Ivy - A Kaylor AU

By JaureGAY4Kendrick

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Taylor Swift is the epitome of a small town girl. She grew up there, is engaged to the next mayor, and has th... More

Mood Boards
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

193 5 4
By JaureGAY4Kendrick


Karlie and I had been texting all throughout the week.  We hadn't had the opportunity to meet up and go on a run because her daughter had been under the weather.  Taking care of a sick toddler definitely didn't seem like it was from the faint of heart, from what Karlie told me.

Meredith had been a great companion and confidant since Joe had been working extremely long hours at the law firm.  He was gearing up with his team to announce his run for mayor at the town ball on Saturday night.

Joe promised me that he would leave work early today so that he could go with me to the city to pick out the perfect dress.  However, an hour had passed since the time Joe had told me this morning when he left for work.  I didn't dare take my shoes off, knowing that he would still want to leave the second he walked through the door.

I sat cross-legged on my window seat, Meredith by my side, getting her long white hair over my outfit.  I stroked her comfortingly as I reread one of my favorite novels.  I was startled from my solitude whenever Joe burst through the front door.

"Let's go, Taylor, we're running late," Joe hollers into the house.  I resist the strong urge to roll my eyes but know that it will only cause unnecessary drama.
"Coming, babe." I slide my floral bookmark between the worn pages of my novel and brush the cat hair off of my skirt.  I grab my purse and hurry out to the waiting car.

"Hello, love.  You look gorgeous," Joe compliments, his hand automatically going to thread into my hair and pull me over for a kiss.  I gave in to his advance, even though I was mostly concerned about him messing my hair up.

"Thank you," I reply back shyly after he releases me from the kiss. I cross one leg over the other and smooth down my skirt, ending up fidgeting with the edge of it. 

"We're going to go to that boutique in the city to get you the most beautiful dress," Joe states, backing the car out of the driveway.  "I was thinking you could wear baby blue, and I'll match it with a tie," he trails off.

"Yeah, sounds good," I say back, knowing I don't have too much of a say in the matter.  I know that whatever Joe picks out, it won't be ugly because he wouldn't dare risk embarrassing himself at an event so important.

It takes about an hour to reach the boutique, most of it spent in comfortable silence, which is honestly such a rarity these days.  With all the pressure Joe has on him to make partner and succeed in politics, he has more of a short fuse than he used to for sure.  However, he always apologizes, and I know that once this is all over, things will get better again.

We walk into the store hand in hand.  The bells above the shop door ring as we enter, announcing our arrival to the owner.  The sweet older Italian woman, Giulia, rushes over and immediately takes my free hand in her own.

"Taylor, darling.  You're glowing!" she exclaims, looking me up and down. "Pre-wedding glow, or are you two going to be starting a family soon?" she mimes a pregnant belly to both of us.

I feel my cheeks heating up in a bright red blaze.  When she finally drops my hand, I immediately cross it over my abdomen.  Maybe I haven't been working out as much as I thought lately.

Luckily, Joe saved me by answering her with something I didn't quite catch, pulling her to the side, and discussing the vision he had for my dress.  While they discussed in hushed tones, I wandered the store, letting my fingertips reach out and run across some of the luxurious fabric. Satin, lace, velvet, and chiffon glided across my hands as I pushed through the racks.

I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the earlier comment about my weight, something that had always been an insecurity of mine.  Everyone seemed to think it was okay to make comments about other people's appearances, which had been happening to me since puberty, pretty much.  I knew in the back of my mind that their words shouldn't dictate how I live my life, but it's hard not to let it affect me.

"I have the perfect dress!" I hear Giulia exclaim excitedly, clapping her hands together in delight. She rushed by me, grabbing a dress off the next rack to my left.

The dress she lifted up was baby blue in color and quite heavy by the way she struggled to hoist the mass of fabric inside the plastic covering onto her shoulder so it wouldn't drag the ground. Giulia motioned for me to follow her to the fitting room, which I quickly obeyed.

Once the plastic covering was removed, I gasped in shock at just how lovely the dress was.  It looked almost as if it was quilted together, reminding me of something my grandma would have made.  Except for the fact that instead of the normal geometric shapes, there were intricate flowers with perfectly placed cutouts.  I could already tell this shade of blue would compliment my eyes perfectly and even matched a blue set of heels I already owned.

"Oh, G, this is perfect!" I said with a happy sigh, spinning to face the older woman.  A large smile was evident on her face as she looked back at me.

"I may be old, but I still know the trends," she says with a playful shake of her finger.  "Now go on, try it.  I think we should keep this a surprise for your lovely fiance.  He won't be able to keep his hands off of you once he sees this," she says with a wiggle of her eyebrows before drawing the curtain to the fitting room closed and walking off, I assume to find Joe. 

