By CelineBailah

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This is the love story between two imperfect human beings. Mark and Vee are two engineering students. Vee i... More

Prologue - The Things We Believe In and Reality
Chapter 1 (M) - The Person He Likes is not You
Chapter 2 - Not Everyone Thinks This Kind of Love is Right
Chapter 3 - It's Not in My Heart, But it Hasn't Disappeared
Chapter 4 (M) - If You Don't Want to be Sad, then Forget
Chapter 5 - It is What it is
Chapter 6 - Now Things have Changed
Chapter 7 - What does this mean?
Chapter 8 - Dog
Chapter 9 (M) - Comfort in a Moment of Weakness
Chapter 10 - Shameless
Chapter 11 - For Now, it's Best to Part Ways
Chapter 12 - Still Unclear
Chapter 13 - Friends Gossiping
Chapter 14 - How to be Jealous
Chapter 15 - Looking Closely
Chapter 16 - Wife
Chapter 17 - Just be Stupid
Chapter 18 (M) - Let Me Describe Our Feelings
Chapter 19 - The Atmosphere Between Us
Chapter 20 - What are We?
Chapter 21 - Feelings
Chapter 22 - So Much Pain
Chapter 23 - Lack of Heat
Chapter 24 - Lasting Feelings
Chapter 25 - What Should I do?
Chapter 26.2 (M) - Deja Vu
Chapter 27 - Starting from One
Chapter 28 - Multiplied by 100
Chapter 29 - That Feeling Crystalized a Long Time Ago
Chapter 30 - Nothing
Chapter 31 - Confidence
Chapter 32 - Not a Boyfriend
Chapter 33 - You Finally Belong to My Heart

Chapter 26.1 - Deja Vu

765 15 3
By CelineBailah


Vee's words still echoed in my head even though more than a week had passed. That sad expression and those pain-filled eyes kept floating in my mind even though I tried to push them away. Among other things, the owner of the voice, even if I tried to forget him, still lived in my heart.

Over the past few days, his sweet pleading seemed to have completely stopped, making me feel restless and unsure of what to do.

That day he found me with Nok, I was shocked and didn't know what to say. I had followed the advice of many people, continued to ignore him for another half month, but my desire for him had not diminished at all.

He had made me suffer so much that I couldn't resist the desire to repay him for all the harm I had received.

"Are you going to sit here and be distracted long, sir?" Fuse greeted me.

"Huh? Which sir?" I asked him.

"I'm so tired of the atmosphere around you. In the past you were already apathetic, but now you are even worse. It's like you live in your own dark world." Fuse continued.

"Well, if that's how you feel when you're with me, then don't be." I replied and returned my attention to what I was studying.

"You pretend you're not worried because he never came and you just sit here and wait." Kam said as he sat down.

"Wait?" I asked.

"You're waiting for P'Vee, right?" Fuse sat on the other side and grabbed my shoulder. I looked at him before walking away.

Who said I'm waiting for him...

I was just surprised I hadn't seen it up close recently. It had all started the day he came to visit me, since then we had only seen each other briefly on campus, but that person who constantly annoyed me had no longer come to visit me.

"I am fine." I answered him like that, even though my stupid eyes were still looking at the door.

"You sulk at your husband all the time. If I had listened to him just a little, he wouldn't have gone like this." Kam said, clearly fed up with me.

"What husband?" I turned quickly to answer.

"You know I'm talking about P'Vee... or maybe you're the husband?" he asked, but I rolled my eyes.

Why did they have to talk about things in the past? Why did every thought always have to lead to him? During that time, there had been people who had approached me, but none of them looked like Vee. I talked to them to try to forget, as I myself had told Vee to do to forget Ploy. In the end, no matter how many people I talked to, they didn't make me forget who I loved. It wasn't strange that he couldn't forget Ploy even though he was talking to me. Meeting other people hadn't helped him forget it at all. If I had to hug someone, I wouldn't forget it. If I had to look at someone else's face, his would have appeared before my eyes. If he had asked me to come back immediately, I didn't know what I would have said.

All I wanted was for him to try one more time, just a little, but now he was gone after just a couple of weeks.

"He's in his third year, so he has to study hard." Fuse said, turning to me. I pretended to be busy with something else.

"He is no longer interested, before he was looking for our friend, but now he studies and goes home."

"How do you know it?"

"Oh! P'Dew's page of course."

"Everyone knows the story well..." I turned to my friends.

