The Twin fans of BVB

By SarahAlvis

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It starts all because Sarah went through a horrible break up that her twin sister treated her to Warped Tour... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Seven

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By SarahAlvis

Warped Tour was almost over and Sarah had joined them of course she was asked by Andy especially with what happened a few weeks ago with her ex-boyfriend who had actually stopped messaging her thinking that he finally got the hint that she just wasn't interested anymore and it wasn't just Andy that was protective but the guys as well as Lauren so pretty much everyone that was on the tour bus which of course Sarah completely understand, they would give her some space so she didn't feel suffocated she was thankfully for and luckily she hasn't seen Taylor since that day which for awhile kept Sarah on edge but she was in very safe hands, the other three girls, Sarah and Lauren's parents had gone home but understandable their parents was concerned when they found out about what happened on the beach, their father was very protective even wanted a private word but stopped after Sarah told him not too.

Right now the group was on the tour bus meant to be getting ready for the performance but there was a bit of a problem, as Lauren was checking on Andy who was complaining that he had a bit of sore throat so seeing as she was a doctor did a check luckily there was nothing wrong so the performance would thankfully go ahead which they was so happy about, as they honestly hated to disappoint their fans who had spend alot of money and travelled quite far to see them, after that was done both the girls was already so they hanged outside of the tour bus whilst the guys would get ready, security stayed close by just encase anything was to happen which it didn't thankfully. 




It didn't really take the guys long to get ready, also they couldn't be long as they had a few interviews for today so of course both girls would see them later on but the guys would want security with them both at all times so the girls agreed for the guys benefit and to keep them relax not worrying about both girls, the guys finally made an appearance and both girls was talking amongst themselves laughing and joking when they both heard their names being called looking over with smiles on their faces, then rejoined them of course Lauren gave CC a hug and a kiss, where as Sarah just gave Andy a hug then so the other three guys wouldn't be  left out she went and gave each of them a hug.

There was also a new officially couple within in the group, it was Jinxx and Maisie though unfortunately Maisie had gone home as she had work commitments but they would meet up after warped tour was finished, they missed each other but would speak over the phone from time to time being super sweet and coupley not everyone in the group was dating someone the single people in the girls group are Sarah, Nicole and Amelia whilst with the guys are Andy, Ashley and Jake but they would eventually get together at some point it was clear that all three guys like the girls well each one of the guys likes each one of the girls it was so obvious.

Right now the guys are having an interview and the twin sisters as well as the security went around watching the different bands see if any bands or singers caught the girls attention, luckily for them both there was a band that caught both of their attentions which was of course Sleeping with Sirens turns out the lead singer Kellin Quinn is friends with Andy and the girls had meet them before so decided to stay and listen to the songs both really enjoying themselves whilst security was keeping an eye out, thankfully nothing really happened the girls had filmed the performance but would face the camera to each other laughing and miming along having a blast.

Quite a few hours had passed both girls had found somewhere to sit which was a wall but it was fine the guys had finished their interviews, Andy had messaged Sarah asking her "Hey so where are you girls and the security guards, we're finished with the interviews so we've got some time to kill?" Sarah smiles whilst messaging back saying, "Hey we are chilling out on a wall not far want us to come and find you?" She then goes back to talking with her older twin sister and then she looks over seeing the guys walk over, she then speaks up saying to Lauren "Hey looks like they've found us wanna see if we can make them jump or not?" 

Lauren has a smile on her face laughing a little luckily the guys hadn't noticed yet so this gave the girls a perfect chance along with the security guards who are really sweet and fun joined in, they hid behind the wall which was quite high but not that high waiting patiently and it didn't take long as the five guys could be seen straight away as all five of them are quite tall Andy been the tallest he's 6'2 so he wasn't that hard to miss, then on the count of three Sarah placed her arms on his shoulders making a  noise  and Lauren does the same but with CC in the end all five guys jump, quickly turning around see the two girls and security guards laughing they heads off.

The guys actually found it quite amusing joining the laughter and of course would get their revenge one day but would make the girls sweat it out, they ended up all sitting on the wall the security guards stayed with them but kept their distance so they could spend alone time without worrying, Lauren was sitting between CC and Jinxx whilst Sarah sat between Andy and Jake drinking fizzy and having some food before it was time for the guys to perform for the last time before heading back home for some well deserved rest, but they would probably hangout with the girls as well.

The guys was on stage performing whilst both girls with security are at the side of the stage watching them perform having an amazing time, wishing that this wouldn't end but it had too but there was a party on the last day of Warped tour so the group would change out of their clothes into different outfits the girls had already prepared themselves with a cute outfit each, then tomorrow would make their way home on the tour bus of course Lauren was sharing a bed with CC as they was a couple, even though they wasn't a couple Sarah would share with Andy at his request and she didn't mind as it had brought them closer together. 

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