Always A fool..

By Sta1k3d

29.4K 431 2.5K

THANKS FOR ALMOST 20K READS Sanemi is a player. He dates people for up to a month and then dumps them for ano... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Nine

1.1K 16 90
By Sta1k3d

Tomioka pov:

I woke up, yawning and getting out of bed.

Sanemi wasn't in bed. He must've been cooking.

I changed my clothes, wearing a sweater and a pair of baggy jeans.

'Morning, I thought you were an early bird?' Sanemi asked with a sarcastic smile.

'Usually, I don't know why I'm so tired, probably just lack of sleep, I guess' I said, sitting at the table and placing my head down, using my arms as a pillow.

I watched sanemi as he cooked.

'Where are the two boys?' I asked, and sanemi shrugged.

'Probably still asleep. Do you want to go wake them up?' Sanemi asked me with a polite smile.

I nodded, getting up and going over to genyas' room.

'Knock knock,' I say, knocking on the door.

'Did you just say knock knock?!' Sanemi asked while laughing.

'Oh, shut up! I'm coming in genya.' I spoke softer to genya than when I spoke to sanemi.

I opened the door slowly, except when I opened it up I smiled softly.

The two boys were cuddled on the bed, sanemi laying spread out on his back, like a starfish.

Muichiro had his arms wrapped around genyas torso, clinging onto him like a starfish that was in love.

I quickly grabbed my phone, snapping a photo so I could show the girls when they texted me.

Actually, hold that thought. They haven't texted me yet.

I looked through my contacts, not being able to find their numbers anywhere.

I put my phone away, still confused.

I'll have to ask sanemi after about it. Maybe he knows.

I woke up the two boys. They fought slightly at first except eventually came out for breakfast.

'Tomioka, are you eating with us this time?' sanemi asked me.

'No, I'm not really hungry.. oh- do you know why I can't find my friends' contacts on my phone?' I asked sanemi.

He paused for a moment. It was kind of suspicious.

'Sanemi..?' I asked him reluctantly.

'Huh? Oh no, I don't. Sorry, I spaced out for a second, admiring how pretty you are'
He flirted with me.

'Oh ew! That's disgusting! Sanemi, I'm not gay!' I yelled at me, hitting his head slightly hard.

'Rejection hits hard,' he sighed. 'I'm going to call sabito. Maybe he knows. I'll be in your room,' I said to him.

'Might as well call it OUR room!' Sanemi said flirtatious.

'You are revolting!' I fired back at him.

I shut the door, dialing sabitos phone number.

After a few rings, he picked up.

'Ye-low!' Sabitos voice came from the phone.

'Are the girls mad at me or something..? I think they might very blocked me, I could find their numbers anywhere. Also, same with gyutaros,' I said to him quietly, worried that I did something to upset my friends.

'I don't know what I did except I want to apologize - are they with you? Guys, I'm sorry! I have no clue what I did!' I said into the phone, panic racing around the room.

I could hear sabito whispering a bit and then the girls' voices coming through the phone, along with gyutaros.

'Hey GIYUU, we are sorry. We just DONT have the time to talk right now. We TRUST that you feel safe in the house with SANEMI, right?' I heard makomo say.

'Yeah... BUT i'm having a good time, I am getting really close with sanemis Little Brother genya.
I LOVE genya and his boyfriend. SANEMI has also been quite a delight to be around.' I said, sending her the hidden message back.

'DONT be worried, we are having quite a good time with sabito and Shinobu. We hope that we can SAY hello to you when we return. THAT would be devastating if we couldn't come back.' I heard daki say as well.

'I have to go. They are calling for me, I'll talk to you guys later,' I said to them, and they hung up.

Why can't I trust sanemi? Why couldn't they tell me straight up?

This is so confusing, and for what?

'Tomioka?' I heard sanemi call for me again.

'Coming!' I replied, heading to the kitchen where they were.

'Foods done, come eat,' sanemi said, sitting down after putting a place in front of an empty chair.

I looked at the food.

I didn't exactly trust it. What if sanemi put pills in my food? Or laced it with rat poison?

'I'm not hungry, thanks though,' I said with a small smile.

'Come eat!' Muichiro said, grabbing my sleeve and pulling it down first.

'Okay, why don't you try a bite first for me?' I said, giving him a small portion and putting it on his plate.

'Okay!' Muichiro said, eating it.

I waited for a minute, and nothing happened, so I smelt it before I started to eat.

'Did you just smell the food?' Sanemi asked me with an amused smile.

'Sorry, old habits,' I muttered under my breath, poking at my food gently.

'Habits? What kind of habit is that?' Genya laughed.

'I... used to be a taste tester?' I lied through my teeth.

'Oh cool, what did you taste test?' Genya asked me, actually believing it.

'Food..?' I mumbled, starting to feel it was getting slightly harder to lie.

'Well, yeah- what kind of foods?' Genya asked me.

'I wasn't professional, I taste tested for.. my parents?' I said, looking down at my food and putting some in my mouth, a small portion.

I didn't want to eat too many calories, after all.. I was getting pretty fat.

'Oh, that's cool. They made you.. sniff it?' Genya laughed.

'My dad wasn't exactly the best cook,' I said, watching as everybody finished eating.

I quickly stated that I was full, saying that I couldn't eat anymore.

I could probably eat more, I only took like.. ten bites.

'Oh, you get full very easily! I would have to eat a whole entire cow before I get full!' Muichido said with a big smile, grabbing his boyfriends, genyas hand and swinging it high up into the air and back down again, repeating this action over and over again.

'I wish I was able to eat a whole cow.' I laughed, patting his head gently, and he smiled.

