Todd & Tex's Canterlot Advent...

By Spider33d

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Join cousins Todd and Tex on their many adventures with the Equestria Girls as they fight against evil and de... More

Main OC 1 Bio
Main OC 2 Bio
The Pony Princess from another Dimension
How to be a Fall Formal Princess
Research in the Library
Rekindling Friendships
Framed and Trapped
The Truth comes out
Return of the Fall Formal
Getting Ready for the Big Night
Showdown at the Fall Formal
Sunset Shimmer's Tale
Farewell for now

Another Day in Canterlot High

291 3 3
By Spider33d

This is the first time I am writing a story about the Equestria Girls franchise. My male OCs are named Todd Wild and Tex Star. Although they don't have any magic abilities yet, they will help out the Equestria Girls as much as they can. Their friendship is inspired by the friendship between Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater from the Cars franchise. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


Welcome to Canterlot, a city that is surrounded by many hills along with some forests. It is also home to many humans who live their lives peacefully. 

We now go to a light blue house in a part of Canterlot. In a bedroom, an alarm clock at the side of a bed goes off. A light blue hand reaches over and hits the snooze button. It belongs to a light blue male teenage boy with black hair wearing white t-shirts and red shorts. He gets up from the covers and begins to yawn and stretch his arms and rubbed his eyes before opening them to reveal them to be light brown color. The boy is of average height, but didn't have any muscle tone.  His name is Todd Wild. His room has a bookshelf with different kinds of animal books. There was even a desk and a laptop that Todd uses to do his work and some gaming. There was even a few notebooks. He goes over to the window and opens it to get a good look at the view. 

Todd: Another day in the city Canterlot

Todd then went over to the bathroom. He then brushed his teeth and then wiped his face with a hand towel. After he had done that, Todd went back to his room and open his closet. He then took out some clothes from a hanger. He then puts on a red hoodie with a black paw print on it, some blue jeans, white socks, and a pair of cyan shoes. He then looks in the mirror on the side of the door. Todd begins to notice that something is missing. Looking around his room, he notices a pair of binoculars on his desk. He goes over to his desk and puts it over his neck. Todd then looks in the mirror again and finds it to his liking.

Todd: Perfect

Todd went downstairs and head to the kitchen. He took out some cereal from a cabinet and some milk from the refrigerator. Todd sat at a table and pour some cereal into a bowl and then the milk. Once he finished breakfast, Todd went back upstairs and got his backpack. He then headed out the door of his house and walk up to the sidewalk. He breathe the fresh air

Todd: Time for another day of learning at Canterlot High. And to meet up with cousin Tex.

He then hears screeching. Todd looks up and sees a peregrine falcon perched on a streetlight. For some reason, it was watching him. 

Todd: Oh it's you again. Don't you have anything better to do than just watch me?

The falcon only chirps in response.

Todd: (sighs) Didn't think so. I love to stay and chat, but I don't want to be late for school. I'll see you later.

Todd then walks off on the sidewalk. The falcon just watched the boy for a few minutes before flying away. The boy continue to walk down the sidewalk. After walking across the streets, he reached his destination at Canterlot High. As he reached the entrance, he sees two teenage girls. One has cyan skin and lightish grayish cyan hair while the second girl has light greenish gray skin with fuschia and pink hair. They were hanging out at the steps

Todd: Morning Lyra! Morning Sweetie Drops!

Sweetie Drops: Morning Todd!

Lyra: Good morning! How are you?

Todd: Doing okay. Just about to head into school. What about you two?

Sweetie Drops: We're just hanging out until class starts

Lyra: Yeah. We got plenty of time to hang out with each other. After all, we are best friends for life.

The two girls hug each other

Todd: Heh heh. Can't argue with that. I can tell the bond between you two is kinda strong.

Lyra: Aww. That's so kind of you to say that.  

Todd: Thanks. Well I'll see you girls later

Lyra and Sweetie Drops: Bye!

He then heads up the stairs and into the school. 

Lyra: Todd's really sweet. Isn't he?

Sweetie Drops: He sure is. And he's kind of cute too

Todd went inside the school. As he walk through the main floor, he sees a bunch of students swarming the place. To Todd, this was like animals stampeding in every direction. 

After weaving his way throw the crowd of students, Todd made his way over to the halls where the lockers are. 

Todd: Phew. Man, that was terrifying than the last time. I swear, these guys are just like a swarm of locusts. 

