Strange Ties--Percy Jackson/H...

By alekostas11

68.1K 1.4K 658

Percy finds out that he is a descendant from a very powerful dark wizard. And because he is the only person t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Eight

709 24 8
By alekostas11


Valerie woke up to a knock on her bedroom door. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she groaned at the soft light filtering through the window. Another knock. She glanced at the floor beside her bed and saw Percy still sound asleep, his tousled hair sticking out in every direction.

The knock on the door persisted, "Valerie, you're going to be late for your morning classes!" The voice belonged to Padma Patel, the Ravenclaw prefect.

Valerie's eyes shot open "I'll be right there, Padma. Just give me a moment!"

She turned to Percy again, she shook him aggressively. "Percy, wake up! You have to go"

Percy blinked, still half-asleep. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What's going on?"

"We overslept," Valerie replied, "You need to get out of here before someone sees you"

He quickly scrambled to his feet and Valerie pushed him towards the window "Out the window, go!" she whispered urgently.

Percy didn't need any further encouragement. He opened it quietly. Casting one last grateful look at Valerie, he slipped out onto the ledge. Valerie followed, ensuring the window closed silently behind them. Once the coast was clear, she got ready as fast as possible and went downstairs to the common room, where a very angry Padma was sitting.
Padma furrowed her brows, "If you keep being late to classes Valerie, we're going to have house points taken off! And then we will never win the house cup!" she stressed.

"It won't happen again Padma, I promise" she replied, leaving the common room and heading to her first class of the day. Suddenly a thought ran across her mind, Audrey. She stopped walking and thought about going to Percy's room and checking up on her, but then she remembered how cranky Audrey got when she had a hangover and decided she wasn't going to deal with it. She didn't deserve it after what she did at Yule ball last night. She walked through the hallways, feeling slightly guilty nevertheless.

Suddenly Elyse catched up with her, her golden hair falling effortlessly past her shoulders. "Valerie! You have no idea what happened!"
Valerie shrugged, "What happened?"
"Hermione Granger broke up with Ron Weasley last night" Elyse smiled widely, looking like she was happy to deliver anyone the news. "Right at the end of the Yule ball! I mean in front of everyone! It was so dramatic she was crying and stuff and Ron was so confused..." she trailed on, but Valerie lost focus quickly.

They continued walking, her mind wandering as Elyse recounted the dramatic breakup. As she strolled towards the history of magic classroom, her thoughts were elsewhere. More specifically, on someone.

Elyse continued, "And then she stormed off and left him there! I mean he tried catching up with her but in that wheelchair it was just hopeless. In my opinion, Hermione could have waited a bit until he healed, because now Ron is beaten up and dumped" She laughed.

Valerie nodded "Oh wow that's... shocking for sure"

Elyse sighed, "You know what, I have something that you might find interesting. Pansy Parkinson is missing" She said as they both walked inside the classroom and sat down.

Valerie turned to her, "What?"

She nodded, "Last time she was seen was around the Slytherin common room hallway, and that was two days ago. She didn't even go to the Yule ball. I guess people assumed she was in her room but Gwen, her roommate, said she hasn't seen her either. And its been officially 48 hours so it makes her a missing person. Her parents are coming down to the office right now"

"That's... unsettling," Valerie murmured, her mind racing with questions. "Do they have any idea where she might be?"

Elyse shook her head, her expression serious. "No one seems to know. The professors and the Ministry have been searching, but there's no sign of her anywhere. It's weird, right? I mean, who goes missing like that without a trace?"

Valerie furrowed her brow, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Pansy Parkinson, wasn't someone she particularly admired but the thought of her disappearance sent a shiver down her spine.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the professors and the Ministry turn up," Valerie said, her tone somber.