He pulled genya into genyas' room and locked it.

'You weren't really a taste tester, were you?'sanemi asked me.

'No, but why would I tell them? They don't have to know MY problems,' I said with a soft smile.

'Okay, well, I was wondering if you wanted to go skating with me today?' Sanemi asked, changing the mood.

'Yeah, sure, if you want, you can read more pages from my notebook, I don't really mind that much,' I said, putting my dish in the sink and rinsing it off.

I looked at him, his face full of distaste.

'Are you okay..?' I asked him, he was acting a bit strange.

'Yeah, and sure I'll read the notebook if you'll listen,' sanemi said, grabbing my hand hesitantly and pulling me to the bedroom.

'Okay..?' I said, giving him my notebook.

He opened it.

'Page three
[dear diary]

I feel sick, Daddy gave me some food, and now I'm tired and dizzy.

Tsutako says that they contained tablets, I told her she was so silly because tablets are big electronics.

She agrees she is silly, I mean, I am always right after all.

After I had finished writing yesterday, Daddy yelled at me and Mommy.

He said that I was not his son, that I wouldn't ever be his son because my "slut of a mom" as he put it, slept with a different guy.

I don't know what he means or why he said it, except it scared me. When I looked behind him, he had a bunch of bottles scattered around, and he was wobbling.

Then there was an empty pill bottle. It is for our pet dog that I like a lot!

When I asked why Auroras pill bottle was empty, I heard tsutako gasp, I don't know why, except she was mad.

I was told to go to my room and not come back out, and now I'm writing in my book.

Dear diary, do you think tomorrow would be any better?' Sanemi finished the last line, and I looked away, remembering how confused I felt that day.

I was only a kid.

'Page four
[dear diary]

Dear diary, I'm sad I'm really sad.

After I woke up, I was really scared because I felt Aurora hung up in my room, the attic.

I screamed except nobody came to me, nobody helped me.

Not even Aurora could come to me and defend me whenever I screamed.

I tried to pull her down , but I heard a crunch and a small snap, then she went poof!.

I don't know what I did except I couldn't help her.

Well, now I can't. She has no head.

I only tried to pull her down, except her head came off.

I screamed for tsutako, Mommy, Daddy, anybody to come help me.

Tsutako eventually came to me and screamed in horror.

She quickly rushed over to me while I cried.

I told her that I didn't know what I did wrong, and she assured me that I did nothing wrong.

I was forced to go downstairs to meet the men again.

This time, Mommy and Daddy were righting with the men.

I don't know why they were fighting except they were, and I couldn't stop it.

I'm scared.

The big scary men left, I don't know why, except now I'm happy!

Dear diary:
This day started off badly, except now I dont have to be touched by them again!' Sanemi finished the fourth page and looked at me horrified.

'Something is definitely messed up with your family,' sanemi stated, tossing me my notebook back.

'I know, well do you want to go now?' I asked him with a small smile.

'Yeah,' he replied, grabbing around my waist gently.

'W-what are you doing..?' I asked him with a blush creeping up my face.

'Why can't you just be my boyfriend now!' Sanemi whined, pulling me closer and stomping his foot.

'Maybe if you would ask me nicely, I teased back, making him blush.

'Well, maybe I might just do that~' he said, flicking my forehead gently.

'That hurt, that is not nice,' I whined, grabbing the area in which he flicked.

'Oh well, sorry, darling~' he whispered into my ear again, biting on my ear lobe.

'Ugh! That is disgusting!' I said, jumping back and falling onto the floor.

'I will complain to your brother!' I continued, pointing a finger to him.

'Complain to me about what?' Genya asked, opening the door. When he saw me on the floor, he quickly rushed to me, glaring at sanemi.

'What the hell did you do?' Genya asked sanemi.

'All I did was flirted!' Sanemi said, crossing his arms.

'Shouldn't you defend your brother?' sanemi argued playfully.

'You fricking sucked on my earlobe! That is disgusting!' I protested, using one of sanemis CLEAN shirts to wipe it off.

'Aye! That is clean!' He said, trying to take it from me.

'Oh, well fuck you!' I said to him.

'Only if you watch' sanemi said winking at me.

'ARGH, YOU ARE DISGUSTING!' I yelled at him, irritated.

'That is so gross,' genya commented.

'That is also so gay,' he continued, pointing to us.

We looked over to him, I was underneath sanemi holding the shirt away from him while his leg was pressing against my inner height, sitting on top of my thighs.

He had his hands wrapped around my wrist, up and over my head, so I couldn't move them or break free.

His face was inches away from mine since I was so close to his face.

'Ew! You idiot get off of me!' I yelled at him again, moving my knee and kicking his nuts.

'Ow! That hurt you know!' Sanemi complained, and I just shrugged.

'Suxks to suck, loser, bozo, idiot, dastardly, asshole! I'll be waiting in the car, see you!' I said, quickly heading out of the room with genya.

'I bet you enjoyed that's genya commented.

'Yeah, kind o- WAIT EW NO THAT IS DISGUSTING,' I said, jumping back from him, and he laughed.

'You just agreed?' He said, his head tilted.

'I'm going to the car, go back to your boyfriend!' I said to him, muttering complaints under my breath.

I grabbed a thin sweater. It was still hot outside, except it was cold when skating.

It was an indoor skating rink, so it was always cold, except since it's summer, not many people go.

I waited by the car for what seemed like forever while I waited for him to come outside.

He eventually came outside.

'You ready to go?' He asked me.

'Of course! Hurry up. I'm literally dying it's so hot out!'

A/N Hah, two chapters in one day!

My wrist still hurts like fuck though 🥲

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