Pokemon:Future To Past,A Bond...


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Our favourite trainer has finally beaten Leon and with all his Pokemon in Bag and Pikachu with him he venture... Mer

A Fiery Showdow!Masters 8 Begin![CHAPTER 1]
Leon vs Alain[CHAPTER 2]
Lance vs Diantha!Brute Strength vs Strategy![CHAPTER 3]
The Young Dragon Tamer vs Queen of Sinnoh![CHAPTER 4]
Alola's Ray of Hope!A Champion to be feared!PART 1[CHAPTER 5]
Alola Champions Triumphant Victory!PART 2[CHAPTER 6]
Meeting of Lance,Future Ash saves the day![CHAPTER 7]
Leon Vs Diantha! Lucario's Mentor![CHAPTER 8]
Greninja And Lucario! Aura of destiny![CHAPTER 9]
Alola Champion's Arrival![CHAPTER 10]
Alola's First Champion Vs Sinnoh Champion! PART 1[CHAPTER 11]
The Comeback of Alola Champion! PART 2 [CHAPTER 12]
The Final Showdown! Clash of Brute Strength! PART-3 [CHAPTER 13]
Gonna Reach My Goal! Ash Ketchum! PART-1 [CHAPTER 14]
Shocks, Surprises and GARY OAK! PART-2 [CHAPTER 15]
Delia Ketchum's terrifying interrogation! Ash vs Lance[CHAPTER 17]
Ash vs Leon, A Battle of Spirits! PART - 1[CHAPTER 18]
A Champion Under Pressure! PART- 2[CHAPTER 19]
GMAX WILDFIRE VS 10,000,000 Volts![CHAPTER 20]

Questions are answered... [CHAPTER 16]

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AN:- alright the chapter here is bit different from other ones...it was suppose to be out yesterday but I had to study for future exams.


*Explosion* *Flashes*






*Loud ROAR*

[All we can see right now is huge explosions with blinding light of three different auras, The shockwaves increased in intensity with each attack as the three creation trio continued their battle, Dialga's domain has truly became a battle ground.]

GIRATINA:[smirks]Well, its truly been a while since we had our three way battle.

PALKIA:[nods]Agreed, Been a while since i kicked both of your butts.

DIALGA:[grins]Nice try but our powers are perfectly equal.

GIRATINA:[nods]So true...but as we speak, more time will pass in the human world and more people will try to know more about Chosen One...

PALKIA:[scoffs]Oh please, Chosen One can handle himself...he has faced our father in the future...he is more than capable to deal with some mediocre humans.

GIRATINA:[deadpan look]Are you serious? THE CHOSEN ONE YOU ARE TELLING IS A 100X stronger than the current one, If the people who he was suppose to meet in the future, gets intrigue with him to meet him right now, The timeline will diverge vastly, Then we no longer can predict the chosen one's future.

DIALGA:[stops him]Correction, i can still see the future of the chosen one but...it seems that father already has it covered.

GIRATINA:[confused]What the hell are you on about?

[Suddenly a bright golden light covers Dialga and his eyes widen in shock, for a brief moment Dialga seemed to be nodding to himself and then the golden light went away just like it came.]

DIAGLA:[mutters] I see, i understand now.

PALKIA:[gets impatient]Hey Blue face! What was that golden light? and stop muttering to yourself, and explain it to us.

DIALGA:[shakes his head, then glares at Palkia]Will you be patient for once in your life?

PALKIA:[smirks]Patient is my middle name.

DIALGA:[annoyed look]This is ridiculous, Apparently...two people sneaked off behind our back when we supposedly having our sibling reunion.[glaring at both]

GIRATINA:[still confused]What are you blabbering about...just cut to the chase, will ya?

DIALGA: Fine! You see, i just got father's message...from the future that he saw our actions happening...so he sent in the PRIME Ash Ketchum here to deal with the mess...along with the Prime Universe's Gary Oak. He figured that the chosen one may need his first rival's assistance in this quest, figures that Gary Oak is the only one to know Ash for so long.

GIRATINA:[forms an O Shape while saying 'oh']Oh!...oh...oh shit..

DIALGA:[Deadpans]Yep, thats an oh shit moment for sure.

PALKIA:[asks Dialga]So...what are we going to do?

DIALGA:[shrugs]Ill let the two stay for time being, until their task is done. Once, the two finished their task then our future self will immediately get them out of this universe.

GIRATINA:[glares at dialga]So, Another timeline diverged thanks to you.

DIALGA:[glares back]Thanks to me? Excuse me, it is so wrong for me to have something fun to watch? Being a pokémon with time altering powers...I also get those needs to see one of the alternate future to happen, instead of it just being a possibility.

