By deansvlr

7.9K 400 1.1K

Where two friends decide to overstep boundaries to get over their exes. 𝐀𝐕𝐀 ( ππŽπ‡ π‰πˆπ‡π˜π„) - After h... More

i. help
ii. comfort
iii. the pact - ky
iv. decision - ky
v. ex
vi. party
vii. struggles - ky
viii. fake bf (!!!)
x. first time(!!!)
xi. passion - ky
xii. dancer
xiii. wedding - ky
xiv. shower - ky(!!!)
xv. audition n hawaii - duo pov
xvi. fuck
xvii. caught up
xviii. practice
xix. haunting dream - ky
xx. turmoil
xxi. nightmare

ix. party monster

356 20 31
By deansvlr

"So, you're taking the job?" Alex asked, his eyes curious as he leaned closer, the faint scent of his cologne mingling with the whole vibe.

I took a sip of my drink, the cool liquid soothin. "I don't know," I sighed, "I'm still deciding," I replied with a shrug. "It's a big opportunity, but it also comes with its own set of challenges, kinda scary."

Alex nodded in understanding, an understanding expression resting on his face. "Yeah, I get that. It's a big decision to make."

"But think about the money," he added, nudging my shoulder lightly. "Sure, you're getting paid lots with the whole modeling thing, but just think about being a background dancer. That's how most dancers get their breakthrough."

I glanced around the club, watching as people danced and laughed, the music pulsating through the air.

"Exactly," I said quietly, my thoughts drifting. "It's just... what it means for my career, and the attention it might bring-I don't know if I'm ready for that."

I remembered how overwhelmed I felt when I was invited to a dancer reality show. I wasn't a shy person, but the thought of being filmed while talking seemed so odd, so intimate, especially if so many people would watch it. I just didn't want to feel that overwhelmed again.

"That's true," Alex agreed, taking another sip of his drink. "But sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, you know? Believe in yourself and your skills, I mean you got it for a reason, right?"

I considered his words, letting them sink in. "Yeah, I guess," I admitted, "I think I just need to have more confidence in myself."

"See, you got it!" He exclaimed, a grin spreading across his features. "You've got this, I have no doubt."

As we clinked our glasses together in a toast, I felt a little more relieved, though I knew I had to think about it more to be sure.

Before I could dwell on it further, Ky's familiar presence interrupted our conversation as he settled into the chair beside me. His scent enveloped me, and I suddenly felt at peace.

He leaned in close, his lips hovering near my ear, and I couldn't help but stiffen slightly, aware of Alex sitting right next to us.

"I've had a few drinks," Ky whispered, his voice playful yet a little hoarse.

"And I feel so good."

The suggestive tone in his voice sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach, and I couldn't help but glance at him, feeling a warmth spreading through me. He leaned back, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he watched my reaction.

Alex cleared his throat, his body tense as he shifted in his seat, his eyes darting between Ky and me.

"So," Alex began, his voice tinged with a touch of frustration, "can someone finally tell me what the hell is up with you two?" His grey eyes lingered on

Ky, then flicked to me, silently pleading for some kind of clarity amidst the confusion that had settled between us.

I could feel the flush creeping up my neck, Alex's intense gaze making me feel so exposed. Ky, on the other hand, remained cool and collected, his nonchalant attitude only adding to his charm and I couldn't help but wonder how he did that. Put on such an act so easily, especially since he was known for not really having a poker face.

"Nothing much," Ky replied with a casual shrug, effortlessly deflecting the tension in the air. "Just enjoying the night, you know?"

And my doubts were right, his voice may sound convincing but one look closer and you knew this man was not pleased with the conversation. I could sense his frustration building beneath the surface.

As Ky was about to order drinks, Alex shook his head, a silent sign for Ky to hold off on ordering drinks. He seemed to know exactly that this was just to lean towards a more easy conversation, bring some lightness in and possibly change topics.

"Cool, but what about the other night?" Alex raised an eyebrow, his voice laced with curiosity. "You two disappeared into that storage room for quite some time. Looked pretty cozy in there, didn't it?"

My heart skipped a beat as Alex's words hung in the air, the unspoken allegations weighing down on me.

