MHA OC Story The Quirkless Ni...

By Gamekip99

865 22 1

In a society with 80% of people possess a superhuman ability called a quirk. However, there are the 20% who d... More

OC Info
Chapter 1: Ninja Gotta Go
Chapter 2: School Kids On The Block
Chapter 3: Beach for the Stars
Chapter 4: Trains over Brawn
Chapter 5: All Paths Begin
Chapter 7: Dinner
Chapter 8: Beginning of Many

Chapter 6: Entrance Exam

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By Gamekip99

In All Might's house, Leo started doing some training with Midoriya, and the new heir was doing extremely well in fighting. Saori was watching as the two boys duked it out. Izuku was using his new ability well and using it in conjunction with his fighting abilities. As for Leo, his senses sharpened just as well. He was able to anticipate his attacks and also counterattack.

Izuku threw a punch at Leo, but he dodges and Izuku tries to attack again. The green haired boy then does a kick towards him, but he grabs the kick and attempts to tip him over. He does just that, but before Izuku fell, he landed on his hands, and did a sweep motion towards Leo. The ninja boy anticipated this move, so he jumps up, and stomps on Izuku's leg.

Izuku: OW!

Then, Leo roundhouse kicks the green haired boy into the wall. Izuku gets up however and swings left and right hooks. But soon, Leo takes a deep breath, and his sword starts to glow. He pulls it out, and a white energy enveloped it. Izuku then grabs a decorative sword and clashes it towards Leo.

Izuku trained not only in fighting, but weaponry as well. But even after months, although his combat and swordsmanship had become above average, he had no chance of besting Leo.

Leo then grabbed his sword, and sliced Izuku's decorative swords. Then, he pokes Izuku with his sword, and the boy freezes up. Lastly, he does a heel kick and pins his opponent to the ground with his sword.

Leo: Great job, pal.

Izuku: Thanks.

Saori: What a wonderful 10 months. Now, the exam should be starting tomorrow.

All Might: I'll take you kids there.

Leo: Yeah. They're so not gonna question why the No. 1 hero is transporting a bunch of unknown kids to his alma mater.

All Might: Don't worry. I'm going as Arata. I'll email your parents. Just get a good night's sleep. All 3 of you.

Saori, Leo, and Izuku: Yes, All Might.


When they arrive to the school, Leo, Saori, and Izuku arrive and take a look around. Soon, Leo comes across the same orange haired girl he saw when he had his sword approved.

Kendo: You're.....Himura, right?

Leo: How'd you know?

Kendo: Your sword. Anyway, how have you been?

Leo: Ok. I've been practicing my skills and everything.

Kendo: Yeah, mine too. What's your quirk?

Leo: *sigh* I don't have one. I'm using martial arts and ninja weaponry.

Kendo: That is-

Leo: -stupid to go in quirkless, I know.

Kendo: That's actually awesome. Going against the grain, fighting the odds. You're cool, Himura.

Leo: Thanks, Kendo.

Kendo: Technically, I have a quirk. But it's nothing special. I can just enlarge my hands.

Leo: I can think of a lot of ways how that's useful.

Kendo: Thanks! Well see ya, Himura.

The orange haired girl leaves as Leo had a smile on his face.

Leo: What a nice girl. Not unlike back at our school.

Saori: Speaking of girls, look at Izuku!

Izuku was interacting with a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks. Leo nodded in approval. But then time started and he had to head to his test.


Mic: Welcome to today's live performance! Everybody say hey!

Leo: Hey.

Present Mic: Well, at least one guy is with me! I'm here to explain the guidelines of this practical exam! Are you ready?!

This time, it was silent, but with a bit of Midoriya's muttering.

Present Mic: As the application suggests, you'll participate in a 10 minute mock battle in the city! Soon, you'll head off to specific battle centers in the city, OKAY?!

All 3 of the kids check their tickets and find out they're going to different areas. However, Izuku and Leo were headed to the same one since they're technically from different schools.

Present Mic: There are 3 types of villains in this exam. You'll earn points depending on how their difficulty level. Your goal is to use your quirks to take down the villains and earn points. But you cannot do any physical harm to students because that's not the making of heroes!

Suddenly, a tall and muscular boy with glasses stands up.

Glasses: I have a question!

Present Mic: What is it?

Glasses: There are 4 villains on the printout, but you say there are 3? If you misprinted this, it would be such a shame from an elite school with exemplary heroes. And you!

He points to Midoriya while continuing to chatter.

