Jin's Poke'Adventure(My Versi...

De Qguyton078

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This is my version of Quan'DarriusGuyton3 since I asked him if I can rewrite his story and he said yes I may... Mais

Entering The World of Pokémon Every Child's Dream
The World of Pokémon
Adjusting to The New Life
The New Pokémon and New Assistant
Jin's First Task Pt.1
Jin's First Task Pt.2
The Battle in The Volcano
Back at Kanto
New Captures and Aura User
The New Pokémon Dome

Onto The Unova Region

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De Qguyton078

Chapter 9

No One POV

Jin has been at the lab for a few days now as Mr.McKenzie is still making his own dome as they are already constructing it as the people that he made a contract with certainly does the things done fast which he's impressed as he would've thought that it would take months but noo they look like that they'd done in a few days or so. As Ash and Goh are doing their usual thing but this time they are staying at the lab since Professor Cerise doesn't have anything for them to do and Jin on other hand is also bored as he fed his Pokémon earlier which of course he needed to feed them in the forest.

Jin is seen in his bedroom staring at up at the ceiling of his room as Professor Cerise doesn't have anything for him to do since all he needed him to do was just gather rocks and that it's as Jin started to think of his team as he does need to catch more Pokémon and he does have a few in mind that he wants.

Jin: hmm I think I'll go to the Unova region and get some Pokémon there. he said as he sat up from his bed

Rayquaza:*in her ball*oh really why is that you want to head to the Unova region. he asked him

Jin: because I want to try and find a Deino for I can have Hydreigon in the future since they are powerful Pokémon and having something like that on my team especially this early would be really good, although it might take a while for it to evolve. he said back to her

Rayquaza:*in her ball*I see so you want another strong Pokémon on your team but do you have any other Pokémon you want to catch in the Unova region. she asked him

Jin:*rubs his chin*hmm well there is another one but finding them is really hard considering how rare they are. he replied

Rayquaza:*in her ball*and what Pokémon is that if I may ask. she asked him

Jin: it's a Zorua I want one since they can create illusions and they can be quite tricky and their not that bad in battle when they evolve into a Zoroark. he said to him

Rayquaza:*in her ball*well the hell are you waiting for c'mon and get up let's get going to catch some Pokémon. she said to him as Jin stood up

Jin:*stretches*yeah yeah I know that just need to ask Professor Cerise if I can actually go. he said back to her

With that Jin had gotten up and made his way toward Professor Cerise as he's currently in the lab area checking over something's as both Ash and Goh are also there as apparently Ash has captured his new Dragonite and Goh well he doesn't really care about him that's for sure, as the Professor had seen Jin walk into the lab.

Cerise: oh Jin is there something you need. he asked him

Jin:*nods*yeah I was wondering if I could go to the Unova region for a while. he asked him as he rose an eyebrow and that caught Ash and Goh's attention

Cerise:*raised an eyebrow*oh and why do you want to go to the Unova region. he asked him

Jin: well for I can catch more Pokémon, if I'm gonna be battling and such I do need new Pokémon so that's why reason. And my other reason is that there isn't really anything you want me to do. he replied to him

Cerise:*chuckles nervously*yeah your right about that but don't worry I'll try and find something whenever you come back but how long are you planning on staying in Unova. he asked

Jin:*shrugs*I don't know maybe a few days or so I also want to explore the place as well and possibly battle some trainers. he said to him as Ash and Goh came up to them

Ash: do you mind if we go with you? he asked him

Jin:*raised an eyebrow*and why the hell would I let you come with me I was just gonna go there to do my own thing that's all. he asked him

Ash: well we are pretty bored as well since the Professor doesn't have anything for us to do and besides I could also battle some people there as well, and speaking of which me and you should have a battle as well. he said to him

Jin:*thinks to himself*now that I think about it me battling Ash could also be beneficial if I can get him to use older Pokémon then he'll be more of a threat. he thought to himself

Jin: well as of now no but I guess I can let you guys come with me but you're doing your own thing got. he said back to them

