
By one_nd_only_Ashils

178 34 36

Melanie She is reserved. A 20- year old girl in third year of her college who is of open personality from out... More

2: Seatmates
3: Payback
4: Break
5: Bully
6: Stalker

1: First Day

44 7 2
By one_nd_only_Ashils

Melanie's POV

"Hey, Melan! Aren't you even a little bit excited for your new university? C'mon girl, you got admission in one of the biggest colleges of NYC." Kate, my best friend said with excitement clear in her voice.

Kate is my best friend from my previous uni and currently I have transferred to NY Central High, one of the biggest universities in my city.

"No, I'm just going there for my education. It doesn't matter if it is a known or unknown college." I replied.

"Melan, Melanie, Mels, WHAT ARE YOU?? Seriously, it is such a big day, it's your first day there, show some excitement."

"Kate, it's not a big deal. And I am running late now, not wanna leave a wrong first impression on professors ."

"Ohh, so you are excited, just your way of showing it is a bit weird" she said thoughtfully.

"Okay, okay, take it as you wish" I said nonchalantly, "Just hang up for now. I'll call you later" I chuckled.

"Okay, buh-bye and enjoy your day, and try to show some interest in a guy there" She cheered.

I hung up on her after her last irrelevant sentence and packed my bag and came out of my room. My aunt, Delilah was sitting on the couch watching TV. I knew she would never give her blessing to me, but still, I informed her.

"Uhh, I'm leaving for the university."

"Do whatever, it's not like I care, you are just a burden on our family." She said apathetically.

I gave her a tight smile and after getting myself breakfast from the kitchen, moved towards the university.


At the gate itself, when I arrived, I knew that its campus was 10 times bigger than that of my previous one.

My admission process was done via online mode and I have seen its pictures, but I had never visited here in person.

Students were all over the place, some still standing outside, some entering. I quickly moved, showed my ID and entered to see a massive campus. It was even bigger than my expectations.

I strolled around there for some time and then as the classes were starting soon, I looked for the Dean's office for some discussion regarding my scholarship. But given the size of the campus, it was impossible for me to find it on time. So, no other option left, I had to ask someone.

Looking for someone to ask, I saw a girl, she looked sweet so I moved towards her to talk to her. But suddenly a voice stopped me "Hey, you", I turned to see a guy walking towards me. He was around 6 feet tall, with not much visible stubble on his face and he wore a tee and a shirt on top with jeans, overall he looked cute and harmless, he came towards me with a smile and I responded with the same. "I saw you searching here for a while and you seem new here, not seen you here before, Do you need any help?"

"Well, hello, but this campus is huge so there will be a lot of people you have not seen before but they do study here." I said, in not so serious tone.

"Yes, but from what I see I guessed you are new here. And also it is quite impossible to not notice a beauty like you if you were a student here." He said in the same tone.

"Well, you are right. I am new here and I am searching for the Dean's office." I said with a smile.

"If you don't have any problem, I can show you the Dean's office and maybe give a tour so you won't be lost again."

"That would be so sweet of you." I exclaimed.

"Miles" He introduced.


He seemed like a nice guy, so I accepted his offer.

As classes were going to start soon, I told him to just show me the Dean's office for now and give rest of the tour later. I entered the office while he waited for me.

I knocked and the voice came "Come in". I entered and introduced myself. He was constantly looking at his screen but as I told him about me, he turned serious and looked at me. His face lit up and he exclaimed, "So, you are the girl who applied for the scholarship, and wanted to transfer here."

I nodded to his words and he continued. "Well, Melanie, it's our pleasure to have you as our student, you did quite good on the test, better than any of them earlier, welcome to our college."He gave me a warm smile.

I smiled back, replying, "Sir, it's my pleasure to join here and I actually wanted to discuss some details as it's my first time here."

We discussed everything and he seemed a good man, even after being at such great position.

"Well, thank you so much, sir, for your help and for this opportunity." I said, thanking him.

"Gladly." he exclaimed.

I nodded and exited the room to see Miles waiting for me.

We talked on the way. I told him I am a business student resuming here in the third year, to know he is in the same year and classes. We both also had our first class the same. We exchanged numbers for contacting later for the rest of the tour and he guided the way to the room.

Evan's POV

"Bro, don't be a pussy. We are not attending the first class in the morning."
Liam exclaimed.

"Well, my mom will chop my head off, so I'm attending." I deadpanned.

"Liam, Evan is right. Also, we have not attended this class from God knows when, who knows if they will get us out, for good, if we keep this on." Theo agreed with me.

"I don't mind attending it." Ethan said sheepishly.

"Why would you mind? If you had your way, you would attend it daily. After all your crush is there." Liam laughed at Ethan, making him pout.

"So what?, she is a nice girl and you'll see. She will be with me soon." Ethan snorted.

