Creepypasta (SlenderxZalgo) O...

By YakiraShakira69

18.4K 197 242

Most of these one- shots are pretty much just Zalgo and Slender being gay and making love. May include slende... More

First Kiss
♡~Love Palace~/SMUT (edited)
~Kitty Cat~ (heavy smut)
♡First Date♡~fluff~
A/N quick question
•Visiting• pt2
Warmth♡fluff-Christmas Special
The Get Together Party♡
The Get Together Party♡fluff♡
The Get Together Party♡Smut~
Ribbons~ Smut~
Sick Day ♡Fluff♡
A Will to Live •Angst•
A Will to Live pt 2 *Angst*
♡Shower♡ Smut~
Drunk Talk♡Fluff♡,
Sørrows ♡Fluff♡
Toys ~SMUT~
Attention ♡Fluff♡
Meetings~ Smut♡
Office S3x? ~SMUT♡
Something About You..Angstyfluff
Something About you...Angstyfluff♡
Straight Up Sex..SMUT💀
Break Me~SMUT~
The Plan
Pet Play ~Smut~

Happiest Birthday Ever ♡Fluff♡

136 7 4
By YakiraShakira69

Slenderman's POV:
I sighed looking out my window at the trees that swayed in the breeze. I finally finished my painting I made for Zalgo. Even if its almost my birthday i still wanted to thank for him for everything he did for me.

I went back to bed, it was quite late. It was almost 11pm and I was still waiting for Zalgo to come snuggle me in bed. Laying there lifelessly on the bed under my covers, it still never felt wsrm enough unless I have his big strong arms around me.

Then I looked to my right as I heard the door creak open. Finally he's here. He jumped on the bed and tussled under sheets quickly and snuggled me and held me to his chest.

"Took you long enough.", I giggled as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, nuzzling into his chest.
"I know Im sorry. I was just helping clean up before everyone goes to bed.", He replied.

"Awh that's okay, I can excuse that.", I replied as he kissed my lips and squeezed me in his arms as we drifted off to sleep.

12:00am struck and the old antique clock went off in the hallway.

I was awoken from my slumber with a kiss on my lips.
"Happy birthday my love.", Zalgo whispered to my lips making me giggle like a highschool girl.
Then we finally went back to bed.

-The next morning-

Zalgo's POV:
I got up early at 6am and managed to wiggle my way off the bed without waking my future husband and I snucked a warm pillow in his arms to think its me.

I also switched the alarm clock to wake him up by 9am instead of 7am so I can get a head start on everything.
There was a spare room in the mansion where his proxies, brothers and I will be decorating for the party later.

But I have a plan, Im going to take him to the same fancy expensive resturant where I we had our first date. The resturant was a 2 michellain star resturant and I threatened the owner into letting me have the vip section all for myself and for Slender.

The resturant had a beach front. It will be late in the evening which I will propose to him at the same time the sun dissapears, since he loves a purple blue sky after the sun sets.

If he says yes, I'll pick him up and spin him around like a princess and kiss him there. Then after we'll have the dinner party back at the mansion.
Told ya I got this.

Right now I was walking up the staircase with a tray of prefectly steamed liver, a steamy cup of coffee and his favourite, fried human palms (shaped into chicken nuggets).

And I was just in time as he walked in fron the bathroom after brushing his teeth, the look on his face was adorable.
"A special brithday breakfast for my prince~", I said as he sat back down on the bed and I placed the tray on his lap.

"I love it when you spoil me.", He chuckled as he took a sip from his coffee. I took a peck from his lips before he started eating.
Just then the door bursted open, ofcourse it was his brothers.

"Happy birthday!", They exclaimed in unison as they all walked in and sat on the bed together, he shook his head and playfully rolled his eyes.

"Happy birthday little brother.", Splendorman lightly chuckled and ruffled Slenderman's hair and little and kissed the back of his head.

(I know ppl will say this is wierd but yes siblings can show affection too like this. Get your heads out of the gutter because its perfectly legal to kiss your little sister or whatever on her head or something you know? Once its not in a incesty way or on the lips or cheek.)

"Thanks Splendor.", He replied as they all got off the bed and went back outside to let him finish his breakfast in peace.
"Today we're going out. When it's 6 o' clock we'll go out to a fancy resurant and we'll all eat there. You, me, your brothers, our kids and your proxies.", I stated as he looked delighted.

"I cant wait! Also what will I be getting for my birthday lunch?", He replied and smirked.
"Splendor will be making you your favourite, spicy dumplings and crab.", I replied as he looked like a giddy happy little kid to hear that. Ah yes he was greedy for his big brothers cooking.

"Im just going to get some things ready. You enjoy your breakfast and relax.", I said before kissing his foreheas and then exiting the room closing the door behind me.

Time skip till its now 4pm.

Narrator's POV:
"Hey.", Trenderman greeted walking into the bedroom with a box in his hand for his cousin.
"Hi Trender.", Slenderman replied.

"I made you this. We're going somewhere special tonight. I spent 2 months perfecting it, it's my best creation yet and it's all yours.", Trenderman said setting the box dow  beside Slenderman.

"Go get changed.", Trenderman stated as Slenderman took the box with him in his walk-in closet to change.
The result was absolutely dashing as he walked out.

