When Everything Was New. (A F...

By mosysteller112

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Without warning, Adrian pushed Eli, a bit more forcefully than he had intended. Elijah stumbled a little, tur... More

How did I get here (intro)
Mr Rager
When everything was new
Warm Thoughts
Space Cadet
Lose It
Sofi needs a ladder
Wall fuck
Drop the game
Late Night
A New Error
The Party
What You Need


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By mosysteller112

Adrian's sleep was a patchwork of dreams and half-formed melodies, a strange blend of the previous night's adrenaline and the creative outburst with Eli. 

He awoke to Dev persistently shaking him.

"Dude, what the hell happened last night?" Dev was sitting on the edge of his bed, phone in hand, looking a mix of amused and concerned.

Adrian rubbed his eyes, his mind still foggy with sleep. "What time is it?" he mumbled.

"It's like, noon. But forget the time, man. This video of you tossing some dude like a rag doll is all over campus. You're like a freaking legend."

Adrian sighed, sitting up. 

'Jesus fuck Dev...'

The word 'Legend' couldn't make him cringe any harder.

The last thing he wanted was to be a campus 'legend' for a stupid, drunk fight. "The guy was a drunken mess and tried to start something with Eli. I just... reacted."

"Well, dude, it's everywhere. People are talking," dev said, a bit excited, "You and Eli okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Adrian said, sitting with his head in his hands, still trying to shake the last remnants of sleep from himself. He was worried about potential legal repercussions, and he didn't know whether to be relieved or not that it was how people reacted to the video that got him more worried. All this talk about him sounded so juvenile, like he was in high school.

And he didn't even go to high school.

Looking at Dev in his slightly disheveled state, "legend, huh?" Adrian said with a small smirk.

Dev showed him the video on Myspace.

The footage was shaky, a typical low-quality smartphone recording from a party. But it clearly showed Adrian, in the midst of a noisy crowd, shoving a guy, Mark apparently, into the wall with a force that was startling, leaving behind a visible dent. The sound of the impact made Adrian wince.

"Yeah well, fuck him, he had it coming," was all Adrian said as he got up and headed for the shower.

"Yeah, seems everyone is in agreement," Dev said as he continued to read the comments and posts about it.

In the shower, the hot water cascaded over Adrian, mixing with his swirling thoughts. He needed this to blow over, to become just another forgotten college incident. As he toweled off and dressed, he decided to keep a low profile, at least for a while.

Exiting the bathroom, he found Dev still engrossed in his phone. "Man, you really are a hit. Look at this," Dev said, showing him a thread of comments praising Adrian's 'heroic' action.

Adrian dried his hair, leaning over to read the thread on Dev's phone. His slightly longer hair dangled over the device, dripping water down the screen as he read. There was admiration, snark, and the boisterous energy characteristic of college chatter.

"@campuskingz: Did you see Adrian handling Mark? Dude's got hands! #campuslegend"

"@nightowl_22: Finally, someone shut Mark up. That guy was a ticking time bomb. #AdrianJustice"

"@Lizbeth_the_Bold: That was insane. I knew that walking skyscraper named Adrian had some insane power."

"@Raj_from_3B: Adrian's my new dorm hero. Who needs security when you have him? #respect"

"@sassy_sammy: So when's the next Adrian vs. World event? I'd pay to see that."

"@Lola_Nunnehh: omg why is this sooooo HOT?"

Adrian let out a huff of laughter, disbelief coloring his tone. "That's so fucking stupid."

Dev grinned, catching the humor but also the unease in Adrian's response. "Kinda cool, though, right?"

"Sure," Adrian replied dryly, pulling on a shirt. It was one of his better ones, a black shirt marked with streaks of gold. It fit snugly against his lean build.

Dev raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Look at you, fancy. Got a date or something?"

"Lunch," Adrian responded, the memory of a prior commitment with Cassie now surfacing. In truth, he doubted she even remembered. "Want something?"

"Yeah, if you're offering." Dev shrugged, "Some fries maybe."

Nodding, Adrian picked up his phone, dialing Cassie. Ten rings in, her voice broke the silence—a raspy, sleepy whisper. "Hello?"

