The Concubine (Final Version)

Por Coletxxie

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"I'll do anything for you your Majesty" She said with cheeks stained tears, her lips are plump, red as the be... Más

The Concubine
Not an Update


290 17 0
Por Coletxxie


Dae stood by the door of the King's office awaiting her father to step out, someone told her father was inside, together with her older brother, whom she thinks she might have met once. Anyway she stood their perfectly stills while pulling at the skin of her thumb.... What was her good to say? Would he be proud of her? She wondered... She did as he want, married the king, then slept with him... Then soon enough she'll give him a child... A child?

She looks down at her belly and places her hand on top of it... Imagining her self round with child... The image doesn't sit well with and it made her shiver... She can't see herself pregnant. And what if she gave the king a daughter instead? Would that mean they would have to try again and again until she gave him one? But one if she had no son? Would that upset him?

Her train of thoughts were cut short when the door suddenly opened, the first one to step was a man well in his early 60's with greying hair, next to him who stepped out was... A young man, sharing the same look as Frederick, with reddish brown hair... The same one her father has.... This must be Marcus she thought. She licks her lower lip and corrected her stance, Marcus showed her a small smile that she wasn't expecting... She returned it, knowing that it was nothing but just for a show. The man who first stepped out greeted her and bowed... While Marcus walked closer to her.

"How are you dear sister?" He asked, she flinched when his hand touched her cheeks... His hand were warm, and though he was looking lovingly at her... Something about his action... Shouted warning at her... That he shouldn't be trusted.

"I... I am fine... How's father?" She asked him, trying to look behind him... He step aside to give her view just in time to see him stepping outside of the King's office. He still wear that stoic expression he always had with her.... But the moment his eyes met her... He showed her a little smile... This made her sigh in relief.

It only means one thing

She did good, he was pleased. She swallowed and Curtsy before greeting him.

"Father... I hope you have had a easy journey." He approached her and lean down to give her a kiss on her cheeks, this made her tense.... He never does that before... Was he that pleased?

"I have had a pleasant journey daughter... How are you? How is the wedding night? Did he hurt you?" Dae shakes her head, he was making a show... He was trying to make it look like he was a caring father to her.

"He didn't hurt me... Everything went fine... Will you be joining tomorrow's grand hunt?" She inquired, he hummed before looking behind him, she followed his gaze and she was surprised to see the princess, who looks just as surprised as her.

"Lady Dae... Are you alright? I thought you... weren't feeling well?" Princess Roshanne asked her... She looks back at her father before answering.

"No... I just need some rest that's all." She lied, she gave her a small smile, but the looks she gave her tells Daw that the princess doesn't believe her.

" May I greet his Majesty?" She asked her.... Roshanne raised her brow... But then she looks at Dae's father and realized something before nodding her head. Dae smiles and walked inside. The king quickly stood upon seeing her.

"My dear." She smiles at him and bows her head.

"My king." She greeted back..
She watched him as he makes his way closer to her... When close enough to her he leans down to kiss her on her lips... His lips lingers their for a moment longer, while Dae stood frozen, holding her breath... He stinks. She thought. When he pulled back she quickly wore the smile she was training to wear every time she sees him.

"How are you? Have you rest well enough?" He asked her... Dae tried not to wipe her lips with her hand.

"Yes I did your grace. I just came by to say hello... She looks behind her to see her father and the princess standing by the opened door. It looks like they didn't close it... The princess was giving her look... A look she could not decipher, but it was the look of her father the frightened her more. She looks back at the king.

" Would you... Require me tonight.... at your bed?" The king smiles at her questions, but she prayed to whoever Gods is there that is listening for the king not to require her for tonight.

" As much as I want my dear... There is a tradition that I must spent the next night with the queen." Dae was relieved... She's so relieved that she could cry at that moment.

"It's ok..." She looks behind her again to see if her father was still listening. He was still their... But the princess was gone, was she mad?

"Anyway, If you would please excuse me... I would like to catch up with my father and my brothers." The king did not hesitate to let her go, once outside her father offered his arm for her to take and together they walked to where his assigned room is... She ordered Neviska to wait for her outside his room while they talk inside. Once the door of their room was closed, her father had let go of his false bravado.

"You did well." Her father spoke as he walks towards the window. Her brother sat by the sofa and picked out his cigar.

"I thought you wouldn't do it... Knowing your frightful attitude I thought you would have made a fuss." Dae remained standing, he wasn't done yet... She knows that he isn't satisfied yet, he was pleased yes... But not satisfied.

