Domestic Wizardry (Dramione)

By TrillbySkinner

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Draco doesn't realize how his life will change when his eight year old son, Scorpius, brings home the cell nu... More

Chapter 1: Will you call?
Chapter 2: Will you come?
Chapter 3: Getting Settled
Chapter 4: Eight Years Prior
Chapter 5: Set to Rights
Chapter 6: Spoilers, Malfoy
Chapter 7: World Domination or Simple Domesticity?
Chapter 8: Death follows in his wake
Chapter 9: Safe at Home
Chapter 10: Family Celebrations and Conversations
Chapter 11: Like a Woman Scorned
Chapter 12: End of the School Year
Chapter 13: Summer is for dancing
Chapter 14: An Uncommon Courtship
Chapter 15: We need to talk about this
Chapter 16: Invitations to Lunch
Chapter 18: The Beginning of Forever

Chapter 17: Mawage is what bwings us togedder today.

511 16 5
By TrillbySkinner

MacReynolds arrived shortly after the family finished breakfast, and it was ten to ten by the time the stack of paperwork was finished. Hermione would have had a headache if she wasn't such a bookworm.

Hermione collected Rose to go change into the clothes she had picked out the night before while Draco and Scorpius did the same. Theo showed up just as Hermione was sitting down to fix Rose's hair. "Hey Uncle Theo!" Scorpius called. He was sitting on the edge of the coffee table waiting for his turn under the comb. His hair had gotten quite long over the summer and needed some attention to be out of his face for the day. "Hey Scorp." Theo scrubbed his hand through his nephew's curls. "Hermione. Rosie." He gave the ladies a courtly bow. "Congratulations on joining the family. I assume MacReynolds was through for the legal bits this morning?"

Hermione glanced up from Roses' hair for a second. "Yes, we got all of that taken care of. Draco has the paperwork somewhere."

Draco stepped into the common room then, "ah Theo. Wonderful. Everyone else should be arriving in an hour or so."

"Who all did you talk into coming out?"

"Mr. And Mrs. Wesley, my parents, the Potters and the Zabinis." Draco listed off.

"And none of them know there's going to be anyone else here." Hermione added. Theo chuckled and it was nearly maniacal.

"Oh this is going to be the prank of the century." He muttered to himself, only barely resisting the urge to rub his hands together like a comic book villain. "So- '' Theo cleared his throat. "Ceremony before lunch, cake after?"

"That seems like the best idea." Hermione agreed.

"There's going to be cake?!" Rose exclaimed, "no one told me there would be cake!" Her mother had to press a hand to her shoulder to keep her from standing up. "Let me finish your hair." She admonished, sighing. She was more than a bit nervous and had the edge of anxiety beginning to creep in. Draco joined her at the couch and leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. "It'll be alright. Everyone is going to be pleasantly surprised and then there's cake." He reminded her.

"It'll be short and sweet I promise." Theo said, "a nice simple, do you? Do you? The rings and then 'You may kiss the bride'." And he sketched another quick bow. He turned to Draco. "You have the rings right?"

Draco patted his jacket pocket, "right here." He wore his usual khaki chinos and sports coat in a deep green that set off his eyes. Scorpius wore blue, and Rose was in green. Hermione's dress was the same blue as Scorpius's jacket. It was one of the summer dresses Narcissa had given her that came across as a bit more formal than the green linen she generally favored. It was fully ankle length with a well ruffled hem and cap sleeves. She had glamored the scar on her arm and for good measure put her wand holster over it.

When she had put it on that morning she ran her fingers over the pale leather. It had a hebridean black dragon tooled in amazing detail. Its eye, a single tiny ruby, glittered up at her from its place by her wrist. She'd affectionately called it Skye for the isle of Skye even well before Draco had hummed the Skye boat song while working weeks prior.

Now her hands worked deftly getting Rose's hair taken care of before calling Scorpius over for his turn.

The children's hair finished, Hermione decided a quick snack before people started arriving would be a good idea. The trip to the kitchen would help to calm her and she wanted some light refreshments for people since they wouldn't be eating immediately.

"We're going to head down to the traveling room, we'll send people your way as they arrive." Draco said as Hermione finished with Scorpius's hair and rose from the sofa. "Alright. I'm going down to the kitchen for a cup of tea before things go crazy." She stepped up to him, wrapping her arms about his waist and holding on to him for a moment. He returned the embrace, marveling at how things had changed in just 24 hours.

He could feel her body relaxing as she melted into his chest. "There's nothing to worry about, love." He told her as he rubbed her back.

"I know. I don't know why I'm feeling so anxious."

