meet me at midnight

By sofiposie

30.4K 1.3K 1.2K

an anton lee fanfic Jung Yumi knew Lee Anton was way out of her league. But did that stop her from liking hi... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
new anton lee ff
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33

chapter 10

926 47 57
By sofiposie

Last night seems to be so far from the reality of today. We were back in school, and two guys had already showed me their bitchiness by shoving their gifts they bought for my girl friends. The cookie I received yesterday from someone inside the cafe made me assume that maybe... I can still be pretty enough to receive something, but once again, I was proven wrong.

"I'll ask her if she receives it, so don't ever take it for yourself." Another guy from one of my GE classes threatened me, but I just gave him a nod, not wanting to say anything more since I already know that nothing will happen if I decided to open my mouth.

Their narratives had been the same, that I sometimes get bored listening to them. Besides, if only they know that my girl friends just throw away their gifts once I give it to them, I'm sure as fuck that they'll cry like crazy since their gifts all look like they cost a lot of money.

The only good thing about this day was seeing Anton again for our ARTS 1 class, and of course, eating lunch with my friends.

"Hey! Yumi!" I was shocked when someone called me, and the voice sounded so familiar.

"Yumi!" I frowned when I realized who was calling me. It was Jihan. My ex boyfriend. We're classmates in one of my classes this sem, but he was absent earlier, so I don't know why he's suddenly here in front of me.

"What?" I asked, not wanting to be seen next to him. Besides, he already has a bad reputation after what he did to me and other girls since he's known to be a cheater and a manipulator.

"What's with the tone? Did you not miss me? I've been looking everywhere for you. Gimme a hug," Jihan faked sounding hurt, before trying to close the gap between us to give me a hug, but I pushed him away using both of my hands.

"No. Can't you see that I don't want to? so please, stop bothering me." I told him sternly, before walking away, but I was shocked when Jihan grabbed my arm tightly, before making me face him. There weren't students walking by in the hallway we're in, so I feel a little bit scared.

My day's fucking ruined.

"You know what? This is why I can't truly be with you. You don't want to get physical with me. Ever. I was your boyfriend, but the only thing you let me do with you was hold your hands. So, of course I'm going to want another girl. So, I need you to tell your brother and friends to stop with their annoying rumors about me because I'm on the verge of getting suspended just because I cheated on Jung Sungchan's younger sister." Jihan told me, and he looked angry, but he was still smiling at me in a creepy way.

I on the other hand couldn't let his words fully sink in since I was trying to let go from his grip on my arm because it was already hurting too much. He was holding my arm tightly that I can already feel that it would bruise later.

"It's not my fault, Jihan. And I'm fucking glad that I chose not to let you do anything with me, because you're a fucking jerk who doesn't know how to treat a lady right. And you know what? You are the reason why your life's like that. I don't care anymore, so let me go!" I screamed, hoping someone will hear me, but I was shocked when Jihan pulled me closer before pulling my hair. I let out a yelp, before elbowing him on his stomach.

His hand let go of me, and I took that opportunity to run away from him. I don't know why I suddenly saw him, but I just want to get away right now. Fuck you, Jihan. I fucking hate him so much that I wish he'd just suddenly fade away so that I won't have to think about him anymore.

Right on time, Rina appeared from a corner so I ran towards her. She smiled at me at first, but her eyes turned into slits when she finally realized what's happening since Jihan was just behind me.

"Hey, pretty girl. May I get my girl now? We're talking about something important." Jihan told Rina, and I wanted to throw up because he looked too normal, as if he didn't just hurt me a while ago. And, it looks like he isn't aware that Rina and I are friends, so he's acting as if we're still together to make me go with him.

I hid behind Rina, shaking, while Rina faced Jihan eye to eye since Jihan was short for a guy so Rina and him were just as tall as each other.

"No. You should go instead." Rina told him sternly, and I saw anger flickering in Jihan's eyes that I got scared for both me and Rina for a moment, but thankfully, other students were already near us, and some were even taking videos.

"I need to talk to her, you stupid bitch!" Jihan screamed, before he went to me and grabbed my arm again tightly, and I tried to stop him by kicking his balls, but he already knew what I was going to do, so he was able to stop me.

"Let go of her!" Another girl nearby screamed, before she kicked Jihan in the balls for me. This time, Jihan wasn't able to stop her and I was finally freed. I looked at girl and thanked her for what she did.

"Thank you so much," I told her, still shaking a bit from what just happened. I already heard rumors about Jihan looking for me, but I didn't know he'd hurt me once he find me.

"You should head to the clinic. Your lips is bleeding," the girl who helped me worriedly said, and Rina was fast enough to carry me bridal style, making me hide my face out of embarrassment from what just happened.

"What's your name?" I called out to the girl who helped me. She smiled before answering, "I'm Shin Yoonchae! Please take care!"

