One-Punch Man: Reincarnated a...

By Jaggernuts28

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A young man named Takashi Kamihitotsu, he's a 27 year old man who just got fired from his rude boss for screw... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Season Finale)
Epilogue Chapter
Season changed.

Chapter 7

355 14 7
By Jaggernuts28

Note from The Author: I don't have anything to say this time, but I'm only going to say this, I'm only going to say something if I have an announcement, or an event to say to you guys. To summerize, it means I won't say or put a note on the next chapter, if only I'm going to say something, or announce something. That's all I'm gonna say, keep going with the chapter!

Disclaimer: One Punch-Man characters belongs to the creator himself, ONE.





Chapter 7:
The Unwavering Diving Heroine.

In a random house.

Swim was scrolling down on the Hero Association website to get information about the mysterious Bald man with a Cape hero she just met the other day. She finally found him, he was also a Class-C hero, in rank 329. (Saitama went from 339 to 329, since he was the one who defeated The Paradisers. Along with Sonic, who is an Class-S criminal)

'He's a Class-C? But that doesn't make sense, how can a strong hero be in Class-C? Y'know what, nevermind that... I really need to keep up.' Swim thought.

Quick Time Skip.
Outside somewhere in City-Z.

Swim was carrying some grocery bags, while in her heroine costume.

'I'm wondering where that mysterious bald cape hero is, I really want to ask him questions.' She curiously thought, as her phone vibrates from her pocket.

She picks up her phone and saw there's a notification from the Hero Association. She wonders what it is again, as she clicks the notification and says:

"A Disaster Level Tiger has appeared at a nearby local family restaurant! Any nearby Class-C or B heroes, please, go there immediately!"

Said the notification sent by the Hero Association, as Swim sighs.

'Gotta do what a hero does.' She thought, as she puts down her groceries on a near by alley, and started running towards the location where the monster is.

Outside at a family restaurant called Mobdonald's.

"AAAAAHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!" Said a civilian panicking, as a bunch of them were running away.

The whole area was now empty, except for the monster, who scared a bunch of civilians in the area.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The monster laughed. "THAT'S RIGHT! RUN AWAY LIKE TOTAL COWARDS! THIS AREA IS MY TURF! YA HEAR ME!? MY TURF!" It said, while it looked like a tree. Its face had two holes as it's eyes, the nose was long as Pinocchio's nose, it's mouth was carved up to a smile, and it had human arms and legs; to summarize it, it looked like a human inside of a tree.


As Swim arrived, she was sweating; she was tired from running to get here.

'Looks like I'm first one to arrive...' She thought, while breathing hard from all that running. 'It doesn't matter... I won't be scared this time, after all it's just a low level Tiger.' She thought, as she pulled out her trident behind her, and does a battle stance.

"Oh? What do we have here?" Said The Tree Man, as he notices her when he turned around. "Looks like someone is brave, who you might be?" The tree monster asked.

"I'm Swim! A heroine!" She replied, in a determined look.

"A heroine? HAH! How pathetic! You heroes are just jokes! You all do it for fame and recognition!" The tree monster replied, mocking her.

"Well, I'm not one of those heroes! I don't care for fame! I only care about is to be a true hero!" She replied.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever, every hero says that. Even if they're true heroes, they're still the same, ALL of you are the same." The tree monster replied.

"I-It doesn't matter!" She said, as she charged at him with her trident.

While she was running at him with her trident, the tree monster put his hand behind his back as he swift his hand upward.

'How arrogant.' The tree monster thought while he had an evil grin behind his tree costume, as a root grew suddenly in front of him, hitting Swim and sending her away.

"W-What...? W-What happened...?" She uttered and asked.

"Thinking a single weak heroine would defeat me? Wrong, I'm much more powerful than you think." Said the tree monster, as the giant root comes back down in the ground, leaving only a hole.


"What? B-But... You're just..." She replied while flabbergasted, thinking if it really was a Tiger level monster.

"Am I what? Weak? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I may look like an average monster who is just scaring people away, in reality, I'm much more powerful!" Said the tree monster, as he cackles more while muffled.

'... No...' She thought, as fear comes rising up. 'I'm not scare... I'm not a coward!' She thought, while she closed her eyes as a tear drops down on her right eye.

