The Rebirth of Raiden (A My H...

By NostalgiaCop

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Saitama McGarrett was just a normal child, but he carried a big secret: he was the love child of the Symbol o... More

Chapter 1: A Drive to Protect
Chapter 2: Hero/Law Enforcement Training
Chapter 3: The Entrance Exam (Part 1)

Chapter 4: The Entrance Exam (Part 2)

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By NostalgiaCop

Saitama woke the next day to see Kirigiri next to him. He tensed and got out of bed immediately, going to the bathroom. He then panted quietly, getting a Codec call from Doktor. He swiftly answered.

"Is everyzing alright? Your adrenaline just spiked." He asked.

"Wouldn't yours if you had a girl you just met yesterday sleeping in your bed without you knowing?" Saitama asked, speaking quietly.

"Ah, I see. It's good zat you're avake. Your morning routine is on schedule." Doktor said.

"Thanks, Dok." Saitama said, ending the call. He then quietly left the room and started his morning workout. He simply focused on it, not wanting to think about what he woke up to.

'I should ask her how she got in my room later.' Saitama thought.

[Moments later....]

Saitama had just gotten out of the shower, starting to dry off, when he heard a knock at the door.

"McGarrett? Are you decent?" A voice asked.

"I'm drying off." Saitama said. He then finished drying off and got dressed before opening the door and seeing Kirigiri.

"I take it your workout went well." She said.

"That it did. How did you get in?" Saitama asked.

"I guess they forgot to tell you. Eraser Head told me they didn't have enough room for me to stay with my classmates, so he gave me a key to this room. Forgive the intrusion." Kirigiri said.

"It's fine. I just wished I was informed." Saitama said. Kirigiri nodded and Saitama walked out.

"Going to get breakfast?" She asked.

"Of course. I need to be at full strength for the Entrance Exam." Saitama said. Kirigiri then gave a light blush before looking away.

"C-could I... join you?" She asked. Saitama looked at her, seeing the blush on her face and giving a light smile.

"Alright. Shall we go?" He asked. Kirigiri nodded and the two walked out. As they walked, Kirigiri had started to hold Saitama's hand.

'Huh?' He thought. She blushed further, but stayed looking ahead of him.

"Is there a reason you're holding my hand?" Saitama asked.

"I plead the fifth." Kirigiri said. Saitama looked stunned, but understood after sensing someone following them. He discreetly looked and saw two people in suits following them.

"Who's following us?" Saitama whispered.

"They're members of my family. My grandfather most likely sent them." Kirigiri whispered.

"Why are you trying to portray us as a couple?" Saitama whispered.

"Because I suspect that he's wanting me to date someone I don't trust." Kirigiri whispered.

"Who?" Saitama asked.

"A villain by the name of Kurogiri." Kirigiri whispered. Saitama then saw what appeared to be a portal and stopped, pulling her behind him.

"Show yourself, Kurogiri." Saitama said, having a slight glare. The two men in suits stopped as the portal villain revealed themselves.

"I see you're with Raiden's descendant." Kurogiri said.

"Cut the talk. What are your plans with her?" Saitama asked.

"That's none of your concern." Kurogiri said.

"I say it is." Saitama said, showing his badge. Kurogiri gasped.

"You're a cop?!" He asked.

"You bet your ass. I'm only saying this once, Kurogiri. Stay away from her. Otherwise, you'll end up like the Ultimate Despair and every single one of the Patriots that have come across my path. Am I understood?" Saitama asked, having a slight glare. Kurogiri then felt a sense of dread within him.

"U-understood." He said.

"Good. By the way," Saitama said, "you're under arrest." Before Kurogiri could leave, Saitama had put an Anti-Quirk Tag on Kurogiri's suit and activated it. Two uniformed officers then came to him and cuffed him, taking him away. Kirigiri was stunned, but hugged Saitama from behind.

"Thank you." She whispered. Saitama comforted her as she softly wept.

[Moments later....]

Saitama was waiting with Izuku and Uraraka as they were all getting hyped for the second part of the exam. Eraser Head then approached Saitama with Kirigiri, who was blushing.

"Is there a reason you've brought her to me?" Saitama asked.

"She said she had something to give you." Eraser Head said. Kirigiri then walked to Saitama before taking a breath.