"Well the last time you got married things didn't turn out so well." Theo noted dryly. Draco leaned back slightly, lifting a hand to tilt her chin up to look him in the eyes. "Hermione. I swear on the life of my son, whom I would gladly die for, even if– merlin forfend– things don't work out for us in the long run- you will never, NEVER have reason to fear me. I love you and Rose both dearly and I will do everything in my power to make sure you're cared for and safe."

Hermione looked like she might cry for a second but then she smiled a watery smile and huffed a laugh. "Forfend? Draco. You and your archaic words."

Rose and Scorpius, sensing the tension melt away from Hermione, turned the embrace into a group hug.

As they finally separated, Draco caught the sad look in Theo's eyes before he managed to hide his emotions. "Well then, off we go." Theo prompted, and only Draco caught the false sense of cheer in his tone.

As the group made their way to the main staircase, Theo asked Hermione why she chose a blue dress.

"I didn't have anything white." She shrugged as she gathered her skirts to keep the children from stepping on her hem as they descended the stairs.

"You're not well versed in the more domestic magics then? A simple candificus charm will lighten the color of most fabrics. It's not recommended for the delicate ones, but for cottons and linens you can generally get a nearly pristine white."

"When did you pick up the 'more domestic magics'?" Draco asked,

"When Flitwick got drunk and challenged me to a duel at dawn- the first person to completely alter the others' clothes won."

Hermione laughed, "Who won?"

Theo smirked,

"I stayed up all night and crammed like it was finals. He had me dressed like a cabaret dancer in five minutes flat- feathers and all. I put him in Umbridge's pink tweed. Longbottom was too hungover to be able to judge who had finished it first so we called a tie."

"What's a cabaret dancer?" Scorpius asked, "and why do they have feathers?"

Draco opened his mouth to answer but stalled. The picture of Theo in little more than a glittering bikini and feathers made him want to bleach his brain.

"A Cabaret dancer or more properly Cabaret artist, is a person who entertains others with song or dance while they enjoy a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverages." Hermione defined easily.

"And they have feathers?" Scorpius asked, confused.

"Often their costumes have feathers or sequins. They can be quite colorful and eye-catching."

Thank Merlin for Hermione Granger.

They reached the bottom of the stairs finally and Theo turned to Hermione. "I can charm the dress white if you like." he offered,

"Alright, but I warn you, no pranks on me today Theodore." She warned.

"On my honor as a gentleman. Color change only." He swore, laying a hand over his heart.

She nodded and stepped back from the children, Theo pulled his wand from his jacket pocket and with a deliberate flick of his wrist and the muttered charm, Hermione's dress was white. The ruffles and the ribbon at the waist remained the original deep blue matching Scorpius's jacket. "There."

She spun girlishly, "it's lovely Theo. Thank you." She said as she gave him a quick hug.

"What can I say? I'd make a great faerie godmother." He shrugged. Hermione turned to Draco who smiled down at her, the clock in the hall chimed the quarter hour. People would probably begin arriving shortly. Hermione gave him a quick kiss before turning to the kids "I'm going to the kitchen to see what Maudsley has in the biscuit box if anyone wants to come along." She told the children. Both ran ahead of her to the kitchen. She waved at the men who headed toward the traveling room to greet the incoming guests as she followed the children.

Theo was the one who started the conversation after Hermione left.

"I'm divorcing Daphne." He said suddenly as they walked toward the traveling room.

"I thought you might, considering what happened with the baby." Draco replied. "How are you holding up?"

Theo sighed. "I'm fine." He said and Draco set his hand on his friend's shoulder, drawing him to a stop under the portico just outside the traveling room. "Theo." Draco looked him dead in the eyes, and after a long moment Theo looked away.

"Alright, I'm not fine."

"Are you getting help?"


Draco gave his brother in law a sharp look, he could hear the lie before it even made it fully past the other man's lips.

"Not yet. But I will as soon as I get back from this conference."

"I want your word on that. You need to take care of yourself, mate."

Theo grimaced as the words he had used on Draco eight years prior when he was drowning in depression after the loss of his wife came back to bite him in the ass.

"I'll schedule the appointment before I leave." He sighed and Draco nodded,

"Thank you."

Harry and Ginny and their brood came chattering through the doorway of the traveling room with Blaise and Luna and their two just then. "Ey! Theo!" Blaise exclaimed, greeting his friend with a hearty hug. Luna and Ginny were chatting animatedly and followed the children into the house with a quick "hey Draco! Hello Theo!" as Harry stopped with the men.

Before anyone else could speak Lucius and Narcissa arrived via Portkey as the floo lit up and Arthur and Molly stepped out, dusting themselves free of the floor powder.