"Hm? Oh? Looks like someone is scared~. Hehehehehehehehehe..." Said the tree monster, while looking at her with a mocking look.

"I-I AM NOT SCARED!" She stuttered and shouted while trembling in pain and fear, as she stood up again.

"Trying to be brave again, huh? H-Well, Let's try again, shall we!" He said, as he summoned another root right in front of her and sent her away again.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now tell me, are you still brave from that? Or are you finally scared and reached your limit?" He asked, while Swim was trembling from pain and fear.

"N-... No..." She replied while uttering.

"How about another one then, hm?" He said, as he summoned another root, as Swim got sent flying until she hit the ground. "Y'know what? I'm starting to get bored of you, I'm just gonna finish it." He said while he giggled like a maniac, as he summoned a bunch of roots in the ground, aiming at her. "Plus, I'm sorry that I'm gonna have to end our fun, it's been fun torturing ya, but I'm--" He got cut off, as he suddenly got sent away towards a wall.

"W-... What...?" She asked, while uttering in pain.

"Finally! No more annoying rumbling noise outside, now I can finally eat peace inside again." Said a voice, while Swim turned her head towards the voice, while trembling in pain, as her eyes widened. The mysterious man was about to leave, until he remembered that there was someone injured, he turned around and walked towards Swim. "You alright?" The mysterious man asked while he approached Swim, as he revealed himself to be The Bald man with a Cape, and the one who sent The Tree Man away with one punch.

"Y-Yeah..." She replied.

"Okay, well I'm gonna call the ambulance for you. I hope you'll recover soon, because I can that you're a heroine, right?" He asked.

"M-Mhmm..." She hummed and replied.

"Great, well take a break for a while, okay? Then you'll be back at shape again and do hero work again." He said, as he pulled out his phone and about to dial the Hero Association Hospital, until she spoke.

"H-Hold on!... M-May I ask who you are?" She asked, while she was still in pain.

"Saitama, a hero for a hobby." He simply replied.

"... T-That's all...?" She asked.

"Well, that's who I am, a hero for fun." He replied.

"B-But... Y-Y'know what, can I asked you something...?" She asked.

"Sure, but be quick because my food is waiting for me inside, or else they think I'm some sort of dine and dasher." He replied, as he kneeled down to listen to her.

"O-Okay... W-Well, how did you get that strong, because I've heard about you being so strong and able to kill monsters at one punch, or some I've heard people that you're just an ordinary guy and they think King was the one who defeated those monsters you killed." She replied.

"Well, depends on what you believe, I don't really care, but it is good to have fans, are you a fan?" He asked.

"N-No, I-I'm just curious on how you got strong." She replied.

"Oh, well, just get strong, that's all." He said, as he stood up. "Anyways, I'm gonna go back inside for my food, cya, and hope you'll get better soon." He said, as he started walking back in the restaurant.

"W-WAIT! I-I'M NOT DONE YET!" She shouted, as the bald cape guy sighed and turned around.

"What is it? My food is literally waiting for me." He said while getting annoyed

"How am I gonna get stronger? I don't have a fighting spirit, I only have a trident to fight back..." She asked.

"*Sigh* Well, there are many ways to get stronger, but I chose to do workout, so do that if you want to. I'm going back inside." He said, as he started walking back again.

"W-WAIT! PLEASE! I-I HAVE A ONE MORE QUESTION!" She shouted again, as the bald cape guy was getting a little irritated, and turned around once again.

"What?..." He asked in a slightly angry tone.

"L-Look... I'm sorry that I'm wasting your time... But please, let me question this one more time, and you can go back eating." She said, as the bald cape sighed.

"Just spit it out." He said.

"Well... I-I can't get stronger on my own... So I'm asking you this..." She said, as she took a deep breath. "... CAN YOU PLEASE BE MY SENSEI!?" She asked loudly, as Saitama gets surprised by this.

"W-Wha!?... y'know what... fine, if you don't know how to get strong in your own... *Sigh*" He said. 'Damnit, I already have two students, should I have another one...? I mean, I feel bad if I don't, she does look like she needs a mentor.' He thought. "I'll be your mentor. Now please, I'm gonna go wait inside, while you wait for the ambulance to arrive, I don't want to get involved with this mess, so that's why I'm gonna leave you here, okay?" He said, as he turned around finally walked back towards the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Swim was silently happy, she finally has someone to teach her how to be strong and brave.

