The Reason we Broke Up

By Only_4_LisKooK

4.4K 96 18

My dream was you, Lisa Manoban. Model Lisa Manoban has been in a relationship with actor Jeon Jungkook for a... More



373 3 2
By Only_4_LisKooK

As the sunlight of dawn peeked into the room, Lisa opened her eyes. Last night, she had a hard time falling asleep knowing that Jungkook  was by her side.
It felt as awkward as their first night together. Maybe it was because Jungkook  was lying beside her and openly staring at her. With the moonlight at his back, he gazed at her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”
At Lisa’s question, Jungkook  merely responded with ‘I’m afraid it’s all a dream.’

“It’s not a dream, so just go to sleep.”

“Okay, but you go to sleep first.”


“I’m scared that if I fall asleep first, you’ll disappear.”
As if it would be a waste to even blink, he continued to stare at her. Lisa stared back at him but fell asleep before she knew it. It was a deep sleep.

Lisa sat up and turned her head towards the faint aroma of coffee. Jungkook  was standing in the kitchen.

“Why do you look like that?”
Lisa laughed as she gazed at Jungkook , who was only wearing his formal suit pants. Jungkook  turned around when he heard her voice.

“None of my clothes were here. And it was a bit chilly to only be wearing my underwear.”

That’s when she realized that she didn’t have any of Jungkook ’s things at her place. He could have been disappointed and commented on how she didn’t have anything that belonged to him, but he didn’t say anything.
Instead, he calmly tapped her table for two and gestured to her to come here to drink some coffee.

Lisa walked over and sat in the seat opposite to him. He held out a warm cup of americano. Lisa liked having a warm cup of americano in the mornings after she spent the night with Jungkook . It always seemed to prove to her that this was the Jungkook  she knew.

Lisa took a sip and glanced up. Jungkook  had his chin propped in his hand as he gazed at her.
“...Aren’t you going to drink your coffee?”

“I will.”
Despite his words, he didn’t touch his cup. Now that she looked a bit closer, she noticed that he had taken a shower. He must not have used the dryer in fear that she’d wake up, so his hair was still wet. It was as if he’d just popped out of a magazine pictorial.

I should have washed up too.
Lisa didn’t have to look in a mirror to know that she looked disheveled. Suddenly, Jungkook  stretched out his hand and hooked some of her hair behind her ear.
“You don’t have to wash up, so just drink your coffee.”
“How did you know? I was just thinking that.”

Lisa looked at him in shock.
“I just thought you might be thinking it.”

“That’s amazing.”
Lisa took another sip of her coffee.

“I can usually tell what you’re thinking. Although, my radar was a bit defective for a while.”
Jungkook  smiled. She could barely swallow the coffee due to the refreshing smile. Her heart fluttered at his casual words. It was as if he were telling her that the time that had stopped in their relationship was slowly flowing again.

“How did you know where my place was?”

“I contacted Rose-ssi and asked.”
Rose was another friend of Lisa’s. She had come over to her place for a housewarming a while ago and knew her address.
“She knew we’d broken up, so it wasn’t easy getting it out of her.”
Lisa tilted her head.

“It wasn’t easy, but after I kept begging her, she finally told me.”

“I see.”
Lisa nodded her head. Now she knew why Rose had called her last night. However, she’d been with Jungkook , so Lisa hadn’t picked up any of her calls.

“What does your schedule look like today? Are you still allowed to stay here like this?”
Lisa picked up her cup as she asked.

“I probably don’t have anything.”
Lisa asked back suspiciously. Jungkook  was always on top of his daily schedule so that he could be prepared for what was to come. So when he said ‘probably’, Lisa found it very odd. When she tilted her head, Jungkook  stretched out his hand and softly wiped the edge of her mouth.

“After we broke up, I couldn’t focus. I might get fired from the drama I’m shooting right now. I’ve probably been branded as an actor who can’t act. I think I’ll have to take a break for a while.”


“Now that I have some time, should we go on a trip?”
Jungkook  spoke as if he were talking about someone else. His eyes narrowed playfully.

“What about your phone?”

“It disappeared. I remember having it when I called Rose-ssi, but… I’m not sure where it is anymore.”
Lisa stared at him for a while before picking up her phone from the table and holding it out to him.

“No, call your manager-oppa. Ask him what the schedule is today. Tell him you’ll go to work again.”
Jungkook  merely gazed at her in silence.

“You say you want to succeed, but you’ve always liked this work. I don’t think it’s right for you to behave like this. I feel bad because it feels like it’s all my fault.”
Lisa’s voice faded away.

