Star trek lower decks//malere...

By IronDragon19

41.9K 1.7K 993

Space....the final frontier- Oh what the heck, I'll cut it short. YN has join the USS Cerritos as a ensin sec... More

Character Bio (Not a Chapter)
Chp 1: Second Contact
Chp 2: Raging Zombies
Chp 3: Read or Experience
Chp 4: Buffer time
Chp 5: Trail by Combat
Chp 6: Moist Vessel
Chp 7: Among us
Chp 8: Badgey
Chp 10: The Trial
Announcement (Not a chapter.)
Chp 11: Crisis Point?
Chp 11: Definitely Crisis Point
Chp 12: Unexpected Foe
Book 2, Chp 1: A Fine Addition
Book 2, Chp 2: Cat Problem
Book 2, Chp 3: Planet of Mugato
Book 2, Chp 4: Trash day
Book 2, Chp 5: Rogue AI
Book 2, Chp 6: Ship Training Drills
book 2, Chp 7: Bridge Buddy
Book 2, Chp 8: First Contact
Book 3, Chp 1: Risk it or not
Book 3, Chp 2: Mining The Mind's Mines
Book 3, Chp 3: One Brain, Two Minds
Book 3, Chp 4: Hear All, Trust Nothing
Book 3, Chp 5: A Strange New World
Book 3, chp 6: A Strange New World. Part 2
Book 3, Chp 7: Project Swing By
Book 3, Chp 8: Cali vs Tex
Book 4, Chp 1: Tuvix
Book 4, Chp 2: Death By Cuteness
Book 4, Chp 3: A Warmest Date
Book 4, Chp 4: Green Wedding
Book 4, Chp 5: Drunken Crew
Book 4, Chp 6: Ai worst fear...
Book 4, Chp 7: Rock and Stone
Book 4, Chp 8: Inner Fight
Book 4, Chp 9: No Sacrifice, No Victory (Finale.)

Chp 9: The Farm

1K 52 22
By IronDragon19

3rd POV

After one long rough day, the lower decks can finally get some sleep in their sleeping hallway.

Boimler: (Groan.) Who knew repairing the station grid would involve so much sprinting?

YN: I am so done, just want to sleep through a whole day...

Mariner: (Tired.) No talk, sleep.

Just when they were about to go to sleep, Boimler was interrupted by a dog barking loud and licking Boimlers face.

Boimler: What the- hey, no, no, down!

Tendi: I did it! I updated the dog!

Rutherford: That does that even mean?

Tendi: In medical, they encourage us to do side projects. So I took a bunch of inert carbon and built myself a fluffy friend from scratch. Its suppose to look like a dog. You know, from earth.

The dog runs and plays around which is bothers everyone.

Mariner: Tendi, please get it out of here.

Tendi: Oh, of course. Come here! Come here.

Tendi tries to calm him down, but the dog has too much energy as he runs around.

Tendi: (Chuckles.) She's five percent faster and six percent smarter. You know, I hand edited all six billion sequences. It was really fun!

Boimler: When did you even find time for that?

Tendi: Sometimes when I say that I'm going to the bathroom, I'm really recoding her DNA. This little lady's protein bonds totally accepted the Cas9 snipping without any cellular degradation. (To dog.) Who has malleable protein bonds? You do. Yes you do.

Rutherford: I don't get it. You could've built any lifeform at all and you did this? It just looks like a normal dog.

Tendi: (Smiles.) That's exactly what I was going for! I'll go grab my noted so I can ready you the juicy parts. You're going to love how I reorganized her mitochondria. No spoilers, but (Chuckles.) Its supper funny!

Tendi run off leaving the dog with rest of her friends. YN wasn't paying attention as he snores.

Rutherford: Just to be clear, this is a normal dog and she's messing with us.

Suddenly the dogs head turn back with a crack and emerged itself into a creepy creature.

This got everyone nervous when it crawls up to the ceiling.

Boimler: (Nervous.) Oh god. Not a normal dog.

Mariner: Wake me up if it turns into something I need to care about...

Mariner goes to sleep and when the dog got close to YN who was still snoring, he aims his phaser at the dog's head.

YN: (Sleep talk.) Don't even think about it.... (Snores)

the creature turns back into dog and whimpers before it backs away from the phaser.

