His Ghost

By lillithomp

221 7 0

Forced into a pack after her father's death, she only ever knew the life of a lone wolf. Now, she was a puppe... More

Blue Eyes. 1
New Rules. 2
Game Change Day. 3
Fight or Flee. 4
His Mate. 5
How Dare He. 6
The Fallout 7
Lucys Undoing. 8
Don't Call Me His. 9
Bonfire Hangover. 10
Unworthy. 11
Hash Stash. 12
Defeated. 13
Date Night. 14
Eyes on The Prize.15
Watching Her. 16
We Need to Talk.17
Unexpected Encounter. 18
A New Alliance. 19
A Declaration. 20
His Rage. 21
Anton Benson. 22
The Wifey. 23
Mine. 24
Lets Work It Out. 25
Omar Sadiq 26
So You Want to Be Mates 27
Making His Move 28
A Strange Encounter 30

Slays Way 29

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By lillithomp

I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled into my massive shower. The hot water pounded against my skin, waking me up. It also reminded me of the raging headache from last night's drinking. I couldn't believe how quickly I got drunk. I knew I was stressed and not eating correctly. But I needed to slow down and get things back in check.

As I towelled off and walked to the vanity mirror, I noticed a small note stuck onto the surface.

So, So Sorry. He was very pushy, and I am starting to like him & you as one!

I hate myself. Mon XX

PS - Greta was a pushover- she is fucking Guy...

My mind raced as I tried to figure out what she meant by Carter. I had already figured Greta and Guy were an item. I had assigned it to her constant mood swings lately.

If Carter and I had problems. Greta and Guy seemed like a recipe for disaster. He was so calm, political, and pack-oriented. She was a Gypsy, non-conformist and completely politically inappropriate. I sensed drama unfolding bigger than my own.

The intense smell of chilli eggs wafted from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts. I quickly threw on a tracksuit and went down to the Kitchen. There, I found Max, Niko, and Slay cooking breakfast together.

The sight had me frozen in my tracks. Marcus and Carter sat at the dining room table, conversing deeply with Monica. I struggled to find the words as I stuttered, "What's going on here?" All eyes turned to me, but Slay wore a sly grin and said, "Brunch time, princess.

"And I know how much you love chilli eggs after a night of partying." He began serving plates for everyone. They nonchalantly glided over to the table without acknowledging my confusion.

Then, I noticed two large duffel bags and a suitcase by the door. Carter's voice interrupted the awkward silence like a sharp knife.

"I started moving in early this morning; that is the last of my stuff", he explained with a smile.

My mind raced, and nerves overwhelmed me. Had Carter moved in with me? When did this happen? Before I could speak up, Marcus gave me a sly smirk. He declared, "Looks like we have a new power couple in the Shifter/Lycan world! Perfect timing."

My face burned with embarrassment. All eyes flickered back and forth between Carter and myself. The situation was becoming increasingly bizarre, leaving me speechless. Monica was watching me, an introspective expression on her face. I should have felt betrayed by her, but I didn't. Monica was not a manipulator. If she agreed to it, she knew something I did not.

Finally, I stammered out, "Carter...you moved in without even discussing it with me?" Monica's cryptic message made sense. He had moved them into my house and himself into mine without telling me beforehand. Carter's expression softened as he gazed back at me, but it was unreadable.

Just then, Slay shoved a plate towards me. "Sit down and eat; we all need to talk afterwards," he demanded. Still in shock, I took my place at the table and picked at my food while everyone else ate heartily. Slay's voracious appetite was nothing new. He always ate like it was his last meal before delivering bad news or about to unleash his wrath on someone. We ate in silence.

Slay pushed his plate away, and his eyes rolled back in frustration. "So, Miss Andonis, you have been keeping secrets again."

He emphasized the last words with a tight squeeze of his eyelids. He sat back, arms crossed tightly over his chest. The fabric of his flannel strained against his bulging muscles.

