Gossamer Dreams

By Ghostwriter555

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Character Introduction Three kids were gazing at the stars, their eyes sparkling with wonder and hope. "Hyung... More

Character Introduction


176 23 7
By Ghostwriter555

"Hobi?" Taehyung called. He came early from work. He has something else in his mind.

"Yeah." Hoseok was playing with his phone when Tae called him.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?"


"Then, would you like to go dinner with me?" Taehyung's question caught Hoseok off-guard.

"With you?"


"Me?" Hoseok asked pointing at himself. He was just checking unable to believe that his cold husband just asked him out on a date.




"With me?", Hoseok asked again.

"Who else? You are the only one here." Taehyung chuckled at Hoseok's disbelief at the invitation.

This was the first time Taehyung has invited him for a dinner...rather anywhere. Taehyung was a busy man who rarely spoke or barely had time for his husband. So, when Taehyung asked him for dinner, he was unable to believe his ears.

"Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise. We are leaving at 7 so be ready by then."

Hoseok looked at his phone. He had two hours so he ran to the bedroom and started trying on different outfits looking himself in the mirror, trying each and every outfit. He was checking out which looked the best. After hunting for an hour, he found something he felt was perfect. Taehyung smiled unconsciously at Hoseok's antics.

"Hoseok, you wanna shower first?"

"Ohh..okay." Hoseok snapped out of his thoughts and went to hit the shower grabbing his towel. After a few minutes, Hoseok stepped out of the shower, steam billowing around him and saw Taehyung waiting for him in the bed. His husband's eyes immediately fell upon him, and Hoseok couldn't help but notice the hungry look in Taehyung's gaze. Taehyung's eyes lingered on Hoseok's form, his towel precariously low on his hips, revealing just enough to stir Taehyung's desires. The scent of vanilla, lingering in the air from Hoseok's body wash, filled Taehyung's senses, intoxicating him further. For a moment, Taehyung closed his eyes, allowing himself to indulge in the fragrance and the sight before him, his mind consumed by the image of Hoseok's alluring presence. Hoseok felt himself scrutinized under the gaze of Taehyung. He never saw Taehyung eyeing him like this. Rather he never gave Hoseok a proper look. It was just formal most of the time. He felt a burst of happiness inside blushing under the gaze.

"Hoseok, are you done?" Taehyung's voice brought him back to reality, and with a shake of his head, Taehyung reluctantly tore his gaze away from his husband's enticing form.

"Ye...yeah," Hoseok replied, his voice husky with desire as he made his way out of the bedroom, his mind still reeling from the intensity of Taehyung's gaze.

As Taehyung stepped into the shower, the memory of Hoseok's body lingered in his mind like an irresistible allure. He couldn't shake the image of Hoseok's sculpted physique, every curve and contour etched into his memory with tantalizing clarity. The way Hoseok's skin glistened with moisture, the way his muscles moved with fluid grace—it was enough to send a shiver down Taehyung's spine.

But amidst the intoxicating allure of Hoseok's physical presence, Taehyung's thoughts veered unexpectedly towards his past, towards someone else who had once stolen his heart. A pang of guilt washed over him as memories of his previous love flooded his mind, leaving him feeling unsettled and conflicted.

For a moment, Taehyung's face went pale as he grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling inside him. He shook his head, trying to banish the memories that threatened to overwhelm him, and focused on the present moment—the sound of the water cascading down around him, the warmth enveloping his skin.

This newfound tug of heart, this unbidden attraction to Hoseok, was unlike anything Taehyung had experienced before. It stirred a sense of longing and confusion within him, leaving him questioning the nature of his feelings and the depth of his commitment to his current relationship. Taehyung couldn't help but wonder why Hoseok had such a profound effect on his mind and his heart.

At the restaurant:

As Taehyung and Hoseok walked hand in hand, the ambiance of the restaurant enveloped them in a warm embrace. Soft lighting cast a gentle glow over the elegant décor, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and romance. The gentle hum of conversation and the tinkling of glasses filled the air, adding to the enchanting allure of the setting.

Hoseok couldn't help but admire the beauty of their surroundings as he whispered to Taehyung, "Lovely place." Taehyung's smile in response made Hoseok's heart flutter with warmth, his affection for his husband growing with each passing moment.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung," a voice called out from behind, causing Taehyung to turn around. He smiled warmly as he greeted the foreign visitors who had entered the room.

"Hey, Mr. Hudson, pleased to meet you. Please, have a seat. Meet my husband, Jung Hoseok," Taehyung said graciously, gesturing towards the chairs arranged around the table. Hoseok's face fell but he forced a smile. Who are these people? And Tae didn't say Kim Hoseok...Didn't he introduce him as his husband? Shouldn't it be Kim Hoseok? But he didn't say anything.

As they all settled in, engaging in polite conversation and discussing business matters, it hit Hoseok that he was merely being used as a prop in Taehyung's professional facade. He felt like a punch in the gut. The realization weighed heavily on his heart, dampening his spirits as he forced a polite smile and tiny conversation throughout the evening.