Elyse nodded in agreement, her gaze distant, "I just hope she's okay and doesn't turn up dead in the middle of the hallway like Chloe"

Valerie rolled her eyes, "Jesus christ stop saying stuff like that"

She shrugged, "I'm just saying, first Simon, then Chloe and then that random fisherman. Hogwarts is like the favorite murder spot for crazy people"

Valerie's eyes widened at Elyse's words, "Yeah, well, let's not jump to conclusions," Valerie replied, trying to shake off the feeling of dread that threatened to overwhelm her. "Maybe Pansy just needed some time alone or something. It doesn't necessarily mean the worst."

Elyse gave her a skeptical look, "I get it, but this is different. Pansy might be many things, but disappearing without a word? That's not like her at all. And with everything that's been happening lately, it's hard not to connect the dots."

Valerie nodded, though the tension in her shoulders betrayed her unease. "I just hope they find her soon. The longer she's missing, the more worried everyone will become." She stopped to think for a while, her mind lost in thought. The recent events at Hogwarts had been unsettling, to say the least.

Elyse nudged her, "You okay?"

Valerie smiled softly, "Yeah, I'm just really tired today"

She nodded, "Yeah same, Caleb kept me up all night and-"

Valerie quickly stopped her, "Stop right there. I don't need to know more!"

Thankfully, Professor Binns entered the classroom and the room fell quiet. She quickly glanced around the room, hoping to find Percy sitting down in a corner of the class, but the seat was empty.

Professor Binns, the ghostly history of magic professor, floated through the front of the dimly lit classroom, his monotone voice echoing as he began his lecture. "Now, pay attention, class," Professor Binns began, his voice a ghostly whisper. "We are going to delve into a dark and tumultuous period in wizarding history. The rise of 'He who must not be named'"

Valerie rolled her eyes and looked at Elyse, who looked as equally as dreadful as she was. "I swear they're never going to let this go," Elyse whispered.

Suddenly, the classroom door was shot open, and everyone's head turned. Percy walked in, looking darkly handsome as he always did. Audrey stumbled right behind him. Her curly hair curled up in a messy bed head, her eyes barely open. She looked like death, which was totally not her style.

Binns' posture straightened, "Excuse me? How dare you both arrive late to my class and interrupt my lesson!"

Percy rolled his eyes not so discreetly as he took a seat. Audrey, still half-asleep, managed to mutter an apology. "Sorry, Professor. We got caught up in some, uh, cleaning issue."

Valerie chuckled quietly before looking down at the floor. The professor eyed them both disapprovingly, his transparent form appearing even more ethereal as he floated above the lectern. "Ten points off Gryffindor and Slytherin" Binns said, making the Gryffindors and Slytherins in the class groan. He continued, "Be silent!"

Professor Binns continued his lecture, seemingly unfazed by the disruption. "As I was saying, 'He who must not be named' rose to power during a time of great fear and uncertainty. The wizarding world was gripped by his dark influence, and many lived in constant fear." Binns waved his wand, and letters appeared on the chalkboard. "As you know the ministry requires us to teach this every year. History must not be repeated."

Neville Longbottom raised his hand. "Yes Mr. Longbottom?" Binns called.
Neville hesitated for a moment before asking, "Professor Binns, why do we have to keep revisiting the dark lord? I mean, we get it, history should not be repeated, but why do we have to learn about it if we lived it?"

Professor Binns glanced at Neville, his transparent eyes narrowing slightly. "Ah, Mr. Longbottom, an astute question. History is a guidepost for the future. By understanding the mistakes and horrors of the past, we arm ourselves with knowledge to prevent such dark times from recurring." He looked directly at Percy, who was looking out the window, seemingly unaware of the discussion.

Neville nodded, not entirely convinced, but Professor Binns continued his lecture, delving into the details of the dark wizard's rise to power. Valerie couldn't help but exchange a knowing look with Elyse; they had heard these stories countless times, and the repetition was becoming tiresome.

Another hand raised, this time it belonged to Harry Potter.

Potter's hand hung in the air, waiting to be acknowledged by Professor Binns. The professor turned his spectral gaze towards Harry, his expression unchanging.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?" Professor Binns intoned, his voice devoid of any enthusiasm.

Harry cleared his throat before asking, "Professor Binns, with all due respect, are you actually going to teach us something new? Or will it be the same lesson we've heard a thousand times before?"