"I'm only doing this as a thank you for protecting me from Kurogiri." Kirigiri said. Before Saitama could speak, Kirigiri kissed him on the cheek. He gave a light blush, stunned at what just happened.

'Did that just happen?!' Izuku thought.

"If you manage to pass," Kirigiri said, "I'll give you a reward." Saitama blushed deeper before looking around.

"Is someone putting you up to this as a joke? You're acting as if you're my girlfriend." Saitama spoke. Kirigiri blushed deeper before giving a light smile.

"W-what if I said that I wanted to be?" Kirigiri asked. Saitama was shocked.

"It's a bit too soon, don't you think? We just met yesterday." Saitama said.

"I'm aware," Kirigiri said, "but you can't stop your heart from choosing who to love." This took Saitama for a loop, but he soon understood.

"Will your grandfather be watching?" Saitama asked.

"He will." Kirigiri said.

"Then I'll do my best to prove myself to him," Saitama said, "and win his approval." Kirigiri then put a number in his pocket and did a phone sign with her hand.

"Call me sometime." She said. Eraser Head then took her back to the others and Saitama refocused on the task ahead of him.

"Dude! You got rizz!" Izuku said.

"Just focus on the task at hand, Izuku." Saitama said. Izuku nodded and Uraraka slipped a number into Izuku's pocket, causing him to look at her in confusion. She gave a smile before closing her eyes and doing a phone sign with her hand.

"Call me when you find out your score, okay?" She asked. Izuku blushed, but nodded. Present Mic then held up a hand.

"Alright! Time to get this show rolling!" He said. Saitama stood ready to move and glared as he saw some of the bots from yesterday's presentation.

'This is for you, Sally.' Saitama thought.

"On your marks! Get set! GO!" Present Mic spoke. A horn then sounded and everyone darted off. In the observation area, the 78th Class of Hope's Peak Academy watched on with other members of UA faculty, including Principal Nezu.

"Looks like we have some promising talent." Principal Nezu said.

"Indeed." Eraser Head spoke.

'Please be safe, McGarrett.' Kirigiri thought. Saitama then took out some bots that were looking to attack two others without them knowing.

'I need to stay focused.' He thought. He then felt a disturbance and looked towards it. He started running towards it, using his quirk to summon a HF blade.

"I still have a hard time believing he saved us." Yamada spoke.

"I have a hard time believing Kirigiri has the hots for him." Another student said. Kirigiri blushed deeply, tensing up. Principal Nezu then got serious.

"I believe it's time to give them a challenge. Send in the Zero Pointers." He said. The building then shook and Saitama gasped, jumping off of buildings and into the air to catch Bakugo and another participant before sliding down a collapsed building and landing on the ground, taking a knee.

"You two okay?" Saitama asked. The other participant nodded and Bakugo was shocked.

"What in the Hell was that?!" He asked. Saitama looked and glared as he saw something.

"Get everyone to safety. This area isn't safe!" Saitama said. His Augment Scanner then activated and he called Maverick on his Codec. Maverick answered immediately.

"Is everything okay? You're in the middle of your test." Maverick asked.

"A Metal Gear just crashed it." Saitama said.

"What?! A Metal Gear?! There?!" Maverick asked.

"Yeah. Looks like I get to earn my Hero name." Saitama said.

"Is it piloted?!" Maverick asked. Saitama scanned it and glared.

"It is. Looks like the accomplice to what happened here yesterday." Saitama said.

"I have some information on him. His name is Mineta Minoru. His quirk is called Pop Off." Maverick said. Saitama then got Mineta's information and saw something from the police database.

"Looks like he has some other charges, too. Each one being against women." Saitama said.

"Try to take him alive if you can. He escaped police custody, after all." Maverick said.

"Given how pissed he looks," Saitama said, "I don't think he'll be playing nice."

"If he looks to take your life," Maverick said, "then you have to attempt to take his. Be careful, tovarich. For everyone's sake."

"I can't make any promises." Saitama said. Mineta then saw Saitama and got serious.

"You don't scare me anymore." He said.

"A shame. Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson." Saitama said.

"What lesson is that?" Mineta asked.

"Don't piss me off." Saitama said.

"Are you seriously going to fight that thing?! RUN!" Someone said. Mineta then laughed evilly.