"Good afternoon," he greeted, voice flat and even. "Guess you forgot about our lunch plans."

There was a shuffling on the other end. "Oh shit," Cassie muttered, realization dawning.

He chuckled, "Relax. If not for that dumb fucking video, I'd still be asleep."

Her voice was hurried, laced with the sound of running water. "How did Dev react?"

"Exactly how I expected." A sigh. "Listen, don't rush. If you're still in bed, I can grab us something, and we can just hang at your place."

She hesitated. "You sure? I'll be ready in twenty—"

"Your roommate there?" he interjected.

"Uh, no. Think she went out."

"Good. See you in twenty."

He ended the call and headed out.

 It seemed as though every eye on campus was trained on him, conversations pausing as he passed, whispers trailing in his wake. They might have seen a moment of his anger, but they didn't know the whole story. The complexity of standing up for his brother, of the instincts that drove his actions. He wasn't the 'hero' they imagined.

A quiet chime notified him of a text. Dev: Make it cheesy fries. Thx.

Soon, the familiar façade of Cassie's sorority house loomed ahead. Despite the grandeur of the historic building, he knew its halls echoed with the giggles, dramas, and secrets of the young women inside. Today, it promised him sanctuary from the world outside.

He approached the front door, his hands occupied with bags of food, making it impossible to knock conventionally. In a very tactical and practical move, he resorted to a series of robust kicks against the door.

Peering through the peephole, the shadow of someone on the other side shifted, a sign that he had garnered attention. Adrian leaned down, his eyes wide and playful, as he lifted the bags to make his mission obvious.

The door swung open, revealing Cassie in nothing but an oversized T-shirt and underwear, her face flushed with mild embarrassment. "I'm not ready yet," she said, her voice a mix of apology and haste.

Adrian's gaze lingered on her for a moment. 

As he observed her, all thoughts of lunch and food vanished from his mind, replaced by pure want and desire and lust for her. Imagining those smooth legs wrapped around his head as she moaned in ecstasy.

Shaking off the intrusive thought, he recovered quickly, bending down slightly to press a brief, affectionate kiss on her cheek. "Well, I'm here," he said, his voice steady, betraying none of his internal turmoil. "And I brought food." He slipped past her into the sanctuary of the house.

The inside of the sorority was a stark contrast to its stately exterior, a mix of modernity and time-worn comfort. Posters of bands, inspirational quotes, and a collage of memories adorned the walls. The air was filled with the subtle fragrance of various perfumes and the underlying scent of age-old wood.

They moved to Cassie's room, a space distinctly her own amidst the shared living. The room was a mix of organized chaos, with books stacked in haphazard piles and clothes draped over a chair in the corner. It was personal, intimate, and undeniably Cassie.

"Sorry for the mess..." Cassie said, her voice trailing off as she tried to tidy up in a rush.

Adrian just waved his hand dismissively after setting down the food. He felt a gnawing hunger inside him. 

He didn't know if he wanted to devour the food, or Cassie herself.

"I almost ready so I'm gonna finish up," she said, moving towards the bathroom.

Before she could take another step, Adrian reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her down next to him with an ease that spoke of his strength. "Oh come on, you look fine," he said, trying to sound casual but there was an undeniable allure in his tone. "And I'm starving."

Cassie giggled, a blush coloring her cheeks, as he practically sat her on his lap. They began to eat, the atmosphere a mix of comfort and a palpable tension.

"So, what do you think about that video of you and Mark?" Cassie asked, her voice light.

Adrian let out a humorless laugh, pausing mid-bite. "Apparently," he started, wiping his mouth with a napkin, "some of these fuckers here think I'm Batman now or something."

Cassie chuckled, shifting to sit more comfortably on his lap. "Well, it helps that Mark is a known asshole here, especially at parties when he's drunk."

Adrian subtly tightened his hold on her. "Yeah, I don't even know him, thank God. Fuck, I don't even know most of the people in that video or the ones that showed up."

"Why were there so many people there by Eli's dorm?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Josh mentioned there was some party down the hall, that apparently, neither me or Eli heard. When that died down, the drunkards were just looking for their next distraction." Adrian's tone was tinged with annoyance. "They heard the music me and Eli were making and thought, 'Yeah, it's perfectly reasonable to barge into someone else's living quarters like we own the fucking place. Let's go.'"