Shin Yoonchae. I have to repay her for her kindness someday.

"Stay with me, pretty. We're almost near the clinic," Rina softly said, but I just gave her a smile before closing my eyes since everything felt like it was spinning. It makes me feel like I'm gonna throw up.

My day was ruined, and I also wasn't able to attend my class with Anton all because Jihan chose to be a jerk today. I wish he'd get suspended or get kicked out from our university after what he did today.

When we finally reached the clinic, the nurse was fast to take care of me by cleaning my wound and applying some cream to my bruises.

"Rina," I called for Rina who looked too deep in thought as she was sitting beside my bed. The nurse already made me drink some pain killers, but they were already making me feel drowsy, so I need to talk to Rina before I fall asleep.

"Please go to my brother and tell him to never do anything stupid. You know it too, right? He loves to overreact, but if he does something to Jihan now, he might get in trouble too. I don't want that. So, please, tell him to not do anything that will cause him trouble." I was already in and out of consciousness after I told Rina all that, and the next thing I know, everything was black.

* * *

I woke up to the sound of people talking, and while blinking, I was shocked when someone hugged me.

"Oh my fucking god! You're finally awake! How are you feeling? I swear to god, I am going to kill that Jihan guy once I see him!" Dohee was crying as she was hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, trying to comfort her.

This is why I don't like getting into trouble. My friends worry too much, and I hate seeing them cry and be sad just because of me.

Jiwoo was also crying when she went next to me to check my bruise. Yep. Jihan's hand was too heavy that it left a bruise on my lips when he slapped me.

Sohee was crying as well while he was hugging me, and asking me if I was alright or if I needed anything.

"Don't worry guys. A girl named Shin Yoonchae kicked his balls." I told them, but they don't look satisfied by just that. My eyes roamed and my heart sank when I couldn't find both Sungchan and Anton. Where could the both of them be? Sungchan isn't in trouble, right?

"I'll be driving you home today. Can you walk? I can carry you." Shotaro offered, but I just shook my head at him. I don't think I wanna be carried around campus ever again.

"I bought you some snacks since you weren't able to eat with us earlier. I bet you're hungry," Seunghan said, before giving me the snacks he bought for me. They were a lot.

Wonbin, on the other hand was busy opening the snacks and feeding it to me, not a common scene to be seen since he's such a princess to be doing this, so I'm actually thankful. He was silent, but his red and puffy eyes were enough evidence to tell me that he'd been crying. I felt guilty. I know it wasn't my fault, but still... I hate seeing my friends like this.

"We treat you like our own spoiled brats, and he comes here to hurt you? I don't want him to be in this school anymore. I want him gone." Eunseok, who's normally quiet, suddenly brought up the issue.

"I'm sorry, guys. I don't want to trouble you at all, but Jihan's such a jerk-" I was cut off from what I was saying because Wonbin angrily cut me off.

"Troubling us? This bitch. You are not troubling us at all. Heck. We've known each other since we were kids, of course we're going to get worried. We don't want any of you to get hurt, especially you. You've been taking care of all of us ever since, so let us take care of you for once, Yumi." Wonbin angrily wiped his tears before peeling the orange again and shoving some to my mouth. I was crying while chewing the oranges he was feeding me.

"Wonbin's right. Besides, you have no fault in this. At all. It's all Jihan and his fucked up mind. From what I know, Sungchan and Anton are going to report him and hopefully, have him finally kicked out from uni." Rina explained, and my ears perked after I heard their names.

I felt relieved since Sungchan isn't in trouble at all, and also happy to know that Anton is with him right now. Anton's the calmest, so I guess, it's better for Sungchan to be with him so that someone will calm him down.

"Sungchan had to calm Anton down, it was a rare sight. Our good boy, gone bad," Shotaro even joked to lighten up the mood, but I was shocked from that information. So it was the other way around. I thought it was Anton who was calming Sungchan down, never in my life did I ever thought of Sungchan calming down Anton.

After a few more chit chats with my friends, the nurse finally said that I can go home. And unfortunately, Eunseok and Shotaro still helped me with walking even though I told them that I was already okay and that I can totally walk on my own.

I was glad when it was my friends who explained everything that had happened to my parents, and I was glad that my parents didn't ask me too many questions and just said that I can rest in my room. I just really needed to be alone right now.

I locked my door behind me, before going to my bed. I didn't even bother to change my outfit because I feel so drained and my whole body hurts. I wanted to cry, but no tears fell. Maybe because I was already used to Jihan's harsh behavior towards me, that this doesn't affect me anymore.

Instead of being treated like something valuable like how I always wanted to be treated, I was instead slapped by my ex boyfriend. Fuck this life. It's already too tiring.

I closed my eyes and hoped that when I wake up later or tomorrow, I'll feel better.