"You don't stand a chance!" He said. The Metal Gear then charged forward. Saitama ran towards it, meeting it head-on and glared before slicing it's legs off. Saitama then jumped high up and glared as he dodged a blade from the Metal Gear, landing on it before running up it, slicing the blade.

"Yes! Yes! Cut it apart!" Maverick spoke via Codec. Mineta then panicked, trying to get Saitama off, but it was too late as Saitama had completely destroyed the blade.

"BASTARD!" Mineta yelled. As this happened, the observers were all shocked. Kirigiri watched and felt joy as she saw Saitama fighting the Metal Gear, putting a hand to her heart before her eyes widened and she ran to a console that Principal Nezu was at.

"Huh?!" Principal Nezu asked. Kirigiri then connected to Saitama's Codec, causing him to look stunned.

"Huh?! Kirigiri?!" Saitama asked.

"Be careful, Raiden! That Metal Gear has homing missiles!" Kirigiri warned. Mineta then activated said missiles and Saitama glared with a grin.

"Remind me to thank you later. Get ready to see something cool!" Saitama said.

"Huh?!" Principal Nezu asked. Present Mic then gasped as every missile was headed towards Saitama. However, before he could act, Saitama jumped up as a missile was about to hit him. Time slowed as Satiama landed on the missile before jumping off of it and towards another one. Bakugo saw this and blurted out three words.


Time resumed as Saitama ran up each missile he came across, other missiles colliding with each other in the process. Izuku and Uraraka saw this, their jaws dropping. Kirigiri watched on in awe as four missiles flew straight towards him, but they collided with each other on the missile he was running up at the time, causing him to jump and the explosion sent him flying past the other missiles, straight to the arm joint of the launcher. Saitama sliced it off, causing Mineta to get furious.

"DAMN YOU!" Mineta yelled. Saitama then jumped off the side of the building and sliced the energy beam that was inside the Metal Gear's mouth.

'There has to be a more vulnerable point!' Saitama thought. Saitama then used his Augment Scanner and grinned as he saw the most vulnerable point. Kirigiri knew what Saitama was looking at and smiled brightly.

"Go for it, Raiden!" She said. Saitama then went high into the air by jumping off of debris before letting his HF blade fall down. Mineta started laughing, but he soon changed his tune when Saitama started falling and forced the blade into the head of the Metal Gear with his foot.

"WHAT?!" Mineta asked. Saitama then gripped the blade, starting to run across the back of the Metal Gear. The blade sliced into the Metal Gear, causing the metal to heat up and glow a bright orange the faster Saitama ran. Saitama then reached the end, jumping as he sent the blade away. Mineta then tried to eject, but couldn't as the damage was too great.

'No! This wasn't supposed to happen!' Mineta thought. Saitama then used a piece of missile debris to surf the air, getting further and further away from the Metal Gear. Saitama then jumped off the debris before landing and walking away. Loud beeping was heard and Mineta grew fearful.

"WHAT THE FU-!" Mineta yelled. However, before he could finish, his sentence....


[Song ends here]

.... the Metal Gear had exploded with Mineta still inside of it. Saitama never looked back, having a serious look on his face.

"Burn, baby, burn." Saitama said.

[Author's Note: Given the circumstances of the scene I have just written, allow me to put this here in celebration of the biggest perv in MHA being killed off in my story.

This also applies to the epic one liner that Saitama had given after the explosion. If anyone was going to reference it, I beat you to the punch. You're welcome.]

Everyone cheered in amazement and awe as Saitama was soon surrounded by other participants.

"Haha! Yes! Excellent work!" Maverick said. Kirigiri then disconnected and ran out of the observation room, headed towards where Saitama was. She was soon followed by the other heroes and her classmates. Saitama then felt a bit woozy.

'Damn! I'm low on electrolytes.' He thought.

"RAIDEN!" A voice yelled. Saitama looked and saw Kirigiri running to him, a smile on her face. He was shocked, but held his arms out. Kirigiri then jumped into his arms, causing him to have to spin around a few times before she hugged him tight as he stopped. He gave a gentle return, barely having any strength left. Izuku and Uraraka then ran to Saitama, knowing the state he was in.

"Back it up! Give him some room!" Izuku said. The Pro Heroes helped Izuku and Uraraka get everyone back as Kirigiri kept Saitama standing.

"That was amazing!" Kirigiri said.

