Transformers: Prime: Resurgen...

Door MelSpyRose

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In this fanfic, set a month after Transformers: Prime: Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, Ultra Magnus steps up... Meer

Chapter 1: A New Dawn
Chapter 2: Whispers of Fate
Chapter 3: Old Faces
Chapter 4: Reunion
Chapter 5: A New Friend
Chapter 6: The Meeting
Chapter 7: Old Wounds
Chapter 8: Facing Mayhem
Chapter 9: Superpowered
Chapter 10: Energon Crusade
Chapter 12: Sentinel Major
Chapter 13: Love Triangle
Chapter 14: The Friend Zone
Chapter 15: Out For Love

Chapter 11: Evasive Action

137 2 3
Door MelSpyRose

The Autobot base in Retoris hummed with activity as the main computer blared like a red alert, signaling the presence of Decepticon life signals heading towards Cybertron. Ultra Magnus, the stalwart leader of the Autobots, strode purposefully towards the computer console, his optics narrowing as he took in the grim news.

"Decepticons on approach to Cybertron," Ultra Magnus announced, his voice commanding attention. "They're targeting the Energon reserves at Kaon."

Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Prowl, Jazz, and even the newly recruited Bombast gathered around Ultra Magnus, their expressions grim with determination.

"We can't let them get their hands on that Energon," Arcee declared, her voice tinged with urgency.

Ultra Magnus nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Prowl, Jazz, Bombast, you're all on this mission. We must stop the Decepticons before they can do more damage." Just as Ultra Magnus finished speaking, Smokescreen, the Autobot rookie, stepped forward, determination burning bright in his optics. "I'll go too. With my new superpowers, I can help take down the Decepticons."

Ultra Magnus hesitated, his optics flickering with concern. "Smokescreen, this mission is too dangerous. We don't know the full extent of your abilities yet." But Smokescreen stood his ground, his resolve unwavering. "I can do this, Ultra Magnus. Please, let me help." After a moment of tense silence, Ultra Magnus relented with a heavy sigh. "Very well, Smokescreen. But be careful. We can't afford to lose any more Autobots."

Smokescreen grinned with excitement. "Awesome!"

With a wave of his hand, Knockout, the Autobot medic, and ex-Decepticon opened the ground bridge portal, and the team of Autobots followed Ultra Magnus as they transformed and rolled out, their engines roaring with determination as they raced towards Kaon, ready to confront Switchblade and his Decepticon troops head-on.

As the Autobots journeyed towards Kaon, the atmosphere pulsated with tension, electrically charged with the anticipation of conflict. The air carried the distinct aroma of Energon, its essence thick and potent, mingling with the promise of imminent battle. Meanwhile, Switchblade and his Decepticons operated with practiced efficiency, swiftly gathering Energon cubes and loading them onto their transports.

"Slipstream," called Switchblade, his voice a low rumble amidst the mechanical hum of activity. "Any sign of the Autobots?"

"Not yet, General," replied Slipstream, her optics scanning the horizon. "The Seekers and I continue to scour the skies for any trace of our adversaries."

"Then let us expedite the transfer of Energon to our starship before they intercept us," commanded Switchblade, his resolve unyielding.

"General Switchblade," interrupted Mayhem, his tone urgent.

Switchblade turned his attention to the Decepticon scientist, his optics narrowing with impatience. "What is it now, Mayhem?"

"I have been devising a device capable of neutralizing Smokescreen's newfound powers," Mayhem explained hastily. "However, should the Autobots arrive and bring Smokescreen with them, I have formulated a contingency plan."

From the shadows emerged Mindwipe, his presence ominous yet calculated.

"General Switchblade," announced Mayhem, gesturing towards the bat-like Decepticon. "This is Mindwipe. He possesses the power of hypnosis, a formidable asset in our endeavor."

Switchblade acknowledged Mindwipe with a nod of recognition. "Mindwipe, your talents may prove invaluable in our current predicament." Mindwipe inclined his head respectfully. "Mayhem has informed me of the situation. I believe my abilities can aid us in crushing Smokescreen and extracting the Super Energon from his body."

Before further discussion could ensue, Acid Storm's urgent voice cut through the tension like a jagged shard of metal. "General Switchblade! The Autobots are coming! They are en route to our location as we speak." As the Autobots, led by Ultra Magnus, arrived at the outskirts of Kaon, their presence was met with a chilling stillness that belied the impending clash of metal and circuitry. Arcee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Bombast, Wheeljack, Prowl, and Jazz stood alongside their leader, their resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.

