forever .

By vrtualslut

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By vrtualslut

Zaniah Elyse Anderson | age: 20
Atlanta, GA
( 2 months later )

its been 2 months and i moved into my own apartment and im currently in school to be a ultrasound tech, life has gotten better since i made some new friends

me and bando still talk and but i also met someone new and his name is mir

"whatchu thinking bout" mir said knocking me out of my thoughts

"nun" i said eating my ice cream

me and mir was on a lil date i guess, we went shopping and then we came to get some ice cream

"u staying with me or im staying with u" he asked making me blush

"u can stay with me amiryn" i said making him mug me

"chillat with da government ma" he said as we walked to his car

i felt my phone vibrate which made me check it, i seen that bando was texting me

"who texting u" mir said making me smirk

"my side nigga" i said as he stopped at a red light

"stop playing with me zaniah" mir said as he grabbed me by my throat

"who was u texting fa real" he said letting my neck go

"i just told u" i said and he mugged me

"igh lil folks" he said pulling off since the light was green

i tried to make a conversation with mir but he was being dry so i just stop trying, 10 minutes later we made it to my house

he put the car in park and then got out without even asking for the keys

"somebody's mad" i said walking past him so i could unlock the door

he walked passed me and went straight to my room as if he was in his house, i walked to my room and seen that he was in my bed

"ima be back" mir said getting up

"where u going" i asked as he tried to give me a hug

"finna handle business" he said before walking outta my room

since bando was texting me i had decided that i wanted to call him, i waited til i heard the door close before i called bando

"hello" i said as the call connected

"wassup ma" he said as he was driving

"heyy, uh whatchu doing" i asked

"im on the way to my slime house, whatchu doing" he said picking his phone up

"nun i just made it home, chyna told me something about a party today and i was wondering was u going" i said making him let out a chuckle

"why u must miss me or sum" he asked while smirking

"no im tryna make sure ion see you" i said lying

"well then yeah ima be there" he said making me roll my eyes

"keep rolling em and watch em get stuck" he said

"anyways thats all i wanted" i said making him jerk his head back

"why u inna rush to get off the phone, yo nigga must be calling you" he said

"no i just got things i need to do" i said knowing ian got shit to do

"igh, whatever u say ma" he said before hanging up

after he hung up i walked to my bathroom so i could take a shower, 25 minutes later i got out and wrapped a towel around my body so i could walk back to my room

once i made it to my room i dried myself off and then i grabbed some eos lotion so i could put it on, after i finished putting my lotion on i put on a cropped t-shirt and then i put on some boxers

after i finished doing all of that i put my hair inna ponytail so i could study, i studied for like 30 minutes before i was interrupted by a facetime call

"yes chyna" i said as the call connected

"bitch ain't this mir" chyna yelled due to her background being loud

"why the fuck is he at that party" i said closing my macbook

"bitch i don't know but u better come down here and show the fuck out" chyna said making me laugh

"ima wait till he come over here" i said and she nodded

"but keep me updated" i said

"mkay, love you bye" she said before hanging up

- - -
( 2 hours later )

i woke up due to me hearing knocks on my front door, i got up and walked towards it so i could figure out who it was

"who is it" i said before opening the door

"me" i heard mir say

"wassup" i said as i opened the door and blocked him from coming in

"u gone let me in or what" he said getting closer

"where u was at" i asked letting him in and then shutting the door

"at j3 block party" he said walking to my room

"and you aint try to ask me if i wanted to go or nothing" i said crossing my arms

"u pissed me off earlier so nah ian wanna ask you" he said taking his shirt off and his shoes

"really amiryn" i said looking at him

"yeah" he said as he looked me in my eyes

since he was looking me in my eyes i could see that he was high due to them being low and red, i nodded and walked away

i walked to my living room and just started cleaning to get my mind off mir, after i finished cleaning my living room i started to clean my kitchen

once i finished cleaning i walked back to the kitchen so i could wash my hands and then i walked to my room, i seen that mir was sitting on my bed while he played the game

"on yo left niggaa" he yelled

"unt unt don't be doing allat yelling in my house" i said as i wrapped my hair since i forgot to

he just mugged me and i mugged him back as i got in my bed, i laid down to where my back was facing him

"whatchu doing turn around" he said making me let out a sigh

i turned around and laid on him as he played the game, a few minutes later i dozed off




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