"Yeah," Saitama said, "but I'm low on electrolytes now because of it." Kirigiri then gasped and looked around.

"There's a bench over there. Come on." Kirigiri said. She then helped Saitama to the bench, helping him sit down. Recovery Girl then approached Saitama and held out a sports drink.

"Here. Drink this." She said. Saitama took it and drank it all, sighing after.

"Thanks, Recovery Girl." Saitama said. Kirigiri then looked at Recovery Girl before taking her gloves off.

"I've had these burns and scars for years now. Do you think you can help?" She asked. Recovery Girl took a look at Kirigiri's hands and nodded. She then used her quirk and Kirigiri's hands healed to how they looked before they were injured.

"There we go. If you still wish to wear those gloves, you can. I think they suit you." Recovery Girl said. Kirigiri smiled and nodded. Recovery Girl then went to tend to others, leaving Saitama and Kirigiri alone on the bench. Kirigiri put the gloves back on, smiling at how they felt more natural on her fully healed hands.

"Some quirks can be really useful. I'm glad I got to see so many today." She said.

"I'm just glad you weren't hurt. That reminds me. Thank you for warning me about those homing missiles." Saitama said. Kirigiri then looked at Saitama, still smiling. Maverick then appeared again.

"Khorosho! Excellent work!" He said.

"I'm just glad none of those missiles were nuclearized." Saitama said.

"You and me both, tovarich. You and me both." Maverick said. The call then ended and Saitama sighed.

"I've had about enough excitement for one day." Saitama spoke. Kirigiri giggled before getting closer to Saitama, putting her head on his shoulder.

"I'd say you definitely earned your reward." She said.

"Do you think your grandfather would approve of it? You being with me?" Saitama asked.

"Even if he doesn't approve," Kirigiri said, "I'll still be with you." Saitama looked at her and she kissed his cheek. He gave a light blush before looking away.

"I don't think you should be doing that. We're not even dating." Saitama spoke. Kirigiri gave a light blush before looking away herself.

"I'll date you," she said, "but only if you marry me." Saitama looked at her in shock.

'Did she just propose to me after only knowing me for a day?!' He thought.

'I just proposed to him after only knowing him for a day! I must be in love with him!' Kirigiri thought. She then looked at Saitama, who was still stunned. Saitama then gave a smile and nodded.

"Of course. I'd be honored." He said. Kirigiri was stunned, and rightfully so. Saitama just accepted her marriage proposal! Kirigiri then smiled before nodding.

"I'll have to get consent from my family before we can proceed with it. That will take time. Just focus on your duties here for now. The moment I get consent," Kirigiri said, "I'll be back. I promise. For now, I'll leave you with this. I had it made for you." She then held up a necklace, and Saitama was shocked.

Saitama was shocked as she put it around his neck. She smiled and put a hand on it.

'She had this made for me?' Saitama thought.

"Let this remind you of what we agreed to do. If you ever feel lonely," Kirigiri said, "or if you need strength, just touch the pendant. It's to remind you that I'm always with you. No matter where we go, or how far apart we are." Kirigiri then kissed Saitama on the cheek and stood up. She then turned to walk away, but Saitama then grabbed her hand which caused her to look at him. Saitama then stood up and faced her.

"It's not fair that I get something and you don't." Saitama said. He then looked and saw a bracelet next to them. He went and picked it up, seeing that it had belonged to Mineta, for some reason. He then went to Kirigiri and placed it in her hand.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Once this gets cleaned," Saitama said, "wear it for the same reason I wear the necklace." Kirigiri stared in awe, nodding.

[One week later....]

Saitama was relaxing as someone had approached, having a letter in hand. They held the letter out to him, which he accepted. It was from UA. He soon went for privacy and opened the letter. He read over everything and gave a smile. He had been accepted, and had broken All Might's record and score. He put the letter away as Maverick called him. He answered and Saitama grinned.

"Calling to congratulate me," Saitama asked, "or are you just bored."

"You got your acceptance letter! Fantastic!" Maverick said, overjoyed.

"I can't believe I broke All Might's record." Saitama said.

"You've made us proud, tovarich. You should really take advantage of this time you have. The school opens soon. You'll be a part of Class 1-A." Maverick said.

"Did Izuku and Uraraka make it through, too?" Saitama asked.

"They did! Izuku got the second highest score." Maverick said.

