The Living Wind in the Forest...

By Little_Coffee_Shop

741 419 57

Animals long ago respected one another. Were equal and fair to one another. Even humans, when they were like... More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Author's note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 14

13 7 0
By Little_Coffee_Shop

Star chewed thoughtfully, staring with a jolt as she was shoved hardly by Vengeance. "You did well when you stole the pups," Vengeance said, his voice cold and hard. "Your next task is to spy on Snow's pack."

"What?" Star coughed on a bone. "Why?"

Vengeance snarled. "Don't question my orders."

Star bowed her head. "Yes."

Satisfied, Vengeance started to pad away. "Wait!" Star called.

Stopping, Vengeance looked back.

"What will happen to the pups?" Star asked.

Vengeance hesitated. "None of you business," he said quickly.

Star narrowed her eyes. He doesn't know, she thought with relief.

Leaving the squirrel, Star got up with a grunt and turned away, in the direction of Snow's camp. Navigating the forest easily, Star traveled on silent paws and crouched, her ears open for information or lingering wolves and predators.

*Snow's POV*

Petal wailed. "How are we going to get my pups back?"

Snow sighed. "I don't know," she answered honestly. "But something tells me they will be alright."

Petal's eyes widened with hope. "You mean you were visited by the dead?"

Snow shook her head. "They're trapped somewhere, remember?" Snow said.

Petal sank back into her nest.

A rock clattered to the grass with a small thump, followed by "oomph."

Snow's head shot up and she scanned the trees. Tense, Snow spotted a pair of eyes peeking from a bush. "Hey, who are you?" Snow called out.

The eyes widened in fear of being found out. Growling, Snow trotted up to the bush. Poking her head in, she followed the scent. A rumble deep into her throat, Snow broke into a run through the woods. She stopped, skidding as a familiar scent touched her nose. Lion! Holly!

Her nose close to the ground, Snow paced forward. Lifting her head, Snow caught a glimpse of the tail of a wolf. That might be the wolf who was spying on us! Dashing forward, Snow instinctively caught the tail in her jaws. Squealing, the wolf fell back and crashed to the ground.

"Star!" Snow gasped.

Trembling, Star stood up. "Please don't hurt me!" she whispered.

Snow narrowed her eyes. "Why wouldn't I want to hurt you?" Snow asked.

"Because you're not that type of wolf," Star answered honestly.

Snow huffed. "Fine. But tell me why you were there."

Star opened her mouth, then closed it again. "Can't."

Snow sat down, flicking her tail. "Then I might be nice and give another creature a snack."

Star widened her eyes in fear. "Vengeance sent me!" she blurted out quickly. She broke into a whisper. "I didn't want to spy, I promise."

Suspicious, Snow asked, "How can I trust that?"

Star's head shot up. "You don't, but I can show you where the pups are!"

Snow narrowed her eyes. "I'm listening."

Excited, Star said, "I can distract Vengeance and his closest friends," she started thoughtfully. "The pups are in a cave under a tree, close to the willow tree," she finished.

"Will you be fine?" Snow asked.

Star smirked. "I'll be fine."


Ouch. Snow shuffled awkwardly as she was poked in the side with a branch. Watching Star closely, Snow came out of the bush and plunged into the den which Star pointed out to Snow earlier. "Pups?" she whispered.

"Snow?" Lion woofed.

"Shush," Snow whispered. "I'm here to get you out." Her heart pounding with relief, Snow held the pups tightly in her paws.

Peeking out of the cave, Snow lifted up the pups by their scruffs, and scrambled into the woods quickly. Her heart light, Snow groomed the pups rapidly.

"Going somewhere?" A voice hissed.

Snow whipped around. Her heart jumping, she leaped backward and saw a long, white paw slashed towards where she just was. "Get away," she snarled, low and menacing. "Let us go and we won't bother you."

Vengeance grinned. "Let me think about that—no," he replied, smug. "I think a nice, warm den with some rotting prey as a prize will suit you well. Oh, and don't worry. You will have Star for company. I never should have trusted her. Too sly and quick to please me," he muttered that last part to himself.

"You won't get me in there," Snow snarled, but in her heart she knew this was a battle that she could not win. Her tail low, she followed the pups and back into the hole.

"I'm so sorry, Snow," Star whimpered. "I tried using poppy seeds to put him and his closest friends to sleep, but they found out.

"It's ok,'' Snow sighed. "But it doesn't seem like we will get out soon."

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