"Yes, Vee's story is known to everyone." I turned my head because it was useless to listen to gossip, it was useless to talk, just like today, waiting was useless.

The subjects to study seemed easy, but I just couldn't understand them. Maybe it was because I couldn't concentrate, because I kept thinking too much about someone else; and I didn't know why.

Could it be because I didn't know where he was? Or because I was anxious to know whether he was okay or not? Or maybe I was trying to guess who he was with. Sometimes I was truly amazed at my own stupidity.

"Are you still thinking about it now?" Fuse asked.

"I think... "

"Fuse." before I could respond, someone spoke, causing everyone in the room to look up.

"Oh. P'Vee, what are you doing here? You disappeared, we missed you; and now you're here man." Fuse said, ignoring what I was about to say, as he walked to the person across the room.

"Who missed me?" Vee asked him, but it was me he was looking at.

"To me, don't look at anyone else." Fuse moved so I couldn't see him.

"I didn't disappear and I didn't know you missed me." Vee stopped trying to look at me and turned his attention to Fuse.

"Where have you been? Why did you disappear?" Fuse asked him, and Vee was silent before looking at me. "Well... that's my business. But now I'm here to ask you to come and take some photos to promote the campus."

"Oh, you shouldn't have gone through so much trouble. You could have called." Fuse smiled.

"Well... Um... can you come today?"

"You are crazy? You just told me, do you think it's easy for me to come today? I am the Moon of the faculty, please contact my personal manager before booking me. You'll have to queue." Fuse said, first pointing at Kam with his hand. The person next to me raised his arms and crossed them in front of him.

"I apologize to Mr. Vee, but my faculty Moon is busy today." it was Kam speaking.

"Guys, stop playing. I'm really serious." Vee replied.

"Honestly, we're not there, we already told YiWa today that we would help with a university event." Fuse said seriously.

"Oh really..." he muttered softly. "So what the hell am I supposed to do?" My friends looked at each other, before turning to me.

"Well, if it's not something that important, can't my friend come?" Fuse looked back at Vee as he asked him.

"Who? Kam?"

"No Mark, he can do it." The name that came out of my friends mouth made me quickly look up to look at them, he smiled slightly at me.

Damn, terrible friend.

"Is your friend really coming with me?" asked Vee who looked at me. His stupid eyes made me feel guilty.

"Mark! Please help the faculty." I looked at my friends who were looking for my help. Was this really the case? The thing was, I hated doing things like that.

"I do not want to do it." I answer. My friends open their mouths to insult me ​​and P'Vee looks clearly disappointed.

"Hey! It's just for today, you don't have to do it forever." Fuse tried to convince me.

"Yes... please, otherwise they'll get stuck. We have college events that we can't skip, and that's really important, isn't it P'Vee? " Kam urged.

"It's okay if you really don't want to do it, I'll find someone else." Vee said and his words sounded understanding but his eyes looked sad and disappointed.

"Hey, sorry P', I feel guilty. Don't worry, my friend will come, what time?" My friends said without even asking me anything.

"When did I say I was going?" They both looked at me.

"You have to go." They turned to tell me. "Don't worry, I'll make sure it's there somehow. Now you can go P'." Vee was hesitant, but finally nodded.

"At 6 in the Lune rehearsal room." Vee said, before walking out. His eyes met mine for a moment before quickly moving away. I didn't dare look into his eyes for too long, the power of his eyes completely destroyed my brain. Just looking at it for a second, my brain became foggy and all thoughts suddenly evaporated.

"I beg you!" I was surprised by the voice of my friends nearby. I didn't even know how long they had been there.

"I do not..."

"I do not believe you." one of them spoke before I could even finish.

"I agree with him, Mark. You miss him and he misses you. Go and see. If there is nothing left, then think of it as helping a friend. But if there really is something, use this opportunity to figure out what to do next, okay?"

"True... take the opportunity to talk to him also to find a way to move forward. You need to talk seriously, instead of leaving things hanging and being like this." Fuse said, staring into my eyes.


"I have to go find something to eat, then go to the university event." He patted me on the shoulder then winked at our other friend and ran out before I could say anything.

"I have to go get something to eat too, okay?" Kam said.

"Do I really have to go?" I asked.

"Don't ask stupid questions. We have to attend the event, so you have to go." I sighed before getting up and leaving the room.

I tried to convince myself that I was doing it for the faculty.