"Everyone can be so damn entitled here," Cassie commented, continuing to eat.

"Tell me about it," Adrian agreed, his voice heavy.

"Do you regret it?" Cassie asked after a moment.

Adrian laughed softly, a hint of bitterness in it. "I regret not doing it harder. That fucker took a swing at Eli."

"Did he really?" Cassie's eyes widened in surprise, a smile tugging at her lips despite the seriousness of the situation.

Adrian just nodded, his jaw tightening at the memory.

"That's crazy," Cassie said, shaking her head. "But honestly, I'm not surprised. Mark's been a problem for a while. No one really does anything about it, though."

"Seems to be the way things go around here," Adrian commented dryly. "Everyone turns a blind eye until it's too late."

They fell into a brief silence, both lost in their thoughts. Cassie played with a strand of her hair, a habit Adrian had noticed she did when deep in thought.

"You know," Cassie began, breaking the silence, "this might actually change things. You standing up to him, I mean. It could make people think twice before acting like entitled jerks."

"Or it'll just make me a bigger target," Adrian countered, his gaze distant.

"Maybe," she conceded, "but sometimes it takes someone standing up to start a change. You might have done more good than you realize."

Adrian looked at her, a mix of skepticism and hope in his eyes. 

'Again, I'm really not batman...'

"Oh yeah? You think so?"

"I do," Cassie affirmed, her tone earnest. "You showed them that they can't just bully their way through everything."

He just smiled at her "I hope you're right."

They continued their meal, the conversation shifting to lighter topics. Cassie told him about a class project she was excited about, and Adrian shared a funny story about Eli's latest culinary disaster.

As the evening wore on, the light outside dimmed, casting a warm glow through the curtains. The room felt cozier, more intimate with the fading light. They laughed and chatted, the earlier tension easing into a comfortable familiarity.

Eventually, Cassie stood up, stretching. "I should probably get dressed," she said, a playful glint in her eye.

Before she could fully rise, Adrian's hand shot out, gripping her wrist.

"I'd prefer if you didn't," he replied, his voice darker. 

His gaze traced her figure before locking onto her eyes again, wordlessly communicating desires too intense to articulate.

Laughing softly, perhaps a touch nervously, Cassie responded, "But look at you, actually wearing a nice shirt." She poked at it, her touch light but deliberate.

In one fluid motion, Adrian stood, his height emphasized by the room's confined space. He pulled off his shirt, his chest rising and falling more noticeably now. 

"Better?" he queried, that familiar smirk playing on his lips as he lifted her, placing her back on the bed with him. She landed squarely in his lap.

Before she could process the sudden proximity, his mouth was on hers, the intensity of his kiss reflecting pent-up frustration, perhaps not just from their interrupted evening, but from other unresolved matters as well. The adrenaline from last night's confrontation with Mark might still be lingering. Ever since they got interrupted last night, Adrian felt like a powder keg. Subconsciously jumpy throughout the day, that drunk asshole Mark had been an unfortunate victim of his bottled-up energy.

As their mouths moved in a synchronized dance, his large hands roamed up her torso, slipping under her shirt. In moments, the fabric was tossed aside. Breaking away just for an instant, Cassie met his eyes, their shared passion evident. With renewed fervor, she tried to maneuver him, to position his larger frame beneath her.

Suddenly, there was a knocking on the door, the unmistakable sound of knuckles against wood. The intrusion was like a bucket of ice water, causing them both to freeze.

"God fucking dammit," Adrian whispered fiercely as he flopped back onto the bed, pulling Cassie with him.

Despite the suddenness, a breathless chuckle escaped Cassie. She looked down at him, their noses nearly touching.

"I thought I heard the front door a minute ago," he said, frustration evident in his voice, as he effortlessly lifted them both into a sitting position.

Cassie hastily threw on her oversized shirt, attempting to regain some semblance of decorum. "Then why didn't you say something?"

"Because I was too busy trying to fuck you instead," he answered bluntly, running a hand through his already tousled hair.

