Domestic Wizardry (Dramione)

By TrillbySkinner

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Draco doesn't realize how his life will change when his eight year old son, Scorpius, brings home the cell nu... More

Chapter 1: Will you call?
Chapter 2: Will you come?
Chapter 3: Getting Settled
Chapter 4: Eight Years Prior
Chapter 5: Set to Rights
Chapter 6: Spoilers, Malfoy
Chapter 7: World Domination or Simple Domesticity?
Chapter 8: Death follows in his wake
Chapter 9: Safe at Home
Chapter 10: Family Celebrations and Conversations
Chapter 11: Like a Woman Scorned
Chapter 12: End of the School Year
Chapter 14: An Uncommon Courtship
Chapter 15: We need to talk about this
Chapter 16: Invitations to Lunch
Chapter 17: Mawage is what bwings us togedder today.
Chapter 18: The Beginning of Forever

Chapter 13: Summer is for dancing

552 15 5
By TrillbySkinner

Hermione flopped face first onto the sofa in the common room after having finished putting the kids to bed. Draco sat heavily in the armchair he'd occupied during the reading that night.

"Well, that went better than I expected," he said finally. Hermione turned to look at him, her face smushed into the cushion.

"Your father asked me if I knew a french cursebreaker- purely because he was also a muggleborn," she said tiredly, "and your mother nearly choked on her wine she gasped so hard."

"But he did finally talk to you instead of skirting around like you'd bite him if he drew too much attention to himself." Draco pointed out, and Hermione sighed and rolled over, hanging her feet over the arm of the sofa and tucking one arm under her head.

"I couldn't help snatching my hand away from him! How was I supposed to know he was going to kiss it?" She moaned, and Draco couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"Did you think he was going to bite you?"

Hermione turned her head to shoot a glare at him before returning her gaze to the ceiling.

"At least Rose and Scorpius were having fun." she finished with a half yawn.

Draco slid down in his chair and propped his feet up on the coffee table.

"If you thought my mother went overboard with Rose- wait till Dad gets warmed up. He adored Stori, and the two of them were already planning for the next to be a little girl when we found out Scorp was a boy." He reminisced.

"Would you have chosen Lyra or Cassiopeia?" Hermione asked after a bit, remembering a conversation she'd had with Astoria before Rose and Scorpius were born. She had treasured the unlikely friendship she'd struck up with Astoria Malfoy during their pregnancies. And now she was here, where Stori ought to have been. Caring for her son, spending time with her husband and in-laws.

"How–" Draco's voice was breathless and Hermione turned her head to look at him. "Of course she told you." He finished, his blue grey eyes meeting her brown. Astoria's coloring had been cooler toned, she'd been silver. Pure and bright like the moon. She reflected back those best parts of him. Hermione was gold. Warm and dazzling like the sun. Burning brightly and lighting everything around her with that same passion. Hermione looked away first. Her cheeks flushed pink. Draco licked dry lips, swallowing and recentering himself. "Cassie. We had agreed to name a girl Cassiopeia. It was what she wanted and I could deny her nothing."

"You loved her very much." Hermione observed, not breaking eye contact with the ceiling.

"She- she was my other half." He ran his thumb across his naked ring finger. His ring had stopped fitting without magic only a few months prior, and he'd finally felt like it was time to stop wearing it. Not that he had felt like he was ready for a new relationship- just that he could put that reminder of her away. "We were supposed to grow old together."

"I wonder what she'd say if she could see us now." Hermione said, and Draco imagined Astoria sitting in the armchair across from him, but not smiling at him. In his mind's eye, she focused on Hermione on the couch. Her friend. She'd told him that Hermione was like a sister to her before she passed. She'd wished they could have been closer- but she didn't want to push, knowing how much pain Hermione had suffered in the war. If Astoria had lived, would their friendship have blossomed and continued to grow with their children? Born only hours apart, Rose and Scorpius no doubt would still have grown to be as close as they were. And along with them- the hours their mothers would have spent together.

Would Hermione have stayed in her marriage as long as she did? Astoria would have recognized the signs by Hermione's second miscarriage after Rose was born and Draco didn't doubt that Hermione would have left Ron as soon as she found out what he'd done.