I was sitting like an idiot in the Stars and Moons rehearsal room. Kam had given me the wrong time so I was there 20 minutes earlier than expected. Plus he wasn't with me, he had dumped me saying he had 'urgent business' to take care of.

I didn't like doing this kind of thing. I knew early on that I wouldn't be participating in the faculty Moon contest, so I was uncomfortable sitting here having stupid photos taken. Why had I agreed to this? Maybe because of what my friends had told me, or maybe because of what their eyes were telling me. Bottom line, I had to try it at least once as my friends suggested. I thought I was fine now and that the worst was over. Since I was alone I had also realized that no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Are you the guy who came to Fuse's place to take the photos?" one of the seniors asked me.

"Yes". I turned to answer her. She gave me a quick look, before turning to her friend.

"Oh my god... Nong Mark is so handsome." she smiled at me, teasing me.

"It's really beautiful. Didn't you notice it from the beginning?" continued another senior.

"Oh god sorry, my name is Praew, Nong Mark." I felt really stupid when she introduced herself first, because as his junior on the faculty I should have introduced myself first.

"Um... I..."

"Oi! No need to be so tense, don't worry about formalities. We are all easy-going people. My name is Cherry." another senior reassured me.

"HI." What could I do but raise my hands in a waii to greet them?

"We're just waiting for the cameraman and the lighting set. The appointment was five hours ago, because they haven't arrived yet." Praew complained.

"I am here. Who is the model? I saw YiWa and she said Fuse is busy." said a familiar voice I had heard often, making everyone turn to look at him.

"Oh my God, it's my husband Nong Mark." Tee said as he placed his hand over his heart and walked towards me.

"Calm down, Mark is here to help us." Li said, pushing Tee's head away.

"Oh, is he our model?"

"Hate! Vee went to get Nong Fuse, so how did Nong Mark get there? And you? Are you talking to each other again now??" You might have answered the first question, but the second...


"Give him a hand to change and let's hurry, otherwise we'll be late." It was a loud voice I heard coming from the door. I saw Vee come in slowly and look at me for a moment, before turning to his friend.

"Ask for the dog and the dog comes...*" Li said, shaking his head.

(*Thai equivalent of the phrase 'speak of the devil'.)

"Come on, Mark, let's go get dressed. You will be more beautiful than all the Moons." Tee grabbed my arm and I followed.

Vee moved aside to let me pass. His mouth moved as if to say something, but eventually he turned to Cherry to ask about a job. I heard 'Li scold him softly, but he simply turned away and didn't respond.

Li had told me that I had to change in the bathroom and then move on to makeup. She didn't weird me out because I actually liked using concealer sometimes. When I saw that my face wasn't at its best because I hadn't slept much, or when I had a date, I had no problem changing and then putting on makeup. The only problem I had was with myself. I had never been as outgoing or bold in front of the camera as Fuse. He could smile and do the best pose in front of a camera, but it was just me, so I would try to do my best during the shots. Would I be able to do well and help the faculty?

"Try to smile normally." the photographer scolded me when I took my pose. After ten shots we still weren't there.

"Mark, move to the left and tilt your head a little. Don't tense up too much. Be more natural."

"Smile a little more, a sweeter smile."

It had taken hours to get good shots. The seniors were cleaning up and discussing where to go next. The photographer apologized and went to review and edit the photos. I thanked him for being patient with me and promised that if I ever had to do it again I would try to do better. Even though this was only a small service, it allowed me to meet more people and learn new things.

"Mark! Come out with us, we'll buy you a drink, okay?" Li said convincing me to empty their wallet a little.

"Yes Mark, come with us and we will pay everything as compensation." Cherry and Praew nodded.

"Okay." I replied, even though I thought it would have been better to decline their offer. Vee looked at me before continuing to grab his things.

It didn't take long to get to the club they had chosen. Li had said that YiWa and Pan would also arrive soon. This wasn't the same club I'd once heard Vee talk about. Li had also said that this pub wasn't bad at all, but that Vee usually didn't like coming here. There were definitely more men than women here.

It didn't feel like a gay bar or anything. It was just a normal club, with men and women, but the majority were men. They also didn't do ID checks, so it seemed like there were a lot of high school kids there too since it was easy for them to get in.

"HI." A cute little face approached and greeted me with two glasses, one of which I was sure was meant for someone else, and I was right because he was handing it to me. "My name is Thew."

"Oh, why do you want to sit right there? They're pretty crowded." Cherry teased.