Glasses: Your muttering is disruptive! If you can't take it seriously, just leave.

Leo: The only thing that should be taken is a chill pill, by you!

Everyone starts laughing at the glasses kid and he starts getting mad.

Glasses: You should also see your way out if that's how you will act, Himura!

Leo: You know my name? Well, you can scratch brains off your wish list.

Mic: Ok! Save the energy for the field! That is no misprint! That is a zero pointer robot, a gimmick that causes a ruckus in each center! Technically, you can fight him, but there's no point.

The two kids nod and head off to their respective places.

However, some red and white haired boy saw him go into a bus. And he noticed Leo's sword.

Shoto: (That's my uncle's sword. But Kent and Ann said it burnt up in the fire.) Hey Kenta and Anna.

Both: Yeah?

Shoto: I....I saw Leo.

Kenta: Yeah, well a lot of kids look like our deceased younger brother.

Shoto: No. I saw his sword.

Anna: Of course you did.

Shoto: Why aren't you believing me?

Anna: Shoto? How can we put this lightly?

Kenta: You're a few slices short of a pizza.

Shoto: We're having pizza for dinner?

Anna: No, what he means is you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Shoto: Yeah. And I blame Endeavor for making me into a tool.

Kenta: *sigh* What Anna and I are trying to say is that you're stupid in social situations. Like when the bell rang for the first day of school, you told everyone to get out so you could put out the fire.

Shoto: I was told a fire bell alerted the fire.

Kenta: That bell was the Homeroom bell.

Anna: Or like the time in that play where you froze my friend because she told me to break a leg.

Shoto: She deserved it because she wanted you to get hurt.

Anna: Or when you were told was this is the last straw, you took all the straws from the cafeteria.

Shoto: They shouldn't have said it if they didn't mean it.

Kenta: Maybe he's right. After all. There have been rumors that All Might has a son who looks like Leo grown up.

Anna: You don't think?

Shoto: If you guys won't believe me, I'll make you believe me. Wish me luck.


The test soon began and Leo began charging in with a sword and sliced the robots up, as it left an ice trail.

Leo: Ha! You guys need to cool your jets!

He uses his sword to create an ice trail and starts skating on it. Then, he pulls out his Bo staff and pole vaults into a robot, which he kicks the head off.

Leo: This is easy!

However a robot sneaked up from behind him and attempted to laser blast him. So his staff turns into a naginata and decapitates the robot's head. He notices more robots, so he runs on the buildings and impresses everyone, as he glides down and slashes the robots.

Student: Who is that kid?

Student 2: I dunno.

French Student: Well, his sword is magnifique! Wish I could say the same for his personality.

Leo counted up his robot kills and got around mostly 2-3 pointers. Everyone else started trying to destroy the robots left while Leo was just running on the buildings.

Izuku meanwhile, was using his Full Cowling to his advantage and ran, but only stopped to help people out. He did manage to punch a few robots's heads off, but those were few and far in between.

Leo: Try and keep up, and beat them up. Don't just stand there.


In the observation deck, All Might and the teachers were analyzing everyone.

All Might: That's Reo Himura.

Midnight: Brother of Kenta and Anna Himura, the ones in our school?

Ectoplasm: Yes. He seems to have no quirk. But his sword has some sort of ice properties.

Cementoss: Also, his CQC and martial arts are phenomenal. It's like he's trained by the Himura Clan himself!

All Might: He is a Himura Clan member. Despite the Ninja Clan dying out, they became known for a chain of dojos before Gunhead took over them. They even trained heroes. Such as Eraser Head, and Midnight.

Midnight: Yes. In fact, they even made my own fragrance into a smoke bomb. Before the clan dissolved.

Eraser Head: That boy though, he's more of an assassin than a hero.

All Might: Don't be so sure. He may be angry, but he has a pure soul and noble intentions.

Eraser Head: Yet he has no rescue points to his name.

All Might: Speaking of no points, what about Midoriya?

Eraser: Midori- oh. He actually has points. Not much, but he seems to have some sort of quirk that improves physical skill. 

All Might: What about Takahashi? Sister of Temporal.

Eraser: Nice mixture of rescue and villain points. But what's really interesting is the kid from the same school as Midoriya. Katsuki Bakugo. Good grades, close to perfect, and his usage and application of his quirk is amazing.

Ectoplasm: Now let's see how they do against the Zero Pointer.


Leo is slashing through robots left and right as they freeze, and he dismantles them with throwing stars and his swords and weapons. However, soon, the zero pointer arrives.

