Triumph of Love | Romance Ant...

By Romance

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Welcome to Triumph of Love! A place where we feature the remarkable winning stories of the contests hosted by... More

00 | Overview
01 | 'Fighting against fate' by @ScribbleYourThoughts
02 | ' At Gunpoint' by @Shivran86
03 | 'Off The Timer' by @ice-cold-apples
04 | 'Jolie' by @calicobby
05 | 'Woe Always Win' by @fat_and_shameless
06 | 'The Witcher and his Bard' by @philouwrites
07 | 'Wallflower' by @AmandaBecker4933
08 | 'Dream of You' by @Halleyuhm
09 | 'Death's Wish' by @careycore
10 | 'Fay & Zion: A Love Adventure in a Haunted House' by @AmdzTora_123
11 | 'Until you see' by @preciouspearl20
12 | 'Long Live the Queen' by @frostychicken
13 | 'A Chance to Fall' by @Coco_da_cat
14 | 'Once Upon An Autumn' by @Summer_SKY_9
15 | 'Second Chances' by @chiaraline
16 | 'Harvesting Hope' by @ProseOfStories
17 | 'Golden Yellow and Green Eyes' by @doodlemcfiddle
18 | 'Green and Brown' by @frostedbunni
20 | 'Where Love Blossoms' by @Demigod_In_Robes
21 | 'Kiss Me Confusion' by @fairypeaxhes
22 | 'The Last Countdown' by @Lewis_Black
23 | 'Mabel's Diner' by @ThailaQuill
24 | 'The Imperfect Plan' by @AsiaAlexandria

19 | 'Sky Full of Hope' by @amandafaulborn

11 0 1
By Romance

Midnight Wishes Contest Winner - amandafaulborn

It was the 31st of December, almost midnight—the moment that everyone had been waiting for. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as the crowd gathered, their eyes fixed on the dazzling fireworks display that would soon light up the night sky. As the countdown was about to begin, people were eager to say goodbye to the old year and welcome in a new one full of hope and possibilities.

And Mira was hoping for all the new possibilities that stood before her. Her eyes flared up, staring up at Anthony. A small smile formed across her face as she took notice of him. With his smooth skin and curly long hair, a subtle grin played at the edges of his lips as he looked upon the nearby early fireworks that were already going off.

The couple stood at the edge of the cliff with the rest of the townspeople who had gathered there to watch the fireworks.

Year after year, this was the spot where the young townspeople would gather together with their friends and partners to enjoy a romantic night with each other. Starting from when sun started to dip below the horizon. From this vantage point, one could take in the breathtaking view of the entire town, perfect to see the new year's fireworks.

And as the sky darkened, anticipation began to fill the air, creating a sense of excitement amongst everyone.

Mira and Anthony held hands tightly, their eyes locked on the sky, eagerly awaiting the spectacle that was about to unfold. And she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and nervousness as she wondered if this new year would bring them closer together since he was her first crush since she was only 16.

"How is this even possible?" Mira wondered as she continued to admire Anthony.


Her mind wandered back to a decade ago. She remembered herself in high school as a shy and introverted person who always kept to herself. And Anthony was that confident and outgoing boy whom she had observed since she first laid eyes on him, engaging effortlessly with others. Especially with the ladies. She was a high school freshman while he was getting ready to head out to college with his girlfriend.

It was the day of Anthony's big game when Mira accidentally walked into the boys locker room as the boys were changing and getting ready to head out onto the field.

Mira had no idea since she had on her headphones, assuming the boys had left for their game.

As she walked in, her face froze with embarrassment when she noticed Anthony in his boxers, along with the other boys in her school who were only holding up towels and were shirtless.

A look of surprise flashed across her face when she saw the entire football team, half naked. Mira quickly turned around and rushed out of the locker room, her face burning with embarrassment. She couldn't help but feel mortified as she imagined what the boys must have thought of her as they smiled and joked at her embarrassment. And being a freshman nerd certainly did not help her case.

As Mira rushed out, Anthony took notice of her and the way his teammates embarrassed her. Realising that Mira must have been embarrassed, he felt some guilt and sympathy for her.

As the days went by, the boys from the football team somewhat bullied Mira. They would make snide comments and laugh whenever she walked by, making her feel even more humiliated. And Mira's self-esteem plummeted, and she began hating going to school.