I hated keeping secrets from him, but he had chosen to side with the old order when I brought them my theories. This was on him. Carter watched me calmly from the sidelines; I could tell they had all discussed this already. If anyone knew how I operated, it was Slay. He had been handed the job of confronting me.

Impatiently, Slay demanded, "You know who is behind this, and you have kept it from us?"

"I have my suspicions, but I am not sure enough to take action yet," I responded with a heavy sigh.

Slay erupted into a fit of rage. He jumped up and paced around the Kitchen, ranting about me wasting my time. Telling me I got sidetracked with training Shifters, playing Pack Princess, and then putting myself in danger at the bonfire. He threw a scarf onto the table in frustration and continued to yell at me. I remained quiet, allowing him to let out his anger.

"You forget that I was there when we found the first scarf, the first clue," Slay shouted. "He left his scent for you because he wants you. When Marcus called me, I found another scarf at the bonfire area. He left another clue for you. He's a sick, perverted Shifter who can control wolves somehow, and you walked right into his trap. You betrayed our unit and our code by going alone."

I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped up and screamed back at him, stalking him in the Kitchen.

"Don't you dare talk to me about betrayal! You and Jacob betrayed me by voting against my plan. I needed the whole team to vote yes, but you and he said no. And then Jacob went behind my back and accused me of being reckless and addicted to drugs and spilling secrets that should have stayed in our unit only. Omar reported to Sloan that the families voted 'no confidence' in my leadership abilities. So don't you dare judge me!"

My anger had reached its boiling point, and I couldn't control myself.

"So, fuck you, Slay and fuck your best friend, Jacob," I was screaming now. Completely out of control. I rallied and spat some more at him.

"Jacob's bullshit was all for nothing, as Sloan overruled him. Despite having him removed from the team, I discovered he is now here at Bo Becks Estate. And you, Slay, went behind my back to reinstate him without consulting me." I glared at him. I took a breath and leaned over the kitchen island, still shouting.

"I knew this was much bigger than a pack of wild werewolves. I ventured deep into shifter territory when you refused to come with me. And now you all show up to criticize my methods and side with Jacob instead of me when I did what you wouldnt. You have some nerve bringing him here, Slay."

"Slay shouted back at me, "Erika, he saw what you and your cousins did to the Alfson family after your father died. He was trapped in an untenable situation and was terrified to ask you for help. He feared you would do to his family what you did to them."

"Well then, he is a weaker bastard than I thought! And as for the Alfson family, they tried to rise against mine when my father died. I taught them and everyone else what happens to those who betray my family. They were traitors!"

"You wiped out the whole fucking family Erika."

"And if I see him, I will do the fucking same again. His decapitated head will hang from his family's Estate gates. No one stands against an Andonis," I screamed. My voice was a storm, a declaration of my power and unwavering protection for my family and our legacy.

He sneered and commented, "Looks like you really are your father's daughter, Erika. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." His face mirrored my own anger as his piercing blue Nordic eyes bore into me. His massive frame was now leaning in over the Kitchen bench.

As Slay's words echoed in my mind, I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and remorse. Yes, the Alfson family had betrayed us, but did they deserve the brutal fate that I had inflicted upon them? The truth was, I didn't know. I knew I had followed in my father's footsteps and showed no mercy.

I felt a surge of anger and defiance rise within me. How dare he judge me when he would do the same if it were his family. The Alfson family would have slaughtered mine.

My instincts took over as I lunged and jumped across the island towards Slay and his judgemental attitude. But Marcus's shouts brought me back to reality; he jumped between us. Carter's presence behind me was instant. It only added to the tension, reminding me of his hold over me as my bonded mate. I could feel the bond kicking in. He was reaching in, trying to calm me.

I admit I was often torn between family expectations and personal doubts. But one thing was sure after that day. Everyone knew Sloan, Vichy, and I would not be weak because our fathers were gone. Anyone who stood against an Andonis would face severe consequences.