"Yess, in your dreams." Liam teased.
Ethan sulked and ignored him.

"Enough of you two, we are running late, now stop it and come or we are leaving you two." Theo exclaimed, making both of them accompany us.

Author's POV

"Hey, Evan" A voice stopped Evan.

He turned to see Emma calling him. A blonde, the typical mean bitch and the most popular girl of the college who everyone despises but still follows. She wants Evan, obviously for his looks and his reputation.

"Where are you going?" She continued.

"I don't need to tell you where I go and where not" He frowned.

"No need to be mad, baby. I was just asking."

"First of all, don't call me baby. And second, only talk to me when you have something meaningful to say." He said, coming close to her with an intimidating look on his face.

"O-okay, Evan. I-I was just j-joking." She gulped nervously and left asap.


"Did you see that? He also wants to be near me." She exclaimed to her friend.

"No, Emma. He was just trying to scare you off and you know it."

"Whatever. I don't care. You'll see, he will soon drop this cold act of his."

"You know he's not interested."

"He is just pretending to be, who is not interested in me? He is just playing hard to get but will soon get tired of it." She said in her delusion. "He will not be able to resist me for long." She smirked deviously.

Evan's POV

"Bro, she was literally shaking like a leaf." Theo remarked.

"She has been annoying me for a long time. Why don't they get the signal when absolutely told on their face." I replied.

"Yeah, well you are Evan every girl wants you." Liam commented.

"She's absolutely crazy and I have also heard people  talking that you two are getting close and maybe will be together soon." Ethan suggested.

"I don't care about the stupid rumours. Now let's just move to the class or the guy will go to mom with his stupid complaints." said, hurrying towards the room.

Melanie's POV

Our first class is Economics, taken by Mr. Robinson. However, Miles took me to the cafeteria before that, and I ordered an espresso , hopefully it will help me through the day.

Just as I was entering the class. I bumped into something hard, spilling the coffee in my hand. I looked up to see who I just ran into, while entering the room at the same time. A guy around 6' 3 tall was standing with a perfect face, frowning at me. He had the sculpted body visible through his clothing yet with a lean figure, I figured this is what most guys aim to achieve.

"How fucking dare you!" A masculine voice snapped me out of my thoughts. The voice came from the guy himself, who was glaring at me as if I had committed a crime. My coffee has spilled all over his white tank top and onto my dress.

"I-I'm Sorry. I didn't look there." I spoke nervously after seeing the coffee stain on his clothes, which was from my coffee.

"It's not my problem, you little sorry ass. You spilled your sticky drink all over me, staining my damn clothes." He yelled.

"I said it was just an honest mistake. Besides, you also ran into me, my dress got stained; you could have also looked where you are going." I said calmly. Everyone around us had gone silent and was staring at us (which was exactly what I didn't want: Attention.)

"What?" He chuckled sarcastically. "I, ran into you. You're accusing me of not looking at you and getting your cheap dress dirty," he said loudly, smiling sarcastically. While everyone has already gathered around us.

People are gossiping, and some of it is clearly audible. "Who is she?" "Doesn't she know him?" "Why is she arguing when it's her fault?" "She'll get into trouble" "Is she new here?"

I looked around to see Miles standing behind me with a tense expression on his face when I heard a voice. "Leave her, Evan; she probably didn't mean to do that."

"No Theo, I know girls like her, well enough. They only wants attention with their stupid antics, they think that their ridiculous plans will make the guy feel sorry for them and follow them around. But I don't tolerate such sluts; she's nowhere near my standard, such people should be put in their place with time. She thought staining my clothes with her sticky drink was such a good plan. Eww." He flicked his cloths away from his body.

I heard some people laugh around me as my blood began to boil. Way to go for a nice first day. How dare he say such things about me. I don't want his attention, heck I don't even know him.

"Mister, whoever you are. I've had enough of you and your stupid comments, I'm not going to let you go all over me. I'm not sure why you think people would waste their time paying attention to you. And as for your clothes I'll get them clean after class. Now, if you can move, get aside, I have a class to attend. Asshole" I replied in the same loud voice he had used just moments before and walked into the room.

I could feel people burning holes in me with their stares as I sat quietly on the last bench.

People were still gossiping when the same arrogant, self-centered, asshole of a guy came to sit beside me.

Hello everyone, so this is it for this chapter. I know it wasn't too long, but longer chapters will follow soon.
If you enjoyed the chapter please do comment and tell me your opinions.

Also, do give your suggestions for things you'd like to see in the story; I'll definitely consider them.

Wait until the next chapter to find out what Evan thought when he first saw her, and why he sat beside her after their major fight.

If you liked the story till now, don't forget to hit the star as well and vote for my story. <3

Till then buh-bye.

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