Taehyung, on the other hand, seemed completely oblivious to Hoseok's inner turmoil. He charmed the foreign clients with his wit and charisma, effortlessly navigating the conversation and making them feel at ease. As the evening progressed, Taehyung ordered drinks to celebrate their successful meeting.

"I'll have a whiskey, please," Taehyung said, flashing a charming smile at the waiter.

"I will have the same", Hoseok said strongly. He hesitated for a moment, knowing full well that he had a low tolerance for alcohol. But he didn't want to appear weak or childish in front of Taehyung and the clients. So he forced himself to down a couple of drinks, hoping to keep up appearances. As the whiskey slid down his throat, Hoseok felt it burning his throat, though it paled in comparison to the turmoil raging in his heart.

"Hoseok? Hoseok?"

"Taehyungggggggggggg......awwww....TaeTae......you are shoooo cute." Hoseok started slurring and began swaying from side to side. Taehyung sighed. A drunk Hoseok was the last thing he wanted to deal with. He will be leaving to USA tonight. And Hoseok was not making things easier. His clients started laughing at Hoseok's actions. "Excuse me, shall we continue this discussion later? He is a little tipsy."

"Tipp...tippp.....tiitpptip...tippsssy....", Hoseok started mumbling.

Taehyung said goodbye to his clients and pulled the drunk Hoseok back to their home. All around the car, Hoseok was pulling Taehyung's cheeks and blabbering nonsense.

"You're so cute, Taetae! I luv you lots and lots. You're like a widdle teddy bear, especially when you make that pouty face like a baby." Hoseok smiled as he pinched Taehyung cheeks. Then, all of a sudden, Hoseok's mood turned sad as he withdrew his hands from Taehyung. "But why do I feel like you don't wuv me? Tsk... you hate me, Taetae.""

Taehyung looked at Hoseok who was sobbing sadly. He was feeling bad for the man sitting beside him. "Hoseok, I don't hate you. I do like you. It's just that I need time, Hoseok. I hope you understand."

Hoseok's somber expression remained unchanged as Taehyung drove them home. He sat silently in the passenger seat, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window. With each passing mile, he seemed to retreat further into himself, his thoughts clouded by the effects of the alcohol.

As they arrived home, Taehyung gently lifted Hoseok into his arms, cradling him in a bridal carry. Hoseok leaned against Taehyung's chest, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated, the alcohol dulling his senses. Taehyung navigated through the familiar space of their home, his steps steady as he carried his husband to their bedroom.

Carefully laying Hoseok down on the soft mattress, Taehyung began to remove his shoes and shirt, intending to help him get ready for bed. But before he could finish, Hoseok's hand reached out, grasping Taehyung's wrist with surprising strength.

Startled, Taehyung turned to look at Hoseok, his eyes widening in concern. But instead of speaking, Hoseok pulled Taehyung towards him, drawing him close in an embrace that was both desperate and tender. Taehyung's heart pounded in his chest as he attempted to pull away from Hoseok's grasp. He could feel Hoseok's warm breath against his face, sending a rush of sensations through him.

"Taetaeee... My Tae..." Hoseok's voice was hoarse as he pulled Taehyung back into his arms. The mixture of alcohol and intense emotions was intoxicating. Taehyung tried to resist himself and tried to pull away from Hoseok. "Hoseok...stop it..."

"Tae...", Hoseok's voice was hoarse and a whisper as he looked at Taehyung with dark and shining orbs that was pleading for a kiss. It was filled with want and love. His gaze fell at Hoseok's heart shaped lips that were pink waiting to be kissed. Both his hands were draped at Taehyung's neck pulling him closer. Taehyung tried to look away but he couldn't as he looked at Hoseok's face. Just like a magnetic pull, he inched his face towards Hoseok. Their lips met fervently, and all restraint seemed to vanish between them.

Hoseok welcomed Taehyung's tongue eagerly, and the passion between them ignited like a wildfire. Taehyung's mind was a whirlwind of desire, yet he couldn't resist exploring Hoseok's body. What was Hoseok doing to him? Why did he feel so vulnerable and weak against Hoseok?

His hands trembled as he tore off Hoseok's shirt, revealing flawless abs and inviting pink buds. Taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away as his lips traced a tantalizing path, kissing and teasing Hoseok's nipples. His hands roamed beneath Hoseok's back, pulling him closer to savor every inch of his body. Amidst the intoxicating pleasure, Taehyung's mind was a chaotic mix of emotions. The memories of his painful past clashed with the overwhelming attraction he felt towards Hoseok. He couldn't comprehend the intensity of his feelings.