Something in his raw honesty, the boldness of the statement, sent a shockwave through Cassie. She looked at him. Really looked. Here was this massive figure, sitting on the edge of her bed, looking every bit the picture of disarrayed desire. Shirtless, shoulder length hair a mess, and a face showing hints of annoyance. The combination was devastatingly attractive.

Adrian's gaze finally lifted to meet hers. It was like looking into a void, giving away nothing, even as another series of knocks sounded.

"Cassie, are you home?"

The voice was unmistakable to Adrian: the 'Cinderella' roommate. The one Eli had taken home a few weeks back.

Adrian held Cassie's gaze, nodding toward the door in a silent, almost challenging question. Cassie, drawing in a breath, strode forward and opened it.

Rachel, Cassie's roommate, stood there. Her eyes immediately darted past Cassie, landing on Adrian. A smirk formed on her lips, mischief evident. "Well, look who it is," she said with a mocking sweetness.

Adrian, in the middle of pulling his shirt over his head, his voice muffled by the fabric. "Yeah, didn't expect you either," he replied coolly.

Cassie, visibly annoyed, crossed her arms. "What do you want, Rachel?"

Rachel, however, seemed more interested in Adrian, who was now fully dressed. His imposing stature dominated the room. "Saw that video, you know. Of you manhandling Mark. Quite the display of aggression," she drawled, emphasizing the last word.

"Yeah, fuck him, he had it coming," Adrian responded, his voice firm, his towering figure making the statement all the more imposing.

Rachel's eyes glimmered with unspoken thoughts. "I bet. You've certainly got a way of... handling situations."

"Rachel." Cassie butted in, clearly fed up.

Rachel turned her attention back to Cassie, feigning innocence. "Just here to pick up some notes for class. You know how it is."

Cassie's demeanor softened slightly. "Yeah, sure. They're on the desk."

As Rachel moved to retrieve the notes, her eyes lingered on Adrian. "You know, Eli talked about you. Said you're quite the character."

"Did he now?" Adrian responded, barely looking up from his phone, a smirk hiding at the corner of his lips. The manner in which she said it, the coy intonation, it was clear to him that she was laying out bait, hoping for some reaction. And frankly, he wasn't buying it.

What Eli had mentioned was how she'd up and left in a huff the morning after, leaving behind the warmth of his bed, and a hot breakfast he'd been out fetching for them both. Eli hadn't gone into specifics about their night, and Adrian wasn't interested in the lurid details. All he knew was that his brother was a stand-up guy, often too good for his own sake.

'And honestly, who the fuck turns down breakfast tacos?'

"He told me you bailed on him the morning after, even though he bought breakfast," Adrian remarked, voice filled with a pointed indifference, carefully observing the brat's reaction.

Trying to sidestep the accusation, Rachel quipped, "Oh, yeah. That was right before I bumped into you leaving our sorority house."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, mockingly playing along with her game. "Did you like the finger guns I blasted you with?" A hint of amusement laced his words. 

Rachel paused, her smugness momentarily disarmed. She scoffed, "Yeah, very smooth."

Cassie, who had been silently observing their exchange, decided to chime in, "Alright, got what you came for?"

Rachel, seemingly reminded of her initial purpose, nodded. "Yeah, thanks." She made her way towards the door, not without shooting another pointed look at Adrian.

As the door clicked shut, Adrian let out a light chuckle. "She's something, isn't she?"

Cassie leaned back, letting out a sigh. "A constant thorn in my ass is what she is."

They shared a moment of silence, interrupted only by the faint buzzing of Adrian's phone. He checked the message briefly and then set it aside.

"Do you think she's always like this, or just around me?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Cassie shrugged, "Rachel enjoys playing games. Always has. But I think she's upped her ante around you."

'Gee, I wonder why...' his ego asked.

He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Any particular reason?"

A wry smile formed on Cassie's lips, "Maybe she just likes tall men."

He rolled his eyes. "Very funny."

Cassie reached out, playfully nudging him. "Come on, it's not all bad. Besides, you handled her pretty well."

Adrian's smile had a touch of mischief to it. "I don't know, from how she was looking at me, I think she wanted me to handle her all night long."

Cassie blushed but retorted playfully, "Shut the fuck up," as she pulled him down to kiss her, angling towards the bed. Adrian gladly let her. The two fell into each other's arms, the tension from earlier dissipating into a familiar warmth and intimacy.