* * *

Water. I need water. My throat felt so dry as soon as I woke up that I didn't even check the time, and just went outside of my door to go the kitchen to get myself a glass of cold water. Because of tiredness, I wasn't able to turn my AC on, so I was sweating as soon as I woke up.

But I was surprised to see both Anton and Sungchan on the table counter, drinking wine. Why are they still up?

What surprised me more was when Sungchan run towards me to give me a tight hug. I hugged him back, still a bit shocked from what I just saw. I didn't know I'd see Anton today, but I'm glad I did. He looked different today. He seems to be a bit more serious right now, and his face was blank, far from the smiling face he'd always show us.

"Why are you up? It's only midnight," Sungchan asked, and he looked worried, but I waved my hand in front of him before going to our refrigerator to get myself a glass of cold water.

"I woke up since I was feeling so thirsty," I answered, after I finished drinking from my glass. I glanced up at the clock, and indeed it was only midnight. What is up with me and Anton meeting always at this time?4

"How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?" My brother asked, before getting near me to check my bruises. I let out a sigh, before touching his hand.

"Sungchan, I'm fine. And I'm sorry for worrying you, but what I'm worried about is you. You didn't do anything stupid while I was sleeping, right? And you're not exempted, Lee Anton." I faced them both, and I saw Anton looking away when I tried to look at him in the eyes.

"Hey! That was the calmest I've been when I heard something happened to you. I swore we just reported him like you requested, but I hope I was able to beat the shit out of him after what he did to you. He doesn't have any right to hurt you or anybody." Sungchan explained.

"You're my little sister, my spoiled brat, I've always treated you like you're the queen of this world ever since you were born, so how dare he raise his hand at you?! I'm sorry if I can't help but be angry, Yumi. I just can't believe it that someone can hurt my sister, and I'm angry at myself for not being there to protect you," Sungchan continued, and I saw his eyes glistening with tears as he was explaining his side to me, so I just went to hug him.

"You don't have to say sorry, you idiot. I'm forever thankful to you, okay? You've done more than enough. Now, explain why Anton is still here and from what I heard from Shotaro, you were the one calming him down. What the hell happened earlier?"

"You know what? My work here is done. Anton, you explain this time. And don't forget to lock the gate once you leave!" Sungchan sprinted out as soon as he heard the tone I was using. He knew I'll be lecturing them, so he decided to leave Anton alone. I shook my head at my brother's action, before looking at Anton again.

But what shocked me was when Lee Anton closed the gap between us by hugging me. Tight. His chin was resting on top of my head, while my face was buried on his chest. Warmth started spreading through my chest at this simple interaction, especially when Anton started talking using that gentle voice of his again.

It was soothing. Almost like a lullaby.

"How are you feeling now? Does it still hurt?" Anton asked, and I don't know what's up with his soft voice that makes me want to cry just from hearing it.

"I'm fine," I whispered out, still hugging him.

"I already bought you pain killers and some cream to avoid swelling. Let's apply it tomorrow, okay? I'm picking you up since Sungchan hyung has morning football practice," he told me, so I just nodded, the other side of my face still on his chest.

"I'm sorry for almost losing control earlier, yuyu. When I saw you bruised up in the clinic, all I saw was red. I don't ever want to see you in that state ever again, so I made sure to have him reported so he'll get kicked out." Anton explained, and I smiled since he was just worried, so I understand him.

"I just... I hate it whenever you get hurt. To know someone did this to you? It hurts me, Yuyu. I'm so sorry for not being able to stop it all from happening," Anton whispered, as he gently caressed my other cheek, before he hugged me again, this time, his face was resting on my neck making me feel a bit tingly inside my stomach whenever his breath would fan near my neck, but I decided to act normal and instead, just played with his hair.

I let out a deep sigh first before talking.

"Thanks for reporting him, Anton. And for worrying about me earlier, it's really appreaciated. You're such a great friend, swear." I told him sincerely, before pinching both his cheeks, but instead of getting a smile, I got a frown from Anton instead.

"Just a friend?" He asked, sounding bitter, making me chuckle, because what else does he want? Should I have said boyfriend? He doesn't like me that way yet, that'll only make things awkward again.

"What? Wanna be best friends instead?" I joked, but Anton just rolled his eyes making me laugh again because I'm so happy to see another side of Anton. He's kind, soft spoken and a great hugger, but he's also very sassy.

"Don't ever get yourself a boyfriend like that again, yuyu. I'm right here, okay? Use me instead." My smile only grew wider. Anton as my boyfriend? That'll be a dream come true.

to be continued. . .

sorry for the late update, the first draft i made for chapter 10 wasnt saved i wanna cry </3

and who among the riize member would be yoonchae's partner for her story? any ideas who? clue: he's a rapper ;)

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