Goh: you don't have to worry about that I was going to get some new Pokmon. he said to him

As Jin had inwardly groaned when he said that but didn't said anything as Professor Cerise had started to make them plane tickets to head to the Unova region while Jin had pulled out a special card that will give him V.I.P sears in any plane that he goes to which in that case he's settled as he doesn't also have to pay for him to be seated there. Which of course both Ash and Goh are surprised and jealous to see that as Jin will have the best seat in the pane which is pretty much first class but his seat will actually have a bed in case he gets tired, but with that out of the way they begun to make their way towards the Unova region.

-Timeskip brought to you by Tobias watching Jin participate in the league as he's impressed at how much he's improved.-

Still No One POV

After Jin had asked Professor Cerise if he could go the Unova region which he agreed as both Ash and Goh are also tagging along as he didn't really wanted them to come with him but thankfully their going to do their own thing which he's glad since he doesn't have to go through Goh's bullshit of just catching Pokémon with just one ball. But after the flight toward the Unova region as it currently early morning as Jin, Ash and Goh had walked out of the plane relatively tired aside from Jin since his plane ride had an actual bed so he's good.

They made sure that they gathered their things and such as Ash and Goh are making their way to the Pokémon center to get themselves a room and also get themselves come coffee since they are in need of the energy boost, while Jin is going to the same place as them for he can get his own room since he doesn't feel like sharing a room with them. As they are currently at Undella Town since this is where Jin wanted to go as Ash and Goh didn't really had a say in it since they were going with him, but they didn't seem to mind, another thing Jin brought Rowlet, Togekiss, Tyranitar and Heatran as he decided to leave Rayquaza back home.

Goh:*yawns*man I wish I had the same V.I.P class as you it's just isn't fair. he said as Jin responded

Jin: it's how the world works but you get special privileges when you know the right people, but I'm gonna go to my room and drop off my stuff and I'm going to head out. he said to them

Ash: your not going to eat breakfast with us. he asked him

Jin: I'd rather eat alone and besides I eat breakfast with you guys back at the lab although you guys usually leave right after so it's doesn't make a difference. he said to him

Goh: well I guess your right but you never told us just what Pokémon you caught when you went to Sinnoh. he said to him

Jin: that is none of your business but I'll see you guys sometime later. he said back to him as he walked toward his room

Goh: geez talk about attitude. he said out loud

Ash:*shrugs*maybe he's still not used to us yet although he does seem comfortable around Professor Cerise and Chloe. he said out loud

Goh: hmm well he'll get used to us eventually but c'mon let's drink our coffee and head out as well I want to catch some new Pokémon. he told him

-Small Timeskip-

After Jin had placed his stuff down at the Pokémon center as he's now walking around the town looking off at the distance as he seems to be thinking about something but mostly about Cynthia since if he walks into the wrong house he's fucked until he realized that this isn't a game so he can't really do that. But he used this time to just relax and stare off into the distance at the vast ocean as it's just become in daytime but while he was staring off into the distance a girl around his age had spotted him, as she has long brown hair tied in a high ponytail with blue eyes and also wearing a baseball cap on her head.

This person is Hilda White as she was at Undella Town for some relaxing as she was making her way to meet up with one of her friends but stopped once she saw Jin relaxing and staring off into the distance, and from her perspective he seems pretty interesting so she went up to talk to him.

Hilda: hello you ok over there. she asked him as Jin jumped at bit as he looked toward her

Jin:*thinks to himself*no way is this Hilda what the hell is she doing here, so I guess game characters does exist in the Pokémon world well in the anime at the least. he thought to himself

Jin: um is there something you need. he asked her

Hilda: well no not really I was just wondering what you were doing and the names Hilda by the way it's nice to meet you. she asked him

Jin: nice to meet you too..I guess and the names Jin but as for what I was doing well I'm just relaxing but I was gonna go out and see if there's any Pokémon to catch. he answered her

