
By ChloeTeal8

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A story about a human king who gets trapped in a mythical land. He learns to be kinder and more accepting. He... More

Chapter 1: New Perspective
Chapter 2: Deep Ocean
Chapter 3: Liability
Chapter 4: Not Strong Enough
Chapter 5: Worried Mother
Chapter 6: Maybe He was Right, Maybe Not
Chapter 7: True Friends and Family
Chapter 8: Motherly Love
Chapter 9: Amphitrite
Chapter 10: I Miss You
Chapter 11: Light Forest
Chapter 12: The Breakdown and Breakup
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Mylah and The Fish
Chapter 15: True Feelings
Chapter 16: The Fire Fairy
Chapter 17: Missing Milo
Chapter 19: Milo and Lau

Chapter 18: The Dragon's Cave

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By ChloeTeal8

Chapter 18: The Dragon's Cave
The next day everyone was continuing to look for Milo. Agni and Norman were walking around a village of elves in the kingdom. "I swear when we find this kid you might have to stop be from killing him because I'm getting impatient! Where could he even be? Do you think he found a way out the kingdom even though we're supposedly trapped here?" Agni said, sounding irritated. "Hey it might now be his fault! He could've been taken by a monster or something." Norman said trying to calm him down. "Then I'll kill the damn monster." Agni mumbled. Norman half smiled and gave Agni a kiss on the cheek. Agni blushed."So I've been thinking, there's one place no one has looked yet." Norman explained. "Ok- wait you're not talking about-" "The dragons cave." Norman said interupting him. "No! Norm no. Even if he is in there he's definitely not in there alive!" Agni exclaimed. "You don't know that! " said Norman. "No I do know that! No one has ever made it out of there alive." Agni explained. "Well there's always a first. And I was thinking since you're a fire fairy wouldn't you be good with fire breathing dragons?" Norman asked. Agni shook his head. "Good ones maybe but the evil ones are not something anyone should mess with." "Well I believe you could defeat them." Norman said, putting his arm around Agni's waist and pulling him close. "I have defeated one but never hundred of them! There's way too many in the cave to defeat. Even if we gathered every creature in the kingdom we wouldn't be able to defeat them all. We would all die." Agni explained. Norman sighed. "I know it's probably a bad idea but we have to do it. For Lau, for Milo, for everyone." Said Norman. "Ok fine but I'm not letting you go in there. You're just a human you'll be killed the second you go in there." Agni said. "Just a human? I think I'm much more than that." Norman said, feeling offended. "Honey, I know but only fire fairies can survive in the caves. It's too hot for anyone to else. Also even if you could go in there let's just be honest you don't have powers to help you and swords are not enough to defeat these powerful dragons." Agni explained, putting a hand on Normans shoulder. Norman smiled at the way Agni called him "honey" and nodded. "Ok fine." Norman said. Of course the one place they hadn't looked yet was a death trap. A place that everyone who goes in never comes out. The dragon's cave. Hundreds of families of terrifying monsters. There were some nice, tame dragons but most of them were evil creatures with big glowing eyes and sharp teeth and claws. Bat-like wings and scales. Fire breathing demons. Maybe it was the dragon Milo had used his hypnosis on who had taken him, Amaya. The mother of most of the evil dragons. Agni and Norman went to find the rest of the group who all gathered at the castle. Agni told them about his plan to gather a group of fire fairies to search the dragon cave. "What no! Cousin it is way too dangerous!" Mylah exclaimed. "Mylah don't worry I'll be fine." said Agni. "Agni, I don't know. I agree with Mylah. Are you sure Milo could even be in there?" Nerine said, looking worried. Lau then suddenly hugged Agni which surprised him but he hugged him back. "You would do that? For Milo? Even though you don't even know him?" Lau said, gratefully. "Not just for him kid, for all of you. It's been really nice to get to know you guys. I've never had friends this amazing." Agni said, patting Lau on the head. Agni then pulled away and stood next to Norman. Agni looked up at Norman who was hilariously taller than him and smiled. "Look I know this is dangerous but just let me try. I want you guys to have your friend back." Agni said, looking toward the group. "Ok fine whatever just don't get killed doofus." said Mylah, folding her arms. Nerine nodded in agreement though she was still worried. Wraith hugged Nerine to comfort her. Lau walked over to Nerine. "Hey. How have you been?" He asked her. "Alright. Just worried about Milo." Nerine said. "Yeah." Lau said, looking sadly at the ground. Nerine put her arm around Lau to comfort him. "You love him?" Nerine asked, quietly. Lau nodded and put his head on Nerine's shoulder as tears formed in his eyes. Nerine smiled, empathetically. Agni set out to look for some fire fairies who could help him while everyone else rested or continued looking for Milo. Nerine and Norman sat next to each other on the steps of the castle. "So, I have something to tell you." said Norman, thinking about the fact he has recently kissed Agni. "Ok. What is it?" Nerine asked. "Agni and I- kinda kissed." Norman admitted, looking awkward. "OH MY GOSH! REALLY?" Nerine exclaimed as she grabbed Norman's shoulders and shook him. "Yeah." He whispered, blushing. "Oh my god! Mylah owes me twenty bucks." Nerine said, happily. Norman gave her a weird look and laughed. "And I owe Lau 50." Nerine sighed. "What?" Norman asked. "Yeah I told him I bet fifty dollars that you guys wouldn't kiss until like a at least five years because I thought y'all were gonna be hella slow but it only took a year which is probably good because you don't want to kiss someone you just met I mean I don't know cuz I don't date you know but like-" Nerine stopped herself from rambling on too much. Norman laughed. Agni was now in "fire forest" gathering fire fairies. He got a group of them and they discussed their plan.  