One afternoon after school, as Mira was isolating herself from everyone in the science lab, Anthony rushed in and slammed the door behind him and he stood still, hiding from his girlfriend and the other girls. Mira glanced up from her books, startled by the sudden noise. She noticed Anthony's tense posture and could sense that something was wrong.

"Looks like you're well on your way to embracing your inner nerd, I see." Mira said out of silence.

Anthony jolted, as he expected the room to be empty. He ran towards Mira and covered her mouth with his hand. "Shhh." He whispered as his body was inches away from touching hers.

"Hey, let's check in here." A girl's voice echoed from outside the science lab.

"Shit!" Anthony exclaimed.

His eyes scanned the room quickly, searching for a way to hide from the girls who were looking for him. He grabbed Mira by the arm and quickly pulled her into the small cleaning room within the lab. His body pressed against hers as they stood in silence, waiting for the other girls to leave the lab.

The room was cramped, filled with cleaning supplies and had a faint smell of bleach. Mira's heart raced with anxiety as she tried to steady her breathing.

Anthony looked down at Mira to see her anxious and breathing a bit heavily. "It's okay, it's okay." He whispered as he took her hands in his. "Just breathe; you're going to be fine."

Mira nodded as Anthony then held her face in his hands, calming her down.

"You smell like my grandma's cookies." Anthony said as he stared into Mira's eyes.

She confusedly smiled at his weird comment. "What?"

"Cookies, you smell like my grandmother's macadamia." He whispered once again.

Mira nervously smiled. "I guess... I need to shower better." She stuttered.

Anthony softly chuckled at her response. "No, no, that's not what I meant." He said with a pause, admiring her. "I love it."

Mira blushed as her face flushed with redness.

"What's going on?" Mira asked as they finally got out of the cleaning room.

"Pulled a prank on the cheerleaders, and now I'm on their hit list."

"Well, that seems childish." Mira said.

"Hey, hey, don't judge me. And don't tell me that you haven't thought about getting back at the football team for making fun of you."

"I did think about it, but I'm not childish enough to do it."

"No, you're a coward—too afraid to do it. Cause how do you even let people walk all over you?"

"I am not a coward!" Mira exclaimed defensively.

Anthony smiled and scoffed. "Looks to me like you are."

"I am not."

"No? Then prove it." Anthony dared her. "Stop letting people walk all over you! Put a stop to the bullying."

"Fine!" Mira said angrily as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Anthony asked.

"You wanted me to prove it, right? Well, let's go."

Anthony pulled a half smile and followed Mira to the boys locker room.

The boys who bullied Mira were out in practice when Mira and Anthony snuck into the locker room. As she had planned revenge on the boys so many times, she finally got the encouragement and push she needed in order to put a stop to the boys. And with Anthony by her side, Mira felt a sense of confidence and determination.

As they rummaged through the locker room, Mira stole the boy's underwear, both clean and filthy ones. She placed some of them in the girls locker room, some out on the field, some in the principal's office and some of them on the basketball court. All with the help of her new best friend, Anthony. They strategized their revenge, ensuring that the boys would be humiliated.

Mira and Anthony were inseparable from that moment on. They were best friends who shared everything. From mischievous school pranks to teenage secrets, their bond only grew stronger over time. Whether it was laughter or tears, Mira and Anthony were always there for one another, creating memories.

Her kindness and intelligence enthralled him. She wasn't like the other girls or his girlfriend for that matter. She was calm and decent and she valued her time really well.

While Anthony admired Mira as a friend at the time, she, on the other hand, saw him as her dream guy. And their friendship blossomed effortlessly as they shared deep conversations every day.

But Mira's heart was left shattered when Anthony left for college with his girlfriend, since he travelled to a whole other country.

He was the first guy she had ever genuinely liked and had a crush on. Despite the distance and time that had passed, Mira's feelings for Anthony remained strong. Throughout the decade, she often wondered how different her life would have been if circumstances had allowed them to be together. But sadly, that was not the case. Their paths never crossed, and they never exchanged another word after he left.

But even so, Mira held onto a glimmer of hope that he would return to their home town someday. However, for ten years, life was not kind to her.