My focus is now stuck on Marcus' enormous chest, and Carter's hard body almost pinned me to him from behind. I was sandwiched like a child between Giants. I calmed, and they both stepped aside.

Slay stood in front of me again. Now, Slay looked at me with a softness on his face. His tone was neutral when he spoke.

"Erika, Jacob made a mistake, but it's not what you think. Only he can tell you the full story. I brought him here to make amends. You refused to take any of our calls and cut the link between us all. I am here to make amends,"

Slay said. Now taking my hand and turning it over. He revealed the mark on my inner palm, matching the ones on his and Marcus' hands.

"Do you remember why we all have this mark, done with your magic blade?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

I didn't want to admit it, so he continued, "We were all six years old and about to go through our first hunt. We were terrified, but our fathers made us do it with their old-fashioned ways and strict laws.

No other parents would have allowed it, but ours did. We survived, and then you took out the blade from your hair - the one you have worn every day since- and we all made a pact. Do you remember what it was?"

My eyes welled up. I remembered the intense challenges our fathers put us through from such a young age. We had to prove ourselves as warriors.

"We promised never to become like our fathers: unforgiving and unyielding," I mumbled.

Slay nodded and pulled me into an embrace. He had a way of just saying shit and then moving on; the man never held a grudge other than his hate for Shifters. Yet he was here for me.

"Good, we needed to get that off our chests. I've been holding onto my anger for over a week now. We can't go into this at odds with each other, Erika. We need to be united. And for the record, I didn't handle the Bonfire incident well either. None of us did, including Jacob, who blamed himself for the division between us all. You scared us all, Erika. In your state, he could have caught you."

He let me go and looked me in the eye, "I'm not your enemy; I am your best friend. And you can't keep running away from reality by hunting monsters forever."

Marcus stepped in. "All right, that's enough, Slay. Erika, let's cut to the chase: who do you think it is?"

I took a deep breath and turned to see everyone watching me. Embarrassment flooded my face. I thought Shifters loved drama. I must have forgotten how dramatic Lycan males could be.

"It is more complicated than that. It is not one person but rather a group of unknown individuals providing shelter for werewolves and using them to gain power. I have worked out who one of those is."

I paused, knowing they would not believe me when I said who. "It is Alpha Phillip Armstrong. But before you tell me no, let me explain. "

I could already see scepticism and surprise on their faces. Phillip Armstrong was an old, unmated sleaze who was weak in the Shifter world. In theory, this made no sense. He was of little consequence to the Shifter world. He is famous for not much: inheriting a trust fund and pursuing young women.

As a landholder in the area, the only thing keeping him afloat was his father's old money and his family's last name. His father, now dead, was a respected Shifter.

I told them about the extensive real estate portfolio he had acquired. He owns land in the high mountains and throughout Northern America. It ranges from homes and estates to uninhabitable regions. The area stretches up to Canada and Alaska.

I turned to the drawer near the dining room table and pulled out the map I had hidden. It showed Northern America, including Canada and Alaska. A specific Lycan map mapped out all land and business holdings in fine detail, no matter your species.

I saw Niko, Max, and Carter raise eyebrows, but if we were living together and fighting together now. They would soon learn how much we Lycans kept track of Shifter movements.

Max stood up, leaning over the map. I had three different-coloured stickers highlighting land areas: yellow, pink, and blue. They dominated the map. We included notes on every wolf attack and other interesting information.

"Why three different coloured dots?" he asked, still staring at the map.

"Three shifters own all those areas. Individually, they are small holdings, but collectively, they are very significant; Phillip Armstrong is one of them; he is the Yellow dot."

"Shit," Niko exclaimed.

Guy and Sam entered. I could feel the room's tension shift. We all huddled around the table. Everyone seemed to let out a breath when the door opened. Carter would have linked with them. But to my surprise, Greta was absent. They both moved straight to the table and joined us without hesitation. They were just as captivated by the map as everyone else.