Both of their lives would be very different if Astoria sat in that chair across from him.

"I think she would be happy that you're here." He said finally.

Hermione hummed in agreement, then sat up and sighed deeply, "I'm going to turn in. Goodnight Draco." he looked up as she walked past the empty chair he'd imagined Astoria sitting in. "Goodnight Hermione."


"There's Aunt Luna!" Scorpius called out to Rose as the two children took off across the muggle playground at a dead run, Hermione following behind them at a more sensible pace.

She dropped onto the bench beside Luna with a heavy sigh. "I got your favorite- iced caramel macchiato- extra caramel, and an extra shot of espresso to get you through the first Monday off school." Luna said, handing Hermione the plastic cup. "Bless you." Hermione breathed, wrapping her hands about the cold drink. "These two have been up since the crack of dawn. It's like they think they're going to miss out on their summer break or something."

Luna laughed.

"How was the visit with Narcissa and Lucius over the weekend?" she asked as Hermione took a long pull from the cup.

"It went surprisingly well. Lucius was actually more than half civil, and Narcissa and I went shopping Saturday while the men took the children to Gin's Quidditch game with Harry."

"Oh, I love shopping with Narcissa, did you find anything interesting?"

"It was mostly for new robes for work. But we also stopped by this old bookstore in Devon as well. I'd never been there before and the proprietor was an older fellow who reminded me of your father- in a good way." Hermione said, taking another sip of the sweet caramel goodness.

"Could have been my fathers cousin Tiberius, he lives over that way I think." Luna tilted her head to the side, eyes scanning the playset for the children. "Carmen!" Luna called out, "Don't eat the mulch dear." Hermione spotted Carmen at the bottom of a slide as she dropped the handful of mulch and grinned at her mother.

"I think the last name was Goldletter?" Hermione offered as she too took stock of where the kids were, Rose and Scorpius appeared to be playing tag with Lysander and another child.

"Oh yes. That's him. I haven't seen him in ages. But anyway, what books did you find?"

"Narcissa was after finding another copy of this one particular history text that I've been using quite a bit at home, so I could have my own to take with me when we leave for Hogwarts."

"That's just like her."

There was a Valkyrie shriek across the playground that set Hermione's motherly intuition on high alert and she stood up to see more clearly, only to spot Rose cornering a boy a full head taller than she was.

"Be right back, Luna." Hermione excused herself and took off toward her daughter, eyes automatically searching for Scorpius and Lysander as well. She spotted the two boys on the ground, Lysander helping Scorpius to his feet as she came close enough to hear what Rose was saying

"-and you leave my brother alone or you'll have to deal with me." she said menacingly, poking the taller boy in the chest with a finger as he looked down at her with wide, scared eyes.

"Children. What happened?" Hermione asked and Rose glanced over her shoulder at her mother.

"This Ponce decided it'd be a great idea to insult Lysander for his parentage." Rose said shortly, her words clipped like Draco's when he was angry, which she had to have picked up from Scorpius as Draco hadn't said a cross word to either of the children since they'd moved in.

"So Scorp told him off, and then the plonker decided to have a go at Scorp. And that's where I came in." she shot a glare at the older boy and cracked her knuckles, 100% her aunt Ginny in her unspoken threat. "I didn't do nothin' to nobody Ma'am." the cornered child who was at least 10, said fearfully eyeing the red headed ball of angry girl between himself and the adult.

"You said some nasty things to my cousin about his skin color, and then made fun of my brother's name." Rose took a step closer to her victim.

"Rose" Hermione sighed. "Let the poor lad go. It's bad enough that he's been beaten by an 8 year old girl. You don't have to break his nose to prove your point."

"You broke uncle Drake's nose though." Lysander said, obviously remembering the conversation from the weekend past when Blaise has brought up that very point at the impromptu end of school party at the Malfoys. "and he pushed Scorpius!" he lifted a hand to point at the hapless boy that Rose was creeping closer to every time her mother looked away.

"Rose!" Hermione collared her daughter, and pulled her away. "Let him go. And Lysander, we were thirteen when that happened, and he deserved it."