It was a black double slit dress with long lacey sleeves and a golden moon cresent by the collarbone, a black and golden swirly flowery pattern on the corset and the slit went from the waist to the ankles. His shoes had a 1 inch heel and matched the slit dress. His hair was let loose with a hair charm. His long, hip length, silky, straight hair cascaded down his back. The dress fitted him like a glove.

"Oh em...GEEEEEEEEEEEE!", Trenderman squealed like a teenage girl seeing platform heels for the first time.
"It's beautiful, I dont think I've ever seen such a wonderful outfit.. I love it!", Slenderman beamed in awe.

"Come on come on, everyone is waiting dow stairs for you.", Trenderman stated and dragged Slenderman downstairs. Everyone's heads turned to admire the gorgeous dress.

But what captured Slenderman's eyes was he saw his daughter with a matching dress except it was more like a princess dress.. Slenderina looked just like her father.

"Happy birthday dad!", Slenderina yelped in a chaotic happy way and hugged Slenderman tight which he returned the hug lovingly.

Zalgo was watching by doorstep in his best royal outfit. His jaw almost hunhinged when he saw his soon to be fiancé walk tmdown the staircase. Every step he took was with grace, Zalgo thought to himself:
'How the fuckity fuck did I pull such a ethereal, exquisite, dashing, ravishing, gorgeous, graceful, elegant, glamorous, pleasing, charming beautiful, divine man?'

"You look so beautiful my love, your beauty is worth more than this galaxy itself..", Zalgo said softly with a gentle smile and took Slenderman's hand in his as they walked to the van. Princess treatment I tell you.

He opened the car door for his special Prince and took the seat next to him.
The drive to the resurant took about an hour, from the time they arrived it was 5pm, perfect timing to see the sunset for another hour and then last but not least will be Zalgo's time to shine and ask his beloved boyfriend.

The van was parked in a VIP spot and everyone got out the car, Ben, Trenderman and Nina were taking pictures of the sky, the resturant and selfies. When Slenderman got out the car he paused and starred at the resurant as memories waved over him.

"Wait a minute..Zalgo. This is th-"

"The resturant you used to work in where I first met you and where we had our first date? Yes.", Zalgo finished the sentence for him.

Slenderman pulled Zalgo in a tight hug as they shared a small tender loving kiss.
"I wasn't expecting this...I love it.", Slenderman said with a sense of pure joy in his voice.

"Come on let's go.", Zalgo called out to everyone as everybody followed the couple in the resturant.

Receptionist- "Oh- good evening your highness. Vip section tables 5 and 6 right?"

Zalgo- "Yeah."

Receptionist- "Follow me then your majesty."

The lady escorted everyone to a rented out VIP section of the resurant, it was a opened area outside where there's a clear view of the beach and fancy silber wear and tables and chairs.

Everyone chose their seats. The Slender brothers along with Trenderman, Slenderina, Zalgo and ofcourse Slenderman sat in table 6 and on table 5 is where the others sat.

They ordered their drinks and food, busted a few jokes here and there. Zalfo and Slenderman telling the story how they met here at the resturant and how their first date was also here.
Slenderina trying not to gag at Slenderman and her future step-father being touchy and romantic.
Splendorman randomly being the overprotective older brother he is whenever Slenderman and Zalgo get too close.

The sun has almost set, the sky is in a dark purplish blue shade with dark pink clouds. The cool sea breeze refreshing their lungs. Everyone has emptied their platter of food and downed their drinks.

"Darling, how about we all go for a walk?", Zalgo suggested to which Slenderman answered:
"I don't see why not."

They got up from their chairs and told everyone the idea of going for a walk around the beach.
As the couple strolled around on the sand, letting the breeze brush through their hair and relax their nerves.

"Oh wow....Zalgo look at the sky..", Slenderman whispered in awe as he gazed upon the sky as it starts to get darker and stars begin to glimmer and flitter in the sky.

But Zalgo prefered to stare at Slenderman's eyes.
"You know, your eyes was the first thing that captured me when I first saw you.
Right now as your looking at the stars I can see them in the reflection of your eyes."

Slenderman's cheeks turn to light shade of pink at the cheesy compliment.
"I adore the stars, when I was little I used to reach my little hand out to see if I can touch them. But holding your hand is something I think is far more better.", He replied.

"Hey not bad.", Zalgo chuckled.

"Well try and beat that.", Slenderman replied.

"Okay. Will you marry me?", Zalgo asked, already down on one knee and popped the ring out.

Slenderman's eyes widen, he covered his mouth in suprise. A tear rolled down his cheek.
"Your not kidding are you..?"

Zalgo shook his head.

"Oh my zalgo....YES!", Slenderman yelled out and jumped in Zalgo's arms. Zalgo got up from the ground and twirled Slenderman around like a princess.
Pressing their lips together, sharing a long, passionate, tender, sweet kiss.

The others were secretly recording the whole thing. Giggling and jumping up and down in joy and squealing.
Splendorman was happiest of all of them for Zalgo and Slenderman.

He was delighted his baby brother finally found someone who could treat him right and love him. He'll miss Slenderman being a little kid but he grew past that. Slenderina was overjoyed she could finally have two loving parents now.

"I love you Aspen.."

"I love you too Zalgo.."

This is probably my LONGEST chapter ever. This took me weeks to try and figure out off the top of my head.
Now its not ending there because there is 2 more parts to go.

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