Blood chronicles: Sukuna in d...

By RimuruTempest547

41 7 18

What if the king of curses, the allegedly fraudulent one, the disowned one, the plot armour villain and the o... More

Prologue: The Downfall...Or Is It?

41 7 18
By RimuruTempest547

Please dont expect too much from this series i just made it out of boredom, anyways yeah enjoy.

As Yuta attempts to slash Sukuna, Sukuna simply catches the tip of the blade with his bare hands as a malicious grin takes over his face before immobilizing Yuta by using one of his other three free hands and catching the low part of the blade just above the sheath.


Yuta uttered as small cuts appear on Sukuna's face.

'This is my....'

Indeed, the king of curses was bitten by his own fangs. Sukuna quickly jumped away and made some distance as he used RCT to heal his face. He onwardly looked at Yuta with curiosity; he still has yet to understand how his copying works.

(Notes: from here on out, its gonna be completely not canon, i made this shit up and i know it wont be canon but this is just an au so who cares)

"Seems like you don't like getting hit by your own tricks, do you now?" Yuji said, with all his wounds now healed, before quickly rushing Sukuna and attempting a left hook to his face. Sukuna simply dodged before sending in more cleaves.

Yuji continued attacking mercilessly without giving Sukuna any breaks.

'Seriously, I hate to admit it, but this brat's endurance is annoying,' Sukuna thought as he continued dodging while countering each of Yuji's attacks. It annoyed him that this brat got to such heights with his naïve mindset. Sukuna was absolutely convinced that his mindset was the only way to attain the top, yet a feeling of doubt induced his mind.

Yuji, seeing him distracted, quickly sent a right hook aimed at his face, which landed and did quite the damage.

Not letting him breathe, Yuta quickly joined the blow exchange as he picked up yet another sword. As he picked it up and realized which technique it is, Yuta quickly called to Yuji.

"Yuji! From now on, I'm your brother."

Sukuna was confused; he knew there was a double meaning behind that phrase but couldn't decipher it.

Yuji, who understood almost immediately, rushed Sukuna with a bad form; his sides and weak spots were heavily unguarded. The direction of his punch was towards his elbow, which would deal almost no damage.

'What's this brat thinking?' As Sukuna pondered what purpose the brat intentionally used a bad form for, he quickly realized what's going on, but by that point, it was too late.


A clap was heard as the place where Yuji Itadori was supposed to be has been replaced with the menacing figure of Yuta Okkutso, who was sending a slash at Sukuna's neck.

Sukuna, finding it impossible to dodge such an attack, decided to sacrifice an arm. He quickly covered his neck with his arm, in which Yuta swiftly cut it off like it was butter.

Sukuna again quickly jumped back and made some distance as he complemented his next action.

'Because of my fight with Satoru Gojo and the lack of cursed energy reserves because of that brat, it will take some time to heal this arm. Not to mention that technique is going to be a pain to deal with.' Suddenly, Sukuna's eyes widened slightly when he looked at Yuta and saw him holding two swords.

'So he can even use two techniques at once. How interesting. Yuta Okkutsu, I guess it wasn't an exaggeration to call him the second strongest of this era. The first sword is the technique of that weirdo that can clap with butt cheeks or something of the sort, but what's the second technique for?' As Sukuna was eternally monologuing, an unexpected-slightly-expected visitor has entered the stage.

"YUTA-SAN! ITADORI-SAN, IT'S READY!" Ui Ui screamed both of their names, alerting about something. Surprisingly, he had a trash bag that seemed to be carrying a body.

'So that little brat can also teleport inside of a domain? How interesting, how truly interesting. He has a lot of potential. It's too bad I will kill him now.' Sukuna formed a grin as he raised and sent a bunch of slashes towards Ui Ui.

Another clap was heard as Ui Ui was replaced with a bunch of rubbles.

"Tch, what an annoying technique," Sukuna muttered as he looked towards our duo, Yuji and Yuta, protecting the figure of Ui Ui.

"Thanks for your contribution, Ui-san. You've done great. You can leave now," Yuta said as he took the bag. Ui Ui nods before disappearing from the battlefield.