GIRATINA:[scoffs]Thats the thing! We all have some rules to follow, by doing this we break the rules.

PALKIA:[intervenes]Father already broke some rules when interfering with the human Dalmos, by giving him the Jewel of Life. Then to rectify his mistake, he involved a Human with the destiny of legendaries....

GIRATINA:[stares at palkia] Dalmos and Ash are two different people, Ash didnt had the same burden dalmos had.

DIALGA: Yes he didnt had the same burden dalmos had when he started his journey but later in time he got a burden bigger than anyone...You know it as well, his will to do anything for pokémons which includes legendaries, Even if arceus didnt make him, the chosen one, he would've still interfered with all the events to come. Even if we take the title away, he still is a human who has Aura signature equal to Sir Aaron.

GIRATINA:[stares at dialga and sighs] Fine... i agree that his one pure human, who will do anything for his friends, family, and pokémons. The boy will still interfere even if he has to go against Mewtwo himself.

[Dialga nods, finally getting through giratina, just because he is doing this thing through a bet with Palkia doesnt mean he didnt have a reason. He wanted to see what would happen if ash had the same type of reputation he had in future during Kanto-Johto Days...he wanted to see how will the events play from then on, Something different will happen? New events? Maybe butterfly effect? he can see the future but where's the fun in that. Of course father had to take the matter in his own hand, sending the Future Ash from the prime timeline, to babysit the past version...]

[While Palkia and Giratina were talking about halting their fight and discussing more serious matter, Dialga closed his eyes and then opened it again but instead of seeing his two brothers, he saw a straight white line but it had many white lines, acting as branches diverting from it in different directions, some branches stopping at one point, others disappearing after a certain point, signifying their end, some branches seemed newly born, which includes this timeline. These branches indicates different timelines, where things had diverged from the set of events which were already decided. The show case of Chosen One's future is being shown to the world right now, being a important figure, he had a huge impact on the timeline. Dialga's actions alone created this new branch, but he regretted nothing.]

[In fact, he was waiting for the new set of events he will experience this time around, After all in each branches there are some things changed which contrast with the prime time-line, Some have a guy named Red in them as Ash's rival and some have 2 childhood friends of Ash known as Leaf and Yellow, each time in these branches a different story resumes, far different from the Prime timeline, which father has already set up. He turns to look at the White straight line, the line which indicates the Prime Universe. The same universe where the future Ash had come from into their universe. Now there was only one arceus, which was the Prime Arceus, but some how he can be in every single universe at the same time. Where the other legendary pokémons had a different version of them in each universe. Strange right?]

[Dialga sighed, as he closed his eyes again and reopened it, seeing both of his brothers staring intently at him, like prompting him to speak.]

DIALGA: I was watching the timelines for some time.

PALKIA:[nods]Good for you, since we decided to halt our fight.

DIALGA:[nods but cant help and question]So now what then?

GIRATINA:[thinks for a bit but then grins all of a sudden]I know! How about we play that ping pong game developed by the humans.

[Dialga and Palkia had matching grins on their faces and soon they teleported themselves into a mini dimension.]

[AN: Man legendaries are weird for sure, one time they fight and other time they discuss complex things and finally acts like kids.]

With Rocket Base Hideout:

[Giovanni Sakai, a man who was the Leader of Team Rocket, an evil organization in the Kanto-Johto regions, He was by far the most cunning individual in his business, only rivaled by Lysander. The Kalosian scientist had great respect from him and if time comes, he will prefer to team up with Team Flare once than Team Plasma, that all brawns and few brains guy thinks he is going to use him to get his team plasma into power, hah never on his watch.]

[Giovanni leaned back on his chair, his persian sitting on his lap, as he pats his head, the persian purrs in relief, getting relaxed, Giovanni smiles...something which was rare, There were only 2 people in his life, who had ever seen him smile properly with full of happiness and joy. First his starter Pokemon, Persian and second being...]

GIOVANNI:[closes his eyes as he thinks]Celia...i am sorry i couldnt keep your promise...i have fallen too far now and i cant go back...i did what you were scared off... you deserved someone better than me...

[Celia Sakai, Giovanni's wife and only love, Before all team rocket stuff he created, he was relatively a normal trainer, Winning few leagues but nothing major enough to get the attention of higher ups, he always returned dejected to keep loosing to the same elite four of Kanto and Johto, One day when he was feeling depressed came the love of his life, Celia, a Pokemon trainer just like him, she saw him and tried to ask him for reason of his sad face... he obviously was in disbelief, She was a stranger to him and yet she tried to ask for the reason why is he sad? Her smile radiant as bright sun, beautiful, wavy waist length grey-silverish hair, thin pink lips, skin fair as snow, beautiful big with big blue eyes. Height around 5' 7.]