"Oh! Almost forgot to call the ambulance, sorry." He said with a comical drop of sweat, as he pulled out his phone again, and dialed the Hero Association Hospital.

Quick Time Skip.
In Saitama's apartment.

It was nighttime, while he was laying down on his futon, while right next to Mosquito Girl and thinking about the girl he met outside of Mobdonald's.

'*Sigh* Maybe I can handle this, right...? I mean... I don't even know her, and she suddenly asked that, but I had to accept sinxe she looked weak and scared.' He thought, as he looked at his alarm clock while it said: "2:20 AM". 'Whatever, just don't overthink and try to be a good a Sensei, and everything will be fine and normal.' He thought, as he closed his eyes and going back to sleep.

The Next Morning.

Both Saitama and Mosquito Girl were just watching TV, until a doorbell rang.

"Looks like the Cyborg is back, do you even teach him?" Mosquito Girl asked.

"Well... The truth is, I have no idea, but all I know is maybe I can think of a way in how to teach him, that's all I know." Saitama replied.

"'Think of a way'? Are you saying you'll just make up some teachings? Y'know that's fraudulence, right?" She asked.

"I know, but sometimes, I could only teach him on how to be a hero, or maybe how to live life without vengeance, since all he thinks is to get stronger, so that he can destroy the Mad Cyborg whom destroyed his home village, and sometimes, vengeance could lead to bad things. Sure, sometimes a little payback is worth and satisfying, but going too far will make things worse." He explained, as Mosquito Girl was surprised by his explanation about Genos.

'I guess, he's right about that.' She thought.

The doorbell rang again.

"Coming, coming." Said Saitama, as he walked over to his front door to open it for Genos.

As he opened the door, Genos was just standing there, while with a massive backpack. Plus, he wasn't alone, Mizuki was also there, with a massive backpack as well.

'Wait a minute... I think I know what's about to-' He thought, as he got interrupted by Genos.

"Hello, Sensei, I'm here with Mizuki." Said Genos, whike Mizuki was waving Saitama a hello.

"Hello, Sensei! Me and Genos-Senpai ran into each other coincidentally, and he told me that he was going to move with you, so I decided to move in as well!" Said Mizuki, in a cheerful tone.

"For training, of course." Genos added.

'I knew it.' Saitama thought. "All right, but the only problem is, you both can't live here with me, it's too small." He said, as Genos gets surprised all of the sudden.

"... Actually, now that I think about it, I didn't actually thought about it." Said Genos, as Saitama comically dropped a sweat on his head.

"Hey, since this is an apartment, there's extra rooms here, so can we take these?" Mizuki asked.

"Sure, I mean, I don't own this apartment. It is abandoned, so the rent is free here." Said Saitama, as Mizuki smiled.

"Come on, Genos-Senpai, Let's get our keys downstairs." Said Mizuki, as she started walking back downstairs.

"Right." Genos replied, as he followed her, while Saitama was watching them both go downstairs with a deadpan look.

'... I almost forgot about Mizuki being my student as well.' Saitama thought, as he closed the door, and sighed in stress. He walked back to the living room, while Mosquito Girl was listening to their conversation outside.

"Looks like he's not the only disciple." Said Mosquito Girl.

"Actually, I have three now. Long story short, I met another person who wants to be my disciple as well." Said Saitama, while he remembered Swim when he saved her from the human monster tree, who had the ability to grow whatever size roots.

"Oh..." That's all she can reply.

"But I can take it, maybe, I hope so." He said, as he goes back to sitting and watching TV with her, but then he realized something. 'Also, I'm starting realize that this isn't going as the same route as the manga. Usually, King and Genos are the only people who are close to Saitama, but this, this is completely new. I guess, maybe getting reincarnated will change some things in the manga, like with that Endless Phantom guy, who originally isn't in the House of Evolution, but there's also things that are still the same. Now that I think about it, maybe it's a good idea to change some things, because it might get predictable since I already know what's going to happen next.' He thought while looking down and thinking about the change, as he looked back at the TV.

To be continued...

Note from The Author: I'm sorry that this isn't much, I mean like I said, I'm busy with school stuff, so I hope you guys still understand my situation. Hope you guys liked this chapter, see you on the next one!

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