"Draco." Narcissa said as her son greeted her with a quick kiss to the cheek.


"What have you got up your sleeve today?"

Draco simply smiled at her before turning to greet the Weasley's as his parents turned to greet Harry and Theo.

"Mr. And Mrs. Weasley. Welcome. Hermione and the children are inside."

Harry greeted Molly and Arthur fondly as the others made their rounds of saying hello. Everyone was pretty well acquainted with everyone else, except Theo who was introduced to Molly and Arthur and then before too many more questions could pop up, they all made their way inside. Hermione and the other women and children were in the parlor and as soon as everyone was in the door Theo raised his voice,

"What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?" all the adults stopped and looked at him like he was crazy, the children pretty much ignored him. But that was alright. He taught third through seventh years and didn't expect the younger lot to pay him much heed. Harry was the one who answered, "forty two."

"Ten points to Gryffindor, Mr. Potter."

Narcissa rolled her eyes, "Theodore what are you up to? This isn't your arithmancy classroom."

"No indeed, today it's a chapel." Hermione suddenly got the feeling that Theo was a dramatic sort of teacher. "You all have been invited for lunch, but first, we're having a wedding."

"Hermione!" Ginny exclaimed turning to her sister in law "that's why the white! you promised you'd tell me–"

"It was literally yesterday, Gin. I'll tell you everything later!" Hermione said as Draco took her hand and pulled her to the front of the crowd.

"Alright, I promised this would be short and sweet so settle down." There was a short pause for everyone to find a seat and Rose and Scorpius went to stand beside their parents.

"Mawage'' Blaise stage whispered to Harry as the two sat down beside one another, "mawage is what bwings us togedder today."

Harry choked on a laugh that he tried to hide behind clearing his throat as Narcissa shot a glare at the two men behind her.

"Now, if everyone is settled, we will continue." He leaned down slightly to address Rose and Scorpius, "I Believe the two of you have been entrusted with the rings?" Both children nodded, "very good." He straightened and, taking Draco and Hermione's hands in his he joined them. "Drake, 'Mione. Do the two of you both agree to love, honor and keep book spoilers to yourselves,"

Hermione smothered a giggle,

"I'll have you know that that was an Accident." Draco said in a low voice.

"Forsaking all others until death do you part?" Theo continued.

"I do." They responded in tandem. Hermione's cheeks flushed pink, a glowing smile on her face.

"Excellent. Correct answers all around so far. Now for the rings."

Rose pulled a silver band off her middle finger and handed it to Hermione as Scorpius did the same for his father. The two exchanged rings, and Hermione looked up into Draco's face, rich brown eyes meeting icy blue. And there were no words to express how she felt at that moment. He too was silent. She brought her right hand up and cupped his face briefly before she went up on her toes to kiss him.

"That's it?" Rose asked in the silence, "They're married now?"

"Yep. That's it Rosie." Theo said with a laugh.

Draco wrapped his arms about his new wife and spun her around as the room broke into scattered applause and laughter.

"The buffet is laid out in the dining room, please make your way there and help yourself." Theo announced continuing in his role as master of ceremonies and the assembled guests made their way out congratulating Draco and Hermione as they left the room. Rose and Scorpius were carried along with the other adults, Rose bouncing along beside Lucius chattering about their escapades with the broom heist the day before while Scorpius walked hand in hand with Arthur asking after the health of the Weasley's elderly owl.

Molly and Narcissa stayed back as mother of the groom and de facto mother of the bride. Narcissa eyed her son who merely smiled down upon his mother, his arm wrapped tight about Hermione's shoulders.

"Yes mother?" he asked, she merely raised an eyebrow at him before turning to Hermione,

"I'm honestly not surprised, I knew you'd be good for him the minute you arrived. Welcome to the family darling." She kissed Hermione on the cheek, her hand resting lightly on her shoulder. Molly stepped up to Draco as Narcissa embraced Hermione,

"You, young man" her voice bordered on censure, and Hermione's grip on his hand tightened slightly, but then Molly smiled, eyes filling with tears, "you have cared for Hermione so well these past weeks, and I haven't seen her happier in the past ten years than she has been with you. So I trust that this marks an auspicious beginning for your little family. Please know that you are welcome at the Burrow any time." and she caught Draco completely off guard with a trademark Molly Weasley squeeze your stuffing out hug. Hermione laughed at the look on his face.

"We probably ought to find the children before Theo plays favorite uncle and gives them all cake before they actually eat." Hermione said, taking Draco's hand in hers again. He leaned down and kissed her once more for good measure, making her cheeks pink. "Mmm, I think so."