Time skip to next day

There has been a mission where admiral Syltrack selected an elite team from the Cerritos. Captain Freeman, Ransom, and Shaxs who are selected to join on a important mission with the rest of elite. In the mean time, the Cerritos will receive a transfer of command to a visiting captain. In other words, a transfer captain will take the command until the mission is completed. Right now we see Mariner, Boimler, and YN at their sleeping hall.

Mariner: (Groan.) Visiting captain? No! So lame.

Boimler: I figured you'd love a break from our usual guys.

YN: I know I do, Shaxs been throwing a lot of heavy training at new security recruits. Can't see how bad it'd be for the transfer captain taking over.

Mariner: You're missing the point. Sub caps never know what their doing. They're all like "Buffer the phase coils." And we're like, "What are you talking about?"

Boimler: What are you talking about?

Mariner: I don't want some babysitter Jellico-type hovering over us when we're already going to a bog planet, which is like the worst kind of planets, as far as planets go.

YN: That's what you're babbling about? We're starfleet, this is what we do. Go somewhere where there's a this line of danger and peaceful. Bogs can't be danger than any other.

Mariner: That's how you see it.

Boimler: Bogs are actually fascinating. Did you know that the spore count can-

Mariner: I don't want to know about a bog! Its a gross word for a gross place.

Boimler: Well you're being unscientific.

YN: Plus you do danger stuff every time.

Mariner: That's different.

YN: No, its not.

Just then, Tendi's "Dog" pass by and transform into a cube.

Boimler: Anyway, I'm into it. We get to rub shoulders with the visiting crew, maybe impress another captain.

Mariner: Oh, you're just excited to kiss a whole new butt, aren't you?

Boimler: Well I wouldn't put it like that. But yes, very.

YN: I'm just glad we get to meet some new faces. Wouldn't hurt to get to know one another. Anyway, I better get going.

Boimler: Gonna meet up with the visiting crew?

YN: Nah, later. I promise Rutherford that I'll help him test out the new transportation beam he's been working on after he helped me with improving my grappling hook. He's trying to make transportation faster than before.

Mariner: All right. Have fun or something.


I left the sleeping hall and head straight to the repair deck to meet Rutherford where he's still working on it.

YN: Hey Rutherford, still working on it?

Rutherford: Just needed a few adjustments aaaaaannnd...done!

He then turns it on before picking his tablet.

Rutherford: Thanks for helping me testing this out.

YN: Hey, what are friends for? So long as I don't end up being a Tuvix or stuck on a wall.

Rutherford: From Voyager?

YN: Hey, you never know all might end up on the other side of the galaxy. Whether its this ship or the other.

Rutherford: Fair point. Now let's see if this works. I'll just transport you back and fourth super quick. Real easy.

YN: Aight brother, beam me up.

Rutherford: Okey dokey.

I step on the transporter before Rutherford activates it. Soon it beamed me to the other transport which I feel nothing happened to me.

YN: Huh, nothing happened. (Smiles.) All right! How fast was that Rutherford?

Rutherford: (Smiles.) That was like half a second faster than normal. I can't believe its working.

YN: Try beaming me back. We need to make sure it works its 100% safe and well.

Rutherford: Got it.

Rutherford beams me back but then suddenly I felt something different where I hear a high pitch noise and I saw my uniform is blue which made me disappointed.

YN: Great, you turn my uniform to blue, Rutherford. And where's that noise coming from?

Rutherford: Uh....

YN: What?

Rutherford showed me his tablet where I see the reflection of myself. Only this time I look like a ghost.

YN: Oh my god! I'm a ghost!

Rutherford: I thought I solved this.

YN: What?

Rutherford: (Shouting.) Sorry, its just the last part of the transporter process. It can be a bit sticky.

YN: (Shouting.) Sticky? Bro I look more like a ghost who didn't die in the living.

Rutherford: (Shouting.) The good news it you're just off by like one millicochrane. Its just cosmetic.

YN: (Shouting.) What about the noise? Is it me that's causing it?

Rutherford: (Shouting.) You hardly notice it.

YN: (Shouting.) Any chance that you can fix it or at least stop the noise?

Rutherford: (Shouting.) What?

YN: (Shouting.) What!?

Rutherford: (Shouting.) WHAT!?

YN: Wait hold up, I think I heard something else.