As they made their way to the dragon's cave, the group's nerves were on edge. The air grew hotter and the ground shook beneath their feet as they approached the entrance. Agni led the way, his fiery wings glowing brightly as he prepared to face the creatures within. As they entered the cave, the group was met with a chorus of roars and hisses from the dragons that inhabited the dark tunnels. Agni summoned a wall of flames to keep the creatures at bay while the rest of the fire fairies followed behind, casting spells and using their powers to fend off the aggressive monsters. They searched every corner of the cave, calling out for Milo and hoping for any sign of his presence. Just as they were starting to lose hope, a soft voice echoed through the darkness, calling out for help. It was Milo, trapped in a cage at the center of the cave, surrounded by menacing dragons. Agni felt a surge of determination as he flew towards Milo, breaking the cage and pulling him to safety. The group fought off the remaining dragons, using their powers to overpower the creatures and secure their escape from the cave. As they emerged from the dragon's cave, Milo safe in their arms, the group let out a collective sigh of relief. They had faced their fears and conquered the dangerous creatures, all for the sake of their friend. "Thank you for saving me. Who are you guys?" Milo asked as Agni and the other fairies were bringing him back to the castle. "I'm friends with your friends. I've been helping them look for you. I'm Agni, Mylah's cousin. Lau's been worried sick. What the hell were you doing in there?" Agni explained. "Yeah uhm about that I well something happened and I got scared and ran away and then I accidentally stumbled upon a dragon and she kidnapped me and I've been stuck in there for a year." Milo said, sounding exhausted. He had cuts and bruises all over him and could barely walk. Agni had to carry him. "You must be starving. Did you even get anything to eat?" Agni asked as he noticed how rough Milo looked. "Not much but I managed to steal some of their food. It was really gross though. I'm hoping none of it was human flesh. Would it count as cannibalism because I'm technically a kitsune but also part human so I guess but whatever." Milo mumbled. Agni gave him a weird look and didn't say anything. A while later they finally got back to the castle. Agni set Milo on the couch in the castle and Milo weakly laid there and groaned in pain. "I'll go get help." Agni said, frantically. Agni rushed off to find help and Milo's friends. Nerine, Lau, Wraith, Norman, and Mylah all quickly rushed to the living room of the castle where Milo was resting.
The group surrounded Milo, their hearts overflowing with relief and concern. Nerine and Lau knelt beside him, tears streaming down their faces as they saw the state he was in. Mylah and Wraith stood by, their eyes filled with worry for their friend. Norman stayed close, his hand on Milo's shoulder in a gesture of comfort and support. As Agni returned with a group of magical healers, they quickly set to work, tending to Milo's injuries and helping him regain his strength. As Milo began to recover, he looked up at his friends with gratitude and remorse in his eyes. "I'm so sorry for running away. I was scared and confused, but I never meant to cause this much trouble." His voice was barely a whisper, but the sincerity in his words was clear. Lau reached out and took Milo's hand, squeezing it tightly. "We're just glad you're safe, Milo. I'm glad you're safe." Lau leaned close to Milo and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Milo blushed softly and smiled. Nerine nodded in agreement, tears still lingering in eyes. "We missed you so much, Milo. We're just glad you're back with us." Milo smiled weakly, his eyes filled with emotion. "I missed you all too. Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life." He looked at Agni, his expression softening.  Agni smiled back, his eyes filled with warmth. "You don't owe me anything, Milo. I'm just glad I could help bring you back to your friends." The group shared a moment of silence, a sense of relief and gratitude washing over them. Agni and the other fire fairies had faced the dragon's cave, conquered their fears, and emerged victorious.  As the sun set over the kingdom, casting a warm glow over the castle, the group gathered around Milo, their bonds stronger than ever. They knew that they had faced challenges and dangers together, but their friendship and love for one another had only grown stronger in the face of adversity. And as they stood together, surrounded by the warmth and light of the setting sun, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would always have each other to lean on and support.

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