Professor Binns regarded Harry with a hint of irritation, as if being questioned disrupted his spectral routine. "Mr. Potter, the importance of these lessons cannot be overstated. Repetition reinforces knowledge, and the events surrounding 'He who must not be named' are pivotal in understanding the wizarding world's history. However, this lesson will be different"

Elyse raised her hand before speaking,, "How come Professor?"

Professor Binns shifted slightly in his ghostly form, an expression of annoyance on his transparent face. "Because dear class, you have heard of the middle part of the story, you lived through the ending. But none of you know the beginning." With a wave of his wand, the name, 'Tom Riddle' appeared on the board.

The room fell into an anticipatory hush, and even Valerie, who had been tired a moment ago, leaned forward with interest. Everyone had lived through Voldemort, but the topic of Tom Riddle was never talked about. She only knew a little about it thanks to the forbidden section of the library, which really didn't give much information.

Professor Binns continued, his monotone voice echoing through the dimly lit classroom. "Tom Riddle, a name that sends shivers down the spines of those who know the full extent of his dark deeds. He was a student at Hogwarts, just like all of you. Sat in the same chairs as you, walked the same hallways, took the same classes as all of you. Is within these very walls that the seeds of his malevolence were sown." Binns' eyes shot to Percy again, followed by most of the classroom. Percy however, was still looking out the window.

The ghostly professor cleared his throat and drifted towards the board, pointing his transparent finger at the name written in bold. "Before he became the feared 'Dark Lord,' he was a young wizard with extraordinary talents and a thirst for power that knew no bounds. Tom Riddle was in Slytherin House, and even back then, he showed signs of the darkness that would consume him."

Harry Potter raised his hand, and Professor Binns, slightly taken aback by the interruption, floated towards Harry with a ghostly grace.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?" he rolled his eyes, his tone devoid of any inflection.

"If he showed signs of darkness, why didn't someone do something about it?" Harry asked, the question lingering around the room.

Professor Binns shifted slightly in his ghostly form, his translucent features forming a contemplative expression. "Ah, an astute question, Mr. Potter," he replied, his voice echoing faintly through the classroom. "The signs of darkness in young Tom Riddle were subtle, often masked by his undeniable charm and intelligence. Many believed he simply possessed a strong ambition, a desire to rise above his circumstances."

The professor paused, drifting slowly across the room as if lost in memories that transcended the passage of time. "Moreover, darkness is not always easily discernible, especially in the hearts of the young. It can hide in the shadows, lurking beneath the surface until circumstances and choices bring it to light."

Harry furrowed his brow, his blue eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern. "But couldn't someone have intervened? To guide him, to help him choose a different path?"

Binns let out a spectral sigh, the sound barely audible in the stillness of the classroom. "Indeed, the question of intervention is a complex one, Mr. Potter. Hogwarts, like any institution, can only do so much. Ultimately, the choices we make, the paths we walk, are our own."

Valerie looked at Percy as he continued to stare out the window, seemingly unfazed by the attention directed toward him. The mention of his lineage brought an uncomfortable tension to the air, but Percy remained stoic. Like a statue. He didn't even blink.

Students exchanged glances, some whispering to each other in hushed tones. Another hand was raised, and Cho Chang spoke shortly afterwards, "Um Professor Binns, is it true Tom Riddle opened the chamber of secrets?"

Professor Binns turned towards Cho Chang, his ghostly eyes narrowing slightly. He hesitated, and at first it looked like he wasn't sure if he was allowed to answer the question. "Uh Yes, Tom Riddle did indeed open the Chamber of Secrets during his time at Hogwarts. It was an event that sent shockwaves through the wizarding community."

Cho Chang's eyes widened, and the rest of the class listened intently.

"Tom Riddle," Professor Binns continued, "discovered that he was the heir of Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts. This revelation fueled his belief in the purity of wizard blood and his disdain for those he considered 'lesser' magical beings."