Rutherford: (Shouting.) What?

Time skip

I'm at the medical room where Dr T'ana is grabbing some samples of me. Stings but I'm use to it. What I'm totally not use to is the noise which is also bothering everyone as they try to cover their ears.

YN: Cut it to me straight doc, how long will this last?

T'ana: How am I suppose to know? You look like a goddam science project!

YN: Wait then why are you still taking samples?

Just then Rutherford enters the room with a triquarter.

Rutherford: I figured it out!

Rutherford did something to me with it and the noise is finally.

YN: Finally, another minutes and I'd be deaf- wait, I'm still glowing blue.

Rutherford: Yeah. But you're not making the sound anymore, which was the worst part, right?

T'ana: Oh yeah. That was terrible.

YN: At least we can all agree to one thing. So what about the phasy part anyway? I don't wanna look like a lighthouse or something.

T'ana: Oh all right, all right. Calm down. I already alerted Division 14.

YN: Is that some kind of ghost police?

T'ana: No! D-14 handles unsolvable space illnesses and science mysteries.

YN: They really got that in starfleet?

T'ana: Of course they do. They've got this great medical spa on Endicronimas V.

YN: That's a weird way to say it.

T'ana: Everyone just calls it "The Farm." You'll be pampered and tended to like a precious gem.

YN: As long as I can be back to normal.

T'ana: Yeah, yeah. You and Mr. Whatever the hell that thing is over there.

We see Doc pointed Tendi's dog.

Tendi: Don't worry, The Dog. I won't let them hurt you.

Rutherford: Wait, you named it "The Dog"?

Tendi: Of course. Why wouldn't I? She's a totally normal dog.

Rutherford: I'm starting to think you know more about DNA than you do about dogs.

Tendi: We don't have any on Orion. We're really missing out.

YN: You poor people...

Tendi: Dogs are great.

Without Tendi noticing, the creature then emerge into whatever that thing is which caught us by surprise before it changes back to a normal dog.

Tendi: (Smiles.) Aw, look at you. You're just a cute little cinnamon roll. Yes, you are! Oh, I'm gonna go grab some thing for The dog.

Tendi left the room with the dog while Rutherford and I stayed before I whisper to him.

YN: OK, just in case that thing is gonna try to bite our arms off. I'm gonna toss it to the airlock.

Rutherford nods before I left to get my stuff for the journey.

3rd POV

Just when YN and Tendi grab their stuffs for the journey, a federation ship arrives from the space storm which looks smaller than the Cerritos.

Right now we see YN and Tendi at the transportation airlock.

YN: You sure you want to tag along? I can watch over the dog while you're gone.

Tendi: And let my best friends be alone? No way. Besides, you never know you might need a medic during the way.

YN: Aw, that's nice. Also I got some dog food and dog toys for your dog to keep him occupied.

Tendi: Aw thanks.

Just then, the doors open where the red smoke enters as they see the medical alien enter through the red smoke. Making the dog whimpers in fear as it gets behind Tendi.

Medic: Greetings. I am the Division 14 medical specialist.

Tendi: Aw, thank you. I'm Tendi, and this is my dog, The Dog. And let the record show we're here under protest.

YN: And I'm YN.

Medic: I must warn you, stepping aboard this vessel is consent to be surrounded by dark abnormalities and the clinically obscene.

YN: This Farm that people spoke of, how long will it take to get there?

Medic: Do not trouble yourself with the journey. The Farm cures all.

The medic laughs like a mad science as they enter the Division 14.

Tendi: (Whispers to YN.) Is it me or does he gives the laughing creeps.

YN: (Shrug.) Don't judge the book by its cover they say. I'm sure it'll be fine.

When they arrive to the deck where YN and Tendi are suppose to be, they meet up with the rest of the crew with each from a different starfleet ship. Just like YN, they all had accidents in starfleet.

YN: Man, didn't know there'd be a lot in starfleet.

???: Which is exactly why Division 14 exists.

They see an old man who spoken, but this man appearance was mixed with different ages.

Old man: To hide the mistakes starfleet would like to ignore.

Tendi: Oh, well that doesn't sound like Starfleety.

Old man: The admirals wouldn't want to jeopardize the allegiance of their officers by forcing them to work alongside a man whose body is equal parts accelerated growth and reverse aging.

