners the same
Girl you and I will die Unbelievablers bound to the tracks of the train

You began to stop singing once you saw the house come into view. It kinda made a frown appear on your lips. After all, your ex did live in the same house as you. Depressingly.

"Why'd you stop?" Lj asked in a upset manor.

"Oh, um, no reason." you said nervously.

"That was convincing." Lj said sarcastically.

You chuckled nervously and looked away from him. Lj looked down and put his hands behind his back with a smile. Without you noticing he suddenly disappeared. You turned back to Lj and was about to tell him something until you saw that he was gone. You stopped with a worried look. You made a quick 360 but didn't see him anywhere. Your eyes shifted all around yourself looking. You refused to call out Lj's name since that's what all the dumb bimbos did in the movies before they got dead. So that was out of the question. You also refused to move as well since in most scary movies the killer shows up behind you.

And if you did chose to move it would be very quickly since in movies the person is practically a zombie. Slower than slow. Anyway, you calmly waited for a sign of Lj then....

"BOO!" Lj said suddenly appearing behind you.

Before you could accidentally hit Lj in the face, you purposely kicked Lj in the nuts. DEEZ- ahem sorry.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!!!" Lj said falling to the floor.

"You scared me!" you said with absolutely no expression in your voice what so ever.

Lj looked at you angrily. Lj got up quickly and disappeared before your eyes. You got a bit worried, Lj looked very very mad before he left. You knew what was coming so you ran towards the house as quickly as you could. Even though you were being chased, you were having fun. A smile appeared on your lips as you dodged a tree. You looked behind yourself to see Lj still chasing you. You smiled at him with joy and he slightly smiled back. You looked forward again as you made it to the porch of the house.

You opened the door quickly and closed it behind yourself, locking it. You panted and smiled as you heard Lj running into the door. You knew he could get in yet you didn't care. You leaned on the door and looked in front of yourself to see Lj.

"Shit." you said and ran upstairs. You saw Tommy along the way and grabbed him as you ran.

"Y/n?" Tommy said confused and wanting know why you were running. You just nervously smiled at him and ran into your room.

"Um, I kinda kicked Lj in the nuts and now he's, you know, chasing me." you stated leaning in the door so it didn't opened after putting Tommy down.

"Oh." Was all Tommy said.


"So what now?" Tommy asked, "I mean, can't Lj teleport?"

"Excuse me?" You said

"Yeah, Lj can teleport." Tommy said again.

"Shit! I just saw him fucking do that and I fucking forgot!!!" You said to yourself.

"Y-yeah and, um, he's kinda in here, like, right now." Tommy said pointing at Lj who creepily stood in the darkness.

"U-um, Now Lj I know you're mad and all at me, you know, doing that but umm..." you didn't really have a reasonable thing to say.

You chuckled nervously and grabbed Tommy and walked out the door. You were about to just walk away until you saw Jeff in front of you. You looked down now wanting to face him.

"Jeff." Tommy said to Jeff with a smile.

"Y/n~~" Lj said from behind the door.

You laughed nervously and gently picked up Tommy and looked at Jeff as you walked backwards while chuckling. Then you ran.

Jeff POV

I watched y/n as she walked away. I had hoped to talk to her and tell her I was sorry but she.....

"Y/n, are you still there?" Lj said confused from behind the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked Lj, mad.

"Chasing, Y/n." Lj said plainly and with a shrug.

"What?!" I said grabbing my knife. I knew Lj and y/n hated each other. Especially since Lj tried to kill her. Before she was attacked by Rake.

"I swear if you've hurt her!" I said clenching my teeth.

"Jeff, that's not what-" before he could continue I charged at Lj. I was about to stab him until he suddenly disappeared and I fell stabbing the carpet of Y/n's room. I looked around trying to find that bastard.

3th POV

Jeff waited, eyes glancing very quickly and ready for his kill. Lj appeared behind Jeff and tackled him making Jeff be venerable to injuries...and Lj took that chance. He stabbed his own hand into Jeff's stomach making Jeff scream out in absolute pain. Lj had a wicked smile and began to twist his hand, watching more and more blood pour from the wound which he created. Jeff continued to scream hoping someone would save him, because, of course, Jeff couldn't get back up.

As Lj continued to inflict more pain on Jeff, Y/n and Tommy stopped in their tracks after hearing the ear piercing scream. Y/n quickly took off to her room leaving Tommy behind. Y/n knew it was Jeff's scream, so she was very quick getting there. Quicker than light you could say.

Your POV

"JEFF!!" You yelled out as you turned to the door of your room seeing Lj brutality push his claws deeper in Jeff's stomach

You charged at Lj with no mercy for what would happen to him. You pulled your knife from your pocket and stabbed it into Lj's leg and pushed him off of Jeff. You watched Lj and saw a look of hate as he disappeared once more. You turned back to Jeff seeing him cringing in pain. He held his stomach and suddenly Jeff began to cough up blood. There was no way blood could have gone in is lungs right? You refused to thing about it. Tears filled your eyes as you watched Jeff in pain.

"Y/n." Jeff choked out.

"Jeff, I-i don't know h-how to help." you told as tears began to fall.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." Jeff said and placed a hand on your face.

"No, please..just..please don't." you said looking into Jeff's eyes as his life slowly drained away.

"NO!! PLEASE COME BACK!" You shouted. But it was hopeless.




3 minutes passed

So, all you could do was give Jeff one last kiss. You gently picked up Jeff's head as the tears fell and then you kissed him. You could feel Jeff's warmth still. You didn't want him to go. You couldn't let him and yet you had no choice but to hold him one last time before his body grew cold. Yet as you sat on the blood covered floor with Jeff, you could never feel his warm leaving. It stayed as you kissed his bloody covered lips. You placed a hand on Jeff stomach where Jeff's hand was and held it. You expected to feel the warm organs from Jeff's stomach but you never did. It was just warm.

In fact, You didn't feel a wound at all. You eyes opened again and you pulled away the kiss to look at his stomach. The wound was completely gone. Nothing was there but blood. You looked at Jeff's face to see his eyes had once again had life.

"J-Jeff?" you said as tears filled your eyes.

Jeff looked at you astonished. He placed a hand on your cheek and brought your lips closer to his and kissed you.

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