"But tell me daughter of mine... Why are his concubines still walking and complete?" She swallowed, remembering the Vial her father had given her.

"I... I still couldn't find a chance to do it father, I wasn't still allowed inside the harem." She explained to him, not meeting his eyes.

"You would do it right?" He asked as he towers above her. Dae nods her head.

"Good, then... I am expecting a spectacle by the end of the month." That fast? Dae doesn't know if she could do it that fast, but knowing her father, if she said she can't do it... He would end up beating her within inch of her life. So instead she nods.

"Very well... Let us continue this conversation tomorrow." He stated dismissing her, Dae said her goodnight, but before leaving she cast Marcus one last glance, he was still staring at her like she was something... Interesting, it was like a predator making eye contact with a prey... But Dae didn't dwell into to much thought regarding him... All she knows is she has to leave. Once outside the room Neviska quickly approached her.

"My lady... The princess requested you go to her room this instant... She told me to tell you she won't be taking no for an answer." Of course... She almost forgot about the princess.

She knocks twice before opening the door of the princess room... She was standing by the window, the room was dimly lit, the only source of light was the hearth. And the room of the princess smells different, a kind scent that is sweet and warm.

"How are you lady Dae?" The princess asked, before pulling the curtain close... She swallowed, why does it felt so hot in the room? Was it because of the windows being closed?

"I'm fine your highness." She answered without meeting her eyes, she felt ashamed, after all the princess was their to witness as she and the king consummated their wedding. And she was their to seek how she Chickened out of it. How she begged for her to help her... She must have looked so stupid.

"Are you mad at me?" The Princess asked before approaching, She flinched when the princess held her hand before touching the bracelet that she had given her.

"I demand you to tell me the truth." Dae suddenly felt a huge lump on her throat. It was painful, the more she remained silent the more it hurts.

" I.... I wasn't your grace." She told her... Only then did the pain lessen. She was confused.

" You aren't?" The princess asked, and she nods her head in confirmation.

" Tell me your feeling... Tell me honestly. "Roshanne told her, and there it was again. She tried to swallow but it won't go, she tried to pull away from her but he princess kept her firm grip on her.

" I... I was ashamed your highness, ashamed that you had to see me like that... Though I am also hurt... That you have turned your back on me." She admitted, her face burned with more shame at having to admit her feelings, her true feelings... She wanted to lie, to hide the fact, but she couldn't... Maybe it was because she was talking directly to a descendant of a God... Of maybe the Princess really is a deity. The princess smiled at her.

"Forgive me then... Forgive me if you felt betrayed by me... I did not meant to turn my back on you... Trust me the only reason why I left is because.... " The princess looked at her straight in the eyes... There was pure sincerity in her gaze, but there was also unrestrained fury showing... The princess may have been a impassive person... But her eyes... It is her eyes that spoke a lot of word.

" Because?" She asked The princess took a deep breath before speaking.

"I cannot bear it... I cannot be a witness to such... Deplorable action." The princess told her.

" I wanted to help, trust me I did... But I... We cannot risk ourselves, to stop him means to ask for death... I hope you understand." Dae nods her head, of course she understands... It would totally be foolish of her if she did tried to do something.

"But I promise... I would do everything as long as it in my power, from stopping him into bedding you again." Dae was surprised when the princess bows her head and kissed her knuckles before putting it against her forehead... In her kingdom's customs, that is the utmost show of respect as well as promise. It made her heart pound.

"I.... Thank you your highness." She told her... Roshanne stood straight and smiles at her. Before her eyes traveled down to her neck and touched it, she flinched and wince when the princess made contact with her wound. She didn't know that the make up that Neviska had been smudge.

"Show me." The princess whispered to her. Dae shakes her head and stepped back.

" It's fine." She told her ready to excuse herself but the princess was not having it, she pulled her back, this time closer to her more.

" Show me." She demanded. Dae stared at her for a moment longer contemplating weather she should adhere to her demands or not.

"I felt it inappropriate to do so your highness." She tried again, but Roshanne shakes her head.

"We are friends, are we not? Friends care for one another. Now please, let me see."  The princess pulled her one last time, and that's when Dae had finally caved in, she nods her head giving permission. Roshanne smiles and squeeze her hand.

" Turn around." The princess told her, Dae turned around and let the Princess untie the laces that held her dress together. The princess made a gentle work in the laces, she pulled it until the dress became loose, then she made her face her again before Roshanne pulled her dress down... Dae's face reddened and she tried her best to hide her body, her... Wounded body. She looks down her feet unwilling to look and see what the princess's expression was.