"Just what are you planning, bra-UGH," Sukuna clenched his head out of pain as he felt him waking up. Yuji's attacks weren't in vain; Megumi was finally starting to wake up. If this continued any longer, Sukuna would be in trouble.

"THAT'S IT, FUSHIGURO, FIGHT BACK! DON'T LET HIM CONTROL YOU!" Yuji cried out for Megumi. He wanted him to know that he isn't alone on this.

Yuta, taking the opportunity, quickly rushed Sukuna and started attacking him with the help of Rika. He barraged him with restless slashes, making sure every hit counted. Sukuna was now in a dire situation. It didn't help that they were still in Yuta's domain, and he still can't use his own domain.

Yuji joined in the jumping, aiming a left hook at Sukuna's face. Sukuna simply dodged before Rika landed a solid hit on his shoulder. Seeing this, Yuta changed his sword position from a slashing to a thrusting motion as he stabbed his chest right in front of the heart.

"This is but a mere scratch!" Sukuna uttered with a voice full of arrogance as he broke the sword. Yuta's eyes widened as he jumped back while Rika is covering him.

"Now that I got rid of that annoying technique, let's see how well you two will do now," Sukuna stated with a malicious grin as he looked towards Yuji. "Oh please, was that hope I saw in your eyes? Did you seriously believe you can save your friend?"

Best boy was not about to let that slide.

Yuji, enraged by this, rushed Sukuna with nothing but rage to back him up. 'How stupid are you, naïve brat, to fall into such easy provocation?' Sukuna, feeling extremely arrogant, didn't try to dodge and spread his arms wide, giving Yuji the chance to land a solid hit.

The sparks of the black do not choose who to bless.

"KOKU.....SEN." The blackish-red sparks had changed the tides. Sukuna stumbled back while coughing blood. That brat tricked him. Yuji acted as if he fell for such provocation so Sukuna would lower his guards. The use of curse energy is most efficient when the user has complete control over his emotions. By acting like his emotions were running wild, he tricked Sukuna into thinking his attack would be ineffective.

Yuta, seizing the opportunity, quickly took out what was in the trash bag. Sukuna's vision was blurry because of that black flash; his eyes were bleeding. He simply didn't know whom it belonged to. Yuta rushed towards Sukuna while carrying the body. Sukuna used RCT to recover his eyesight as he felt two presences, one from the left and the other from the right. Sukuna finally regained his vision as he realized what they were trying to do, but it was too late.


Ui Ui had just retrieved Gojo's and Higuruma's bodies. Higuruma still had a small chance of survival, so he teleported him to Shoko and teleported back to Angel and the rest of the group. As they noticed, they quickly rushed towards them.

(We still don't know how binding vows work, so I will do my own things.)

"did you retrieve gojo satoru's body?" Spoke angel as she saw the body of gojo satoru, well, bodies since he was cut in half but that didn't matter, they now can continue the plan, angel touched gojo body before chanting something in a very low voice.

"Binding vow: In exchange for the body of the current holder of the Six Eyes and Limitless Technique, I wish for a replacement functional body suitable for Megumi Fushiguro as the host." A blinding light took over Gojo Satoru's body, shining brightly for a few moments. When the light dispersed, it revealed an exact replica of Megumi Fushiguro.

"Perfect! Quick, Ui-san, take this to Yuta-san and Yuji so we can execute the plan," said Angel as she put the body in the bag before giving it to Ui, who simply nodded and teleported out of there.

End of flashback:

Yuta pulled out Megumi's replacement body and put it on the ground before rushing towards Sukuna with his unknown technique sword. Sukuna, distracted by Yuji, felt Yuta and quickly sent a left hook using his lower left arm, turning around and barely dodging Yuta's slash.

"I must say this is quite entertaining. I wonder what you plan to do with that replica," Sukuna stated with an arrogant tone before grinning mischievously. 'These brats really think they're gonna do somethin-' Sukuna thought before quickly turning around to see a wild Yuji throwing a left hook. His eyes were demonic, even comparable to his own, but how did he not sense him?