Hilda: ohh I see what Pokémon do you plan on catching. she asked him

Jin: that's something only I will know but is there anything else you want from me. he said back to her

Hilda:*holds out a ball as she smiles*how about a battle what do you say about that. she asked him

Jin: sure I don't mind but how long have you been a trainer for. he asked her

Hilda:*raises an eyebrow*um for about 2 years or so why do you ask. she said to him

Jin: sorry to break it to you but I won't be much of a challenge if I battled you I just started as a trainer about a week or so ago. he said back to her

Hilda:*wide eyed*wait what you just begun on your Pokémon journey and here I thought that you were quite a veteran trainer. she said in surprise

Jin: well looks can be deceiving. he simply replied to her

When Jin said that to her she's shocked to hear that from him as she wasn't expecting him to be a beginning trainer or nonetheless someone that just recently started as if she battled him then she'd win easily in her mind at least but she doesn't know that Jin has some powerful Pokémon and he's only a beginning trainer. But Jin on the other hand think this is a good opportunity for not only get battling experience but also finally feel what it's like to have a battle as he's seen countless of battles in the anime as all of them seem intense, action packed and fast paced and now it's his time to experience it.

Jin: although I didn't say that I declined your battle I don't mind battling you. he said to her as her eyes widens

Hilda: wait what you'll still battle me even tho that I've been a trainer for 2 years and you just begun. she said in surprise

Jin: well yeah but it doesn't matter if you've been a trainer for 2 years or not hell you could be a trainer for 10 years and still not be that good or powerful in battling, it's the trainers skill that determines a battle now is it. he said back to her

Hilda: huh I see quite the bold words coming from you but even if you are a beginning trainer I won't hold back too much just to let you know. she said back to him

Jin:*smirks*just like what I'd like to hear. he said back to her

Hilda: but first let's go somewhere that is fit for a Pokémon battle I don't think a beach is a good place now is it. she said to him

Jin:*shrugs*meh I don't care nonetheless but I guess your right have any place in mind. he said back to her

-Timeskip brought to you by Jin eating his lunch at the lab while Goh is seen struggling with his homework because he missed too much of school.-

Still No One POV

Both Hilda and Jin are now making their way toward a house as Jin is utterly confused as to where they are heading to but he does have someone in mind as the only person who he knows that owns a house here in Undella town is none other than Cynthia the Sinnoh region Champion, and sure enough they appeared in front of someone's house as they seen a pretty tall woman with long blonde hair and light gray colored eyes. Soon as Jin had seen her he immediately knew who she was as she's Cynthia the Sinnoh region's Champion and also in his opinion one of his favorite waifu's as he can't believe that he's seeing her in person and nonetheless so early.

Cynthia: there are you Hilda what took you so long. she asked her

Hilda: sorry gotten a bit sidetracked but I came here with someone else as well and I was wondering if we could borrow your battlefield. she asked her as she looked behind her

Cynthia: I see but if I may ask what's your name young man. she asked him

Jin: the names Jin. he said to her trying to contain himself

Cynthia: well it's nice to meet you Jin I am Cynthia the Sinnoh region's Champion. she introduced herself

Jin: no wonder you looked familiar but what is the Sinnoh Champ doing all the way here in Unova. he asked her

Cynthia: well I'm on a bit of a vacation which is something I really needed and I'm thankful for it. she said back to him

Hilda: well as for us borrowing your battlefield. she asked once again

Cynthia:*smiles*of course you guys can use it I'd be delighted to see you 2 battle. she said back to her

As Cynthia had agreed for them to borrow her battlefield as Jin is also a bit anxious as he did defeated Cynthia multiple times while playing Diamond and Pearl games but this is the anime and real life as battling her is totally different then the games as it'll be a lot more harder than the games that's for sure. He does want to battle Cynthia and defeat her as his older brother did defeat her a few years back but dropped the Champion title and gave it back to Cynthia.