As he continue to walk through the halls, a rabbit hops up to him. Looking up at him, the rabbit smiled at him.

Todd: Hi Angel. How ya doin?

Angel hugs Todd's leg. This made Todd giggle a bit

Todd: I guess you must be really happy to see me

?????: Angel

Todd looks to see a girl with yellow skin and pink hair wearing a green white shirt and green skirt running up. She even wore a butterfly hair clip. This is Fluttershy

Now Todd was a good friend of Fluttershy when they were young. She likes animals just like him. Fluttershy then picks up Angel

Fluttershy: What have I told you about wandering off on me? You know you're not suppose to be seen on school grounds.

Angel's ears droop down as he feels sad

Fluttershy: Aww. I can't stay mad at you. Just please stay in my bag and out of sight.

She opens her bag and Angel jumps in. Fluttershy then notices Todd

Fluttershy: Oh. Hello Todd 

Todd: Good morning, Fluttershy. How are you today?

Fluttershy begins to twirl her hair nervously

Fluttershy: I'm doing fine. I hope Angel didn't give you too much trouble

Todd: It was no trouble actually. I think Angel was just very happy to see me. 

Fluttershy: That's so good to hear

Todd: I still don't get why you have to bring your pets with you to school. 

Fluttershy: I can't help myself. They would feel very lonely if I just leave them behind

Todd: I suppose that's true. (sighs) Too bad I don't have a pet

Fluttershy: I'm sure the animal shelter would have the perfect one for you, Todd. That reminds me, the Animal Shelter is in need of some volunteers. (takes out a flyer) Would you care to help an animal that can't help itself?

Todd: Sure. I can do that. (takes the flyer)

Fluttershy: Thank you. You're a good friend

She then hugs Todd who blushes. Fluttershy then lets go, blushing herself

Fluttershy: I better go

Fluttershy begins to leave but not before waving back at him. Todd watches in amusement as she scurries off

Todd: Heh heh. That Fluttershy. 

After putting away the flyer, Todd continues walking through the halls while passing his fellow classmates. He then rounds a corner and found his locker. Todd then opens it and then unzips his backpack. He then begins to place some books inside and take out some textbooks that he needs for his class. But once he closed the locker and was about to head off...

?????: Well, well, well

Todd cringes as he heard the voice. He turns around to see a girl about his age. The girl had light amber skin, red and yellow wavy hair, and cyan colored eyes. She was even wearing a dark pink shirt with a shimmering sun on it, black leather jacket, an orange skirt with pink and yellow lines, and black and pink boots that reached her knees. This is Sunset Shimmer, the biggest bully in Canterlot High. She has always made life miserable for any student that crosses her. Todd had always been her favorite target to bully, and had a few run-ins with her over the years. He glared as she got near him

Todd: Sunset!

Sunset Shimmer: I should've known a lost pup like you would be wandering my halls. 

Todd: Who are you calling a pup? And these halls don't belong to you

Sunset Shimmer then got in front of him

Sunset Shimmer: What did you say?

Todd: You heard me. These halls belong to every student. Just because you're the top student, doesn't mean you run this school

Sunset grabbed his shoulders and shoved him against the locker

Sunset Shimmer: Are you talking back to me, Todd?

Todd: And what if I am? I'm not afraid of you

Sunset Shimmer: You should be. Have you forgotten who won all those pageants over the years? The Fall Formal is coming up in three days and I am going to be it's princess. And when I do, you're going to start showing some respect to me.

Todd: Like hay I would

Sunset Shimmer: (smirks) I would choose my words carefully if I were you. (rubs his left cheek) I wouldn't want to harm that handsome face of yours

This caused Todd to blush as she did that. Just then, someone walks up to them

??????: Back off, Sunset!

They turn to see a boy with light green skin, red hair, and gray eyes. He is wearing a red shirt with a symbol of a small horseshoe with a rope, blue jeans, white cowboy boots, red neckerchief, and white cowboy hat. This is Tex Star, Todd's cousin and best friend.

Todd: Cuz!

Sunset Shimmer: (scoffs) Get lost, Tex! Me and Todd were just having a friendly conversation

Tex: Friendly, you say? It looks to me like your harassin Todd again. And you should know by now that I don't take kindly to people messin with my family. Especially my cousin. 

Sunset Shimmer: And what are you going do about it, huh? You know you country folks aren't that bright

Tex: Don't you dis us country folks, Shimmer!