Harry Potter straightened in his seat before asking, "Professor, If Tom Riddle was the heir of Slytherin, does that mean the rest of his family is too?" He casted a look at Percy and the room fell deathly quiet.

Professor Binns paused, seemingly frozen in thought. The room held its breath, waiting for the professor to provide an answer.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, Professor Binns spoke up. "W-Well, yes I suppose so. Lineage does carry throughout, Mr. Potter."

The revelation seemed to hang heavy in the air, especially around Percy, who remained unmoved, though Valerie noticed the tightening of his jaw. Her eyes darted between Percy and Harry, sensing the tension escalating. Yet, there was something about Percy's demeanor that seemed to defy the gravity of the situation.

Cho Chang's hand shot up again, her curiosity piqued. "Professor Binns, what happened after Tom Riddle opened the Chamber of Secrets? Wasn't there a monster involved?"

The ghostly professor nodded, "Indeed, Miss Chang. Tom Riddle controlled a creature within the chamber known as the Basilisk. The mere gaze of a Basilisk can be fatal, and it petrified several students."

Harry Potter leaned forward, his eyes alight with curiosity, "Can the Basilisk come back?"

Professor Binns floated slightly higher, his spectacles glinting in the dim light of the classroom, "Oh that is... highly unlikely Mr. Potter"

Harry leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed with thought. "But what if someone were to bring it back, Professor? Is that possible?"

Professor Binns's ethereal form seemed to waver slightly at Harry's question, as if contemplating the implications of such a possibility. The atmosphere in the classroom grew tense, students exchanging nervous glances as they awaited the professor's response.

"Bringing back a creature as dangerous as the Basilisk would be... exceedingly difficult, Mr. Potter," Professor Binns intoned, his voice carrying an undercurrent of grave seriousness. "The Chamber of Secrets has been sealed since the events involving Tom Riddle, and Hogwarts has taken extensive measures to ensure its continued security."

Percy, who had remained silent throughout the discussion, finally turned his attention away from the window, his gaze now fixed on Professor Binns. There was a steely resolve in his eyes, a determination that Valerie couldn't help but notice. Audrey on the other hand, looked at Percy worriedly. She knew something. And Valerie didn't like it at all.


As the class drew to a close, Professor Binns dismissed them, and Percy headed out of there as fast as he could. He heard Audrey calling after him, but he pretended he couldn't listen. He knew he kind of made a mistake showing her that chamber. It's not like he opened it or anything, but the evidence wasn't on his side.

The one day he decided to go to a class it turned out to be a lecture about Tom Riddle. After making Audrey clean her own vomit this morning he already had a tough morning, he definitely didn't need to hear a ghost of a professor repeating what he already knew.

He made his way towards Hagrid's Hut, hoping Hagrid would be there. As Percy walked inside, he was greeted by the warm, welcoming presence of the half-giant groundskeeper. Hagrid, who was busy tending to his collection of magical creatures, looked up with a broad grin as Percy entered.

"Ah, Percy, me boy! What brings ya here today?" Hagrid boomed cheerfully, his voice echoing through the cozy interior of the hut. Percy exhaled a sigh of relief at the sight of Hagrid's familiar face. Despite the turmoil swirling around him, being in Hagrid's company always seemed to bring a sense of calm.

"Just needed to get away from it all," Percy replied, his voice betraying a hint of exhaustion. "Hogwarts... it's all a bit much sometimes."
Hagrid nodded understandingly, his beetle-black eyes filled with empathy. "I understand. It can be a whirlwind, especially with all that's been goin' on lately. But you're new here, you'll get used to it"

Percy hesitated to respond.

"Is everything alright, Percy?" Hagrid asked, his tone gentle yet probing. "Ye seem a bit... troubled."

Percy glanced around the cluttered interior of the hut, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. How much could he trust Hagrid? Percy took a seat on one of the oversized chairs scattered around the hut, sinking into its worn cushions as he ran a hand through his hair. "Where's Willy?" he asked.