"He did that?" The princess asked her before slowly touching her bare body, it made Dae flinched and winced whenever she would touch a sore spot.

"Yes your highness." She told her... Roshanne swallowed, her hand stopped specifically on her waist, were a visible hand print and nail wounds could be seen.

"He grip on your like an animal." she whispered before her hand then held her hand she looked at Dae's bruised wrist, he had held her down by the wrist at one point that night.

"And bit into you like the rabid dog he is." The princess whispered before pulling her closer to her... The next thing Dae had felt was the princess soft lips against her own, she was completely startled. She remained frozen while the princess had closed her eyes. The she saw it, her hair glowing like the sun, Dae then closed her eyes because the brightness was blinding, then she felt the princess's tongue asking for entrance, but Dae was unsure weather she should do this or not. Though she hadn't had time to think of it when the princess bit her lower lip before pulling back, when she gasp, the princess had used that chance to shove her tongue inside her.

Dae's head swam, her whole body heating up like never before, something about the way the princess moved her tongue inside her mouth feels so wrong, feels so lewd yet it felt so good. What is going on? She thought. A sound escape from her lips when the princess shoved her tongue further down, like she was desperately consuming her. Gods! Is this what it felt like going to heaven? If it is then Dae would gladly die every day just to get a glimpse of it.

"Breath..." Dae slowly opened her eyes when she heard the princess spoke.

"Huh?" She asked confused, why did she stop?

"I said breath sweet girl... Your going to pass out." The princess added, she nods her head and breathed through her nose, she didn't even notice that she stopped.

"What is this for?" She asked her, the princess places her hand on her shoulder and pulled her back closer to her.

"Kissing is the fastest way for me to heal you." The princess stated before placing her lips on hers again, Dae closes her eyes once more and allowed the princess to do as she pleases, but this time, she reciprocated the kiss... The princess opened her mouth allowing Dae to peek in her own, the princess tasted of sweet honey dew, she grips the princess waist and tried to pull her even closer. She gasp again when the princess suddenly grip her hair and pulled her head back.

"Hush girl... You're getting greedy."The princess stated, Dae's face redden.

"I... Pray forgive me your highness, I... I did not meant to do it." Roshanne smiles and pulled back from her, Dae suddenly felt weak, her knees were shaking.

"There... There your good, all healed up." The princess stated, and only then, did Dae had noticed that the pain in her body, had completely disappeared, the bruises were gone, and so is the mark of the king.

"Let me help you get dressed." The princess murmured to her, Dae silently nods her head, still feeling high with the feeling of the princess lips against her own. The whole time the princess was putting on her dress Dae was spacing out, the image of the princess' face and the feeling of her lips were burned against her mind.

"There all fine." Dae turned back to the princess who was now smiling.

"Now I'll have to tell you that you will be transferring tomorrow to Harem... Because that's the permanent residence of my father's concubines is." The princess told her, Dae's brow furrow, although she had already knew about it, still she feels like it's too soon... If she moves their... She wouldn't be able to see her more often.

"I... I don't want to." She told her making Roshanne brow raised, the smile disappears from her lips and it was replaced by a thin line... A look of irateness, and Dae wasn't used to seeing that kind of look.

"Oh? I didn't know you have choice." The statement made Dae visibly wince, she looks away from the princess.

" I... I'm just scared." She told her... The princess didn't speak for a moment, but then she heard her sigh.

" There's nothing to be afraid of... Just do as I say and no harm will come to you." The princess had promised, she don't wanna doubt her... But Dae... Dae is only a human, a child still and fear is what often cloud her judgement.

"Would you still visit me?" She asked, the princess smiled then.

"Of course... I would, what makes you think I'll stop?" The princess slowly approached her, then she tucked Dae's hair behind her ear.

" Didn't I promise your freedom in exchange for your cooperation... Aren't we friends? I'll do everything in my power to free you from your father's clutch and in return you'll help me get the throne." Dae's brow furrowed.

" How am I supposed to do that?" She tilts her head to the side, that's seems to be an impossible job, Dae had no experience, had no power, had no influence, so how? The princess smile and leans down.

" That, we will discuss tomorrow, I think it's time for me to let you on in my plans.... But could I trust you? Could i count on you into keeping this a secret?" The princess eyes bore against Dae as if she's peering inside her very soul. Dae gulped, although a bit hesitant she still nods her head agreeing to what the princess had wanted.

" Great! Then I'll see you tomorrow afternoon after you moved in. Come meet me in the parlor room." The princess said as she guided her towards the door, she opened the door for Dae and gently ushered her out.

" Good night Lady Dae." The princess whispered before she closes the door.

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