Leo: (Well, might as well run. There's nothing going and.....oh no. You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do.)

Izuku jumps up high into the sky using One For All, and with a powerful punch, he destroys the robot with one punch. This shocks everyone, but this also caused multiple chunks of debris to fall around everywhere.

Leo: (*sigh* Time to clean up the mess.)

He jumps up high, and with the debris around him, he uses it as platforms and slashes every piece of debris effortlessly. All the students were mesmerized by the two boys's power. However, Izuku was going to fall and a chunk of debris was about to fall onto an orange haired girl.

Leo: How cliche could this get? (If I aim my throwing stars right, hopefully-)

He throws them in seemingly right directions and manages to save the orange haired girl. However, he misjudged the debris around him and the star he threw at Izuku, missed.

Leo: (Aw crud. No no no no no!)

He rushes to Izuku and aims his staff at the green haired teen, but he was saved by the very same brunette interact with Izuku at the start.

Leo: Are you ok, you two?

Uraraka: Yes....

Izuku: Thanks, Leo.

Reo: You're welcome. Bye.

He throws a smoke bomb and disappears into the crowd. Leo keeps on slashing the robots with his sword of ice and using his throwing stars, but the exam felt a bit easy to him.

Leo: (This is too easy. Hmm. Maybe......oh I love your genius mind.)

The arrogant ninja grabs a piece of debris to use as a shield, and runs to the robot while blocking its laser attack. Soon, he throws the debris right into the eye of the robot and slashes the head right off.

However, he wasn't aware of his surroundings and was cornered by another robot. He prepares his sword to try and kill it, but he was saved by an enormous fist.

Kendo: What's up, Himura?

And just in time too. The exam ended right as she saved him.


Leo walks out of the school and after he gets healed a bit, he talks to the very girl who helped him against the robot that nearly tried to wound him.

Leo: Thanks, Kendo.

Kendo: No problem, Himura. Also, cool sword, and amazing martial arts usage.

Leo: Well, I have trained my entire life by my grandpa.

Kendo: Takeshi Himura? That guy's a legend.

Leo: Yeah. But him, my mom, and dad died in a fire from Endeavor, while my sister and brother were kidnapped by him.

Kendo: That's not exactly something Endeavor would do. Sure the guy's a jerk, but he'd never do something like kidnapping.

Leo: Well, I've seen it when I was young and remembered it for a long time. Nothing will ever change my mind.

Suddenly, a boy with red and white hair came over to him.

Todoroki: Hello, Leo.

Leo: How do you know my name?

Todoroki: My name is Shoto Todoroki. That person who burnt down your home is my father.

Leo: Really? Well then your father is nothing more than an egoistical dumpster fire. I mean seriously, he kidnapped my siblings and burnt down my family's home. Would I really forgive a monster such as him?

Endeavor: What did you call me, you little brat?

As fate decided to screw with Leo in that moment, the burly fire hero stood right behind Leo.

Leo: You heard me. A monster. No wonder why you're the No. 1 most villainous hero.

Endeavor: That's heroes who look like villains. Respect your elders, quirkless boy.

Leo: You know who I am?

Endeavor: You think I wouldn't?

Leo: I'm kind of touched you'd take some time to remember me. But also kind of creeped out, you pedophilic gorilla.

Endeavor was gritting his teeth, and Shoto guided Kendo back somewhere safe as the hero set himself on fire.

Somehow, this caused Leo to suddenly break his spirit and shudder in fear.

Endeavor: Maybe you'd like to repeat what you just said to me. A pedophilic gorilla. A monster.

Leo: Y-Y-You burnt down my family's home. You ruined them! I-I can't forgive you for it!

Endeavor: I AM YOUR FAMILY! Shoto over there, is your cousin! I'm your father's brother in law. Aka, your uncle!

Leo suddenly stopped in his tracks. All this time, the person he thought burnt his family's home down, was his uncle on top of it all. By marriage, but this was still shocking for him.

Leo: Who did you marry?

Endeavor: Do you know a Rei Himura?

Leo: Aunt Rei?

Endeavor: Yes. Her.

All Might: Son, I am- oh no.

Leo: Hey, All Might.

Endeavor: Tch. All Might, I think you have something that belongs to you.

All Might: Leo, what is going on?

Leo: Oh, nothing. Just coming across the worst human being on earth who killed my entire family.

All Might: Now now, he probably didn't do-

Endeavor: I didn't burn down your family's home! It was the Moon King!

Leo: Quit making up lies and excuses, just because you're in front of All Might.