[Giovanni for first time felt that he had experienced Love at first sight, her personality was a bonus, brave and fierce in battles but kind and gentle with her pokémons and loved ones. It took a year for them to get to know each other and 3months later, Giovanni confessed, She accepted his proposal and Thus begin a new chapter in his life, which he wished would've lasted longer, for a year their life was going the best way possible, Celia being there to support Giovanni in all his league battles and he finally defeat 2 of the elite four of Kanto, Lorelei and Bruno before falling at the hands of Agatha, he was satisfied with his performance in the battles, Both of them had decided to marry 1 month after his Elite Four run, and then they will take a vacation trip to Unova Region. That was the most regrettable decision of his life...that decision costed him dearly.]

[They decided a 2 month vacation, for the first month the vacation went as planned but then...some grunts of team plasma confronted them to hand over there pokémons or face consequences. Giovanni didnt back down from the challenge, same goes for Celia, both of them made quick work of the grunts but then one of them called the Admin of Team Plasma, with their reinforcement arrived, they soon overpowered Celia, taking her out of the battle, Giovanni was also on the verge of loosing but the leader of the group defeated him, frustrated from his loss, he can only look down and at Celia. But the Admin had other plans, he started taunting Giovanni and started calling him a weak trainer. Giovanni had enough and started engaging in a fist fight with the Admin, despite the skills he possessed the Admin had more raw power, sooner or later Giovanni was meant to lose.]

[Celia cried out for him but it was of no use, Soon the admin got a call and decided it was time for them to head out, but then he got a new command from the true Leader of Team Plasma, Ghetsis. The Admin ordered his Vanilluxe to use Ice Shards at Giovanni, the shards were sharp enough to pierce the flesh but before it could reach him, someone stood in their way. It was Celia who blocked the Shards from reaching towards Giovanni, who can only watch in horror. Soon a group of International Police came near by, making the members of plasma leave the scene.]


GIOVANNI:[holding celia and supporting her head] Hey celia, keep your eyes open, helps on the way.

CELIA:[looks at giovanni and smiles softly]H-hey...its a-alright, i just need to c-catch my breath.[coughing up a bit]Promise me one thing love...

GIOVANNI:[desperation in voice]What is it?

CELIA:[as much of a serious look she can muster]Dont try to take revenge...its no use...it doesn't lead anywhere...be y-yourself and look a-at the b-bright future a-ahead of you...promise me...y-you will take care of yourself.

GIOVANNI:[eyes widen]What do you mean? Why will i take revenge, i still have you right? You are gonna come back home. We will live a happy life.

CELIA:[smiles]I wish it was that way...

[At that moment, Giovanni felt that the light of his life just got covered in a pit of darkness, without her what can he do? She showed him better ways to train and interact with pokémon like no other before...she showed him how life can be fun outside of pokémon battles but now what?]

*Flashback end*

[Before he can think more, he was broken out from his trance from his Persian, who was giving him a concerned look.]

GIOVANNI:[smiles and pets him]Dont worry, i am fine. The stage is all set, Ghetsis wont know what hit him, He tried to take me out because he was afraid of my talents if i joined lance for the G-men, he was afraid of that possibility...too bad he got something worse in return. The Boy is just a bonus for the grand scheme of my plans... I cant withhold the promise i made to celia...

[Of course he learned something else that day as well...but its a story for another time.]

With Ash and Gary Oak:






Smack Smack

"Oh YES, Ahn~... that's the spot Ash.."


"You are so hot...I feel like i can do this all day!"


Pah ~


???: -sh, ASH!

[Ash was soon snapped out from his thoughts by his childhood friend and rival, Gary Oak. Who was giving him a questioning look with a hint of concern.]

GARY:[Shakes his shoulders]Geez, What were you thinking ash...you know i've been trying to reach you for so long, you were spaced out for 2minutes straight.

ASH:[embarrassed smile]Sorry Gary, its just i thought of something bit weird...

GARY:[gives a questioning look but passes]So...anyways we are at the outskirts of Pallet Town... lets talk a bit while we walk.

[Both of them were wearing their shrouds given by Arceus, covering their face just enough.]

ASH:[nods]So i want to know...how's everyone, you know in the future before you came here.

GARY:[eyebrow raised]Hmm...figure you would ask that...but they were in distress, since you were gone for more than a day.

ASH:[eyes widen in surprise]What? But its been only-

GARY:[cuts him off[5 hours? Yeah...thats what i find weird, because in our universe...its been more than 24 hours since you came back in time but here the time is slower...as if...[gary seems to be caught on something but ash gives a confused look.]