"I knew he could do it. However," Saitama said, "I should warn him about something. Namely, the dangers of One for All." Maverick was stunned.

"What?!" He asked.

"All Might passed his quirk down to Izuku. I need to warn him," Saitama said, "and I'm gonna do it while All Might isn't there. He needs to know, Maverick."

"Call me 'Boris,' tovarich. You don't need to keep calling me by my hero name." Maverick said.

"Will do." Saitama said.

"Anyways," Maverick said, "are you sure you want to tell him?"

"I have to." Saitama said.

"Alright. Just... be careful." Maverick said. He then ended the call and left from where he was.

[Moments later....]

Saitama stood outside of Izuku's apartment and knocked on the door. It soon opened and Izuku's mom appeared from behind it.

"Ah! You must be one of Izuku's friends!" She said.

"I am, Ms. Midoriya. Is Izuku here?" Saitama asked.

"He is. Please, come in!" Izuku's mom said. Saitama then walked in and saw Izuku walking out.

"Huh? Saitama?" Izuku asked.

"I got my results back. I've been accepted." Saitama said. Izuku smiled brightly.

"Me, too! I got the second highest score!" He spoke. Saitama then approached Izuku and had a serious look on his face.

"I have some errands to run. Will you two be okay by yourself?" Izuku's mom asked.

"We'll be fine." Saitama said. Izuku's mom then left and Izuku grew concerned.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I know about One for All," Saitama said, "and I know about All Might's secret." Izuku was shocked.

'What?!' Izuku thought. Saitama then sighed and motioned for Izuku to sit down. Izuku complied and Saitama sat across from him.

"I know about those things because of how I was raised." Saitama said.

"Maverick must have taught you well." Izuku said.

"Izuku," Saitama said, "you remember in elementary school when Maverick and Doktor told you I had overexerted myself?"

"Yeah." Izuku said.

"That was only a cover." Saitama said.

"What?" Izuku asked, stunned.

"The real reason for it... was that One for All had manifested and activated within me," Saitama said, his face serious, "and it was killing me because I had my mother's quirk." Izuku gasped and he started trembling.

"D-did All Might choose you to be his successor?" He asked.

"No," Saitama said, "he didn't. All Might... is my biological father." This floored Izuku to the point he was almost fearful.

"Y-you're his son?!" Izuku asked.

"He doesn't know," Saitama said, "but you and the other Pros do. They're keeping it from him because he's the Symbol of Peace. If his enemies were to learn he had a son...."

"They would target his son as leverage for him to surrender or join their side." Izuku finished.

"Exactly. You can't tell him, Izuku. Promise me." Saitama said. Izuku then knew the gravity of the situation and nodded.

"I promise you that I won't say a word to All Might." Izuku said.

"Thank you. Did you call Uraraka yet?" Saitama asked.

"I was just about to." Izuku said.

"Don't tell her about what I just told you, either. No one can know outside of the other Pros, you, and me." Saitama said.

"I understand." Izuku said. Saitama nodded and stood up.

"I'll leave you to it." Saitama said.

"Wait!" Izuku pleaded.

"Huh?" Saitama asked.

"I have to know one more thing. How did they meet? Your mom and All Might, that is." Izuku said. Saitama sighed before shaking his head.

"They were at a bar. She was drowning her sorrows," Saitama said, "he was ordering food. It was a one night stand, but she got pregnant from it. She'd kept it from him from the day she found out to the day she died. One more thing you should know, One for All is a stockpiling quirk that gets stronger the more it's passed around. In time, you should be able to use the quirks of past One for All users that had their own quirks. They all never lived past age 40 because their own quirk killed them."

"Meaning Himiko's quirk was killing you that day One for All activated." Izuku deduced.

"Precisely." Saitama said.

"I'll have to train in small amounts with One for All then. I can't use 100% just yet." Izuku said.

"Exactly." Saitama confirmed.

"Thank you for telling me. I'll be sure to use it in small doses." Izuku said, thankful.

"You're welcome. Go ahead and call your girlfriend." Saitama said. Izuku tensed up and blushed.

"It's not like that with Uraraka! I swear!" Izuku said. Saitama grinned and gave a small chuckle before leaving.

[Days later....]