He grabs Todd and pulls him away from Sunset

Tex: Come on, Todd. Let's get

Tex then leaves with Todd. Sunset glared as they left

Sunset Shimmer: You won't always have that cousin to protect you, Todd!

The cousins then begin to walk through the halls

Todd: Thanks for the save, Tex

Tex: Hey! What are cousins for?

Todd: You know, I could've taken on Sunset myself

Tex: And risk her doing something much worse to you? I don't think so, partner

Todd: (sighs) Good point. I swear. It feels like Sunset Shimmer is getting meaner every year. 

????????: Hey guys! 

The cousins turn to see a teenage boy with gamboge skin and blue hair. He was wearing a black vest with white and red stripes over a white shirt with a lightning symbol on it, blue jeans, and black and white shoes. His name is Flash Sentry.

Todd: Hey, Flash.

Flash Sentry: I couldn't help but overhear you two talking about Sunset Shimmer. She's not giving you any trouble again. Is she?

Tex: She nearly did to Todd. But I was able to save him just in the nick of time.

Flash Sentry: That's good, Tex. And you would do best to steer clear of Sunset, Todd. From the looks of things, she really has it out for you.

Todd: (sighs) Don't remind me. (then the bell rang) Oh. That's the bell. We better get to class. See ya, Flash

Tex: Later, partner

The cousins then head off

Flash Sentry: See ya, guys

The cousins then went to their respective classes. They both did their best to listen to the teachers in their classroom. The cousins even took notes on the lectures they are given. After attending two more classes, Todd and Tex headed to the cafeteria for lunch. 

They lined up to get their food. Todd picked up a burger and some fruit salad.

Tex: So listen, cuz. The Fall Formal is in a few days. Do you plan to ask any girl to go with you?

As he asked that he picked up a hot dog and some jello cubes. 

Todd: I don't know, Tex

Tex: Well, what about Fluttershy? You both like animals. She could be perfect 

Todd: Fluttershy is a good friend, but she's a little shy for my taste. (whispered) Don't tell her I said that. 

Tex: Uh-huh

Todd picks up a bottle of water

Todd: What about you, Tex? Who will you ask to the Fall Formal?

Tex: Isn't it obvious? It's Applejack

Todd: Of course. You two are childhood friends. Why wouldn't you ask Applejack?

??????: You two talking about my granddaughter?

The cousins became startled as they heard this. They look to see an elderly lady with light green skin. This is Granny Smith. 

Tex: Oh. Howdy, Granny Smith

Todd: How much of that did you hear?

Granny Smith: Just the part where you were talking about asking Applejack out to the Fall Formal as your date, Tex

Tex: Heh heh. If it pleases you, ma'am. Me and Applejack are just friends

Granny Smith: Oh nonsense! I've seen the way you made google eyes  at my granddaughter. 

This caused Tex to blush.

Granny Smith: Plus y'all were a big help at Swee Apple Acres. I say you two are perfect for each other.

Tex: I told y'all were just friends, nothin else

Todd: (smirks) You sure about that? I really think you two are a good match

Tex: Todd, not you too (groans) Let's just go eat

He and Todd then payed with their lunch moneys and headed off to find their seats in the cafeteria. 

Todd: I'm serious cuz. You and Applejack are right for each other

Tex: Please Todd. Not so loud. Don't want word to get around here

Todd: Okay okay. 

They see a teenage boy in a red shirt and blue jeans sitting at a table

Todd: Hey Big Mac

Tex: Howdy

Big Mac: Howdy, cousins

The cousins even passed by three young girls who are sitting together. They are Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They were all good friends to the cousins. Especially Tex

They waved at them which caused Todd and Tex to wave back. Todd and Tex then found a table and sat down. Tex sat on one chair while Todd sat on a chair that faces his cousin.

Tex: You sure ya don't want to ask Fluttershy to the Fall Formal, Todd? 

Todd: Don't get me wrong, cuz. Fluttershy is cute and all, but she's not really my type for someone to date. 

Tex: Well, what about the other girls. Pinkie Pie? Rarity? Rainbow Dash? 

Todd: They're all great friends. But I'm not so sure if I should ask one of them (looks to his right) Speaking of?