Just as they were about to rekindle their previous activities, Adrian's phone buzzed again. He glanced at it, it was Eli. He probably just woke up and saw that video of the fight. Despite his desire to stay, the spark they had earlier was dimming, overshadowed by Cassie's prissy roommate.

"I'm probably gonna go," Adrian said as he gently broke apart from Cassie, seeing her expression shift to one of disappointment.

"Really?" she asked, her voice carrying a mix of cuteness and sadness.

Before Adrian could respond, his phone rang, displaying Eli's name. He held up the phone to show Cassie before silencing it. With a playful grin, he picked her up and threw her onto the bed, her giggles echoing in the room.

"Blame her," he pointed toward the rest of the house, "not me." He said this with a lightness, but there was a hint of genuine regret in his tone as he left Cassie's room.

Walking towards the front door, he called Eli back, his footsteps steady and resolute. Rachel was lounging on the couch, her eyes tracking his every move. Adrian purposefully ignored her.

"You know, you don't have to leave because of me," Rachel called out, her voice laced with that familiar, bothersome tone.

Adrian paused for a brief moment, then replied without turning to face her, "I know, but now I want to."

As he stepped outside, the call connected. "Eli, what's up?"

"Man, I just saw the video," Eli's voice crackled through the phone.

"Yeah, you just wake up?" Adrian asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Yeah," Eli replied, the rustling of sheets audible. "You coming over?"

"Yeah, on my way now," Adrian said, the thought of diving back into their music project fueling a sense of excitement.

"Cool," was all Eli said before they hung up.

As Adrian reached Eli's dorm building, his phone buzzed again. The screen lit up with Dev's name.

"Hello?" Adrian answered.

"Yoooooooo, what you doing?" Dev's voice was a mixture of enthusiasm and casual curiosity.

"Nothing much, what about you?" Adrian asked as he pushed through the building's door.

"Just got back to our dorm, saw you were gone, so I called to ask what you're up to."

"I'm heading over to Eli's. You should come over," Adrian suggested, stepping into the elevator.

"Aight, on my way." Dev said and hung up.

Exiting the elevator, Adrian almost collided with Josh.

"Yo, and Batman himself," Josh greeted him with a smirk.

Adrian just rolled his eyes. "What does that make you, the Joker?"

"How the fuck am I the Joker?" Josh retorted with mock indignation.

"Well, if it wasn't for you and your two little friends, the guy in the blue hat and the girl with  hair, who couldn't keep her hands to herself, one could argue the video wouldn't have happened," Adrian pointed out, his tone laced with a blend of irritation and resignation.

Josh chuckled, unphased. "I would be honored to be the Joker to your Batman because, dude, that throw was epic. You've got some serious moves."

"You're lucky it wasn't you, you fucker," Adrian retorted, a hint of laughter in his voice as they parted ways.

"Next time, man," Josh shouted from across the hallway, stepping into the elevator. "I'll gladly let you throw me through a wall at the next shindig."

Adrian only shook his head, a smirk on his face, 

As he reached Eli's dorm and walked in. Eli, his twin, lay sprawled on his bed, laptop open beside him, a lit joint in hand. Adrian took a seat next to him, crossing his legs. Eli handed him the joint, which Adrian accepted with a nod.

"Hope you don't mind, but Dev's coming over too," Adrian said, exhaling a stream of smoke. He knew Eli wouldn't mind.

Eli simply shook his head, not bothered in the slightest. "The more ears, the better. Let's see what he thinks of our new tracks."

Dev entered, his presence filling the room with an added energy. "Yoo, Wassup"

Eli patted the bed beside him, signaling Dev to take a seat. "Just wait till you hear it, man."

Adrian passed the joint to Dev and turned his attention to the laptop. "Alright, let's give him a taste."

"Which one?" Eli asked eagerly. 

Adrian thought for a second, "Uhh, show him one of yours."

Eli clicked play, and the room was instantly filled with the sound of his latest track. The beat was deep and resonant, an intricate layering of sounds and rhythms that created an almost tangible atmosphere. Melodic lines intertwined with electronic effects, each element perfectly balanced to create a sound that was both fresh and familiar.