Ultra Magnus stepped forward, his towering frame casting a shadow over the desolate landscape. His voice, resonant and commanding, rang out across the barren terrain.

"Switchblade," he called out, his tone measured yet firm. "The war is over. Surrender now, and spare your Decepticons further needless destruction."

Switchblade, flanked by his loyal followers, regarded Ultra Magnus with a mix of disdain and defiance. His optics gleamed with unyielding determination as he responded, his voice laced with contempt.

"Ultra Magnus," he sneered, his words dripping with scorn. "You Autobots always prattle on about peace and surrender. But we Decepticons will never relinquish our quest for power and dominion over this universe."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Switchblade issued his command to his assembled forces. "Decepticons, attack! Show these Autobots the folly of their ideals!"

In an instant, the tranquility of the surroundings shattered, replaced by the cacophony of clashing metal and the crackle of energon weapons. Arcee darted gracefully through the chaos, her blades slicing through the air with deadly precision. Bulkhead unleashed his formidable strength, pulverizing any Decepticon foolish enough to cross his path. Smokescreen, his newfound powers crackling with energy, danced amidst the fray, a blur of speed and agility.

Bumblebee, Bombast, Wheeljack, Prowl, and Jazz fought with a synchronicity born of years of camaraderie and battle-hardened experience, each bringing their unique skills to bear against their adversaries.

Ultra Magnus stood at the heart of the maelstrom, a beacon of unwavering resolve amidst the chaos. With every blow struck, and every adversary vanquished, the Autobots pressed forward, determined to bring an end to the conflict once and for all. As the battle raged on, Smokescreen unleashed the full extent of his newfound abilities, his form a blur of motion as he darted through the chaos. With superhuman strength, he effortlessly subdued Acid Storm and the Decepticon Seekers, their attacks futile against his enhanced prowess. His super speed allowed him to outmaneuver their every strike, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable to his onslaught. With a swift flurry of blows, Smokescreen incapacitated his adversaries, rendering them immobile amidst the fray.

Meanwhile, Bombast and Wheeljack coordinated their assault with precision, lobbing grenades with deadly accuracy at their Decepticon foes. Each explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, scattering their adversaries and leaving chaos in their wake. The combined efforts of Bombast's explosive firepower and Wheeljack's ingenious weaponry turned the tide of battle in favor of the Autobots, decimating the Decepticon ranks with each well-placed detonation.

Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Jazz, and Prowl fought valiantly against the remaining Decepticons, their teamwork and determination unmatched. Bulkhead's immense strength sent tremors through the earth as he pulverized his adversaries with bone-shaking force. Bumblebee darted nimbly through the chaos, his agility and speed allowing him to evade enemy attacks and strike with pinpoint accuracy. Jazz's fluid movements and martial prowess kept his opponents off-balance, his energon blades flashing in the dim light of the battlefield. Prowl, ever the tactician, analyzed the battlefield with precision, his strategic maneuvers guiding his allies to victory with calculated efficiency.

At the heart of the conflict, Ultra Magnus and Arcee faced off against Switchblade, their determination unwavering in the face of their formidable adversary. Ultra Magnus, his stoic demeanor a mask for his inner resolve, clashed with Switchblade with relentless determination, each blow exchanged with calculated precision. Arcee, her movements fluid and graceful, matched Switchblade blow for blow, her energon blades flashing as she pressed the attack.

As the battle reached its crescendo, the combined efforts of the Autobots proved too much for the Decepticons to withstand. With a final, decisive blow, Ultra Magnus and Arcee incapacitated Switchblade, his defeat signaling the end of the conflict. As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the distance, the Autobots stood victorious, their unity and determination prevailing against the forces of darkness once more.

As the battle raged on, a new threat emerged in the form of Conduit, a formidable Decepticon warrior intent on turning the tide of the conflict. With lightning crackling from his fingertips, Conduit launched a devastating assault on Ultra Magnus, his attacks raining down with relentless fury. Ultra Magnus, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, found himself struggling to fend off Conduit's relentless barrage.

Sensing her leader's peril, Arcee redoubled her efforts to take down Switchblade, her energon blades flashing with renewed determination. Yet, Switchblade, undeterred by her aggression, found himself captivated by her resilience and grace in battle. Despite the chaos surrounding them, he couldn't help but admire her strength and beauty, a sentiment he voiced with a sly grin.

"You know, for a female Autobot, you look positively gorgeous," Switchblade remarked, his tone laced with flirtation as he parried Arcee's strikes with ease. "It's a shame you're on the wrong side of this conflict."