Lisa knew that Jungkook  liked being an actor and that he did his best when it came to this career. Even when he didn’t have a shoot scheduled, he’d go to meet actor seonbaes and other actors.

He’d take lessons from his actor seonbaes, meet with acting coaches, and when he didn’t do those things, he’d watch a movie or another drama and study the acting.

She knew that he’d gotten this far because of his hard work and practice. She didn’t want to see him ruin this career he had built just because of her. Gazing at Lisa, Jungkook  slowly nodded his head.

“Okay. I don’t want to worry you. In exchange, when I get back from meeting my manager-hyung, let’s go on a date.”

“Date? Shall we watch a movie at home?”
Lisa began to try and see which movies she had available on demand.

“Let’s go to the movie theater.”

Lisa’s head snapped up.

“There’s a movie I want to see. It looks like it’ll be fun.”
Jungkook  said with a strange expression.

“The theater is too dangerous. People will definitely recognize you, and…”
Lisa spoke in a worried tone, but Jungkook  cut her off. His eyes, which had been resting on the cup of coffee, looked up at her. They gleamed.

“I noticed that it’s been two years since we last went to the movies.”


“We haven’t been able to go since I debuted. We couldn’t go on trips, and I don’t think we’ve ever gone to a cafe. It was either the car or home. Do you know how much I regretted that?”
Because she loved him, Lisa had to stay confined at home. He realized that it was expected given his line of work, but it had become something she had to endure.

“I didn’t do anything when I was home and was waiting for you to call. One minute felt like ten years.”


“And you probably felt like that everyday.”
Jungkook 's eyes turned dark.

“And that’s when I realized. We’ve been dating for over ten years, but it didn’t even amount to three years of a normal relationship. Let’s stop hiding now. Let’s do everything we want to do.”

Lisa’s expression looked grave. An actor who was single could only maintain his popularity if he remained that way. His agency would definitely have a problem with it, and it was also possible that one of his contracts contained a clause that prohibited him from getting into any kind of scandal.

“I want to see you happy now.”
Jungkook  spoke up. At his words, the dizzying thoughts inside her head flew away. Lisa looked at him with silent eyes. Jungkook  opened his mouth once again.
“Don’t worry about other people. Just focus on us.”


“Only focus on  Lisa’s Jungkook  and K Jungkook ’s Lisa.”
His eyes were still. She could see that he’d thought about this a lot. Therefore, Lisa decided not to worry about it and slowly nodded her head.

When he heard Lisa’s reply, Jungkook  gave her a bright smile. Then he lifted his cup of coffee.

It was just another peaceful morning.

* * *
“I’ve aged about ten years because I haven’t gotten a wink of sleep, but you look like you’re in good condition. Do you know how many things I’ve wanted to say to you once I saw you again? Are you going through puberty? Why are you acting out? You were never like this before. Are you releasing all this rebellious energy at once this year? I’m definitely not going to be in charge of you next year!”
YoungSik barged into Jungkook ’s home after receiving his call. As soon as he entered, he began to spew bitter remarks. But it must not have soothed any of his pent-up anger because his hands were still on his hips as he panted for breath.

Last night, because Jungkook  hadn’t said a word when he received his Best Actor award, the internet was in an uproar. The reporters were in a frenzy as they made up all kinds of possible reasons for his behavior.

The public was split fifty-fifty. Some felt that it was incredibly rude of him to remain silent when he received his award, but others thought he had been too overwhelmed with emotion, so they asked everyone to be understanding.

Jungkook  didn’t settle this situation and simply disappeared. No one knew where he went. They called him, but he had left his cell phone on the table in his VIP room.

They thought he had received someone’s call and left in a hurry, but when they tried to go through his phone, it was locked with a passcode, so they weren’t able to check.

Jungkook  disappeared into the night. The next morning, YoungSik received a call from an unknown phone number. Jungkook  told him that he’d be heading home now, and asked that he come to see him there a little later.

YoungSik frantically rushed over to Jungkook ’s home. Jungkook  must have just arrived as well because he was in the middle of taking off his suit. He told YoungSik that he was going to get changed and asked him to wait a moment. Then he reappeared in some comfortable clothing and sat down on the sofa.

When Jungkook  called, YoungSik shouted out in anger. His usually calm face was filled with rage.

“I’m sorry.”
Jungkook  interlocked his fingers together as he spoke.

“Why are you apologizing all of a sudden? You’re freaking me out! What’s going on? Are you going to do something else? Are you going to just give up on your career? Fuck, I don’t know anymore. Do whatever you want! I’ll contact the director and tell him that we’re going to cancel your contract. Just cough up the cancellation fee. I can’t take this anymore!”
Unable to endure this any longer, YoungSik began to spit out curses.

