Whoniverse:The doctor from an...

By kyliedevoe

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In an alternate universe where the enigmatic Time Lord known as The Doctor remains in his first incarnation a... More

Origins: The Doctor of this reality.
Chapter 1: Echoes in the fog
Chapter 2: The Distress Signal
Chapter 3: city of skyleena part 1
Chapter 4: city of skyleena part 2
Chapter 5: Planet Brexit
Chapter 6: Torchwoods new recruit
Chapter 7: The Devils wreckage
Chapter 8: Lost in time
Chapter 9: The Last Survivor
Chapter 11: History is delicious
Chapter 12: Amazon island
Chapter 13: The inverse world
Chapter 14: The Doctor's Bounty
Chapter 15: into the void
Chapter 16: The Toonverse
Chapter 17: Viridios Prime
Chapter 18: A marvellous Christmas
Chapter 19: The Legion of cybermen
Chapter 20: First time for everything

Chapter 10: The second Tardis

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By kyliedevoe

As the doors of the white TARDIS creaked open, The Doctor and Trinity braced themselves for what—or who—might emerge. What they saw was a man stepping confidently out of the glowing interior, his attire reminiscent of what one might expect a Time Lord to wear, yet with a unique flair that set him apart. His gaze was intense, yet there was a warmth there that immediately intrigued The Doctor.

"I am known as the Master in my universe," he announced, his voice carrying a timbre of authority mixed with an undercurrent of amiability. "And it seems I've inadvertently caused a bit of a...situation."

The Doctor, always quick to react, raised an eyebrow. "The Master? I'm not familiar with you. But it seems we have a common interest in resolving this situation."

Trinity watched the exchange, sensing the gravity of the encounter. Two Time Lords from different universes meeting was no small event, and the potential ramifications were vast.

The Master quickly explained the nature of the crisis. His experimentation with a prototype TARDIS designed to traverse not just time but the barriers between universes had gone awry, creating a tear in the dimensional fabric. This tear acted as a bridge between their two universes but at a cost. If left unchecked, it could cause both universes to collapse into one another, an outcome that would be catastrophic on an unimaginable scale.

"I was once called the Doctor in my universe," the Master continued, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "But circumstances led me down a different path. Now, I need your help, Doctor. Together, we must seal this tear and ensure the safety of both our universes."

The Doctor, intrigued by this other Time Lord's story and the challenge he presented, agreed without hesitation. "Let's get to work, then. Trinity, we've got a universe to save."

The plan was complex, requiring a synchronization of both TARDISes to generate a counter-frequency that could seal the tear. This operation needed precise timing and coordination, a task made even more challenging by the unpredictable nature of the dimensional rift.

As they set their plan into motion, working within the confines of the Doctor's TARDIS while monitoring the white TARDIS's systems, the Master and The Doctor found themselves in an uneasy alliance. Their methods differed, as did their philosophies, but their goal was the same. Trinity, for her part, acted as a bridge between the two, her intuition and insight proving invaluable as they navigated the intricacies of their task.

Just as they were about to initiate the sealing process, an unforeseen complication arose. Entities from the Master's universe, drawn by the tear, began to seep through into their reality. These beings, known as the Vortex Predators, were creatures of pure energy that fed on the temporal instability caused by the tear.

Fighting off the Vortex Predators while maintaining the delicate balance needed to seal the rift tested the trio's abilities to their limits. The Doctor and the Master, despite their differences, found common ground in their determination to protect their universes, while Trinity's courage and quick thinking saved them from disaster more than once.

prepare to activate the sequence, a Vortex Predator, larger and more powerful than the others, breaches the defenses of the Doctor's TARDIS. With a blinding surge of energy, it targets the Master, draining his life force in a desperate bid to sustain the tear between the universes.

The Master, weakened but resolute, realizes the only way to ensure the success of their mission and the safety of both universes. With a pained look at The Doctor and Trinity, he makes his final decision. "Doctor, I've always believed that every life counts, that every choice we make shapes the cosmos. My universe, my responsibility."