This made Tendi a bit nervous when he faces her.

Old man: That's right. Stare at me.

Tendi: I-I wasn't s-staring.

YN stood between them.

YN: All right, back off. No need to act so scary freak.

Old man: A freak infected by an alien horse bite, doomed to live out his days as a half rascal. Everyone would rather avert their gaze instead of curing us. We're inconvenient.

YN: Isn't there specialist who specialize in this?

Old man: Tell that to ensign Jenna, exposed to delta radiation.

Jenna: [Beep.]

Old man: Or Ellis and Sanderson. Neutrino field transporter accident.

Ellis: We have two of everything.

Sanderson: Almost everything.

Old man: And Anthony!

The old man points at the huge salamander creature who says nothing but panting.

Tendi: Hi, Anthony. Did it used to be a man?

Old man: Yeah, that's what we're assuming.

Tendi: (To the dog.) Don't worry, The Dog. You don't belong here with the freaks. I'll break you out the first chance I get.

YN: I wouldn't have to worry, I mean we're all heading to a resort planet with gentle nurses and a spa.

Old man: (Laughs.) The Farm? You really think they're taking us to a paradise planet?

YN: Yeah. Why?

Old man: We've been here for months.

Old man: This is The Farm!

YN: .....Aight

Old man: Wait, why are you calm? You're supposed to be feared by all this!

YN: Its not about fearing what you have in front of you. Its about accepting or ignore of what you have in front of you. All that's left is how to face it.

This surprise some of the crew since new arrivals usually becomes nervous but not him.

Tendi: (Confused.) Wait, where's the lightning coming from? We're inside the ship.

Ellis: Oh that'd be us.

YN and Tendi see Ellis and Sanderson using flashlights.

Old man: We just use it to make it look scarier and awesome.

Tendi: Oh OK.

Time skip

Everybody was minding their own business until The Dog was whining.

Tendi: What's up, girl? What's wrong? You want walkies?

YN: She probably wants to play. Luckily I have a bouncy ball for her to play with.

YN pulls out a ball from his bag before handing it to Tendi.

Tendi: Oh so do I just throw it randomly and let her catch it?

YN: Pretty much. Too bad there isn't any holodeck here.

Tendi: Its all right. We're just gonna go for a walk for a while.

YN: Aight, you know where to find me if she's hungry.

Tendi: Got it. Come on, the dog.

Tendi and the dog left for walk. YN head back to his bunker until he notice Ellis and Sanderson are peeking before signaling the others the coast is clear. This caught YN curious as all the freaks gather around with the old man.

Old man: Listen up. There's a shift change at 0200. Its our chance to take the ship.

YN: Whoa whoa whoa! Are you guys talking about mutiny?

Old man: Exactly. We'll find our own planet where we won't be treated like failed science experiments. Tonight, freaks fight back!

Everybody: (Chanting.) Freaks fight back! Freaks fight back!

Old man: (To YN.) Brother, freaks united are freaks no more. Say it with me. Freaks fight back!

YN: No.

This surprise everyone as they all gasp.

Old man: You refuse to fight back?

YN: Yes, I refuse to fight back where it makes me a traitor of federation.

Jenna: [Confusing Beep.]

YN: Because I have faith.

Old man: It will do you no good to have faith in The Farm.

YN: You may lose your faith in The Farm if that's what you want. But never in yourselves.

This silent everyone as they questions each other until Jenna breaks the silent.

Jenna: [Beep!]

Ellis: She's right. Get him!

YN: Whoa whoa! I don't want to fight you guys!

Old man: Oh well that makes it easy for us. Let's get him!

YN: OK fine! If I'm going down, I'm taking you all with me!

10 seconds later...

YN: Come on! Let me out!

YN is in the airlock and bang the door.

Sanderson: So much for bluffing.

YN: Only because I don't want to hurt you guys, you idiot!

Old man: Too bad. This is the end of the line. So any last words.

YN: You know what? You guys deserve to be freaks after doing all this mutiny! At least I am, out of all of the group, the only one who's close to be-

Suddenly YNs body turn back to normal.

YN: (Confused.) Normal? (Smiles.) Whoa! I'm back to normal!

Old man: Hey, would you look at that, great. You're normal now. (Laugh.) Now enjoy your walk in space.