I continued speaking, my eyes locked with Carter's. I hadn't even said Clara's name since that night in Carter's room. But if he wanted a mate, he would get my opinion.

I had deliberately avoided discussing this in your office. I suspected eavesdroppers, specifically Clara. But after the cocktail party, I could confidently rule them out. I could also rule out anyone within your pack as directly involved, although I suspect they are unwittingly passing information on to an outside source.

I stopped and let that sink in before going on.

"I began, emphasizing each word, 'For the record.' I will not attend meetings in your office until you address this obvious issue with Clara. Nor will Marcus and Slay. Too much is at stake."

As I spoke, my gaze drifted back to the map. I ignored Carter's laser stare at me. What the fuck did that woman have on him. The map was a detailed visualization marked with coloured dots and handwritten notes. It was a piece of art if I said so myself.

Max picked up on this and reached over to run a finger over the Benson Pack Estate. As he did so, the map opened up, revealing detailed information about the estate. It included rivers, streams, and caverns. It also had GPS coordinates and notes for hidden areas.

It even showed the layout of each building and its purpose. Next to each notable area, a passage of writing detailed the dates of leadership changes within the estate. It also included other important events and critical personnel.

This level of detail extended to every property. It included towns, estates, and individual buildings. Max continued to explore the map, tracing his finger over an area shaded in grey, but nothing happened. He looked up at me curiously when Marcus finally spoke up.

"Those are Lycan-owned lands or Old Order families, the Witches and Vampires among them; only a member of the Old Order can see them on the map. You can see what you see because it is Erika's map, and she allows you to."

"Does everyone have one of these in your world?" said Guy with concern. The detail we had available was alarming.

"All high old-world families do, yes. Some use different methods, but all keep track of the new world order movements," Marcus responded matter-of-factly.

I glanced across at Monica. She was not fazed, and her family would have similar tools. She was now standing, tracing the yellow dots. The map took up most of the oversized dining table. Ok, so I had their interest, and Slay was silent. Thank fuck, now he knew I was not just sitting on my ass here. I went to the draw and pulled out the original scarf and a note.

Everyone watched me lay them on the map when Carter asked, "How did you know to rule out my pack?"

Slay went straight to the scarf, smelling it, confirming his suspicions. It is the same person. I frowned, knowing I had fucked up by not going back to the bonfire the next day and checking for clues. And that, yes, I had lost a little control that night. Going solo was not the best-laid plan.

I responded to Carter's question while watching Slay combine all the pieces. Marcus had also caught on, and Guy and Sam were examining the map. Turning back to Carter, who had joined Max and Niko next to me, I said,

"I am part telepathic. It's not my strongest ability, but I can sense people's moods or go into their minds if needed. The Blue Juice Leon gave me helped enhance this ability; it wasn't just for calming down. Despite what Slay may try to portray me as - a drugged-up idiot," Slay ignored me as he explained the map to Guy and Sam. Focusing on the three of them, I continued explaining,

"When my mind is open like this, I can pick up on other thoughts and emotions in people's heads." Everyone else was engrossed in discussing my notes. Carter, Max, and Niko seemed particularly concerned about this aspect. After clearing up a few questions they would likely have, such as my ability to invade their thoughts, I reassured them. "Telepathy isn't my main skill, and I never use it unless I have to."

"That night, I was concentrating on a scent and deeper thoughts of a sinister nature. I found the scent and those thoughts in Phillip Armstrong. Evil is not specific; I cannot read them directly like Monica or Darcy can. But it has a signature, like love, passion or hate. Certain heavy emotions overwhelm the mind. They are hard to conceal."

Max watched me, those whiskey eyes that had way too many secrets, "I have never invaded your thoughts. I can guarantee it." I stared back at him, trying to convince him to leave it alone.

That was true, except for that one day on the mountain. I glimpsed into their past and present and saw the sexual emotions they shared about me. My reaction to the erotic feelings it stirred up startled me, but I would never mention it to them.