He watched the battle between her and Tobias on his own time when he came back to Kanto as he was curious if Cynthia had defeated Tobias but it turns out he was wrong as Cynthia was ready for his Darkrai and Latios but she wasn't expecting him to send out an Entei, Deoxys and Landorus afterwards. He uses his 5 Legendary Pokémon to defeat Cynthia as he had a feeling that his last Pokémon were either his Lucario or Blastoise the 2 Pokémon he received while he was younger from their aunty.

Hilda: well Jin what kind of battle format do you want to do. she asked him

Jin: it doesn't really matter to me. he said back to her

Hilda:*raises an eyebrow*are you sure I mean you are a beginning trainer and I thought that I'd give you a choice. she said as Cynthia was a bit surprised

Cynthia: huh is that true your a beginning trainer. she asked him

Jin:*nods*yea I became a official trainer about a week ago or so, but I'm going to be honest with you here Hilda it doesn't matter what the battle format is got it. he said back to her

Hilda:*grins*I see I like your spirit and don't back down attitude but in that case let's make it a 2 vs 2 does that sound good. she said back to him

Jin:*cracks his knuckles*heh sure why not that will do. he said back to her

Hilda:*brings out a great ball*well although your a beginning trainer I'm not going to go easy on you let's go Mandibuzz. she said out loud

Out of the great ball came out a bird-like Pokémon that has bones around his body and primarily black in color as it squawked loudly announcing its arrival as it flew down toward the battlefield as and landed onto the ground as Jin knows his Pokémon since he seen a few people use it in the past and battled it many times in the games.

Jin:*thinks to himself*so her first Pokémon is a Mandibuzz a dark and flying type it seems to me that Togekiss will be a good match for it. as he brought out his own great ball

Jin: Togekiss take the skies. he called out

As Jin's Pokémon had appeared out of the ball as he did usual twirling high into the sky as he flew back down toward Jin's side of the field standing on its legs looking at his new opponent as he's gotten some time to know his Togekiss and found out that he really likes to fly and do many aerial maneuvers which is gonna be really good during battles and he's about to find out how good.

Hilda:*surprised*wait you have a Pokémon like that and your a beginning trainer how. she said in surprise

Jin:*shrugs*not sure maybe I just gotten lucky and plus he's quite the gentle Pokémon but in battle it's time to see just how well he does in battle. he responded to her

Cynthia:*drinking some juice*oh this should be interesting a beginning trainer that has a Togekiss let's see how Hilda will handle this. she said to herself

Hilda: well it doesn't matter if you have a Pokémon like that Mandibuzz use Steel Wing. she called out

Jin: dodge it Togekiss. he commanded

As the 2 Pokémon had carried out their orders as Mandibuzz's wings has gotten as metallic glow to them as she flew towards Togekiss while Togekiss just flew up into the sky dodging her attack with grace as he made a 180 turn and nosed dive toward Mandibuzz.

Jin: now use Sky Attack Togekiss. he called out

Hilda: not going to happen use Brave Bird. she also called out

Jin: Togekiss ballet in the air while using Sky Attack. he commanded him as both Hilda and Cynthia had gotten a bit confused

Their questions were answered when Togekiss had gracefully moved to the side of Mandibuzz's Brave Bird with ease and did more aerial maneuvers and flew toward Mandibuzz while also being covered by Sky Attack's energy as Hilda's eyes had widened as she wasn't expecting it to dodge the attack with such ease and hit her back.

Hilda: what the hell just what is with that Togekiss it's soo agile. she said in surprise

Jin: I may be a new trainer but I've come to know a few things about my Pokémon and I found out that Togekiss really likes flying in all sorts of directions like it's dancing, and so I decided to use that skill to its advantage in battling. he said to her as she's honestly impressed

Hilda:*her eyes widens*holy crap are you a beginning trainer there's no way. she said in surprise

Cynthia: hmm how interesting it seems Jin isn't no ordinary trainer but why he does look vaguely familiar. she said to herself as she continued watching the battle

Hilda:*shakes her head*it's doesn't matter Mandibuzz use Dark Pulse. she commanded