YN: No wait!

It was too late as the old man pushes the button and YN quickly takes a deep breath as he embrace falling on the grass which got everyone confused.

YN: Wait, what the hell?

YN stand up only to see that they finally arrived at The Farm.

Old man: The Farm! Its real?

???: Its it beautiful?

The medic then exit the ship.

Medic: The missions might be long, but JTS worth it every time we get back.

Old man: Oh, do I have egg on my face. Sir, I'm sorry for trying to do the mutiny thing.

Medic: I get it. The Farm does seem unbelievable. No, I'm sorry for acting the way I did. I should have fill you in more information or a schedule the arrival.

YN: That's one way to avoid any mutiny.

Medic: Next time, we'll avoid a mutiny before it happens. Maybe paint the ship some friendlier colors, turn on some lights so it isn't so creepy. Enjoy your path to recovery, my friends.

The medic still does the evil laugh which got everyone worried.

Medic: Oh, its just the way I laugh.

Time skip

It hasn't been long since they arrived at The Farm and every freak enjoying their time in the spa where they can finally relax as the sun begins to set.

Right now we see YN has two margaritas as he finds Tendi with the dog right by the lake to say their last goodbyes.

Tendi: This is where we say goodbye. (Sniff.) I never wanted to leave you. You're not a freak, you're just a good dog.

She hugs the dog.

Tendi: I will never give up trying to get you back home.

The Dog: Tendi, you have been an exemplary creator.

The Dog then stands up on two feet. 

The Dog: But do not cry, I like it here! There's far more space to run and many fascinating things upon which to urinate.

Tendi: (Smiles.) Oh, wow. I'm so glad you're happy! Well, The Dog, then I guess this is goodbye.

The Dog begins to float before speaking.

The Dog: Farewell, Tendi. May the suns shine upon you.

The Dog then floats away before YN arrive with margaritas.

YN: Hey, Tendi. Brought some margaritas- wait, she's floating?

Tendi: Yup.

YN: You knew she can talk, walk, and float?

Tendi: Yeah, of course she can talk. She's a dog.

YN: Uh, normal dogs don't do any of that stuff.

Tendi: They don't? Wait, but normal dogs hover and spit lightning, right?

YN: No.

Tendi: Oooh. Well, then this is starting to make a lot more sense. (To The Dog.) Hey, you are a freak!

The Dog: I know! I just didn't want you to worry.

The Dog fly towards the sky as Tendi and YN left the lake.

Tendi: Oh she's such a good dog.

Lady: Oh we call dibs on this cutie.~

Two of the nurse ladies arrive next to YN which made Tendi uncomfortable to see him with two ladies until YN breaks it.

YN: Whoa, gold your horses, ladies. Hate to break it to you but I'm back to normal.

Old man: He's right, he shouldn't even be here. He's not a freak anymore!

Nurse: You're not?

YN: Nope. But if you guys got a shuttle then we'd be gladly to take it to get back to the Cerritos.

The nurses nod and let them take the shuttle which they gladly take it and leave The Farm before exiting the orbit.

Soon they finally arrive at the Cerritos and meet up with Rutherford at the bar where he surprisingly saw YN back to normal.

Rutherford: You're cured!? I mean- See? I knew you'd be fine.

YN: Turns out it wears off on its own. Probably like 24 hours or so. But the farm was actually nice.

Just then Tendi see another dog on a leash where she crouch down to its level.

Tendi: Aw, good afternoon. I'm Tendi. (Gives the dog a handshake.) How are you today?

The dog then licks her face with disgusted her.

Tendi: Ugh! She licked me. What a weirdo.

YN: We that's how normal dogs are. But hey, if she lick your face then that means she likes you.

Tendi: Still gross.

YN: Least its not a wolf.

Rutherford: So how was the Farm?

YN: Man, it was a crazy ride.

Tendi: Wait, so you're okay with leaving the farm? I thought you'd like it there.

YN: Tendi, if there's one thing that I learn about paradise. Is that it wouldn't be a paradise without my best friends. Besides, we can always use the holodeck back in the Cerritos.

Tendi: Ooh maybe we can simulate the Farm at the holodeck.

YN: See? Thats what I like about you, think positive for friends.

This mad Tendi smile as they all enjoy their drinks together.

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