Arcee, her focus unwavering despite Switchblade's distractions, deflected his flattery with a dismissive snarl, her resolve unshaken by his attempts to unsettle her.

"Save your charm for someone who's actually interested," she retorted, her voice dripping with disdain as she continued to press the attack.

As Switchblade and Arcee clashed amidst the chaos of battle, their conflict served as a microcosm of the larger struggle between Autobot and Decepticon. With every strike exchanged and every word spoken, the fate of their respective factions hung in the balance, their destinies intertwined in a dance of war and honor.

As the battle continued to unfold, Wheeljack and Bulkhead found themselves locked in combat against the formidable duo of Shellshock and Deadheat. The Decepticon warriors fought with relentless ferocity, their attacks calculated and precise as they sought to overwhelm their Autobot adversaries. Wheeljack's ingenuity and Bulkhead's raw strength proved to be a formidable combination, their coordinated efforts keeping the Decepticons at bay as they traded blows amidst the chaos of battle.

Meanwhile, Jazz and Prowl faced off against the cunning duo of Drive-By and Hotwire, their strategic minds working in tandem to outmaneuver their opponents. Drive-By's speed and Hotwire's technological prowess posed a formidable challenge, but Jazz and Prowl remained undeterred, their years of experience on the battlefield guiding their every move.

Bumblebee and Bombast found themselves locked in a fierce struggle against the relentless onslaught of Rampart and Contagion. The Decepticon duo fought with ruthless efficiency, their attacks relentless as they sought to overpower their Autobot adversaries. Yet, Bumblebee's agility and Bombast's explosive firepower proved to be a potent combination, their coordinated assault keeping the Decepticons on the defensive as they fought tooth and nail for victory.

Amidst the chaos, Smokescreen found himself face-to-face with his archenemy, Mayhem, accompanied by the sinister presence of Mindwipe. The bat-like Decepticon wasted no time in unleashing his hypnotic powers, his gaze piercing into Smokescreen's optics as he sought to ensnare his mind in a web of darkness.

"Sleep, Autobot," Mindwipe whispered, his voice a sibilant hiss as he attempted to subdue Smokescreen's will.

But before Mindwipe could complete his sinister task, Bumblebee leaped into action, his determination fueling his every move as he intervened to save his comrade. With a swift strike, he disrupted Mindwipe's hypnotic trance, his resolve unwavering as he stood by Smokescreen's side, ready to lend his strength in the battle against darkness.

Together, Bumblebee and Smokescreen stood firm, their bond unbreakable as they faced down the forces of evil, ready to defy the odds and emerge victorious once more. As the tide of battle turned against the Autobots, Smokescreen's keen optics scanned the battlefield, taking in the dire situation. Seeing his comrades outnumbered and outmatched by the Decepticons, a surge of determination coursed through him. With a decisive nod to himself, he knew what needed to be done.

"Autobots! We're outnumbered! FALL BACK!!" Ultra Magnus shouted.

Activating his super speed, Smokescreen dashed towards the looming silhouette of the Decepticon starship, the Leviathan. His muscles bulged with newfound strength as he unleashed a flurry of devastating blows upon its hull, each strike fueled by his unwavering resolve to prevent the Decepticons from escaping.

Ultra Magnus, recognizing the perilous situation, issued the order to retreat, his voice carrying the weight of command amidst the chaos of battle. As the Autobots began to fall back, Ultra Magnus's optics caught sight of Smokescreen's daring gambit.

"Smokescreen, fall back! That's an order!" he bellowed, his voice tinged with urgency.

But before Smokescreen could heed his leader's command, a searing blast from Mayhem's ion blaster pierced the air, striking the Autobot rookie squarely in the chest. With a pained cry, Smokescreen plummeted from the sky, his descent halted only by the timely intervention of Bombast.

With a powerful leap, Bombast soared into the air, catching Smokescreen before he could meet the unforgiving ground below. Together, they made their escape as Ultra Magnus and the remaining Autobots retreated through a ground bridge portal, leaving behind the chaos of battle.

As the dust settled and the echoes of conflict faded into the distance, Switchblade and his Decepticons reveled in their apparent victory. Yet, their triumph was short-lived as they discovered the extent of Smokescreen's sabotage. With their starship damaged and their escape thwarted, Switchblade and his forces were left to lick their wounds and regroup, their plans for conquest thwarted once again.

With the Autobots safely back at their base, the battle may have been lost, but the war was far from over. As they tended to their wounded and prepared for the challenges that lay ahead, they knew that their resolve would see them through whatever trials awaited them in the days to come.