Carter's stare was unnerving, and I turned away. Something told me we would be rehashing this.

Finally, we were all huddled over the map. Carter stood behind me, looming over me as if imprinting on me, while I sat. I explained the note I found in my jacket pocket the next day after the cocktail party. It was a brief one-liner.

Well done, little huntress, you are getting closer. Soon, the hunted becomes the hunter.

The scarf I had was one Slay, and I found it in Canada after coming across a girl much like Emma, who we found there. Only this girl was dead; it and the map were the clues that led me here. So far, we have seen almost all the attacks or dead werewolves in or around yellow dots. There are scattered stories of werewolves around the blue and pink dots, but no attacks. 'Yet', I added.

"Yet?" asked Guy.

"I expect more sightings and killings will occur. As you can see, all the land holdings are near human territories and businesses. There are also unguarded minor supernatural areas. They have recently changed hands after odd sightings. In four years, Phillip has gone from trust fund Alpha to a major landholder, unbeknownst to most."

Carter stood a few feet from the map, his sharp eyes scanning over it but his hands not daring to touch its delicate surface. From behind me, he spoke up with a serious tone.

"And the other two colours?"

I turned to face him, my gaze meeting his intense one. "They represent two more Alphas, older and less prominent in the supernatural world. In the past four years, they have all acquired significant real estate. This includes lands surrounding human army bases and high-ranking government officials."

I glanced over at Guy, who was standing on the opposite side of the map from Carter and me.

"I suggest you look into anyone who works for Phillip Armstrong from your world," I said, my voice firm.

Based on my research, humans are running almost all of his business. Someone within the supernatural world must be helping him access and manage the werewolves."

Guy nodded in agreement as Monica offered her expertise. "I can help with that," she said confidently. "Reading minds is my specialty."

Nikko chimed in, offering to join Guy in their investigation. "My father may have information on Phillip Armstrong's connections. It's worth starting there."

Meanwhile, I noticed that Carter had walked over to Slay, who had the best view of the large map. He studied it intently, looking both cross and concerned.

"I think it may be time for Erika, Marcus, and I to visit Phillip Armstrong," he announced. He contacted me last week. He wanted to buy an old warehouse on the outskirts of town we own" His words hung in the air with a sense of foreboding. We all knew this visit would not be for business purposes.

Carter looked up at Max. They seemed to be in a link, but then Carter said. "I suspect you will want to be in on this visit," Max confirmed with a nod.

The back door opened again, Fuck, my house was now a public transport terminal.

Greta walked in. She had a scowl on her face and ignored Guy. He was indifferent to the anger wafting off her.

"I see all the important people have gathered. What adventure are we going on now that requires me as an extra?" Her tone was spiteful. I had no idea where all this was coming from. Slay took the lead, Saving Guy. His role was strategic and low-key- not Greta's forte.

"You are with me, Red. We have some Lycan hunting to do up in the mountains. Time, I taught you how to hunt like a real Lycan. " He looked over at Sam, the most experienced hunter here. "You're good to go and help us find some werewolf trails, Sam."

Sam inclined his head in approval. Greta, for the first time, looked a little taken aback. Before she could think, he was up and heading to the door, Sam with him. He looked back.

"Sweetheart, we don't have all day. Let's go". Greta spun around and followed him out. Startled at Slay's bossy way. She hated to be bossed.

I looked at Guy. he watched quietly as they left.

"Despite his savage appearance and his and my words, Greta is in the safest possible hands," I said.

Guy nodded. "I hope so, Erika, because I will surely hear about it later if she is not."

He left with Monica and Nikko.

Carter's presence cast a shadow over me, emanating intense energy. His large hands gripped my shoulders, feeling more like a punishment than a playful gesture. He leaned in close to whisper in my ear. I could feel his dishevelled hair against my cheekbone and the sharp definition of his jawline.

"Get dressed, wifey. We're heading on a road trip to Mr Armstrong's Estate."

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