The Best Teacher (Azur Lane x...

By AlanBall22

39.9K 1.2K 269

In this world, shipgirls were created to keep humanity safe from threats from another world. The sirens. But... More

Chapter 1: New Arrival
Chapter 2: Into The Fray
Chapter 3: The Last Arrivals
Chapter 4: A Personal Maid
Chapter 5: The Human Side Of Life
Chapter 6: On The Other Side
Chapter 7: Rescuing Allies
Chapter 8: A Swift Impact
Chapter 9: Cloak And Dagger
Chapter 10: An Anxious Wait
Chapter 11: Preparation
Chapter 12: Mobilisation
Chapter 13: Confrontation
Chapter 14: The Spoils Of War
Chapter 16: Normal Life Around The Port
Chapter 17: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 18: To Battle
Chapter 19: Enterprise's True Potential
Chapter 20: Siren Encounter

Chapter 15: The Black Mental Cube

1.2K 52 9
By AlanBall22

Belfast was not long at all as she returned to your office only a little while later. She was still pushing her trolley around, but this time instead of tea she had a plate full of breakfast for you.

You had to admit with a big meeting today, you had forgotten to go out and get some breakfast. The lack and quality of sleep played a part in that as well.

"I have done as you asked master. Everyone shall gather here in time. For the moment, I must insist that you eat some breakfast." Belfast said as she pushed the trolley against the desk and picked up the plate of food, placing it in front of you.

"Thank you Belfast. I...had completely forgotten about going to eat breakfast. My mind was so preoccupied on this cube." You said as Belfast chuckled and shook her head.

"Oh master...whatever am I going to do with you, hm? Though I cannot blame you. The stresses of being a commander come quickly and are relentless." She said while placing a hand on your head.

"Which is why it is always best to have a maid by your side to help steer you back on track. Especially when it comes to your personal health and wellbeing." The head maid continued, slowly and gently running her fingers through your hair.

"And I appreciate you Belfast. You've helped me settle down better than I would've done had I not had you by my side." You said, looking up at her with a smile.

"Indeed. Now please master, eat up." Belfast said.

You didn't need a second invitation to start digging into the food she had brought you. The maid stayed by your side as you ate, keeping you company as she continued to gently comb her fingers through your hair.

For a while you were too busy eating your breakfast to notice that the maid was still combing your hair. Your lack of awareness seemed to amuse her too as a smirk spread across her face.

"I wonder if I just do...this..." She thought as she moved her hands down to your shoulders.

It was then that you finally realised what was going on and jumped a little in your seat. Your reaction caused Belfast to giggle as she gently massaged your shoulders.

"Relax master...I was wondering how long it would take you to realise that I hadn't actually stopped running my fingers through your hair." She said with a smile.

"A-Ahah...I-I was so caught up in eating that I didn't realise. Guess I was hungrier than I thought..." You said, a hint of nervousness in your voice which the maid easily picked up on.

"I understand. I do not wish to disturb you while you are eating. I just couldn't help it." Belfast said as she continued to massage your shoulders.

The two of you remained there in silence for a little while as you tried to get back to eating, finding Belfast's massage to be quite calming. It was definitely easing a lot of tension that you were holding, and she could tell that by the way you were slowly sinking into your seat.

"Hmm...I should've known that you have been quite tense. You do a good job at hiding your stress. You know you can loosen up a bit, especially around me, master." Belfast said, still smiling widely as she rubbed your shoulders.

"I-I know. I just don't know when would be an appropriate time. It's not like I can just put everything down and stop. This port is not simple to run and I'm starting to figure that out more and more each day!" You said, venting a little to Belfast as the opportunity had presented itself.

"That is what your secretary is there for. Miss Enterprise is there to help you with any duties you have around the port. That way, you aren't overstretched." The maid said.

Enterprise had settled into the role of secretary really well. In the few days leading up to the battle against the Red Axis, the port was running rather smoothly. Despite her taking some of the load off you, there was still plenty that you needed to do.