Tex looks to the right and they see a girl with blue skin and rainbow hair and another girl with pale amber skin and wearing a cowboy hat walking in different paths in the cafeteria. They are Applejack and Rainbow Dash

They both stopped and glared at each other. Then Rainbow Dash and Applejack both walked past each other without saying anything. The cousins then look to see a pink girl with puffy hair and a white girl with purple curly hair. They are Pinkie Pie and Rarity

Once they crossed path with each other, they both glare and give each other a huff before walking off.

Todd: Pretty sad, isn't it?

Tex: Yeah. These girls use to be close, but now they're as hostile to each other as wolves fighting for their territory

Tex then took a bite out of his hotdog

Todd:  I wonder what caused them to hate each other in the first place

Applejack: Howdy, Todd. Howdy, Tex

They see Applejack coming up to them from the right as she was going on the path towards them. 

Tex: Howdy, Applejack

Todd: How are ya?

Applejack: Doin fine. Mind if I sit with ya?

Tex: Go right ahead

Applejack took a seat next to Tex while placing her food on the table. She then leans a little close to Tex which makes him blush

Applejack: So sugarcube, anythin new happenin today?

Tex: Heh heh. Other than the fact that I had to rescue Todd from Sunset Shimmer, nothin much

Applejack:  It's good that yur always protectin your cousin. That girl sure is a nasty one right there. Just don't know why she picks on Todd most of the time. (to Todd) Anyway, what about you? Anything new happenin to ya, Todd?

Todd took a bite out of his burger 

Todd: Well, I saw that peregrine falcon again when I left the house. It was on a streetlight 

Tex: You did?

Todd nods his head

Applejack: Wait a minute. Did ya really see a peregrine falcon?

Todd: I sure did, AJ. For some reason, it was watching me

Fluttershy: Hey

They turn to see Fluttershy coming up to them

Todd: Oh hey, Fluttershy. 

Fluttershy: Hello Todd. Hello Tex. Mind if I sit with you guys?

Tex: Sure 

Fluttershy sat next to Todd before noticing Applejack

Fluttershy: Hello Applejack

Applejack: Howdy, Fluttershy

Fluttershy: I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about a peregrine falcon, Todd. Did you really see one?

Todd: Yep. As I said, it was watching me for some reason

Fluttershy: You're very lucky. A peregrine falcon is usually seen in mountains and coastlines. I never thought a falcon would be seen in your neighborhood.

Applejack: Yeah. That's as strange as a coyote tryin to eat grass

Todd: True that

Tex: Eeyup

The friends begin to eat their food while discussing something else

Todd: You know, I wish someone would run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal

Applejack: I don't know, partner. Remember what happen to the girl that challenged her to be princess of the Spring Fling?

Both Todd and Tex both shuddered at being reminded of that

Tex: How could we forget?

Todd: What Sunset did to her was awful

Fluttershy: Because of that, no girl has ever dared to challenge her. 

Todd: Well someone has to. We need a real princess. Not some malicious tyrant who always pushes us around. 

Just then, Todd's chair was pulled back causing him to fall on the ground. Tex, Applejack, and Fluttershy look to see that Sunset Shimmer did that.

Sunset Shimmer: (tauntingly) Oops. Clumsy me

Sunset Shimmer then walks off. Todd then gets back up and onto his chair

Todd: See what I mean?

Tex: I feel ya cuz. I think we do need someone else as the Fall Formal princess

Applejack: Hate ta burst yur bubble, y'all. But unless someone is willin to step up, I'm afraid that's just the way it is

Fluttershy: She's right. Once Sunset Shimmer wants something, she gets it

The cousins both sighed at this. After lunch, the cousins hung out with each other while avoiding Sunset Shimmer. Once they finished another class session, the cousins begin to leave for home. 

Todd: We'll cuz, I'll see you tomorrow

Tex: See ya round, Todd. 

The cousins went their separate ways as they head home. Todd went back to his house and had dinner with his parents. He then went to his room and begins to work on his homework. He then went out to observe some animals nearby. Todd used his binocculars to observe some birds and write some details down on a notebook. It was now nighttime and Todd begins to get ready for bed. He brushed his teeth and then gets into bed. He couldn't help but think about Sunset Shimmer

Todd: (thinking) Sunset Shimmer thinks that she rules this school. She thinks she can just push us around whenever she feels like it. I really wish someone would dethrone her. But what are the odds of that happening? 

And with that he fell asleep. Back outside of Canterlot High, the statue begins to shimmer as it was magic. 

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