And during those years, Mira focused on building her own life and pursuing her own dreams. She found comfort in her career and family. But, deep down, a part of her still held on to the hope that fate would eventually bring Anthony back into her life.

Little did she know that destiny had a surprise in store for her.


It was a bright Tuesday morning, on the 28th of December, as Mira rushed into the supermarket. Her heels clicked and clacked as she found her way into the pastry section of the supermarket. She had forgotten to pick up the cake for her boss's birthday. Panicking, Mira quickly scanned the shelves for a suitable cake, hoping she hadn't missed out on the best options, which she did. As she frantically grabbed a basicly decorated chocolate cake, she was relieved, knowing she had saved the day.

Mira rushed to the checkout point since she was running late for work when she bumped into a dude. Mira's heart sank as she watched the chocolate cake smear on the back of the stranger's shirt. She stammered out an apology, desperately hoping he would understand her hastiness.

But when the gentleman turned around, her body instantly froze. It was him, her high school best friend. Memories flooded back, and she could feel her face turning red. She mustered up the courage to speak, but the words caught in her throat. Her mind simply went black.

Mira locked eyes with him and felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. It had been years since she last saw him, and the emotions that had once consumed her came rushing back. Time seemed to stand still as they exchanged a brief but meaningful glance. In that moment, Mira realised that fate had brought them together again.


In the middle of her thoughts, the fireworks burst in a breathtaking array of colours. And the happy, vibrant colours that filled the sky mirrored the sparks that ignited within her, painting a vivid picture of her happiness to be standing there with Anthony.

Mira gasped at the sight of the fireworks and Anthony instantly pulled her closer to his body in front of him.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

Her smile brought a warm smile to Anthony's face as she turned and met his gaze. "Not as beautiful as you, Mira."

Her face lit up at his response. "I never thought I would be here, standing with you."

"Why not?" Anthony asked.

"Because I thought I would never see you again."

"That's nonsense, Mira. Hearts that are meant to be together will always find each other." He leaned down and gently kissed her on the side of her forehead. "And I'm not ever leaving you again."

Mira's body turned around, her eyes meeting his as she tilted her head upward. His hands never left her body, holding her tightly.

"Do you promise?" Mira asked as she stuck out her pinky finger.

Anthony couldn't help but let out a gentle chuckle as he looked at her, his eyes full of love. His pinky finger shot out and collided with hers and he held her finger tightly as he remained silent for a few seconds, staring at her.

"This, I promise you. I will always be here. I will always be your friend. I don't ever want to lose you again."

"I don't want to ever lose you again either." Mira confessed

"I can't believe I ever left—there wasn't a time when I ever stopped thinking about you."

Mira smiled. "And I you. The best gift I could have ever received for the new year is you." She softly said.

"I promise, I will always have your back; I will always be there for you; and you will always have me as your best friend." He confessed once again.

Mira smiled, feeling happiness wash over her. She knew deep down that Anthony meant every word he said. With their pinky promise sealed, she felt nothing more than love.

Anthony's eyes nagivated down from her eyes to her lips. He couldn't help but notice the subtle curve of her smile, inviting and enchanting. His heart went warm as he wondered what it would be like to feel her soft lips against his own.

With a swift motion, his hand moved to push the hair from her face. His fingers brushed against her cheek, and he could feel a gentle warmth radiating from her skin. The electricity between them intensified, leaving him longing for more intimate moments with her.

His finger caressed her soft cheeks as he stared into her big brown eyes.

As the townspeople were all hugging and wishing each other a happy new year, time seemed to stand still for Mira and Anthony as they both lost themselves in each other's gaze. The unspoken connection between them grew stronger, fueling their desire for a deeper connection.

Without hesitation, Anthony pressed his lips against Mira's. Her eyes immediately closed, lost in the moment. The taste of her lips was sweeter than he had imagined, and he couldn't help but deepen the kiss, his hands instinctively finding their way to the small of her back.

Mira's body melted into his touch, her fingers tangling in his hair as they surrendered to the passion that had been building between them for so long.

His fingers pressed against her back. As their kiss intensified, Anthony could feel Mira's body arching into his touch, aching for more. The heat between them was undeniable, and in that moment, they both knew they had found something truly special.

They had found each other at last.

The End.

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