I could feel Ky's dark eyes on me, silently urging me to respond, but the words seemed to catch in my throat.

"We didn't..." I began, my voice barely above a whisper, "...we didn't do anything."

The admission felt like a confession, and I prayed that Alex would believe me despite the doubt written all over his face. I wanted to slap myself right in the face at how doubtful I had answered.

"Yeah right," Alex muttered skeptically, "I'm not stupid, you know. Something's going on, and I deserve to know what. I'm your best friend, for fucks sake, don't lie to me."

"But what would be so wrong if we did?" Ky said, his voice challenging, yet tinged with a hint of something more soft, as if he was actually concerned.

"There's nothing wrong with it, you guys are adults I don't give a fuck if you are having sex or not, " Alex conceded, his frustration evident. "But you guys are also my friends, childhood friends. If you mess this up then it's going to ruin a lot."

Ky's gaze softened at Alex's words, a flicker of understanding passing between them.

But before anyone could speak any further, a familiar voice interrupted us.

"Hey, sorry I'm late!" Nick exclaimed, appearing with a tray of drinks in hand. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw him approaching, the tension lightening up once more and I could see Gia, who had just danced, curiously looking at us.

Nick joined our table, his easygoing self instantly lightening the mood. What a life-saver.


As the tune wrapped round us in its rhythm, I found myself immersed within the active atmosphere of the crowded dance ground. With every beat, my body moved in sync with the pulsating beat, the sounds of the club electrifying the air around me.

Gia danced beside me, her laughter mixing seamlessly with the track. We shared a moment of pure happiness , lost inside the euphoria of the moment as we swayed to the rhythm, our actions synchronized in best harmony.

Amidst the lights and thumping bass, I caught sight of Alex making his way toward us. His relaxed demeanor hinted at the outcomes of the many drinks he had surely indulged in, his smooth smile adding to the allure of his presence.

With a mischievous grin, I leaned in to Gia, whispering in her ear and gesturing towards Alex, knowing damn well she had a thing for him . Her act changed immediately, a mix of marvel and excitement lighting up her soft features as she turned to face him.

In that second, they looked like they fit together effortlessly, Gia's vibrant self complementing Alex' more quiet allure. Opposites attract, that's what they always said. It looked like they were made for each other.

As I scanned the crowded dance floor, my eyes were drawn to Ky, who stood out a lot. His presence just seemed to command for attention, his lithe frame moving with a graceful ease as he danced to the rhythm of the music ever so slightly.

With each step, his moves gave off a  sense of confidence, and I couldn't explain it, but he just seemed to draw people in.

Ky was so handsome, his dark hair tousled just so that it framed his face in a way that highlights his sharp jaw and chiseled cheekbones.

But it was his eyes that really drew me in, deep dark pools that held the light of mischief and depth, like windows into a world of secrets and untold stories.

His gaze held that kind of intensity , fierce and unyielding, drawing me in with an irresistible pull.

As he danced, a playful grin tugged at the corners of his lips. There was a boyish charm to his smile, an infectious warmth that spread to those around him.

He was like a ball of sunshine, lighting it all up with a simple curl of his lips.

I quickly averted my gaze, feeling a pang of guilt for staring at him like that. He was just my best friend, nothing more, nothing less. And even though we shared some occasional benefits, I knew that crossing that line would only complicate things between us.

Taking a deep breath, I put a smile on my face and turned back to the dance floor, losing myself in the music. With each step, I let the music wash over me, allowing it to drown out the thoughts and doubts swirling in my mind.

Music had always been my fortress, my escape from the chaos of the world. As I danced, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, the beat making me feel alive.

Before I knew it, I found myself joining Ky and his friends, Nick and his cousin Nate. Leaning against Ky's shoulder, I laughed at Nate's jokes, enjoying the easiness between us.


As the music rang around us, I couldn't shake the nerves coursing through my body, increased by the dim lights and the fair share of drinks i had downed earlier.

Ky laid back demeanours provided some kind of comfort, but the weight of other fact that now was the time we'd have to convince everyone that there was indeed something going on, or fake it at least, loomed in the air.

"I don't think I'm ready yet," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper amidst the mess of sounds around us.