"What did dad do?" Scorpius asked, taking Hermione's other hand for safety,

"he said some rather nasty things about my parentage, he's apologized since then of course." She looked down at Scorpius, "are you alright, love?" He nodded but didn't meet her eyes. Rose stopped trying to escape her mother's grip and stood still, arms crossed over her chest. "double standards" Rose muttered. "We need to teach you how to throw a punch, Scorp." She huffed, then tried to dart away, but Hermione had a firm grip on the back of her shirt and pulled her up short "Muum!!" She complained pointing "He's getting away!" Hermione didn't have to look up to know that the boy had taken his chance and was sprinting for the edge of the playground. She merely shrugged at her daughter "keeps you from ending up in trouble, young lady."

Rose scrunched up her face "I was just protecting my family." She grumbled.

"With your fists?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I couldn't very well use my magic." Merlin, the mouth on this child. She was 100% Hermione's daughter though, and her mother sighed. "Go play, and be kind to the other children for the love of Merlin."

"Yes ma'am." Rose said, Hermione released her and started back toward Luna and the bench in the shade of a large oak.

Scorpius clung to her, "can I come sit with you for a bit?" He asked, she squeezed his hand gently, "of course, sweetheart."


"What are you all doing today?" Draco asked over his morning coffee, Rose and Scorpius had been reading a book to each other all morning. "Look at this!" Scorpius pointed to something, Rose's head pressed close to his as they read the same book together. "I liked that bit." Rose said.

"We're going to visit Molly this morning then the museum of natural history in london after lunch." Hermione replied as she sat down across from him. She enjoyed the quiet family mornings before Draco left for work. Scorpius and Rose got along so well, and she and Draco often chatted about their plans for the day, or something one of them had read here or seen there.

Draco looked up at her, "Only Molly?"

Hermione shrugged, "probably." Ronald hadn't made any effort to see Rose, and Rose never asked to see her father.

"Hey dad?" Draco looked over at the kids, their voices sounded so similar at this point- their inflections mirroring each other most of the time. Rose was the one looking up at him, it wasn't the first time she'd called him dad- though it was the first time she'd done so in front of her mother. "Yes, love?"

"Can you come with us to the museum? It's always more fun when you come too." Hermione looked up from her own breakfast,

"What do you think, 'Mione?" he asked her,

She nodded, chewing the bite of frittata she had just put in her mouth. "We're having lunch with Molly, you could join us. She's assured me you're welcome to come visit with the children whenever you like."

"Gran always asks about you." Scorpius volunteered between bites, and Draco smiled at the way Scorpius called Molly 'gran'. The rest of the Weasley's had embraced his son just as his parents had Rose. He shook his head, "maybe next time, Scorp. I've got a meeting with a potential investor for lunch, I should be free by 1 though."

"Shall I text you when we get to the museum then?" Hermione asked,

"That works for me."

Draco's luncheon went well. The investor was personable, and Draco liked him immediately. He had done his research and was committed to investing with the Apothecary, the meeting was really just for him to meet Draco and get a feel for where the company was heading in the future. They had moved on to more personal topics by the time dessert was ordered. "Do you have any children Mr. Malfoy?" the older fellow, Mr. Smithe, asked as the waiter cleared the plates from the table and Draco's phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, "sorry- I need to check this." he glanced at the screen briefly.

Heading to the museum now. See you soon. -H

A photo of Rose and Scorpius hanging upside down on their brooms and grinning at the camera filled the screen. Rose had managed to figure out the hair charm herself after listening to Draco cast it that day they'd had the run in with Ronald. Her wandless inexperienced magic meant it only stayed blonde for fifteen to twenty minutes at a time though. Draco smiled at the picture, Rose's hair was half red, half blonde, obviously in the moments before changing fully back to red.

"That was actually a photo." he held the phone out for Mr. Smithe to see.

"Oh they're lovely. Your son looks just like you. Are they twins?"

"No, though they'll try to convince you otherwise. They do share a birthday."

"They can't be more than a year apart." Mr. Smithe adjusted his glasses, looking at the photo again.