"Sorry, but I don't like girls." The boy turned to smile at Cherry, before looking back.

"I'm Mark, thanks." I decided to introduce myself.

"If I wanted to sit down..."

"We're talking about work, I'll be with you soon." I smiled, he looked a little surprised,

but nodded his head in approval.

"Then I'll wait." the boy said before leaving. He teased the elders at the table became louder.

"Is it that easy for you Mark?" Praew asked and I smiled in response.

"Did you just sit down and someone already brought you a drink?" Li added.

"I come every day, but no one has ever hit on me."

"Sorry, P'Vee." A woman approached our group and smiled at Vee.


"Can I take a picture with you? There have rarely been any updates on Facebook lately." Vee looked at me after hearing the request, he raised his glass to avoid eye contact. Why was he looking at me? If you want to do something, just do it.

"Come here and take a shot." Vee said, before moving to sit down.

"See! You're so bold." Tee exclaimed looking at me.

"What? What's wrong with that? I haven't done anything else yet." I raised my glass to drink, but the truth was that I was getting more and more frustrated. The person who had asked for a photo got closer and closer. If they had gotten any closer they would have risked merging into one person.

"Let me take a sip P'Vee." the pretty girl named Popsicle asked before snatching the glass from Vee's hand and bringing it to her mouth. He looked at me, his eyes looked annoyed, as if he was angry with me, but why? He was the one who was flirting. So why was he looking at me like that?

"I'm going away for a while." I said to Li before getting up.

"Oh, are you going to see Thew?" He asked Praew boldly.

"... Yes." I had actually completely forgotten about that guy, but I had responded anyway while staring at Vee.

"Right now? Can't you wait?" Li teased.

"Come on, Popsicle." Vee said before I could respond.

"Oh! P'Vee." The girl was now acting shy. Then she looked at me, her lipstick-covered lips smiling at me. What the hell? Did she really think I was going to come over and tear Vee away from her? Yes, the image in front of me hurt, but I didn't want to cause any problems.

"You don't have to wait for me, P'Li." I said before leaving.

I'm not interested in their business.

My brain said this, but my eyes turned to look at Vee and the girl as they left the club, I clenched my fists before going to the bathroom. My eyes hurt. Where would they go together? Is the promise not to torture each other worth nothing anymore?

"P'Mark!" Before entering the bathroom, I heard a small voice scream. I turned and raised my eyebrows.

"I didn't think you'd actually come." I saw him coming towards me.

"Are you smaller?" I asked as I followed him towards his table.

"That's right, I'm in my first year of high school*." the boy whispered secretly to me before bursting into laughter.

(*it would actually say AVERAGE but it's a bit strange, we changed to high school knowing that the boy is 16/17 years old and Mark is in his first year, so he's 19.)

"Thew! How did you get P'Mark here?" I frowned when I heard one of the people sitting at the table say this.

"You know me?" I asked as I sat down. I wasn't really used to these things.

"Oh yes! I thought a certain famous person was in danger of dying when he saw you come here." I frowned even more when I heard that little boy's response.

"Well you see, he's referring to the news going around about the other P'." Thew explained.

"Oh..." That news. Just talk about it. It had already made my existence complicated enough.

"Don't worry too much. I think it was cool of you to leave P'Vee like that." said one of the guys at the table.

"But what need is there to say it? He's already stressed." Thew said, raising his hand to squeeze my arm.

"It's all OK." I replied before receiving a glass from one of the boys. It was a past story and now things were back to normal, Vee and I had our lives and everything in the past was just a memory.

"Why would he say he's stressed?" Thew raised his hand to hold my arm.

I continued drinking, glass after glass. Thew tried to stop me, but the guy serving drinks smiled at me and filled my glass even more.

"Drink calmly P', at least for now you won't miss him." Vespa said handing me another glass.

"Wasp! That's enough. Mark..." Thew muttered, taking the glass from my hand.

"Again..." I said, grabbing the glass. I wasn't so drunk that I didn't know what was going on around me. The little boy didn't need to be worried about me.

"P'Mark, you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk. I am fine." I replied to Thew before grabbing another glass and drinking it.

"I want you to stop." Thew replied, shaking my arm.

"Damnation. Why aren't you like him?" I muttered to myself as I rested my head on the table.

I was drinking so much but I didn't understand why I kept missing him. No matter how much time passed, he never disappeared from my heart. I had dated other people, but they weren't like Vee. Why wasn't he angry with me? Why wasn't he dragging me away? Why wasn't he here yelling at me like the last time I got drunk? Because he wasn't behaving as usual...