“I’ll do whatever you say, Hyung.”
YoungSik froze.

“What is it? Why are you so obedient all of a sudden? Do you know that this behavior is a lot scarier?”

“So I’m going to get into one more scandal.”

“What more?!”
YoungSik roared.
“Today, Lisa and I are going on a date at the movie theater. And we’re also planning on going on a trip soon. If we want to take a walk together, we’re going to take a walk. We’re not going to avoid other people’s eyes anymore.”

YoungSik hadn’t expected this. He looked like his soul had left his body.

“I’ll tell the director myself.”
Jungkook crossed his legs.

“Hey, you…”
YoungSik stammered as if he’d lost the ability to speak. Jungkook looked as if he’d already made up his mind. YoungSik took a few deep breaths and finally managed to speak.

“So are you guys back together again?”
Jungkook nodded his head.

“And now you’re going to date publicly? Do you think it’ll be that easy? It won’t just be hard on you. It’ll be hell for Lisa , too. Everyone’s focus will be directed towards Lisa. Instead of her name, she’ll be known as Jeon Jungkook’s lover. How can she cope with all that? I’m sure this won’t happen, but what if you two break up? Then what are you guys going to do? In that case, you won’t be the one who will suffer. It’ll be Lisa .”

“That’s why we hid it all this time. And because of that… we almost broke up.”

When YoungSik saw Jungkook's blank face, he closed his mouth shut. He was right. Jungkook lowered his eyes and slowly opened his lips.
“When I received the award last night, I wasn’t happy at all. It was merely heavy. I recalled all the things I’d lost in order to obtain this. I lived and did my best in order to be happy, but happiness seemed to elude me.

Because I continued to push off my happiness, I forgot what happiness was. And I made Lisa go through this dreadful phase as well.


“Hyung, if I can, I want to return my trophy in exchange for having those two years back. If I can go back two years, I think I can do my best to love her.”


“So don’t tell us to hide anymore. I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
Jungkook spoke in a steady tone and finally lifted his head. He had a determined expression on his face as if he had already made up his mind.
YoungSik opened his mouth and closed it again. He knew he should try to persuade Jungkook otherwise, but he couldn’t.

Jungkook said he wanted to be happy, and YoungSik didn’t know what to say to that. He could see that Jungkook had, at some point, stopped enjoying his work. He felt anxious just watching him from the sidelines.

And it was terrifying.

If he ever lost Lisa  again, he could only imagine what would happen to Jungkook.
* * *
Standing in front of a mirror, Lisa turned from side to side. She took off the fur hat she was wearing. Instead, she put the baseball cap she had just taken off a few moments ago and lowered it as far as it would go.

When she put on a mask with the baseball cap, her face was completely hidden. Finally, she looked over her outfit and glanced at the clock on the wall. There was only a little bit of time left before the appointed time. She turned around and saw the Best Actor trophy on the table.

A few hours ago, after Lisa bhad come out from washing up, she discovered that Jungkook wasn’t there. Instead, she found his trophy. There was a post-it stuck underneath it.

I felt that if I saw you come out after washing up, I wouldn’t want to leave you. I’ll call you later. And this is your gift.

After reading the post-it, Lisa immediately texted Jungkook.

[The Best Actor trophy is yours. Why are you giving this to me? I’ll bring it with me when I leave to meet you.]
Jungkook must have gotten his phone back from his manager because her phone began to ring with his call.

- "I told you. I’ll give you that, so I want you, Lisa."


- "Take it as my apology for not saying your name yesterday when I received it. So make sure you come out at the promised time today. I’ll be waiting."
And then he hung up. Lisa  stared at the trophy on the table. She didn’t feel comfortable touching it in fear of getting her fingerprints on it.

It was one of his life’s goals. The evidence of his glory was now in her hands. Lisa lifted her hand and carefully brushed her hand along the trophy.
It was cold and hard. It felt good.

Lisa ’s lips stretched into a smile.
After a few more moments of blankly staring at the trophy, Lisa left her apartment when it was time to leave. When she got out, she saw Jungkook’s car parked in front.

“Did you have a good talk with your manager-oppa?”
Lisa got inside the passenger seat and asked. She couldn’t stop worrying about it.

“Thank goodness.”

“I agreed to meet with the drama director tomorrow.”
When she heard this, Lisa  looked relieved and nodded her head. His car began to head to the underground parking garage of a movie theater that was situated on a major street. She thought they’d be going to a more secluded location, so this was unexpected. When Jungkook was about to exit the car, she quickly grabbed him.