"Only hours. The girl is my son's best friend, Rose Granger." She'd insisted on dropping the 'Weasley' when her mother had.

"Granger? As in Hermione Granger?"

"The same."

"great merlin! I'd love to meet her one day. Her chapter on the end of the war and the rebuilding of Hogwarts was absolutely riveting. I'm sure she must be the most interesting person to talk with."

Draco smiled, feeling no small amount of pride for her "She is indeed." He set his napkin on the table, "I'm meeting them when we're done here. You're welcome to join us, I could introduce you."

The older fellow stared at him, "I couldn't possibly..."

"I insist. She doesn't often have people appreciate her for her work. It's always about Potter or Weasley." Draco sensed his hesitancy- he obviously wanted to, but didn't feel like he ought to impose. "We could leave now if you like."

Mr. Smithe pushed a hand through his greying hair and let out a breath. "yes. Lets. before I talk myself out of it."

Draco grinned, "shall we head to the floo then? We're meeting at the Natural history museum in London."

The two men talked about Mr. Smithe's grandchildren as they walked through the museum. Draco learned that Mr. Smithe had also lost his wife when his children were young and never remarried.

As they came into the Dinosaur exhibit, Draco saw Hermione and the children first, pointing them out to Mr.Smithe as Rose spotted him and dashed across the room to greet him with an enthusiastic hug. "Daddy!" she exclaimed, and it made Draco's heart nearly turn itself inside out.

"Hello my Rosamunda.'' He didn't try to hide the delight that lit his face. Mr. Smithe gave him a knowing smile that made Draco blush slightly. Hermione was right behind her daughter, Scorpius's hand in hers. Draco held his hand out to her, she took it and joined him. "Hermione, this is Mr. Smithe, our newest investor." He turned to the older wizard "Mr. Smithe, Ms. Hermione Granger, her daughter Rose, and my son Scorpius." Mr. Smithe did not miss the order of introductions, nor the way Rose had greeted him, though he chose to keep his peace for the moment, he could tell that this wasn't simply Draco's son's best friend and her mother.

"It's lovely to meet you sir." Hermione said, offering her hand. He took it and instead of shaking it as she expected, he bowed slightly, not quite brushing his lips against her knuckles. Lucius had done the same when they had been reintroduced, so she was less taken aback than she might have been otherwise, but it still made her uncomfortable. "Mr. Smithe and I were talking about your work on the history of Hogwarts during lunch." Draco offered, hoping to help the conversation along a bit as Mr. Smithe straightened up and released her.

"Yes, I particularly enjoyed your detailing of the rebuilding."

Hermione and Mr. Smithe talked at length about the rebuilding of Hogwarts while the five of them wandered the exhibits. Rose and Scorpius dragging a compliant Draco from one display and diorama to the next.

It only took one comment from Mr. Smithe that he particularly enjoyed birds as they passed one of the displays of corvids to have Rose latch onto him and start dragging him about as if he were her grandfather. Hermione had tried to reel her in but Mr. Smithe waved her off. "I've a granddaughter about her age." He'd said simply.

When they parted ways at the end of the afternoon, Hermione gathered the tired eight year olds while Draco saw Mr.Smithe off at the floo.

"You have a beautiful family Mr. Malfoy." Mr. Smithe said as the two men shook hands, "if you'd like the advice of someone who has been in your shoes before..."

"Of course." Draco replied and Mr. Smithe met his eyes firmly

"if you haven't considered remarrying- I would suggest you do so. It'd be a shame to let a woman like that slip through your fingers." Draco glanced over to where Hermione was talking quietly with Rose and Scorpius, the two children obviously ready for a rest, but still excited about all the things they had seen.

"Her last marriage was not a good one," he said carefully.

"Well, consider it at least." Mr. Smithe took a handful of floo powder from the jar mounted on the side of the fireplace in a brass cup. "I wish I had."

Draco met the older man's intense blue eyes and saw an old sadness there. "I shall." He replied finally. "Thank you."

Mr. Smithe smiled at him, "My pleasure, Mr. Malfoy." Then he threw down the floo powder and called out his destination.