"P'Mark..." the soft voice, close to my ear, startled me, making me look up. "I don't think you can have it. Even though P'Mark says he doesn't like P'Vee, he is clearly speaking sarcastically." Vespa said to her friend.

"But I like Mark." I didn't even know what this group of kids were talking about anymore, I was just dizzy. Ok, I admit I was really drunk. They say that if you're really drunk, you constantly feel like you're falling, but that wasn't true.

I had to go up the stairs, I didn't even remember leaving the club or who I left it with. Someone kept whispering in my ear, but I couldn't understand it.

"Well done Mark." It was a familiar, deep voice I heard, but I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. He had left with a woman, so how could he be here to bring me back?

"No..." I groaned, trying to take a step forward, but I missed the step.

"Shhh... just one more step and you will be in the room." continued a deep voice next to my ear. I tried to look up, but everything was blurry.

"... I don't like." I said before grabbing that person and falling onto the bed.

"You don't like what? Damn..." The curse was too familiar. Was it wrong if he approached me to clearly see who he was? Would it have been if I had gotten closer to his face to make sure?

"P'Vee... I won't do it with anyone else, I'll only do it with P'Vee."


With his hoarse voice he almost didn't finish the sentence and in an instant he molded his lips to mine. The taste of alcohol was strong, a mix of me and him.

I was kneeling in front of him when his arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me forward, towards him. The sound of the kiss echoed through the room, bringing back the same feelings.

The same heat, the same bells, the same room and the same place. The only difference was that this time I wouldn't force it.

I held it so tilted towards me while also tilting my face to get a better angle. Regardless of whether he was drunk or whether he really missed me, I wanted to go back to being the same bad boy and take the opportunity he was giving me.

He moaned low in his throat before moving to get some air. We stared at each other, his arm still around my shoulder.


"Damn, you're cruel." Mark said looking into my eyes.

"I am sorry." I replied before returning my mouth to hers. I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer.

I wanted to love him, at any cost. We kissed for a long time, but it would never be as long as the time I spent thinking about him. Now the person I had missed so much was right in front of me. I'd be stupid to let him go again. In the morning we could have argued fiercely, he could have been angry when he realized it; and I could only have agreed with him. At that moment though, I would have followed my heart.

His eyes and his words told me that in that moment he thought the same as me.

He fell backwards, dragging me with him, allowing me to lie completely on top of him.

"Let me ask for your forgiveness Mark... from now on let me love you." I said to the person lying beneath me. Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes, and I moved down to kiss them away.

I moved my lips from his eyes to his cheeks then kissed the line of his jaw. I kissed him everywhere, not a millimeter of him escaped my lips. I kissed him to apologize, to tell him how much I loved him. I moved my lips to the corner of his mouth and he kissed me back gently, before pulling away to look at the face of the person beneath me.



"... P'Vee." Only my name came out of his mouth, but he pronounced it full of emotions: pain, torture, missing me.

"I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry for everything you've been through." I kissed the corner of his mouth again, a kiss to say it would never be like this again.

I moved my lips to his neck, kissing his Adam's apple before stopping at his collarbone. He was so hollow... I didn't even want to imagine how Mark had tortured himself in the past. I went down on him, continuing to slowly kiss his body, unbuttoning his shirt as I continued. I left a long trail of kisses on his chest, I saw him tremble at my touch, he moaned like every other time I had touched him there.

His chest rose slightly when I licked it, his reaction momentarily bothered me if I thought that in the past, without me, it had been someone else who had given it to him.

Seeing him cuddle that other little boy, or thinking that others had cared for him like that made me jealous.

"From now on you belong only to me." I raised my head to tell him, taking a good look at his heated body. He looked at my face and stroked my head with his hand.

"I missed you so much." my heart filled with joy with those words. The pain and jealousy disappeared. I kissed Mark on his stomach too, moving my lips all over, turning his body on fire.

"Mmm... ah." The loud kissing sound that echoed in the room didn't embarrass me at all, in fact it made me feel good.

Mark slowly put his hand in my hair, pulling it with the force of his emotions, and it turned me on a lot. I continued kissing him until he moaned louder and louder. I slid my mouth down to his lower abdomen, making his legs part slightly as I continued to kiss him passionately.

The more I kissed him, the louder he panted. I pulled away from him to admire the result of my work, I swallowed heavily at the sight of him writhing.