"Enterprise is doing her job well. I can't ask any more of her right now. I can't put too much strain on her because if she gets hurt, then I'll be in trouble." You said as Belfast chuckled.

"Indeed. Well if you do need some extra help with some of your tasks, then I'm sure I'll be able to lend a hand. After all, a maid is trained to help her master in any way that she can." She said.

"I appreciate it Belfast, but I don't want to put too much strain on you either." You said and were about to go further, but was stopped in your tracks by Belfast.

"Hush now. I am perfectly capable of carrying out the duties I have at the moment and any additional duties you give me. Like I said, I am here to serve you in any way that I can master." The maid stated very sincerely to get her point across.

She didn't need to tell you twice as you quickly nodded, knowing that Belfast wasn't going to give up on this one.

"Okay...when I get a chance, I'll have a look and see how I can potentially divide up any more work to do with the port. Thank you Belfast." You expressed your gratitude, making the maid grin.

"You're very welcome master~." She said as she leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, before picking up your now empty plate and putting it back on the trolley.

"Everyone will be here soon. I shall give you time to make your final preparations." She said as she glanced back at you, smirking as she saw the colour of your face change to red.

"How adorable..." She thought as she pushed the trolley out of the office, leaving you to prepare and calm yourself down so you were in a decent state for the meeting.


It took a while for everyone to arrive as they were all spread around different parts of the port. Those present at the meeting were, Enterprise, Hornet, Cleveland, Vestal, Wales, the newly arrived repair shop Akashi and of course Belfast.

"Okay! I appreciate you all coming. This is extremely important to discuss." You said, greeting everyone before proceeding to pick up the secure box and placing it on the table that everyone was sat around.

Upon placing it on the table, you pressed a button on top of it and the box clicked and slowly opened, revealing the black cube. Everyone's eyes widened and there were a few gasps as the girls realised what it was.

"It's...a black mental cube. The Sakura Empire's secret weapon combined when siren technology." Wales stated.

After a brief silence where everyone was intensely studying the cube, Cleveland popped up with an idea that came into her head.

"Couldn't we use this to destroy the mass produced siren ships they're using?" She asked, which made Akashi enter the conversation.

"The orochi is the one that controls the siren ships! This is just a byproduct, nya." Akashi explained what she knew and overheard after accidentally stumbling upon the secret project.

" this is what they've been working on all this time then? This...orochi is some sort of ship?" You asked as Akashi nodded her head.

"I see...and if this cube is of siren origin, then that means the Sakura Empire are working with the sirens for sure. How many people know about all this?" You asked the repair ship.

"No one, nya. I mean as far as I know, the only ones who know are Akagi and Kaga. They haven't shared with anyone else that I know of. Thought they might have shared it with our flagship, Nagato. Though even she might not know if the extent of the project." Akashi said.

"If that's the case, then the Sakura Empire has engaged in a vast deception. Akagi and Kaga more than anyone else if Akashi's assumptions prove to be true." Belfast said as everyone hummed in agreement and kept on staring at the cube.

"...Akagi...this is going to be a cat-astrophe, nya..." Akashi said as her ears drooped down.

As silence descended upon the room, you kept on looking at the cube and started to notice it glow a bit brighter. Without really thinking twice about it, you slowly leaned closer and reached out to touch it, not realising that Enterprise was doing the exact same thing.

There was a bright flash before it settled down again, revealing a clear night sky.

You found yourself standing on the waterfront down at the docks, but it wasn't quite as you remembered it. All of the buildings on that waterfront were all destroyed, some of them still on fire.

There were wrecked ships in port and in the distance. All the while you stood there confused, unsure of what was going on.

"What...happened here? Am I seeing the future? But how is that even possible?"

So many questions were floating around your head, which was immediately taken over by a state of worry. You couldn't see any of the girls anywhere. The entire place was deserted, the damage extensive.

"They can't be...can they?" Your mind was going to the darkest places as you dreaded the worst.

"Master? Y/n?"