I make quick work of sliding out of my outfit and sliding into the dress.  The blue against my pale skin made the dress stand out even more, and my eyes pop.  I twirl, taking in the expertly placed openings along the side.  It showed the perfect amount of skin, playful but still respectable for Joe's work event.

"We'll take it, Giulia," I called out from the fitting room.


Two weeks later, I am smoothing out the blue fabric under my hands nervously in the crowded room full of people.  We had just finished dinner and now Joe was mingling with his colleagues ahead of his big announcement, which was set to take place at any moment now.
I stood beside him, feigning interest in listening to whatever they were talking about and adding in my two-sense where appropriate.  These things were always like this.  Joe talks.  I stand dutifully at his side, looking pretty.  Only adding in comments when appropriate or spoken to.  It made for a long, boring evening.

Living in a small town means that I know nearly every one in this room, including my own parents, who were chatting to their own peers across the room.  I politely excused myself from Joe and made my way over, wanting any excuse to get out of this terrible discussion over the current state of national security.

As she saw me approaching, my mother made space for me between her and my father.  She wrapped a secure arm around my waist and pulled me in for a brief hug.

"You look stunning, sweetheart," she whispered in my ear, sending me a wink as she pulled away.  I mouthed thank you in response before settling into her embrace, her hand still resting on my hip.

My father was in an avid conversation about healthcare economics with another man about his age with bright blonde hair and blue eyes. On the other man's side, a woman with dark brown hair and somewhat familiar hazel eyes stood by him in a stunning royal blue dress and matching blazer.
"Kurt, Tracy, this is my daughter, Taylor," I heard my father introduce me.  I tucked the loose curl that was framing my face behind my ear before reaching out to shake both of their hands.

"Delighted to meet you, dear," Tracy, the dark-haired woman, beamed at me.  "You must be so proud of your fiance and all he has accomplished."

"Very much so," I responded back with a soft smile.  "Joe has worked very hard to be here, and he has no plans on stopping anytime soon."  I was sure my father had been talking up all of Joe's accomplishments.  They had always gotten along very well, and my dad sung Joe's praises constantly.

"No doubt," the blonde man replied, scanning the room.  He held his hand up and waved someone over.

"Taylor, I'd like for you to meet two of my four daughters, Kimberly and Karlie. Girls, this is Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Swift" he states as two women reach our little circle

My breath hitches as I lock eyes with the taller woman.  She looks stunning in a fitted white dress, her hair straight and pulled back behind her ears.  I assume she's wearing heels as she looks even taller than I remember, but she is only barely inches above her sister.  Her eyes seem to grow brighter as she recognizes me.

"Taylor, hi," she breathes out, pulling me into a quick embrace.  She pulls back and looks me up and down.  "You look stunning."

"You as well, Kar," I smile back at her.  The sound of someone clearing their throat pulls my gaze away from her.

"So you two have already met?" My father asks, his head tilted in curiosity.

"We've run into each other a few times in town," I shrug in response, taking my place next to my mother and wrapping my hand around her arm.

"Well, good," Karlie's mother chimed in. "I'm glad my Karlie has someone looking out for her here in town since the rest of us are a few towns over," she smiled warmly at me.

"And this is Kimberly," Karlie's father added, gesturing to the other woman.

I scan the blonde standing next to Karlie.  Even if I hadn't known the other woman was her sister, their relation was undeniable.  They had the same green eyes, tall stature, and button nose. Their facial shape and slight height difference were the main differentiators between the two, as well as the shade of their hair, with Karlie's being a soft caramel color and her sister's being a bright blonde.  Kimberly's facial expression changes from one of questioning to a bright smile.

"Oh, so you're Taylor," she beams back at me, looking between me and Karlie.  I raise an eyebrow towards Karlie in response before offering Kimberly a small smile.

"That's me," I answer simply in response, offering her a playful shrug.

"Emmy will not stop asking Karlie about you.  It's kind of adorable," Kimberly confesses, her smile lighting up even more as she mentions her niece.

"Ah, I see," my smile widens, realizing the little girl is how Karlie's sister knows me.  It really is adorable that the little girl talks about me to her family. 

"Where is the little squirt anyways?" I question, tilting my head towards Karlie.

"She's back at my house with one of my best friends from college, her Aunt Gigi," Karlie beams back, her eyes lighting up and getting to talk about the little girl.  "Last I heard, they were having a tea party with every stuffed animal in our house."