I calmly slipped off my trousers, before reaching over to loosen Mark's belt. Maybe it was due to his senses being impaired by alcohol, but he agreed to me taking off his pants without any discussion.

"Umm..." he moved slightly, parting his lips, I didn't immediately understand what he wanted; until I slid my finger to separate those lips of hers.

"I'm here, Mark." he said as he continued to gently rub his finger over his lips. Gradually he opened his mouth before biting my finger.

I let him continue sucking my finger and focused my attention on his chest and nipples, so when I started sucking one, Mark bit down harder on my finger. It didn't hurt, he had just become a little sensitive, when he bit it again I felt a twinge of pain but I liked it.

I continued sucking hard until he arched upwards and I smiled at him in satisfaction before removing my finger.

I brought my hand to caress his cheek while my other hand ran down his back. Then I moved forward leaning completely on him as my mouth ran towards his beautiful lips to kiss him. I tilted his face, he collaborated by parting his lips for me. That mouth of his that I hadn't kissed in so long was still as sweet as I remembered it. Although the taste of him was also a little acrid due to the alcohol, it may have been because I hadn't tasted him for a long time, but all I felt was the sweetness of that mouth; the sweetness and softness of the person beneath me.

Mark pulled his face away from mine and moaned loudly when I touched his hot member.

I rubbed it and squeezed it gently until it extended completely into my palm. His nails dug into my shoulder as he lifted his face, gasping. On one side of his neck I saw the veins protruding and not resisting, I immediately bent down to kiss them. I licked his veins before biting him gently on the shoulder.

"P'Vee..." my first time with Mark hadn't been like this. I had tortured him at the time, but this time I would make him happier than ever.

Sliding down his body I took his erection into my mouth, then licked it from base to tip before covering it again. I couldn't fit it all in my mouth so I used my hand to cover the rest.

I heard him moan and utter gibberish as I moved my mouth over him, then slid further down to the entrance of his beautiful canal and began kissing him. Mark gasped and moaned louder and louder.

I wanted to hear him moan again so I started using my tongue and that made the person in front of me squirm frantically.

I continued licking him, lifting his pelvis slightly so I could have better access.

When I stood up, I looked down and saw that the area was now soaked in saliva. Sticking my tongue out, I licked my lips, rubbed my erection a few times and positioned myself in front of his entrance and began to push. He tensed at my presence and this prevented me from entering further.

"Mark...let me love you a little." I said before leaning down on him to kiss his cheek. "Let Vee love Mark."

When I felt him relax I pushed him all the way in, and remained still inside him at least until I couldn't stand it anymore. The person under me was strong and probably able to bear the pain, so I gradually started to move and slowly pushed.

I moaned out loud as his body took in all of me. Our pace gradually increased until we were clinging to each other synchronizing our movements.

He arched his back, resting all his weight on his shoulders, making his pelvis come closer to my sex, giving me a new angle that allowed me to move faster, this made him moan out loud. His voice so close to my ear made me lift my head and look at his face. His eyes looked at me as if they were trying to seduce me.

I tilted my face to the side to suck on his earlobe before returning to kiss him softly. Sweet kisses to comfort him and promise that things would be better from now on. I hugged him before looking down. Our connection point wasn't far away, I continued to slowly push into Mark who held onto my shirt.

Mark lifted his face and groaned as I looked back down to see both of us moving towards each other.

I rested my head on his shoulder again, but still kept my gaze in the same place. Watching my body slide in and out of him emphasized the fact that I was now with him.

Mark's hand moved to the center of his body, gripping the stiffness and moving slowly. I decided to help him and moved the hand that had previously gripped his waist to his hand, moving it along his entire length until he removed his hand and let me take complete control.

"P' Vee..." the pleading voice in my ear caused me to smile the faintest and I leaned over him to press my nose to his wet cheek before quickly moving on to kiss his mouth.

"Yes, Mark."

He bit my shoulder as I started to speed up my thrusts. It hurt, but it was a pain I liked.

"Mark..." I moaned out loud calling his name when I felt I was close. The pace we had taken was so pressing that I didn't think I could hold out much longer. Mark continued to moan without stopping.

His moans were replaced by contractions and heavy breathing as he climaxed. I was like Mark. I released myself completely into him, as he continued to moan happily as if he hadn't felt this way in a long time. I turned and kissed his mouth before continuing to move my hand over him until I was sure he was finished before pulling it away.