Draco did consider it. He considered it over dinner as Hermione and the children talked about their day and their plans for the rest of the week. He considered it over breakfast the next day and during bedtime reading three days later, as she read a short story to the children as a break from their chapter a night routine. And he considered it Saturday when he came in from his morning run to find Hermione humming along to the radio with Maudsley as they prepared breakfast.

"Morning Drake!" She called, laughing as Maudsley danced about the kitchen as Hermione whisked eggs in a deep mixing bowl. She set the bowl down and moved across the room, "dance with me?" She asked reaching to take his hand. He hesitated, "I'm all sweaty" he said even as he clasped her hand in his. "and I'm covered in flour." She dismissed his objections as he settled his other hand at the small of her back, the snappy jazz piano shifting to brassy trumpets and a catchy drum beat. "Do you know the Lindy hop?" He asked as their feet began the long-short-short pattern of swing dancing. Every summer had brought dancing lessons until he was fourteen and the return of the dark lord, the true beginning of the second wizarding war put an end to all things frivolous. Hermione nodded and then laughed as the smooth rich voice of Ella Fitzgerald came pouring from the radio. "I won't dance. Don't ask me." They turned, stepping back and together. "I won't dance. Don't ask me. I won't dance, Monsieur, with you. My heart won't let my feet do things they should do."

What was he doing? Dancing in the kitchen with Hermione Granger. Her cheeks flushed pink, hair tied back in a messy bun at the nape of her neck, eyes laughing as she looked up at him.

"You know what? You're lovely. And so what? You're lovely. And oh, what you do to me. I'm like an ocean wave that's bumped on the shore. I feel so absolutely stumped on the floor."

Draco felt stumped as Hermione sang along, obviously as familiar with the song as with the steps. The only thing that kept his feet moving appropriately was ten years of dancing lessons and his own impeccable sense of rhythm.

"When you dance, you're charming and you're gentle, 'specially when you do the Continental. But this feeling isn't purely mental

For, heaven rest us, I'm not asbestos."

He lifted a hand and Hermione spun. Her calf length skirt flaring out. It was a rich caramel colored muslin and was covered with an apron that did indeed have flour all over it.

"And that's why- I won't dance, why should I? I won't dance, how could I? I won't dance, merci beaucoup. I know that music leads the way to romance," the song still had another repetition but Hermione stopped. She didn't know quite what had induced her to ask Draco to dance with her in the kitchen. The music was just the sort she'd always loved dancing to, and then the song had changed. Ella Fitzgerald was a favorite and she'd listened to "I won't dance" a million times. Danced to it with Ronald before they were married, after they were married even. And never once had it felt like this before.

"So if I hold you in my arms I won't dance!"

She looked up into Draco's blue grey eyes, his face as flushed as her own. Breath coming fast, hearts pounding and not simply because of the dancing. Before either of them thought about what was happening, Draco leaned down, Hermione came up on her toes, and their lips met. His arm at her back tightened, pulling her snug against him. Her hand at his shoulder slid up and into his hair as the kiss deepend. It started as a tender gentle kiss, but quickly evolved into one that made Hermione weak in the knees.

They broke apart, both of them gasping for breath.

"Hermione, I-'' he started, but at that moment they heard the children clattering down the stairs. She smiled up at him, "later." She said simply, and went up on her toes again to press another quick kiss to his lips that left him breathless and lightheaded.

"Perhaps Master and Ms. Hermione would prefer to retire for the morning?" Maudsley suggested as Rose and Scorpius tumbled into the kitchen. Hermione blushed fiercely as she realized the small house elf had seen everything. "Morning mum!" Rose called as she settled down at the table, "Morning Rose." Hermione said distractedly, "Thank you Maudsley. We- uh." she glanced at Draco who merely grinned at her, eyebrows raised in challenge as Scorpius wrapped his arms about Hermione's waist in a good morning hug, "No. we can talk later."