Bulkhead's voice boomed with concern as he addressed Smokescreen, his optics narrowing with worry. "Smokescreen, what were you thinking? You could've gotten killed back there!"

Smokescreen's optics dimmed slightly as he faced the reproach of his teammate, but he held his ground, his voice tinged with defiance. "I damaged the Decepticon starship, didn't I? You're welcome!"

Ultra Magnus stepped forward, his authoritative presence commanding attention as he reprimanded Smokescreen. "When I give an order that you fall back, you do as I command. Understood?"

Smokescreen's resolve faltered under Ultra Magnus's stern gaze, and he offered a contrite nod. "I'm sorry, sir. And I'm sorry, guys. I was just trying to use my superpowers to help us defeat the 'Cons."

Bumblebee stepped forward, his tone gentle yet firm as he addressed Smokescreen. "We appreciate you trying to help us, Smokescreen. But we were seriously outnumbered by the enemy and we had to retreat or else we'd be scrap metal."

Prowl added his perspective, his words measured and wise. "Just because you're gifted with powers, Smokescreen doesn't make you invincible."

Jazz nodded in agreement, his expression sympathetic. "He's right, kid. You need to learn how to use your powers wisely and how to use them properly."

Smokescreen's shoulders slumped with the weight of his disappointment. "I thought that I could help us defeat the Decepticons. But even after I'm gifted with superpowers, I'm still a reckless rookie who always gets everyone into trouble even in the face of danger."

Wheeljack offered a reassuring smile, his voice laced with understanding. "Hey, hey. Don't beat yourself up, Smokescreen. We all make mistakes. You were only trying to help us. I know that I've made a few mistakes in the past."

Arcee spoke up, her tone gentle yet firm. "You did the right thing when you damaged the Leviathan, Smokescreen. But Jazz is right, you need to learn to use your powers wisely."

Bombast, ever the optimist, offered words of encouragement to his fellow Autobot. "Hey, don't worry, Smokescreen. You're young and you're still learning. I was a reckless rookie too when I was a student at the Autobot Academy before I learned how to improve myself. You'll get the hang of it eventually."

Smokescreen offered a grateful smile to Bombast, his spark uplifted by the support of his teammates. "Thank you, Bombast."

Bumblebee's concern was palpable as he continued the conversation, his voice tinged with worry. "Smokescreen, who was that bat-like Decepticon that hypnotized you?"

Smokescreen's expression clouded with uncertainty as he recalled the encounter. "I don't know. But the way he looked at me, I couldn't resist his gaze."

Ultra Magnus, ever the repository of knowledge, stepped forward to provide clarity. "I believe that would be Mindwipe."

Smokescreen's confusion deepened. "Who?"

Jazz interjected his voice grave with the weight of past encounters. "Mindwipe. The Decepticon with the power of hypnosis. I've dealt with him before during the Great War. He hypnotized me and Prowl before Ironhide came to free us from his influence. Mindwipe can hypnotize and control other people's minds with a single gaze from his red optics. You were lucky that Bumblebee saved you, Smokescreen. Otherwise, you would've been under Mindwipe's control."

The revelation sent a shiver down Smokescreen's chassis. "A Decepticon that can hypnotize people?! That sounds spooky."

Arcee, still processing her encounter with Switchblade, interjected with a mixture of disbelief and indignation. "I still can't believe that Switchblade flirted with me while we were fighting."

Ratchet, ever the voice of reason, offered a pragmatic perspective. "Well, he's never going to do that again, Arcee."

Ultra Magnus, his focus on the safety of his team unwavering, issued a directive to ensure Arcee's protection. "I suggest that we keep Arcee away from Switchblade just to make sure we keep her safe. From what I know, Switchblade is a seducer who will capture a beautiful fembot and add her to his harem."

With the threat of Mindwipe and Switchblade looming large, the Autobots knew that they must remain vigilant and united against the dangers that lay ahead. As they regrouped and strategized for the battles yet to come, their bond as a team grew stronger, forged in the crucible of conflict and adversity.

Bumblebee's optics brightened with hope as he turned to Ultra Magnus. "Sir, do you think Knockout and I could help teach Smokescreen how to use his powers properly?"

Ultra Magnus considered the suggestion carefully, his gaze sweeping over the assembled Autobots. "That's an excellent idea, Bumblebee. We can all lend our expertise to assist Smokescreen in mastering his abilities."