Dev listened intently, his head nodding along with the beat. His eyes were closed, fully immersing himself in the music. The track played out, a journey of sound that painted pictures in the mind's eye.

As the last notes faded, there was a moment of silence before Dev opened his eyes, his expression one of genuine awe. "Holy shit, guys. This is... it's unreal."

"Thanks, really appreciate it," Adrian said, his voice a mock of his usual monotone.

"You kid, but," Dev started, looking over at the laptop, its screen filled with complex lines of music and audio waveforms he barely understood, "I mean it, this shit goes fucking hard. How many other people have you shown this to?"

Eli thought for a moment, his gaze drifting. "No one, besides you. You tell anyone, Age?"

Adrian exhaled smoke from the joint and shook his head.

"How many tracks do you guys have?" Dev asked, clearly onto something.

"Uhh," Eli glanced back at the laptop, "about eight to ten, some need more cleaning up."

"Dude, next week at the frat, there's gonna be this huge party. You guys should seriously DJ it," Dev said, his excitement palpable.

"Oh, fuck," Adrian said with a dismissive chuckle, closing his eyes and taking another hit from the joint.

"Oh yeah?" Eli laughed, intrigued despite himself.

"Seriously," Dev insisted, "you guys obviously know what you're doing, and Jake mentioned that they don't have anyone yet."

Eli pondered it for a second. On one hand, he had never done anything like this before, but the thought of it, the thrill of DJing at a party, and potentially launching a career was enticing.

Eli looked over at Adrian, who still leaned back against the bed, eyes closed, not giving the idea any serious thought.

"Sure, I'd be down," Eli said, causing Adrian's eyes to fly open. "Only if Adrian is down too." He concluded with a shit-eating grin.

"You little shit," Adrian muttered, now with both Eli and Dev's eyes on him.

"Duuuude, do it," Dev urged.

"Duuuuude, no," Adrian shot back, just as animated.

"Come on, why not?" Dev pressed.

"I don't want to go to no fucking frat party, much less 'headline' one," Adrian retorted, the disdain in his voice clear.

Dev leaned forward, his enthusiasm undeterred. "But think about it, man. It's the perfect chance to get your music out there. Real people, real reactions, you love that shit"

Adrian opened his eyes, fixing them on the ceiling, a mix of reluctance and contemplation in his gaze. "It's not my scene, Dev. You know that."

Eli, sensing his brother's hesitation, chimed in. "He's got a point, though. When else are we gonna get a chance like this? Free audience, and if it sucks, we'll just get drunk and forget about it."

Adrian let out a long sigh before retorting, "No, YOU will get drunk and forget about it, I won't. And besides, I told you, I'm only doing this for the sake of it, something fun to do and blow off some steam while we are here at Oxford. Playing gigs or 'getting out there' was never in my plan, you know that."

Eli knew he was right. They had school to focus on, and he did say this was more an activity for the two brothers to do for fun together. Neither of them ever imagined playing in front of someone. But the more Eli thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He knew Dev was their friend and would be biased towards their music, but if it was really as good as he said it was, they should absolutely take that chance.

"You're right, you did say that, and I never did think about doing something like this," Eli started, the wheels turning in his head. "But think about it, it's a dumb frat house party, not exactly some local gig that will get noticed. And if you don't want to, we won't, but I really want to. And I want you there too."

Adrian sighed and put his head down. This was so fucking stupid. A frat house, rowdy drunk kids, a place that Adrian wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. Goddammit.

"Fine," Adrian said, his voice betraying his reluctance. Dev's and Eli's faces lit up with happiness.

"Why are they throwing a big party anyway?" Adrian asked, trying to temper their excitement with some practicality.

"It's Halloween," Dev said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Really?" Adrian asked, genuinely surprised. He knew it was October, but he hadn't realized it was already Halloween next week.

"Yeah, man," Dev continued, his enthusiasm undimmed. "It's perfect. Everyone will be in a party mood, dressed up, ready to have fun. And your music will be the cherry on top."

Adrian just nodded, still processing the idea of being part of such an event. It was so far out of his comfort zone, it might as well have been in a different universe.

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