Hagrid chuckled, a deep rumble that seemed to fill the room. "Oh, Willy's out for a fly, enjoyin' the crisp air, he is. Seems he's taken a likin' to the Forbidden Forest. Can't blame him, really. Plenty of space to stretch his wings out there."

Hagrid put down the creature feed he was holding and sat on a stool across from Percy, his massive frame dwarfing the furniture. "Now, Percy, what's got ya lookin' like you've seen a ghost? Ain't nothin' too bad for Hagrid to help with, ya know."

Percy thought about it, and just as he was opening his mouth, Hermione Granger burst through the doors with an urgency in her expression. Her eyes widened as she saw Percy and Hagrid sitting inside the hut. "Oh- uh. Hello" She stumbled, like she was surprised to see him here.

Hermione fidgeted with the strap of her bag, her gaze darting between Percy and Hagrid. "I, um, was just looking for Hagrid, actually. Needed to ask him about something for my Care of Magical Creatures assignment."
Hagrid, ever perceptive, raised an eyebrow at Hermione's explanation. "Oh, is that so? Well, I'm sure I can help ya out. What's on yer mind?"
Hermione hesitated for a moment, glancing at Percy before turning her attention back to Hagrid. "Uh... I was actually hoping to speak to you in private"

Percy's curiosity was piqued by Hermione's request for privacy, and he exchanged a brief, questioning glance with Hagrid. Hagrid gave Percy a reassuring nod before gesturing toward the door.

Hagrid nodded at Hermione's request. "Of course, Hermione, me dear. Percy, if ya don't mind, I'll have a quick word with Hermione here. Won't take long."

Percy nodded tersely, his jaw set in a firm line, rising from his seat and making his way toward the door.

Once outside the hut, Percy leaned against the rough-hewn wood, his mind racing. His gaze wandered to the Forbidden Forest looming in the distance. He must've been staring at it for a long time, because some time later the door to Hagrid's hut creaked open, and Hermione emerged with a worried look on her face. She walked past Percy, not daring to make eye contact and returned to the castle. Percy looked back at the hut and entered once more.
"What was that about?" he asked Hagrid.

Hagrid scratched his bushy beard thoughtfully, his eyes betraying a hint of concern. "Can't rightly say, Percy. She just had somethin' on her mind. Private matters I reckon."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "What matters?"

Hagrid let out a deep sigh, his expression troubled. "Hermione's a smart one, she is, but she keeps her cards close to her chest. Always has. She's been through so much, that one."

Percy's brow furrowed at Hagrid's words, a mixture of curiosity and concern tugging at his thoughts. Hagrid leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "There's been talk, Percy. Rumors swirling around the castle like autumn leaves in a storm. People whisperin' about the Chamber of Secrets, about dark magic on the rise."

Percy nodded, Audrey definitely told someone about the chamber.

"And Hermione," Hagrid continued, his voice heavy with concern, "she's always been one to sniff out trouble. Got a nose for it, she does. Whatever's got her worried, it can't be good."

Percy nodded once again and said goodbye to Hagrid, he walked towards the forbidden forest. He wanted to have a walk and escape the madness that was going on at Hogwarts, he also was hoping to find Willy too.

As Percy ventured deeper into the Forbidden Forest, the air grew thick with an eerie stillness. Shafts of golden sunlight struggled to penetrate the dense canopy overhead, casting dappled shadows that danced across the forest floor. Ancient trees, their gnarled branches twisted like arthritic fingers, loomed ominously overhead, creating a canopy so thick that it seemed to swallow the very light. The ground beneath his feet was soft and damp, carpeted with a thick layer of fallen leaves and moss that muffled the sound of his footsteps.

As Percy trod deeper into the labyrinthine depths of the Forbidden Forest, a chill crept down his spine, something was wrong. His eyes scanned the shadows, searching for any sign of movement or life. And then, as he turned a bend in the winding path, his gaze fell upon a ghastly sight that sent a chill down his spine. There, lying motionless amidst the roots of a gnarled tree, was the lifeless form of Pansy Parkinson. What was left of her anyways.

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