The party lasted through the dinner hour, Maudsley turned out a delightful spread for everyone and there was an impromptu quidditch game, much to the delight of the children.

Ginny and Luna cornered Hermione, demanding to see the ring and know when things had become so serious between her and Draco. The ring was delicate gold filigree with a brilliant cut diamond nestled between an emerald and ruby, both carved into impossibly tiny perfect dragons.

The sun was well set before the guests all made their way home, Theo was the first to say goodbye as he had an early portkey to catch the next day.

"Thank you for everything Theo." Hermione said,

"No trouble at all 'Mione. I'll see you at the start of term." he kissed her on the cheek and then Draco pulled him in for a brotherly hug.

"Don't forget to call about that appointment tomorrow." he said quietly in Theo's ear.

"I already left a message for them to call me back during my lunch tomorrow"

"Good man. Safe travels, and thank you again."

Theo nodded and disapparated from the garden with a pop.

Lucius and Narcissa were staying over night as their portkey back wasn't scheduled until the next afternoon and before they said their good nights Lucius suggested that he and Narcissa put off leaving for a couple more days to keep the children if Draco and Hermione wanted to take a bit of a newlywed trip somewhere. Hermione hadn't thought that far ahead as focused as she'd been with simply making it to the current moment in one piece and stared blankly at Draco for a long moment.

"Or we could take the children back with us for a couple of days if you'd rather stay home." Narcissa offered,

"That would be wonderful, thank you mother." Draco agreed, wrapping an arm about Hermione's shoulders.

And so they found themselves alone, the children tucked in for bed with plans for them to go to the villa with their grandparents the next day. Hermione stood just inside the common room door and pushed it closed behind her with a quiet click as Draco stacked the teacups back onto the tray from their evening reading. "Draco–" she started and he looked up at her, "yes?"

"What– what do you expect tonight?" she asked, awkward and nervous despite the fact that of the two of them she'd been the most recently sexually active, or perhaps because of that.

He stepped around the table and approached her carefully, recognizing that she was in a delicate space and not knowing how her last husband had treated her in this respect.

"I expect that we will have plenty of time to navigate and explore the physical side of our relationship, so there's no reason to rush things." He gently tucked a curl behind her ear and she leaned into his touch.

"I'd like to have the door between our rooms open at least. And see where things go." She offered.

"See where the road takes us?" he replied, she nodded, tongue darting out to wet dry lips as Draco's gaze caressed her face. His hand, still at her cheek, ghosted fingers down the curve of her neck, thumb brushing lightly across her lower lip as she unconsciously lifted her chin to invite a kiss. Her heart pounded and the blood rushing through her made her light headed. She rested hands on his chest for balance. "Draco." She breathed,

"Mmm?" his eyes had followed the path of his hand and now caressed her collarbone, lithe fingers tracing each rise and fall of bone and breast.

"Stop teasing and kiss me."

His eyes came back up to meet hers, and he smirked at her. "What happened to the woman who had her hands all over me in the closet last night?" he asked, as he leaned closer to her, his breath fanning across her cheek and making her shiver.

"Did you like that?" she asked as she tilted her head, silently offering the length of her neck for his appreciation. He obliged, pressing a soft kiss under her jaw and he received a gratifying gasp in response that made his blood rush.

"I very much enjoyed knowing that you couldn't keep your hands off of me." His voice was velvet in her ears and her hands were even now sliding nimbly down the buttons of his shirt leaving each one undone in the wake of her touch. His hands shifted to rest lightly on her hips, balancing them both as she tugged the tail of his shirt loose. He'd worn an undershirt as well and she huffed in frustration at not yet being able to actually touch him. Draco reveled in her obvious desire and moved to assist her, shrugging the button up off and with one last kiss pressed to her shoulder he stepped back just enough to pull the undershirt off as well.

"That better?" He asked as her hands and eyes traced the web of scars that marred his body. For one brief second he'd forgotten about them. The most spectacular one was the oldest and stretched clear from hip to neck. It had affected his face as well, but special care had been taken in the healing to keep the scars that fell above his collar from being particularly visible, which had also meant that the ones that could be easily hidden by his clothes had gotten less attention and were rather more gruesome. Astoria's skin had been nearly pristine- she had escaped the physical war for the most part, though Draco had learned after her death that that in and of itself had been an inherited curse left over from the first wizarding war. So her scars had been invisible, but fatal. Hermione's warm hands on his skin helped him to focus on the present. He knew she was scarred from the war as he was. The ragged letters on her forearm were only the most visible as she touched him with a gentle reverence that could only come from a shared understanding of the pain behind the scars. Draco covered her hands with his own, pressing them still against his chest. "You can learn them another time." he said softly.

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