Sinking hearts

By Lovereading_1920s

60 4 1

Varian replaces his dad as steward, Cass is trying to escape an arrange marriage, Rapunzel wants more than ju... More



27 1 0
By Lovereading_1920s

April 10, 1912 England

"The view is spellbinding! 46,328 tons, 175 feet high and 882 feet long!"

I mumbled under my breath.

"This is the largest passenger liner in the WORLD!"

I said this time talking loudly. Then the memories of why I was seeing this magnificent boat raced toward my mind.

My father was very sick, on the other side of England. He would have come on the Titanic to work on the ship's boilers. The doctor had said that his lungs were not okay. My hypothesis is that he has residue of the coal in his lungs. And he can't work, I have to work to set food on the table. Lucky for us, my aunt Adira just arrived from the US, and she will take care of him until I get back. Since he has worked with the White Star Line for so long, they gave me a good job. At least I won't have to break my back in extreme heat, am I right?

I made my way to enter the Titanic, I had to wait in security for a long time. It was eleven thirty-two by the time I entered. And I left the train station at nine twenty. But it was all worth it when I entered. I saw the intricate floor design - the floor was a beige color and had dark brown designs on some spots. That design was a beige square with a brown diamond shape. On the sides of the square were two brown tall right triangles. At the end of those triangles was a beige isosceles triangle. The grand staircase... It was... AMAZING!!! The rail was made of wood, but this rail wasn't your everyday rail, it was curved towards the outside. In the middle of the stairs was a handmade mini statue of an angel carrying a torch standing on a small column. The staircase went up and was made of a kind of material called "millionaire floor." It went up to a space, after that the stairs went separate ways. And this wasn't the best part, THE best part was the iron and glass dome on top. This allowed natural sunlight to enter the stairs and it was just spellbinding!

As I stood there I saw a boy about my age walk towards me.

"Are ya goin' ta stare at the dome the whole voyage or wo'k? Ya know ya don't get paid for that, right?"

The boy had a thick New York accent. He looked to be in his 20's. He was a head taller than me, no surprise. He had dark hair, fair skin and dark chestnut eyes. He was a lot more mature looking.

"Name's Glance Jones." Glance said.

"Varian." I told him.

"Youse look new, and very young ta be here."

"Well I'm actually nineteen" I answered

"No way, nineteen, I don't believe ya. Well it's not my business anyway. Would you like me to guide you to yer bed and the staff cafe?" Glance said.

"I'd love that. Thanks!" I answer.

We went through a hallway and made a turn here and there. Right, left, left... honestly I don't remember exactly but we went through a long corridor called Scotland road.

We entered a very dark room, it was full of bunk beds. On the left side the bunks beds were arranged like this: one on the bottom and one on the top. This continued all the way unto the door without a space, where the foot of the bed ended and a headbore started. There were a couple of large closets in the room. On the right side, the beds were arranged differently. Two beds were on their sides, two other beds were upright and this was repeated.

"Welcome ta the glory hole!" Glance said, making air quotations when he said "glory!"

"You were assigned yer bed. See your bed is this one, the one in front of mine." You will take care of a room in first class. As a steward yer job is not only cleanin' the rooms and makin' beds, but also ta serve food in the rooms or help the passengers get dresse- What time is it?" Glance asked.

"12:38!" I said as I looked into my fathers watch.

We were supposed to be escorting or helping whoever we were assigned.

"g'luck!" Glance said as we raced to the first class area.

The hallway was very cramped and two people walking at a time in opposite directions was the limit. The floor was a very light beige with dark brown circles and diamonds. The walls matched the color, there were doors all over the walls. There were plenty of electric lights on the roof.

I managed to get to the room or to the passengers I was supposed to take care of. I Knocked on the door and someone that sounded like a woman answered.

"Come in."

As I opened the door slowly I saw two women in the room. One had fair skin, soft jade eyes, freckles and brown hair that went down her chin. A child-like smile, I could see the innocence in her eyes. The other woman also had fair skin, piercing yet fiery smokey eyes, black hair that went down to her chin. She was wearing a simple brown dress. The brown dress woman was giving me a stare so strong and deadly. Even if she stared at me, I could see she was nervous? Maybe even hiding something? I didn't want to jump into conclusions, but they way she fiddled with her glove. I didn't know if any of those questions were true, but I did know she looked like she was trying to say; What are you doing here? We didn't ask for your company, you better leave or else you'll have your face on the titanic's wall!!! The purple dress lady said with the biggest smile possible:


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