“Wear this.”
Lisa  took out the hat and mask that she had prepared for him. Jungkook looked at the hat and mask and then at Lisa ’s face.

“I’m okay.”
Then he got out of the car before she could stop him. Lisa  got out and followed after him. She held out the hat, but he continued to refuse it. Meanwhile, two more people entered the theater with them.

“Isn’t that Jeon Jungkook?”

“Huh, you’re right. Daebak.”
The moment people began to notice Jungkook, they began to whisper. As their gazes began to hone in on them, Lisa  took a step back.

“Where are you going?”
Jungkook grabbed her hand. Her small hand disappeared within his large one. Startled, Lisa tried to take her hand out of his grasp, but he interlocked their fingers and tightened his hold.
Unable to endure it, Lisa  called out his name.

Jungkook answered as he looked at the various movie posters. He was avoiding her eyes on purpose. In the meantime, more and more people began to recognize him.

When they discovered that he was holding her hand, their eyes naturally went to her. They began to murmur as they wondered who the woman was.
“How about this movie?”
Jungkook asked. He acted as if he wouldn’t move an inch until they had decided on a movie.

“Okay, looks good.” Lisa  didn’t even know which movie he was talking about and nodded her head. She wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

Jungkook continued to hold her hand and walked over to the ticket booth. After purchasing their tickets, they walked into the theater. People began to follow after them.

Click. They could hear the sound of people taking photos. Thankfully, no one approached them to speak with Jungkook.
“What about popcorn and drinks?”

“I don’t think we’ll need any.” Lisa  shook her head. She didn’t think she’d be able to swallow it.
Even after they entered the theater, people continued to glance at them. Lisa turned her head and looked at Jungkook.

She was about to tell him that she couldn’t take it anymore and that they should just leave now. But her eyes widened. He was holding her hand. He locked their fingers together before lowering his head to whisper into her ear.

“It’s been a while since we held hands and watched a movie together.”
His breath brushed against her ear. She felt a chill run down her spine.

At his comment, she recalled something from the past. The moments when they had come to the movie theater to watch a movie. They would cry together, grow tense together in serious moments. At the time, these moments didn’t seem to mean much, but now they were so novel.

After thinking it over for a bit, Lisa  tightened her grasp on his hand instead of asking to leave. He was doing his best, and she wanted to be brave for him.

“The movie looks like it’ll be fun.”
Lisa met his eyes as she spoke.
“Yeah, it does.”
Jungkook’s eyes slightly widened, and a smile stretched across his lips.
* * *

After watching the movie at the theater, Lisa and Jungkook avoided the people who were following them and began to head over to a restaurant. Lisa  was the one who had chosen the restaurant.

She had been here with Jiyoon before. Dividers were installed between the booths. The employee looked shocked to see Jungkook, but they quickly calmed down and took their order. When their food came out, Lisa finally took off her hat and mask.

It was the first time she felt comfortable after coming out for their date. Lisa  gazed at Jungkook across the table. She found it so unfamiliar to see him illuminated in the sunlight that was peeking through the windows. At some point, she had only become used to seeing him at home.

As he ate his meal, he must have noticed Lisa’s gaze and looked up. When their eyes met, he smiled. It was a clean, pure smile. It resembled the Jungkook she knew in high school, and it made her heart flutter.

After they finished eating, they went to a cafe. Jungkook behaved like a man with a resolution. He didn’t seem to care if he caught other people’s eyes.

When someone recognized him, they’d take a photo of him, but he acted as if he didn’t notice. At first, Lisa hesitated, but ultimately, she ended up following him.

She didn’t show it, but she also felt that it was a bit of a thrill. Walking with Jungkook as they held hands, drinking sweet coffee at a cafe as much as they wanted, looking into each others’ eyes as they spoke about nothing at all.

After drinking their tea, they left the cafe. As the sky grew darker, the streetlights began to flicker on.
Instead of returning home, Jungkook  asked to walk around a little. Lisa nodded. As if he’d been waiting for this, he grabbed her hand. He didn’t let go as if he were on a date for the very first time.

As they walked away from the busy street and into a more secluded neighborhood, there were rarely any pedestrians in sight. Due to the cold weather, they were all gathered inside cafes.

They were the only two people holding hands and walking in the dark. As they moved one foot in front of the other, a cold wind blew past them.
The loosely fitted cap flew off Lisa’s head. Jungkook walked over to the cap and picked it up for her.