ASH:[tilts his head in a curious way]What's up?

GARY:[shakes his head]Nothing, Maybe the Dialga of this world is messing with time % space with help of Palkia.

ASH:[nods]Makes sense...smart as always huh gary.

GARY:[gives a proud smirk]Of course, if i have to be as good as my grandfather Oak then i need to be just as knowledgeable like him.

ASH:[smiles]Maybe so...but i can already think that Professor thinks that you will be better than him.

GARY:[hears the comment and smiles genuinely]Thanks ash...anyways so the thing is...i went to find you, but i got no clue, You disappeared without a trace and soon a blinding gold flash covered me and dumped a lot of information in my head and before i knew it...i was in the Past, infront of You and Hunter J....glad i had my pokémons with me.

ASH:[nods]I see...i understand now, thanks for the help gary.

GARY:[waves the thanks off]Don't sweat it ash, now tell me...how are we planning to deal with the leaders of evil teams... or the entire team itself.

ASH:[gives it a thought before saying.]We do nothing...

GARY:[surprised look]Pardon?

ASH:[repeats again]We do nothing...simple as that gary.

GARY:[questions him]Why not?

ASH:[Looks at gary in the eyes]Tell me one thing gary....if there are no team rocket or any evil team...then my past self wont get intervene between the Legendary pokémons destiny...but he wont learn any lessons then... One of the lessons I learnt while facing Giovanni and Lysander is to be cautious all the time...it also helped me get a sense of responsibility way quicker...those events helped me mature in ways i could never.

GARY:[bewildered look]Are you crazy?

ASH:[laughs]Nope, but think about it...because of these events my pokémons became strong at an abnormal rate...they were strong enough to face weaker legends and sometimes elite four...if we take them out of the equation...i dont think my past self can gain so much experience just from his training alone... let alone be ready to face Tobias at the sinnoh league... My Pokemons already dealt with Legendaries before...making them prepared to face Tobias from get go...only thing felling short is they were less experienced than the Latios.

GARY:[sighs]Ok, You make a good point, But we cant just let the evil teams come and try to use you because of your aura abilities.

ASH:[smirks]Oh who said that i wont interfere...we wont remove them but instead hand them to the Champion of their respective regions...Along the way, ill help my past self to mature quickly...after all he has another problem to worry about.[says with an embarrassed smile.]

[Gary quickly catches on the smile and thinks before getting his eyes widen and a massive grin on his face.]


ASH:[uses his cap to hide his face]Shut up...

GARY:[laughs]Hahaha...so just watching 5-7 episodes of your life....some girls have fallen for your past self! Hahaha...You still manage to get attention of girls on yourself even when you dont try.

ASH:[snaps]Oh yeah? Is it my fault then?

GARY:[nods while laughing]Of course not...

ASH:[eyes twitch.]I cant tell if that was a yes or no.

GARY:[wipes some tears from his eyes]Man that was some good laughs...anyways you definitely need to train your past self for that problem...[gets some chills]Boy i still remember the incident which had at pallet town...our number 1 player almost got dried...

ASH:[eyes widen]SHUT UP! Stop telling such embarrassing things...i haven't gotten over it yet.

GARY:[smiles]Okay i wont...but[smiles mischievously]You cant stop me to tell this to Aunt Delia![As he runs towards Oak Laboratory.]

[Ash eyes widen in horror as he soon joined to chase him, while yelling at him to stop. Pikachu inside the cloth though..]

PIKACHU:[shrugs]Well...you cant stop the Ketchum Luck to take place...but i am excited to meet mom! Her cuddles are the best plus the food she makes is the best quality in the whole world! Ketchup here i come.

AN:- So guys here is chapter 16, hope you like the chapter...i know this was suppose to be a reaction chapter yet again but i decided that i'll add chapters like this to show the plot little by litte, while also giving the characters like Future Ash, Future Gary and Giovanni and other leaders some background story of my own.

i know its a short chapter but it was suppose to be a short one...trying to answer some things while also giving you some sort of idea for future chapters...it wont be just a reaction story, it will have its own set of events i decided.

Now after this chapter, ill take a break from this story and write for Protect The Past, A Future's End. It's chapter 5 will be come out around monday or Tuesday maybe.

Also do leave your comments on the chapter here, how enjoyed this type of concept...i hope you do.

Also here the picture for reference to Celia Sakai:-

And i found some memes related to ash Ketchum and pokémon world, this wont affect the plot any how...especially when it looks like it was created by Brock or Gary Oak.

here they are, if you liked them, depending on the response i'll add the meme chapter if not then the story will continue like it was.

Do tell me about if memes like these are good to react on.

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