"Ready for what?" Ky's playful tone cut through the noise, his eyes sparkling with in the light as he had this boyish smile plastered on his face.

"For the whole dating thing," I murmured, casting a wary glance towards the bustling dance floor, where familiar faces danced the night away in the dim light.

But my heart skipped a beat as I caught sight of a figure amidst the crowd, an unexpected man that sent a jolt of panic coursing through my veins.


Of course he would be here, mingling among mutual friends as if nothing had ever happened between us.

The sight of him standing there, chatting with Nick, sent a wave of anxiety crashing over me, and alone from his sight, I felt weak again.

Ky's voice broke through the messiness of my thoughts, his warm breath tickling my ear as he whispered words that sent a shiver down my spine.

He was putting on a show.

"Isn't he the whole reason we're doing this?" he murmured, his tone laced with a faint hint of a challenge.

I swallowed hard, the dry lump in my throat making it difficult to form a proper response.

"Look at me," Ky urged, his touch gentle as he guided my gaze back to his. The intensity in his eyes was so clear, a silent reassurance that I wasn't alone in this. That he was there, for me. Doing this, for me- okay, and perhaps his own reasons.

"We're gonna turn around," Ky continued, his voice steady as he outlined his plan, "and you're gonna look him exactly in the eye before I kiss you."

My heart pounded in my chest, a rush of adrenaline rushing through me as I braced myself for what was to come.

"He's really looking?" I asked, my voice betraying the nerves coursing through me.

Ky's response was immediate, his gaze unwavering as he met my eyes with a mixture of amusement and confidence.

"What do you think?" he teased, his tone light-hearted yet tinged with an a little raspiness to it.

With a subtle shift of his body, he drew me closer, his touch sending a thrill down my spine.

"Let him stare," he murmured, his voice low but filled with conviction. "He lost his chance long ago."

As I glanced over Ky's shoulder, my gaze locked with Leon's. His confused expression mirrored the confusion within me, stirring up old memories of the betrayal and heartbreak he had brought upon me.

But as Ky's words echoed in my mind, I knew I had every right to go on.

This man had hurt me, shattered my trust with his actions. It pained me to still care, to still feel the tug of emotion despite the scars he had left behind. I cared, and it broke me apart.

But as Ky's presence wrapped around me, I knew it didn't matter. I wanted this, I needed this- so I'd do it. With a little tilt of my chin, I met his gaze head-on, showing him that I was indeed, ready.

Drawing in a deep breath to steady my nerves, I spoke with a hushed tone, my words tinged with a newfound resolve.

"I need you to kiss me like you did on that couch," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper as the memory was vividly in my mind.

Ky was surprised, his playful demeanor shifting as he leaned in closer, our noses almost touching.

"Bold, hm?" he sneered, a hint of amusement dancing in his dark eyes.

His beautiful eyes. I always wondered how he did that, making them look so soft yet at moments like these so siren-like.

"Do you like that?" I asked, my voice tinged with a hint of shyness, his gaze driving me wild.

"More than I should," Ky confessed, his breath warm against my lips, sending a shiver down my spine.

With a gentle tug, he pulled me closer, his lips meeting mine in a kiss that I didn't know I've been longing for this much. It was the first time we had kissed in public, and it felt like a dream.

His taste was perfect, mingled with the faint trace of alcohol, intoxicating and dizzying in the best possible way. I craved more, way more and I knew I couldn't wait to have him.

As our kiss deepened, I felt myself melting into him, dangerously fast. His words, though bold, sent a jolt of pleasure through me, if only just a faint one, leaving me breathless and wanting more.

"I can't wait to fuck you," he murmured against my lips, his tone sending a thrill down my spine.

Before I could fully process his words, he chuckled softly, his lips finding mine again in a hungry kiss.

His touch was addictive, and I knew I couldn't resist, ever. I found myself kissing him back eagerly.

As his hands roamed down to grip my ass, I let out a gasp in surprise, the rush of heat pooling between my thighs. Pulling away slightly, I met his gaze with a smirk.

"Bold, huh," I teased, repeating his earlier words, my voice tinged with playful defiance.

He grinned against my lips, his thumb brushing over them gently. "And you love it," he replied and we both knew it was true and that this was the end of the beginning.


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