Feelings? (Discontinued)

By Skyarcher07

255 2 0

Discontinued due to a new story I'm working on and to be honest I just don't like how this has turned out. More

Part 1 Boot up
Part 2 Resistance
Part 3 Fear
Part 4 Before Y/N
Character Y/N Bio
Part 5 Market
IDW #1
IDW #2
IDW #3
IDW Battle for Angel Island
IDW Bonds of Friendship


21 1 0
By Skyarcher07

Next chapter: JET SET TORNADO.

This chapter is based on the Sonic IDW comic series.

The scene opens up with Y/N and Tails hanging onto the wing of the Tornado, Sonic in the driver's seat.

Sonic spins the plane around doing a barrel role.


Y/N's sensors are disoriented from the sudden spin, their robotic eyes replaced with swirls.

Tails: I mean it's more of an aileron roll but close enough.

Sonic: Thanks for taking me up in the Tornado Tails. It's been way too long since I sat in the cockpit!

Tails: Well, we haven't had much peacetime in the sky lately. I want to get ready for whatever comes our way next, and that means new tech. And just between you and me I wanted to see how Y/N adapts to having nothing under their feet.

Y/N shifts their gaze to the ground below, they quickly look up trying not to think about it but their circuits are on edge.

Tails: Plus, who better to help test my new Jet Booster prototype for speed! (He's referring to the thing on the bottom of the plane.) But remember this booster is super powerful. We'll take it easy and do a few straight aways before we call it a day. We don't wanna put the Tornado under too much stress or make Y/N barf up pictures... again.

Sonic: Stress? Me? I don't even know the mea-


Sonic pulls the plane to the side just barley dodging a green streak.

Sonic: WOAH! That Badnik came out of nowhere! Didn't even show up on the radar!

Tails: Y/N binocular mode.

Y/N detaches their head, the back opens up a hole big enough for a head to fit in. They hand it to Tails who puts it on.

Tails: That armor and those speeds. It must be some kind of stealth Balkiry! Y/N zoom.

The lenses zoom in on a box in its grasp.

Tails: Resistance supplies! It must have raided the nearby store house for fuel cells!

Tails puts Y/N's head back on their body.

Sonic: Can't have that can we?

Tails: But we'll never catch up unless-

Sonic: Way ahead of you pal!

Sonic presses the button on the joystick.

Tails: Hold on let me-

The booster activates, making the plane faster than ever, Y/N loses their grip on the wing and is now holding onto the rear wings.

Y/N's robotic body shakes as they cling onto the rear wings, the wind rushing past them as they struggle to maintain their grip. Their circuits beep and whir as they try to stabilize themselves, their mechanical eyes wide with uncertainty as they hang on for dear life.

Sonic: Well, booster works.

Tails: Sometimes engineering brains... are burden.

The wings begins creaking as Sonic makes the plane perform a dive.

Y/N: Warning! Tornados Structural integrity failing!

Sonic: What! I can't hear you over the wings creaking!

A bolt pops off of the turbine.

Tails: One wrong maneuver and we risk a SERIOUSLY unscheduled landing!

Sonic: Heh don't want that.

Tails: It's trying to lose us in that Island Canyon- we'll have to cut the booster power if we want to stay in one piece.

Sonic: About that... I may have smashed the button a little too enthusiastically...

Tails: Ill add that to my list of scheduled upgrades... but no problem, we'll just have to think faster than we fly!

Sonic: Heck yeah!

Tails: See those volcanic vents? This Island is full of them. They consider wild currents that this bird brain won't consider. Plus, where's their vents...

He points to some bubbles coming out of the water.

Tails: They're geysers. Stay on its tail until we can ride an updraft and get the drop on it!

Sonic: Right that way I won't stress the Tornado out again!

The Plane gets closer to the Badnik.

Tails: Pull up gently until were in position to drop our payload

Sonic: You don't mean...

Tails sighs.

Tails: Yeah, but I can always build another one.

The plane is almost in position, the badnik notices them momentarily distracting it. The Tornado then pulls up as the badnik is hit by a geyser causing it to drop the crate.

Tails: NOW! Disengage the booster.

Sonic stands up from the pilot seat.

Sonic: Sorry pal, I can't let your hard work go to waste just because I couldn't resist some stunt pilot shenanigans. Y/N hold the plane steady!

Y/N nods in acknowledgment, their robotic systems adjusting to compensate for the sudden change in speed and direction. They hold onto the Joystick with steady hands, their mechanical eyes focused on maintaining stability and control.

Sonic jumps down to the badnick rolling into a ball.

Tails: Be careful! It could be more volatile than a standard balkiry!

Sonic makes contact with it, the badnik produces a volatile explosion sending Sonic back up to the Tornado.

Tails grabs Sonic hand pulling him back on to the Tornado.

Tails: I've got you!

Sonic coughs.

Sonic: Thanks bud! I guess it was more volatile. How's the booster?

Y/N: Fuel at 58%, estimated time till empty is...

A loading screen is seen on their screen.

Y/N: 5 hours, 13 minutes and 14 seconds.

Tails: Looks like we're gonna be flying for a while, but this test proves that its capable. All that's left to do is radio the Resistance to recover our crate and stick our landing.

Y/N: Sonic? Want controls?

Sonic: Eh actually you fly a lot better than me, and landing aren't really my thing after all... you gotta go slow.

Log 6

Subject: Y/N's fear of heights

Date: [2/25/2025]

Tails Entry Cont...

Today's test flight with Y/N and Sonic highlighted an interesting aspect of Y/N's programming - their fear of heights. Despite being a robot with no physical body to be affected by heights, Y/N exhibited signs of anxiety and discomfort when hanging onto the wing of the Tornado during the high-speed chase. This fear seemed to stem from the uncertainty and lack of control that comes with being in such a precarious situation.

As we continue to push the limits of Y/N's capabilities and adaptability, it's important to consider how their unique programming and emotional responses may impact their performance in high-stress situations. Understanding and addressing these fears will be crucial in ensuring Y/N's well-being and effectiveness in future missions.

Overall, today's flight was a success in testing the Jet Booster prototype and showcasing Y/N's ability to adapt to challenging circumstances. I look forward to further exploring and refining Y/N's capabilities as we continue to work together in the field.

End log.


The plane parks on the soft grass.

Y/N stumbles out of the cockpit, their eyes disoriented.

Tails: Y/N are yo-

Pictures start coming out of Y/N's mouth, their memory overflooded.

Tails quickly catches Y/N, guiding them to a seat as they continue to expel the pictures. Tails tries to calm them down, reassuring them that they are safe and back on solid ground.

Sonic looks at Tails worriedly. 

Sonic: Tails what's going on?

Tails: Y/N is experiencing a memory overload, Sonic. The intense stress and speed of the flight likely triggered this reaction. We just need to let their systems process and reset.

Sonic nods in understanding, his concern for Y/N evident in his expression as he watches them try to recover from the overload.

Tails: Y/N, can you hear me? Take deep breaths and focus on calming your systems. You're safe now.

Y/N's screens flicker as they slowly start to calm down, their robotic systems gradually stabilizing as they process and organize the overwhelming amount of data they absorbed during the flight.

Y/N: Unwanted memories dumped. Memory back at 58%.

Tails: Already?! I should probably increase your memory some time.

Next up: Tangle and Whisper Miniseries

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