We lay next to each other panting, I raised myself on my elbows to see the person next to me more clearly. His eyes looked at me before slowly closing. He must have been really tired because I was exhausted too. I kissed his beautiful forehead once more before gently saying goodnight, I didn't know if he listened to me or not, but it still felt good to say it.

Earlier at the bar I had tried to convince myself to leave alone, leaving this guy free, but I hadn't succeeded. Being with Tee and Li was no different than being alone, and strangers would probably lure him somewhere. I had dropped Popcicle off at her dorm and gone straight back to the bar. The first thing I saw was Mark, drunk with a little boy lying next to him. In an instant I was furious and literally jumped in, dragged him out of the bar and then took him home. Thinking about that late at night, I sighed. If I had to let him go again, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

I got up and got some water to clean Mark. I put a clean pair of my boxers on him instead of his dirty clothes. From there I managed to get him to take off his shirt, so he was left with only his boxers. At that moment I should have gone to take a shower, but I probably wouldn't have. I lay down next to Mark, watching his face turned towards me and smiling sweetly. I kissed him gently on the cheek, before pulling him towards me by grabbing his waist.

Now we were together and I had just made him happy.


The sunlight shining made me turn and nudge my head into the toned shoulder of the person I had been hugging since last night, inhaling their scent. Mark was still sleeping blissfully in the same position. I leaned down and smelled his cheek, before breaking out into a big smile. Even though he couldn't see it, even though he didn't know I was doing it, I was still happy that I could do it.

"Umm..." As he moaned he moved, making me retreat. His eyes opened before looking quickly at me. After looking at me, his dark eyebrows rose together as his eyes focused on me sitting in front of him. I was biting my lip preparing for the insults and curses.

Last night he wasn't very aware so I expected that when he fully woke up he would tell me that I was enough.

"I... last night..." my voice returned to my throat as he raised his eyebrows. I swallowed heavily trying to put the words together.

"F... fuck you." I sighed when I heard him curse. "My voice..." he spoke softly. I thought he was mad at me, but he was cursing because of his hoarse voice.

"Um... I'll bring you some water." I said before rushing out of bed. I left the room and went down to the kitchen to get a glass of hot water. It was a good thing my mother had woken up and put the hot water on. I filled the cup half full before mixing it with some cold water and returned to Mark.

"Thank you." He said and drank slowly. I looked at him in silence.


"This time just water?"

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise at his strange statement.

"Last time there was rice..." I screamed with joy in my head as soon as Mark answered like that while a smile slowly spread across my face.

"Aren't you yelling at me? Are you not angry or upset?" I came closer when I asked him.

"No..." he lowered his head and whispered softly.

"Really?!" Without realizing it I was screaming as I shook him by grabbing his shoulder.

"But that doesn't mean I've forgiven you." He responded by taking my hand away.

"So what does it mean?"

"I miss you. I miss you, but I'm still mad at you." Mark said looking up at me.

"So, what does it mean? Will we make peace?" I asked.

"You have to get there yourself." he bowed his head as he spoke softly.

"Eh, it doesn't matter if it will still take a long time before we can make peace. I want to reconcile with my wife." I also bent down, spoke softly and approached him.

"Um... P''s wife... " he looked at me.

"Well, this time at least you're calling me P', last time you called me a bastard." I said and nodded while still close to his face speaking softly.

"Do you want me to call you that?" He asked handing back the glass of water. I shook my head before picking it up and placing it on the desk.

"Why?" I asked, placing my hands on the bed and leaning over him so much that Mark had to lie back on his elbows to maintain our eye contact.

"Here you are..."

"Mmmrrrrr" I cleared my throat before leaning even more towards him.

"Ok, ok now move..." He pushed me back by pressing on my chest and taking his gaze away from my face, so I turned sideways and lay down on the bed.

"Answer me... why don't you forgive me and come back with me?" I asked as I reached my arm around the waist of the person next to me and squeezed.

"Who told you we would make up?" he said as he lay down next to me, looking at me again and then turning away.

"Okay, you still haven't forgiven me, but then why did you decide to talk to me again?" I asked him. He turned and looked at me in silence for a few seconds.

"Here you are..."

"You miss me, don't you?" I asked when I heard him hesitate. "It's because you knew how much I was hurting, right?" I approached, raising my eyes towards him. "When you hear people say I'm not doing so well, it makes you feel bad, doesn't it?"

"... Yes." His response made me smile.