I laugh warmly in response, picturing the little one attempting to drink water out of a plastic cup but spilling the water everywhere instead.

"So you're married, Karlie?" My dad asks lightly.  My eyes immediately widened, and shot Karlie an apologetic glance.

"It's just me and my daughter," she shrugs but gives my dad a light smile, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

Kimberly reaches out and squeezes Karlie's hand reassuringly.  I notice Karlie give her a squeeze in response.  Her green eyes are filled with sadness, and I see the beginnings of tears welling up in them.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed," my dad apologizes earnestly, looking at his feet in embarrassment.

"It's okay," Karlie responds softly before looking down at her feet.

At that moment, a man with dark hair called out for Kimberly and waved her over across the room. Kimberly looked back at her parents and mine before holding up a finger to the man across the room.

"It was so nice to meet you, Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. Swift.  If you'll excuse me, that's my husband," she gave everyone a smile before turning around to face the opposite side of the room.  She grabbed Karlie's hand and tugged her along as well, causing the taller woman to stumble momentarily before regaining her footing and following along behind her sister.


After a while, I found myself back at Joe's side, my third glass of champagne in hand.  After the interaction with our parents, I hadn't seen Karlie anywhere inside as I mingled about with Joe.

Normally at this kind of event, I never had more than one glass of alcohol, but I swear this year, the event was more boring than ever.  Plus, it helped quell the growing anxiety that Karlie would never speak to me again after that awkward comment by my father.  Way to go, dad.

After another one of Joe's colleagues left his side, he grabbed my arm and led me away from the crowd. The long hallway we were standing in was far enough away that no one was walking around, but we could still hear the noise of the party.

"What do you think you're doing, Taylor?" Joe hissed at me in a whispered tone.  He gestured to the champagne glass in my hand.  "I can't have my fiancee drunk before I even announce my run for mayor!"

I rolled my eyes at his statements and shook my head at him.  "Joe, calm down.  I'm not even drunk," I stated firmly, bringing a hand to my hip, though I was feeling the effects of the alcohol to a certain extent. Joe reached out and gripped my arm just below the elbow, pulling me in close to him.  His grip was just tight enough to be uncomfortable, and I squirmed in his hold.

"Jesus, just look at you! Your eyes are red, and your hair is a mess, for Christ's sake!" He said with a raised voice, taking the champagne glass from my hand and setting it on a nearby decorative table. 

I couldn't meet his gaze as I continued to squirm in his firm hold.  As I tried to look anywhere but Joe's face, I heard the sound of heels clicking down the long hallway.

When the sound registered with Joe, he immediately dropped his hand from my arm and pulled me closer.  My head dropped to Joe's shoulder to try and get a look at the person who was walking towards us, looking around diligently.

I caught a glimpse of the white fabric, caramel hair, and a smooth expanse of back that was exposed by the dress. Before I could even process what I was doing, I called out to the familiar woman.

"Karlie!" I yelled excitedly, stepping around Joe and waving at the woman.  She immediately smiled in recognition and walked towards us.

"Taylor, hi again," she greeted formally before turning to Joe.  "You must be Taylor's fiancee.  Joe, was it?" she asks politely, reaching her hand out to shake his.

Joe quickly returns Karlie's handshake. "Nice to meet you, Karlie.  I am Joseph Alwyn, and hopefully your next mayor," he says, flashing Karlie a charming smile.

"Would either of you happen to know where the restroom is at here? I'm afraid I'm a little lost," Karlie asks, ignoring Joe's comment.

"I think actually it's back the other way, but while you're here, Karlie..." Joe trails off, looking up at the woman who is even a few inches taller than him. "Taylor isn't feeling well, and she needs to go home.  I would send her with my car and have friends drive me home, but she's had a few drinks, and I just want to make sure she gets home safe."

At his last sentence, Karlie swallows hard. The same sad look from earlier creeps back onto her face, although I can't pinpoint why.
"Is there any way you could take her home?" Joe asks, giving Karlie a pleading look.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course," Karlie spits out quickly.  "Let me go let my family know we're leaving, and I'll meet you back here, Taylor?" She asks earnestly, her head tilted slightly towards me.

"Yeah, of course," I answer softly, looking down at my feet.  When I look back up, Karlie is gone, but Joe is standing there still, looking disappointed.

"You better get your shit together, Taylor.  You're lucky she came along and saved your ass tonight.  Go home and sober up, please," Joe said with a tone of slight disgust.  He looked me up and down once before walking back towards the direction of the party.

I quickly found the champagne glass that he had set on the nearby table and downed the rest of its contents.  If I already had to leave, I might as well finish having my fun while I waited for Karlie.

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