Lisa held out her hand to receive the cap. Instead of giving it to her, Jungkook  pulled her mask down with his finger. A cold breeze brushed against her damp face.
"What are you doing?"
Lisa’s eyes asked.

“Let me see your face.”


“I like going on a date, but since your face is hidden, I want to see it even more.”
Jungkook’s warm gaze poured over her. He had seen this face for the past ten years, but he behaved as if he hadn’t seen her for a long time. A smile stretched across his lips.

“You’re pretty, Lisa .”


“You’re still the same girl I fell in love with at first sight in high school.”
Lisa gazed back at Jungkook. He lowered his head, still smiling. She felt a warmth replace the cold air brushing against her lips.


A small murmur bubbled out from between her lips. Even if they weren’t under a streetlamp, it was dangerous to be kissing here. Someone might see them.

However, Lisa didn’t avoid him.
Because of the face he had been making before he pressed his lips against hers, she couldn’t move away at all.
* * *

“Happy? Are you happy now?”
After parking the car in front of the studio, YoungSik glared at Jungkook  through the rearview mirror and asked. Jungkook uncrossed his legs and was just about to get out of the car when he stopped and raised his head.

“About what?”
From the way the edge of his lips tilted up, YoungSik could tell that Jungkook knew what he was talking about. However, he shamelessly asked back.

“Are you happy that you’re finally dating in public, just like you wanted?”

The news of Jungkook’s scandal spread far and wide. Thanks to social media, the news had spread onto the internet in an instant.

He received a call from his agency very quickly after. After telling reporters that they were ‘in the middle of confirming it with him’, they remained silent. After that, the CEO and director all called Jungkook but Jungkook  didn’t answer as if he had planned this all along.

They tried to block it in any way possible. However, every ten minutes, a new photo would pop up. The two of them sitting across from each other.

The two of them holding hands. Even a photo of them getting in the car.
Unable to deny it any longer, his agency acknowledged that Jungkook was in a relationship.

They remained silent about the woman in question, but the public successfully found out that it was ‘Lisa’. Not a day passed by when it became known that the two of them had been classmates in high school. Reports began to speculate that they had been dating for a long time.

Early in the morning, the CEO grasped his head in frustration, and the director was deep in thought. There was nothing else they could do other than accept this situation. They chain smoked up on the roof and didn’t come down.

“I’m growing old because of you. Do you know how many times the director cursed at me, asking me if I’d known all along? Huh? Just thinking about last night makes my blood run dry.”
YoungSik shook his head. Just remembering the incident made his teeth chatter.

“So I’m very grateful to you.”

“Oh, really? Only with your words?”

“Shall I buy you a drink tonight?”

“Do you think a drink is going to cover it?”
YoungSik glared.

“I’ll join your agency in five years.”

“What do you mean ‘five years’—....
YoungSik asked blankly.

“You said your goal was to set up an agency in five years. If it’s alright with you, I’ll be the first actor who signs on. Of course, I may give you a hard time then, too.”

YoungSik whipped around and gave Jungkook a bewildered look. He had said it once when he was drunk, but it seemed that Jungkook  had remembered it.

“By then, I’ll be a married actor, so I won’t be as popular. But if that’s still alright with you, let’s sign a contract.”
Even if Jungkook was married, what would it be like? He had already demonstrated his amazing talent for acting and guaranteed a box office hit. If this kind of actor entered his agency, it would be a lot easier to recruit new faces.

“Hey, if the CEO and director find out…”

“I am grateful to the CEO and director, but you’re the one I’m most thankful for, Hyung.”


“Thanks for pretending not to know about me and Lisa.”
Jungkook  gazed at YoungSik as he spoke in a low voice. His calm eyes were full of sincerity. He began to repeatedly clench and unclench his hand.

“That day, if we broke up, I wouldn’t be here right now. I’m really thankful for what you did.”
Without Lisa, he was no different from a machine that had lost its battery.

“...Hm, ahem. Why are you saying something like that all of a sudden? You’re making it hard for me to stay mad… cheap bastard.”
YoungSik coughed awkwardly. Seeing this, Jungkook gave him a refreshing smile.
“Think about it.”

“What’s there to think about? For now, just buy me a drink. And be prepared to record what you just said. What you told me was a verbal contract, alright?”
Jungkook burst into laughter as he nodded his head. Saying that he really needed to get going, Jungkook got out of the car. Left alone, YoungSik turned back around.

“What a cunning guy. If he’s coming out like this, then I can’t help but work hard.”
YoungSik roared with laughter as he turned on the tablet and double-checked Jungkook’s schedule for the day.

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