Ignoring The Doctor's protests and Trinity's attempts to intervene, the Master staggers to the controls of his white TARDIS, which had been recalibrated to act as a conduit for the counter-frequency. "This is the only way," he gasps, his voice barely a whisper as the life fades from him. "My TARDIS, it can seal the tear, but it needs to return to my universe—with the predators."

The Doctor, realizing what the Master intends, rushes to his side, trying to find another solution, any way to save his newfound ally. "There has to be another way! We can fight them together!"

But the Master shakes his head, a sad smile on his lips. "Not this time, Doctor. This is my path. Tell your universe...it was worth saving."

With the last of his strength, the Master activates the self-destruct sequence on his TARDIS, programming it to drag the Vortex Predators back through the tear and into his universe before detonating. The energy release from the explosion, he calculates, will force the tear closed permanently.

As the white TARDIS begins to dematerialize, the Master locks eyes with The Doctor and Trinity one final time. "Goodbye, Doctor. Keep saving the universe, for both of us."

Then, in a flash of white light, the Master and his TARDIS are gone, the Vortex Predators pulled back with him. A moment later, the space where the tear had once threatened the fabric of reality stabilizes, the rift sealed as if it had never been.

The Doctor and Trinity are left in the silence of their TARDIS, the weight of the Master's sacrifice hanging heavy in the air. The Doctor, lost in thought, stares at the spot where the white TARDIS had vanished, a mix of respect, sadness, and resolve etched into his features.

Trinity, moved by the Master's final act of heroism, places a comforting hand on The Doctor's shoulder. "He saved us all," she says softly.

The Doctor nods, his voice thick with emotion. "Yes, he did. And he reminded me, yet again, of the cost of this life we lead. But also of its value. The Master, from another universe, in the end, he was one of the best of us."

In the aftermath of the Master's selfless sacrifice and the sealing of the tear in the fabric of reality, The Doctor found himself at the TARDIS console, setting coordinates for their next destination. Trinity, sensing the weight of the moment and the Doctor's somber mood, approached him cautiously, her curiosity about the events that had unfolded still burning.

"Doctor, can you tell me more about the multiverse?" Trinity asked gently, hoping to understand not just the cosmic phenomena they had witnessed, but also to offer The Doctor a chance to process the recent events through explanation.

The Doctor paused, his hands stilling on the console. He took a deep breath, schooling his features into a mask of composure. "The multiverse," he began, his voice steady, "is an endless expanse of possibilities. Infinite universes existing alongside one another, each one a variation of the next, where every choice creates a new branch, a new reality."

He turned to face Trinity, his gaze distant, as if looking back across the countless worlds and times he'd seen. "In some universes, I'm not the Doctor you know. The people we meet, the lives we touch—they can be vastly different or hauntingly similar. And sometimes, those universes bleed into one another, creating tears like the one we just closed."

Trinity listened intently, absorbing his words and the gravity they carried. She realized this was not just a lesson in cosmic mechanics but a glimpse into The Doctor's heart. His experiences with the multiverse were not just scientific observations; they were personal, filled with connections made and lost.

The Doctor, although hiding his emotions, couldn't conceal the pain that flashed briefly in his eyes at the mention of loss. "People dying, it's never easy, no matter how many times you witness it," he confessed quietly, almost to himself. "Especially when they sacrifice themselves for others. The Master, in his universe, he made the ultimate choice. And it's a reminder of the cost of the battles we fight."

Seeing the Doctor's struggle, Trinity placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "He won't be forgotten, Doctor. And his sacrifice, it saved countless lives. There's honor in that."

The Doctor nodded, a sad smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yes, there is. And we carry on, in honor of those who can't. That's our duty, to remember and to keep fighting for the good of all universes."

With that, he turned back to the console, the TARDIS engines beginning to whir in preparation for takeoff. Trinity stood by his side, a silent pillar of support. They were bound not just by their adventures but by the shared understanding of the weight of their journey through time and space.

As the TARDIS faded from the moon and re-emerged in the vastness of the universe, The Doctor and Trinity set off once more, their spirits tempered by loss but also strengthened by the resolve to make a difference, one universe at a time. The memory of the Master, a Time Lord from another universe who had stood by them in the face of annihilation, remained with them, a beacon of sacrifice and heroism in the endless expanse of the multiverse.

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