Knockout nodded in agreement, his interest piqued by the opportunity to share his knowledge. "Absolutely. I'd be happy to offer my expertise in harnessing superpowers."

Smokescreen's optics widened with gratitude as he realized the support he had from his teammates. "Thank you, sir. Thank you, Knockout, Bumblebee, and everyone else. I promise to do my best to learn and improve."

Arcee stepped forward, her determination evident in her voice. "We'll make sure you're well-prepared for whatever comes our way, Smokescreen. You're part of this team, and we'll all help you become the best Autobot you can be."

Ultra Magnus nodded in approval, his voice resonant with confidence. "Together, we'll ensure that Smokescreen's powers are used responsibly and effectively. Autobots, let's rally around our rookie and help him unlock his full potential."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the Autobots gathered around Smokescreen, united in their commitment to his training. As they began their preparations, the promise of a brighter future filled the air, their collective strength and determination shining as brightly as the stars above.

As the Autobots circled Smokescreen, their camaraderie and determination were palpable. Bumblebee stepped forward, a spark of enthusiasm igniting in his optics. "Let's start by focusing on one aspect of your powers at a time, Smokescreen. We'll help you understand how to control them and use them effectively in battle."

Knockout chimed in, his voice smooth and confident. "Indeed. Each of us has unique abilities that we can share with you. With our guidance, you'll learn to channel your powers with precision and purpose."

Smokescreen nodded eagerly, his determination fueling his resolve. "I'm ready to learn, to become the best Autobot I can be."

Arcee placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We believe in you, Smokescreen. And remember, it's not just about mastering your powers, but also about using them to protect others and fight for what's right."

Ultra Magnus, observing the scene with pride, spoke with unwavering confidence. "With dedication and teamwork, there's nothing we can't accomplish. Let's begin our training, Autobots. Together, we'll ensure that Smokescreen rises to his full potential and becomes a true asset to our cause."

With a collective nod of agreement, the Autobots formed a circle around Smokescreen, their unity and determination a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. As they delved into the intricacies of harnessing his powers, a sense of purpose filled the air, driving them forward on their journey to greatness.


Meanwhile, at Kaon...

In the heart of Kaon, amidst the echoes of battle and the hum of machinery, the Decepticons toiled tirelessly to repair their battered starship, the Leviathan. Switchblade, their stalwart leader, oversaw the operation with a mixture of frustration and determination etched into the lines of his metallic visage.

Beside him stood Mindwipe, the bat-like Decepticon, his optics ablaze with frustration as he vented his displeasure. "I was this close to hypnotizing Smokescreen and putting him to sleep to capture him!"

Switchblade's response was terse, his disappointment palpable. "Yes, you almost had him. But you failed miserably. Thanks to Mayhem's stupidity, the Autobots now have a super soldier in their ranks."

Mayhem, the Decepticon scientist responsible for Smokescreen's augmentation, hung his helm in shame as he acknowledged his failure. "I know I messed up when I gave Smokescreen superpowers, but I promise you that I will work on a serum that will undo the SupEn's effects on him. I will also make more of that Super Energon to boost the strength of our troops."

Switchblade fixed Mayhem with a steely gaze, his voice carrying a warning. "You better not fail on your science experiments, Mayhem. We need more of that super soldier serum if we are to crush the Autobots."

Amidst the conversation, Drive-By, one of Switchblade's trusted crew members, stepped forward with a report. "General Switchblade. We were able to harvest enough Energon as we speak. As for our starship, it is damaged but luckily it wasn't destroyed completely. We will repair it by the end of the weekend."

Switchblade's optics gleamed with determination as he outlined their next course of action. "Then we must work on repairing the Leviathan before we can make our next move."

Swindle, ever the opportunist, seized the moment to inquire about their future plans. "And what is our next move, sir?"

Switchblade's response was chilling in its intensity, his voice reverberating with unbridled ambition. "We will capture Smokescreen, remove the Super Energon from his body, and use the Super Energon to increase our strength. We will destroy the Autobots when we find their base, collect the Enigma of Combination and use it to create Decepticon Combiners, and then we will conquer Cybertron and soon, we will have a new leader who can take Megatron's place as our new lord and master and the galaxy will fear the might of the Decepticons once again. The Decepticons will rise again and we shall finally have our revenge!"

With Switchblade's declaration ringing in their audio receptors, the Decepticons redoubled their efforts, their determination unwavering as they prepared to unleash their wrath upon the unsuspecting Autobots. In the shadows of Kaon, a storm was brewing, and soon, its fury would be unleashed upon all who dared to oppose the might of the Decepticons.

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