No one in history was able to use Black Flash at will, not even the strongest Gojo Satoru. Yet, Yuji Itadori was clearly the exception.

"KOKU...SEN." The blackish-red sparks once again made an appearance. Sukuna had blurry vision once again; he was no longer able to feel Megumi's soul inside of him. Once he healed his eyes, he looked towards the duo, now a trio, seeing Megumi's replacement body filled with life. These brats really managed to save him.

"Haha, so what if you did save your sorry friend? I will just have to kill him myself. I still have my body, and as long as I exist, you stand no chance!" Sukuna scratched his hair, his unexplainable hatred towards Yuji incredibly evident.

"Who said we stand no chance?" Yuta uttered these words with full confidence as he looked at Sukuna's confused figure. "Look at your cheek."

Sukuna quickly looked at his magnificent ass-


Sukuna put a hand over his cheek and felt blood running down from a scratch. He stared as he wiped the blood away, "A scratch, really? So what if I never realized when you did. It's still just a mere scratch."

Yuta simply looked at him with a terrifying gaze before uttering the following, "You still don't know which technique the sword I'm holding is, right?"

Sukuna quickly regained his composure as he looked towards Yuta with a serious face. This will be troublesome depending on the technique.

"Your fate has already been decided, Sukuna. The technique that I'm carrying is Ui Ui's technique. I made a binding vow that, in exchange for a certain thing that I would rather not talk about, I will be able to teleport you as far away from this planet as possible. I doubt you have a hidden technique that allows you to breathe in space, do you?" Sukuna's eyes widened at this revelation. He already knew that there was infinite possibility with this copy-paste brat, yet he was still willing to fight unguarded. This was a complete loss for Sukuna; his arrogance led him to this. "This is checkmate, Sukuna. So any last words?"

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA," Sukuna started laughing maniacally. When an unstoppable force is met with an immovable object, either the unstoppable force will cease being unstoppable, or the immovable object will cease being immovable.

In this context, Sukuna is the immovable object, while Yuji is an unyielding flame that will continue to burn through its path, the true unstoppable force.

"Brat, your ability to bounce back up even after the worst, your undefined motivation to keep going, your ability to protect the weak knowing that they only hold you back is something truly confusing to me. I suppose I underestimated you, brat."

Those words sounded like pity.....

But Sukuna doesn't have such feelings.

"Just get this over with already," Sukuna said as he started scratching his belly, seemingly unfazed by his own upcoming demise. Yuta, getting impatient as well, simply stabbed the sword through the ground. The next moment, Sukuna simply disappeared and was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, that was... surprisingly underwhelming," Yuji said as he fell on the ground and hugged Megumi's unconscious body. Megumi was the only person Yuji had left (fuck you, Nobara), so he would make sure to treasure him for the rest of their lives.

Suddenly, they heard weird music.

"YO, DID I MISS THE PARTY?" said a man who was half naked, missing his left arm and left ear, his face half blown, and a huge scar through his chest. It was none other than our favorite gambler, Kinji Hakari.

"Shawty almost ruined my J's," he said as he started flexing his Jordans. "The ice lackey has been exorcised by me; she couldn't keep up with the beat for real."

"HAKARI-SAN!" shouted both youngsters, glad to see their senior safe and not really uninjured, but you get the point.

"By the way, Yuta-san, what did you exchange in the binding vow?" Yuji asked out of pure curiosity, which also piqued Hakari's interest. Yuta, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to dig himself into a hole, which didn't help at all. In fact, it simply fueled their curiosity even further.

"Can we please change the subject?" Yuta pleaded for mercy, but there was no escape. "No," these words escaped from both of their mouths at the same time, waiting for an answer.

"Fine, it's just that, in exchange for sending Sukuna as far away from the planet as possible... I-in exchange... I will never get a boner again," Yuta uttered those devastating words with such a hopeless tone.


Meanwhile with Sukuna:

"Where... am I?"

To be continued.
2330 words

So yeah this is the end of the prologue, the first chapter will probably take some time to upload because im busy with other things but i promise once im done with all these there will be regular updates.


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