Endeavor: Bratty kid!

All Might: Leo! That's enough! I shall have a little talk with Endeavor myself! I'll solve this murder mystery for you myself!

Endeavor: What?

All Might: Come on.

He drags the No. 2 hero off to the side in order to talk about Leo, while Kendo and Shoto go over to Leo.

Kendo: Could you tell us what happened?

Shoto: What exactly happened that day when you got orphaned?

Leo: Are you sure you want to know?

Both: Yes.

Izuku and Saori then come out and see Leo talking to two other people. Saori was proud since other than her, he had barely any friends.

Leo: When I was a child, I lived with two other siblings. Kenta and Anna. Both of them had strong ice quirks that would make them amazing pro heroes. But I don't even know where they are anymore. Probably stuck at some orphanage thanks to Endeavor.

Shoto: Actually-

Kendo: Let him speak, Todoroki.

Leo: Thank you. Me and Kenta and Anna were really close. One day, I started to learn ninjitsu from my grandfather who is a ninja master. We became skilled in the art of fighting. But one day, someone set fire to the house. I had no idea who it was, but it was a man with blue eyes, a black coat, and fire powers. Then, I saw Endeavor with all those traits when All Might found me.

Kendo: I guess that'll fool anyone.

Shoto: Mom and dad were on a date. And they found your siblings. They were even on the sports festival.

Leo: Wait, what?

Shoto: Yeah. They're here. Look.

Kenta and Anna walked out of the school and were on their phones, until Shoto came up to them.

Kenta: Hey Shoto.

Anna: What's going on?

Shoto: Leo. It's him.

Kenta: We kept telling you, Leo's-

Leo: Hi Kent. Hi Ann.

That voice rung through their heads. It was their little brother from so long ago. The two siblings hugged their little brother after so long of presuming he was dead.

Shoto: I told you so!

All Might: So the moon king really was-

Endeavor: (Oh no.)

They saw Kenta and Anna hugging Leo, and Kenta grabbed Shoto in on the hug.

All Might: Isn't this great? They're finally reunited together.

Endeavor: Alright. I think we should be heading off now.

All Might: They haven't seen each other in years. Let them have their moment.

Endeavor: They can have their moment in school!  Get going!

The siblings groaned as they waved to Leo. But before they did, they exchanged numbers in case. Shoto, Leo, Kenta, and Anna.

Kenta: Bye, brother!

Leo: Bye!

They leave as Kendo sees her car driving up. She waves to Leo and heads off. Then Saori, Izuku, and Leo all leave by car as their day comes to an end.


At Leo's home, he was currently texting his newfound brother and sister about different topics such as school, social life, family life, and hero life.

It turns out Kenta has a girlfriend, and is tied with one of the Big 3 for strongest hero student candidate. He only turned down the title since he didn't work as much as the rest of the three.

Anna meanwhile, she was an exceptionally smart woman and maybe even more than Leo. She usually helped Kenta with homework and stuff, and wasn't as outward as him.

They were both shocked since he lived with All Might, the No. 1 hero. And Leo wasn't as shocked that they lived with the No. 2 hero. They even made No. 2 jokes about Endeavor since he hated all 3 of them.

Soon, All Might bursts through Leo's door bearing good news.

All Might: Your results are here!

Leo: Where?

All Might: They are me! Instead of sending you some silly letter, I figured I should give your results in person, my son!

Leo: And how'd it go?

All Might: Very well! 66 Villain Points and 12 Rescue Points! 2nd place!

Leo: Ok. And, wait what? Rescue points?

All Might: Did you really think we'd turn down a boy who puts other lives over himself? You saved all those people from the falling debris! Twelve people! For twelve points!

Leo: Awesome! What about Saori?

All Might: Young Saori? You can hear her letter from next door!

They do just that and Saori had her results.

Saori's letter: 77 Villain Points, and 23 Rescue Points! 1st place!

Leo: I guess I can't beat a quirk. But I'm in! Yes! Wait, what about Midoriya?

All Might: Unfortunately, your friend only managed to get 7 villain points. He wouldn't even come close to passing..........if the rescue points didn't make up the bulk of his score! 60 Rescue Points!

Leo: There wasn't even 60-

All Might: This rescue point grading nitty gritty. No need to know. But anyways my son, welcome to your hero academia.

Leo: Alright!

All Might: And your friends are welcomed there too.

Leo: Yeah!

All Might: And as promised, that continental buffet you love so much, and your friends go to it as well.

Leo: YES!


Chapter 6: End

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