You suddenly jolted forward upon the mention of your name and found yourself back in your office again. A hand had laid gently on your shoulder and when you looked up, there was Belfast looking slightly concerned.

"Are you alright Master? There was a moment there where we lost you. You and Miss Enterprise." The maid said.

A moment passed and you had to settle yourself down after what just happened. The wave of relief that washed over you when you eventually clocked where you were was huge.

"Y-Yes...I'm fine Belfast. Just..." You trailed off before shaking your head and pressing the button on the box again, sealing the cube away.

After taking a few deep breaths, you started speaking again.

"For now, we keep this cube locked away. We know what the Sakura Empire have been up to. Now, we have to prepare ourselves for another attack." You said, everyone nodding in agreement.

You then turned to look at Enterprise, who looked back at you when she realised you had turned to face her. She didn't need to say anything for you to know that she had seen something too.

"Enterprise?" You began but were stopped by the carrier when she held up her hand.

"I would like to talk to you in private about this later Commander." She said.

You obliged, knowing that it would be best if you were to do that. The only one who understood what you would say was The Grey Ghost.

"Is everything okay Enterprise?" Vestal asked, concerned by what had just happened.

"I'm fine Vestal. I just need to discuss what I'm thinking with the Commander in private. It's nothing too big, just something on my mind." She said as Vestal nodded, still worried about the aircraft carrier.

However, she was proud at the same time. She was noticing how Enterprise was slowly but surely opening up a little, especially to you.

She could only hope that this continued.

A little while later, you and Enterprise were alone. You gave her some time to reflect after the meeting, not wanting to force her into anything afterwards. But she didn't take too long before she came back to you so the two of you could talk.

" had a weird vision too right? When you touched the cube." Enterprise asked.

You nodded right away.

"I did. I don't even really know why I touched the cube to be honest. It just started glowing brighter and then next thing I know...I'm stood down at the docks in the middle of the night. Everything was destroyed. There was fire...but no sign of any of you girls...not a single one." You said, a slight shiver running up your spine.

"It was really eerie and unsettling." You continued.

"So what you saw was different from me..." Enterprise said, cupping her chin with her fingers.

"What did you see Enterprise?" You asked.

" first there was nothing. It was just me on the open water. But then...I looked down at my reflection in the clear water and saw myself. I was much different though and was surrounded by fire." The Grey Ghost said.

"I'm...not sure what it is meant to be. Either the future like you said...or some alternate version of me." She continued, looking up at you.

"It's best that we don't speculate too much though. We do have a war to fight after all." She said.

"I do agree. But if this does happen again, especially now that the cube is locked away and under guard, then come and tell me Enty. Okay?" You said, watching as Enterprise's cheeks went slightly red.

"O-Of course...Y/n. I'll do that. Y-you can talk to me if it happens to you too..." She said, making you smile.

"I'll keep that in mind." You replied.

It was silent for a few moments, until Enterprise broke it.

"Enty, huh? I have to admit...I haven't heard anyone call me by my nickname for a while." She said.

"I-I'm sorry about kinda slipped out. I don't really know why." You said with a sigh as you rubbed your temples.

"It's been a wild ride since coming here...I've barely had a moment to stop and think properly." You said, chuckling lightly.

"It's okay. I...don't mind you calling me that. As long as it's not in front of other people." Enterprise said, chuckling as well.

The atmosphere in the room began to lift a lot as the two of you looked at each other and smiled.

"Alright Enty. I'll do my best to honour that wish of yours." You said, knowing that you would more than likely slip up at some point.

But while you were still getting closer to her, you wanted to make sure to keep her and everyone else happy. That's all that mattered to you.


Meanwhile...far away from the Azur Lane base...

A laugh could be heard, followed by a voice with a distorted tone to it.

"It seems the black mental cube is already gathering some data...just like we had hoped."

There was another chuckle.

"I hope to be able to gather much more from this Commander of theirs...and one day soon, meet him face to face~..."

The chuckle became more of a giggle, again with the same distorted tone to it, which eventually died down into silence...

[To Be Continued]

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