That night, after a day of exchanging blushing smiles and fleeting touches- she brushed her hand across his back as she passed behind him at lunch... He clasped her hand in his as they walked through the garden before dinner– Hermione felt like she would combust. She'd never felt every single nerve in her body like she did when Draco glanced at her. When they sat down on the couch that night, the book Hermione was reading to the children in her hands, Draco had shifted to put his arm about her shoulders, tucking her close under his arm in a way he had never done before. Hermione leaned in to him and opened the book, reading the chapter to the children with a contentment she hadn't felt in years. This was what she wanted. This closeness.

Hermione began reading the prologue.

"My father always says that the life of a scholar is more rewarding than that of a cook. When I asked him why, he told me it is better to have ink on your paws than flour on your nose. But then he grew serious and explained to me that to be a Recorder at Redwall Abbey is a great honor." as the words flowed from her, Draco knew beyond any doubt, that he wanted this- dark curls tickling his nose- the warm scent of sandalwood and something that was just her- old book leather, fresh parchment, the metallic tang of ink he could almost taste on the back of his tongue. The warmth of her pressed close beside him. This was what life ought to be.

His son tucked beside him, a wife... a daughter. Rose had his hand in hers and was absentmindedly fiddling with the signet ring on his right little finger and what he would give to see her grow into a young woman alongside his son. The dream he'd had that first week they'd been there came back to him as Hermione read. Rose and Scorpius grown and teasing one another- Hermione calling her daughter Rosamund and telling her to leave her brother alone.

His family doubled or more.


One day, another curly haired infant.

This one with warm golden brown hair like his– or her– mother. He shook himself mentally.

Just because they'd kissed–

Just because they fit so well together, their families clicking into place like the missing pieces in his heart– perhaps in hers?

Just because she blushed every time he caught her eye, or that he wanted to catch her in his arms and never let her go–

It wasn't a guarantee. But he wanted to try and see if that couldn't be their future. He was willing to wait and work for it.

"Mum!" Rose exclaimed after the first two chapters were read (chapter one was rather short and Hermione couldn't help herself, there was the badgermum Cregga, and a baby otter Deyna to meet!) "the snakes are going to be bad in this book aren't they- just because the good characters are mice and moles and hedgehogs."

"possibly." Hermione hedged, she couldn't remember right off if there was a snake in the book they had chosen- the river otters were her favorite though, and the moles. She particularly liked doing the mole's voices. (Scorpius had laughed until he couldn't breathe at the moles funny turn of phrase "but oi loikes bilbeez, h'even if'n oi do gets tumbly h'ache." Rose had giggled and demanded she read it again. "What is he saying?" )

"Well, anyway, I don't care." Rose continued as Hermione set the book on the sofa beside her. "I like snakes. In fact, I am a SSSSnake" she hissed through her teeth as she slid off the couch, crawling under Hermione's feet where she'd propped them up beside Draco's on the coffee table. "I'm going to eat you SSSSSScorpiusssssss"

Scorpius pulled his feet up onto the couch and leaned over the edge to look at Rose who was creeping her way under the coffee table now.

"You know badgers eat snakes right?" he asked before standing up and stepping across the gap onto the coffee table, the tea things had already been sent back down to the kitchen. Draco moved his feet and smiled at the children as Hermione snuggled closer to him, pulling her own feet up onto the couch and tucking her skirt around them. He looked down at her to find her looking up at him.

"Hello." he said softly, the children now loud with laughter and excuses as to why badger Scorpius wouldn't want to eat snake Rose. Rose still hissing her S's throughout their debate.

"Hi." Hermione responded, a fresh flush tinting her cheeks pink. Draco didn't think twice, he simply leaned down and kissed her. She cupped his face, her fingers finding their way into the hair just behind his ear. When they broke from the kiss they realized that the room was too quiet. "Where did the kids go?" Draco asked as they looked around, surprised to find themselves alone. There was a giggle from the doorway and they spotted the two curly heads- one red, one blond, disappear to the sound of thundering footsteps as the Scorpius and Rose ran off down the hall. Hermione stood up to follow them but Draco took her hand and pulled her back down to the couch.

"Let them go for the moment. We need to talk about this morning."

She felt a spike of anxiety, conversations like this had never gone well with Ronald. Draco saw the emotions flood her face and laced his fingers through hers, resting her hand on his knee.