Jin: use Flamethrower Togekiss. he called out

Hilda:*her eyes widens a bit*what it knows Flamethrower. she said in surprise

The 2 Pokémon had unleashed their attacks toward one another as the Dark Pulse and Flamethrower clashed with one another as there was a small struggle between the attacks as it made an explosion in the air as the sky is now covered in black smoke as their visibility was cut off but not for Jin

Jin: take advantage of this use Dazzling Gleam. he commanded

Hilda: quick Mandibuzz try and get out of the way. she said to her

It was too late as Togekiss was covered in a bright rainbow-like aura as he slammed right into Mandibuzz as she cried out in pain as she was falling down toward the battlefield as Hilda is shocked to see Mandibuzz get taken down so easily but she should've expected it to do tons of damage since it's a fairy type move.

Hilda:*wide eyed*Mandibuzz oh no. she said as she went up toward her as she's unable to battle

Cynthia: impressive he managed to defeat her Mandibuzz with little to no effort is he really a beginning trainer. she said to herself as she watched Hilda return her

Hilda:*returns Mandibuzz*you did well Mandibuzz return and get some rest. she said to her as she got sucked up into the ball

Jin:*pets Togekiss*you did well for your first battle your a natural at this. he complimented him as he said out his name in response

Hilda:*looks at Jin*ok now start talking just how do you have a Pokémon like that and your a beginning trainer did you had that Togekiss for a while is that why it's strong. she asked him

Jin: well no he's recently caught I just took my time to get to know him and my other Pokémon as I'm still learning about what he likes and doesn't like but this is a start. he answered her

Hilda:*thinks to herself*if he's this good as a beginning trainer I can only imagine how good he'll be in just a few months time. she thought to herself

Jin: you want to continue this battle. he asked her

Hilda: of course I do but I'm not gonna pulling my punches anymore here's my next Pokémon Haxorus let's go. she said to him

Hilda had threw out her next Pokémon as it's large as it has face that looks like an axe but what caught his attention was the ring of shine it appeared with as the black coloring is definitely eye catching as she has a shiny Haxorus.

Jin is looking at the Pokémon with cautions as he could tell that this Pokémon is that Hilda has it for quite a while as he knows that if Togekiss can get multiple Dazzling Gleams in then he could possibly win but he doesn't want to risk since he knows that Haxorus's are pretty strong. He was thinking of using Heatran but he doesn't want them to know that he has a Legendary Pokémon and he's still a beginning trainer so he went with his next best option.

Jin:*returns Togekiss*return Togekiss. he said as he got sucked up into the ball

Hilda: huh your returning Togekiss. she asked in surprise

Jin:*nods*yeah want to give my other one a chance to battle let's show them what we've got. he said as he threw Mega-Tyranitar's ball

As Jin's next Pokémon had appeared onto the battlefield as she let out a loud roar announcing her arrival as Hilda's eyes had widened in shock as Cynthia's had just widened as she sat up from her chair to watch this battle as this one should be interesting to say the least, as this Mega-Tyranitar is noticeably larger than the average one as it stands at the height of 13ft.

Hilda:*wide eyed*holy crap that Tyranitar is huge and looks completely different how is it that your a beginning trainer. she said in surprise

Cynthia: hmm well this should be interesting let's see how he'll do against one of Hilda's strongest Pokémon. she said while looking at the large Pokémon

A/N: This is it for the chapter hope you guys enjoyed it as the next chapter will be the ending of Jin's and Hilda's battle as I will be making Cynthia stop the battle before it could end as I do want them to finish the battle they have now sometime later, but in other words Jin will also be trying to catch the 2 Pokémon he mainly wants which is Zorua and Deino let's see if he'll be able to catch them.

Cynthia does suspect Jin to look like a certain person that she battled in the past as that'll catch her interest.

And yes I decided that Tobias will be paired up with Cynthia.

Next chapter is gonna be "New Captures and Aura User."

Stay tuned everybody!

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