"Listen, even though our relationship ended a long time ago, we both still feel bad; so why close, why not try again..." I said looking at him. "I know you don't trust me like you used to, but you never stopped loving me." I thought and looked straight into those eyes that were stuck in mine. The eyes that now told me all his feelings. Eyes that showed the exact moment he made his decision. I really wanted to know what he decided and if it was good for both of us.

"If... you can make me believe again... like before." The sentence that left his lips was beautiful, it made my eyes shine and my smile was huge. He looked at me in shock before turning his face away.

"Why do you seem surprised? I'm so happy you're giving me a chance!" I said, smiling as big as I could. He walked away, then I approached the back of his neck and whispered: "From now on, I will do everything so that you can trust me again. I will tell you that I love you until you too feel the need to tell me that you love me again, I will give all of myself to make you come back to me, I will make sure that you belong to me and me alone." I concluded by first placing a kiss on the back of his neck.

"Make sure you do what you say." he murmured and let me hug him.

"Thank you."

I went down with Mark to the kitchen to get something to eat. Yoo was shocked when he saw Mark enter. He looked at me and I looked at him too, but he decided not to say anything when he raised his eyebrows in surprise. My mother stopped when she saw Mark enter, the same happened to my father who almost dropped the glass he was holding.

"Um... Good morning." The person next to me was the first to say hello because everyone else was just standing there confused.

"Aren't you going to complain, Mom? I brought a guest today without telling you." I said letting Mark sit in the same place at the table as last time.

"How did you manage to deceive this boy? And why did you follow him?" The first question was directed at me, the second at Mark.


"So from now on I won't see anyone walking around the house looking like a funeral again?" my father asked, looking at me.

"Aren't they... um your parents against our relationship?" Mark smiled before whispering ever so softly so that only I could hear what he was saying.

"No. They saw that I love you so much that they accepted the fact that you are a man." I whispered to him, watching as his ears were turning red.

"Mark, don't you think you made it a little too easy for him?" Yoo asked him, blowing away the peaceful atmosphere I was trying to create between the two of us. My brother's words had devastating power when he wanted to hit a target.

"I didn't agree... "

"Aren't you going to force it again?" My dad asked loudly making everyone turn to look at me, including Mark.

"No, just..."

"Only thing?" my parents asked in unison, in a low voice.

"Um... I haven't agreed to get back together with Vee yet." Mark's voice made everyone's attention shift to him.

"Mark just said he'll give me a chance." I reiterated.

"Oooh, I was shocked at first, I really thought he had already forgiven you. So he's just giving you a chance to show him that he can trust you again?" Yoo asked tossing the chicken bones onto my plate.

"Why do you have to be so childish? It's dirty!" my mother said reaching and hitting Yoo.

"Well, I don't like having them on my plate." complained my brother who was surely up to something and I trembled at the idea of ​​what he might say.

"People who have had a bad breakup can try to talk about it and understand the reasons, it can be easy or it can be difficult, but that doesn't mean they have to get back together to do it." My father said, looking at Mark and then at me.

"True, dad? So shouldn't a person who is just observing the situation just keep watching and stay out of it?" I said before looking at Yoo.

"If Mark leaves you again, don't count on me to help you get back on your feet this time." he replied before continuing to eat his chicken.

"This time, I won't let you escape." I whispered to the person next to me who looked at me and then quickly looked back in front of him.

"Eat Tom Yum meatballs, even if I didn't prepare many and for that I should thank and scold Vee, this time I won't, because today is a good day and therefore I won't complain about anything." said my mom.

"Why is today a good day?" Mark asked after putting more food on his plate.

"Oh... today is the day my children got back together. From now on I will no longer have to see my son's sad face and try to console him." My mother said smiling at Mark.

"Mom... Mark hasn't agreed to get back together yet." I replied.

"I've always said that if two people fit together like pieces of a puzzle, then they belong together." my father commented with a smile at Mark who bowed his head and didn't see the broad smile I gave my father.

Even though at that moment he had only agreed to start speaking like me again, I was still very happy. My family was too. If we were to get back together one day, how great would it be? I didn't even want to think that there was an alternative to this.

Someone had said that it was difficult to get a person to trust you again. I didn't care how easy or difficult it was, I just had to do it. I had to do it for the person I loved. For our beautiful love. I had been given a second chance and I was going to use it to the fullest. Loving the person who was by my side, I was confident that no matter how easy or complicated it might be, I would always continue to love him.

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