"Must we?" she swallowed, clutching his hand.

"I don't want to rush you in anyway. But you must know how much our lives have changed for the better since you and Rose moved in."

She looked up into his eyes, they were soft and held a warmth and affection for her that she hadn't seen in a man's eyes in years. It made her heart beat a little harder, her cheeks blush a pretty pink.

"How do you want to handle this morning?" His eyes dropped to her lips that had so lately been his delight, and in front of their children no less. "And that kiss the kids saw just a bit ago. I ought to apologize for kissing you in front of the children before we had a chance to talk." Draco knew he was rambling- nervous. He didn't want to rush her. He only wanted her and Rose both safe and happy. But how he prayed that, for them, safe and happy included him and Scorpius.

He forced himself to stay quiet this time. To give her the chance to answer.

Hermione sat quiet for a very long time. She wasn't sure what Draco was getting at, what he wanted from her, and that made her uncomfortable. She had to remind herself that Draco was not Ronald.

The two men had effectively switched roles in her life. Traditionally Draco had been the antagonist, the belittling, obnoxious, self centered bully. Ron the golden crowned hero, with the princess on his arm. But that fairy tale had gone sour, the gilded hero tarnished, his wicked deeds laid bare for all to see while the villain proved to be the one with sunlight on his brow, a loving, gentle heart in his breast. The enchanted evil prince, saved by the devoted princess. Astoria had been that princess for Draco.

But what happens when the happily ever after ends in heartbreak?

When prince charming is everything but charming...

When the devoted princess becomes the poor dead queen mother...

Were there second chances?

Was this hers?

Draco watched her, waiting for her response, twin spots of pink high on his cheeks. She took a deep breath and focused on the moment, on the day together, the way it felt to kiss him and be kissed in return, on what she really wanted. She had wanted closeness, a loving unburdened intimacy of shared tasks, shared parenting, an equal partner in all things. She wasn't in love with Draco, she wasn't even sure what 'in love' meant anymore, but she was willing to see if that was where this road led– if this warmth of feeling– this attachment could grow to be such. She searched his eyes for one last long moment, he held no small amount of hope there. "I want to see where this" she lifted their joined hands "takes us." She said finally. He wet his lips,

"officially or unofficially?"

She smiled and he couldn't help but smile back.


He could have sung. The smile on his face was nearly glowing and he wanted to pull her into his arms and snog her senseless. But they had children who needed to get to bed. The kissing could wait till later.

"Would you like to tell the children that we're courting tonight or tomorrow?" he asked,

"Courting? Draco. Seriously?" she raised an eyebrow at him with half a laugh, the nearly contemplative peace of the room shattered with her laughter. He just shot her a crooked grin "Another word you feel is antiquated Granger?"

"I imagine I ought to get used to it. First governess, now courting. Were you raised in the Victorian era? Would you like to see my ankles?" The way she said it, dry and sarcastic, made Draco burst out laughing.

"Call it whatever you like, darling, but let's get the kids to bed, it's getting late." He stood up and offered her his hand. They could figure out the rest of the details later, for now, he was happy to have her beside him.

The children had tucked themselves into bed and were already asleep when they went to check on them, so that answered whether to tell them that night or the next morning. They walked back to the common room hand in hand.

"You know- when you asked me to dance in the kitchen this morning, I never expected things to go the way they have." Draco said as they settled back down on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

"Honestly, when I asked you to dance this morning I just wanted to dance." Hermione snuggled into the crook of his shoulder, "I'm glad it turned into what it did though." she tilted her head back to look at him. "So what sort of behaviour is acceptable when two people are courting?"

"Whatever you like." Draco took her hand, threading his fingers between hers. "We make the rules."

"Really? That sounds like dating."

"I already said you can call it whatever you like, darling."

"I like when you call me darling."

Draco smiled down at her, "I like calling you darling."

"You know I'm going to research this silly 'Courting' thing right?" Hermione noted, wrapping herself around his arm and pressing into his side as if she couldn't get close enough to him.

"Well when you do know that I have every intention of not playing by the rules and this will be a highly uncommon courtship."

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