"Tae...ummfff...aahhh..." Hoseok's voice trembled as Taehyung's hand found its way to his member, igniting more desire within him. Taehyung's touch sent a rush of blood through Hoseok's veins. Their eyes locked, and Taehyung could see the silent plea in Hoseok's gaze, urging him for more. Taehyung's focus never wavered as he took Hoseok's member into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it. He took it all, savoring every reaction from the man beneath him. With one hand pleasuring himself, Taehyung watched Hoseok writhe in pleasure. Hoseok's fingers gripped Taehyung's hair, urging him on to take him deeper. Hoseok's gasps and moans fueled Taehyung's desire even more, driving him to please him with every ounce of passion within him. In a haze of ecstasy, Hoseok struggled to form words, lost in the overwhelming pleasure and emotions coursing through him.

Taehyung didn't hold back, taking Hoseok's member fully, not giving him a chance to catch his breath. Hoseok's desperate pleas only fueled Taehyung's fervor, and he continued to pleasure both himself and Hoseok, cherishing every moment of their intimate encounter. As their bodies trembled with climax, Taehyung crawled out of the bed, leaving Hoseok panting and looking helpless. He went to the bathroom to fetch a towel, the air filled with a mixture of intense emotions and uncertainty. Taehyung cleaned himself and Hoseok, still trying to comprehend the depth of what had transpired between them.

Taehyung lay down beside Hoseok who hugged him tightly, feeling the warmth of his embrace. Tae smiled as he hugged Hoseok and let sleep take over.


As the early morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, Taehyung woke up, realizing that he had missed his flight to the USA. He was supposed to leave the night before, but something unexpected had happened – he couldn't resist himself..he couldn't resist Hoseok. Looking at Hoseok sleeping peacefully, Taehyung couldn't help but smile, but soon, a tinge of sadness washed over him. Hoseok clung to Taehyung like a koala, their legs entwined as they slept. Taehyung gently untangled himself from Hoseok's embrace and went to the bathroom. He had already packed his bags the previous day, which saved him some time. He dressed quietly and returned to Hoseok, leaving a strip of medicine and a note. "Sorry, didn't want to wake you up. Take these pills for the hangover. I'll be back soon. Take care... Taehyung."

As Taehyung distanced himself from Hoseok, a cloud of distress settled over his mind like a heavy fog. He couldn't help but question why he always seemed to lose control around Hoseok, why his presence had the power to stir up such a tumultuous mix of emotions within him.

There was a vulnerability that Taehyung felt in Hoseok's presence, a rawness that he couldn't quite explain. Yet, despite the unease it brought him, there was also a sense of contentment that washed over him when they were together—a feeling of being understood and accepted in a way that he hadn't experienced before.

The power of Hoseok's smile over him was both bewildering and intoxicating. It had a way of melting away Taehyung's defenses, leaving him feeling simultaneously elated and guilty for succumbing to its charm.

Taehyung had suggested that Hoseok go to his parents' home at Gwanju. But Hoseok had stubbornly insisted on staying at Seoul. Now, as Taehyung reflected on the events of the previous day, he couldn't help but wonder if things might have turned out differently if Hoseok had just left to Gwanju as he had suggested. Perhaps then, they could have avoided the entire scene and the emotional turmoil that ensued, sparing both of them from the pain and confusion that now clouded their relationship.

Jin-Ae greeted Taehyung. "Good morning Taetae. All set?"

"Yeah Jin-Ae. Umm..don't call Hoseok. He had a little too much to drink".

"Oh...Okay Tae. You have a safe flight."

"Thanks Jin-Ae".

Taehyung then took a visit to the secret room, a place of solace amidst his messy life. As he sat there, memories of the past flooded his mind, and silent tears rolled down his cheeks...of forgiveness, of guilt.

"I am sorry baby. Forgive me if you can." He apologized to the room and the essence of the person it belonged to. Feeling overwhelmed, Taehyung turned off the lights in the room and left the apartment, closing the door behind him, carrying the weight of his emotions with him.


Hoseok woke up to a pounding headache, feeling like his head was being hammered. He noticed the empty space on the bed beside him and saw a note with pills. Taehyung had left without saying goodbye. A sense of sadness washed over him, but he knew he had to deal with the throbbing headache first.

Dragging himself to the bathroom, he freshened up, trying to ease the pain. As he made his way to the hall, he overheard Jin-Ae talking to Mrs. Kim.

"I don't know what to say, Mrs. Kim. Hoseok is not right for Taehyung. He got drunk last night, and Taehyung had to bring him home. He behaved like a child, so immature. Poor Tae, he deserves better. He even made coffee for Hoseok before leaving for his trip. He's trapped in this marriage. Why did you make Taehyung marry such a childish and immature boy?"

Jin-Ae's words stung, and Hoseok couldn't help but feel hurt by her comments about their marriage. He quietly stepped back, realizing he had overheard a private conversation, and Jin-Ae whispered to Taehyung's mother that she would call back.

Hoseok wanted to confront Jin-Ae but not now...right now, he needed to focus on his headache and the fact that Taehyung had left him without a proper farewell was not helping it. He was finding it difficult with this hot and cold behavior of Taehyung.



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