Saitama was walking towards the entrance to UA, wearing a police uniform instead of the UA uniform. Other students looked at him and got out of his way. He soon got to Class 1-A, but heard a commotion in Class 1-B and went to check it out. He then saw a student aim a gun at another and drew his Taser, aiming it.

"Drop the gun!" He ordered. The students looked at him and the one holding the gun gasped.

"What?!" A student asked.

"DROP THE GUN! DO IT NOW!" Saitama boomed.

"Wait! Please! It's just a misunderstanding!" Another student asked. The one holding the gun then grinned and aimed at Saitama.

"He won't do anything." They said.

"TASER! TASER! TASER!" Saitama yelled.

"Huh?" The gun-wielding student asked. Saitama then fired the Taser, hitting the student and making them drop the gun and fall down. They groaned in pain and Saitama ran to them, the Taser still trained on them.

"ON YOUR STOMACH! NOW!" Saitama ordered. The student complied and Saitama cuffed them. Vlad King, Class 1-B's Homeroom teacher then walked in and saw what was occurring.

"What's the meaning of this?!" He asked. Saitama then lifted the student up and forced them to face Vlad King.

"Go ahead. Tell him what you did." Saitama said. The student groaned in pain, but glared at Saitama.

"Go to Hell." They said.

"You first, baka." Saitama said.

"What did they do?" Vlad King asked.

"Brought an unlicensed firearm on school grounds," Saitama said, "and attempted to use it on one of your students. They're not even in the Hero Course. They're in General Studies. I don't know what grudge you have against this student, but I don't tolerate violence against students in school. I've seen enough of that in elementary school. You're under arrest for Attempted Murder, Possession of an Illegal Firearm, and Resisting Arrest." Saitama led the cuffed student out, catching looks of awe as a few females blushed.

'So cool!' They thought. Two other cops then appeared and Saitama transferred the student to their custody.

"Saved us some work. Detective Tsukauchi actually had a warrant for this student. Glad to know you're on our side, McGarrett." One said.

"Yeah, yeah. You can bust my chops later! I got class in a few minutes." Saitama said, releasing the spent Taser cartridge before replacing it with another one and holstering the Taser.

"Hard to believe that you're in school AND working as a cop at age 15!" The other said.

"This coming from someone who's descended from a cop who was in Tomoeda Elementary." Saitama said. The other cop tensed and the first one laughed.

"He's got you there, Li!" They said.

"Like you're one to talk, Hirogazawa." Li countered.

"Gah!" Hirogazawa exclaimed.

"Get the suspect outta here! You both can flirt with each other after your shift is over!" Saitama said. The two blushed and the student was stunned.

"You two are dating?" The student asked.

"It's not like that!" The two exclaimed.

"Sure it isn't. Just get back to your jobs." Saitama said, walking into Class 1-A. Hirogazawa then started leading the suspect out with Li following. Saitama then sighed.

'I swear I feel like a high school principal at times.' Saitama thought. He then found his seat and sat down. He ignored the looks he was getting and started meditating.

"Is he falling asleep?" A student asked.

"It looks like it." Another student said.

"Shut up. I'm meditating." Saitama said. He then heard everyone get quiet, starting to sit in their seats. He heard someone approach him before stopping right next to him.

"Meditating before class starts. I've done that a few times myself." A voice said. Saitama then grinned and looked next to him, seeing Ogami Sakura smiling.

"What brings the Ultimate Martial Artist here?" He asked.

"A message from the Ultimate Detective." Ogami said. She held out a piece of paper and Saitama took it with a nod. Ogami then left and Saitama opened the paper. It read as follows: 'Congratulations on making UA your Hero Academia. I can't wait to see you in the UA Sports Festival. Do your best. I miss you more and more each day, but I have something to remind me of you. I'm working hard to get the consent from my family, so you work hard, too.'

'I will.' Saitama thought. He put the paper away and saw Eraser Head on the floor.

"So that's where you've been." Saitama said. Everyone looked at the floor and tensed up.

'How long has he been there?!' Everyone thought.

"It's about time for orientation to start." Aizawa said.

"Why do I get the feeling you're gonna have us go through the same things we did in our old schools, but tell us to use our quirks while doing it?" Saitama asked. Aizawa sighed.

"Curse your attention to detail." Aizawa said.

"Don't make it so obvious." Saitama said.

"Before we do that," Aizawa said, "let's start with introductions. Who's first?"

"That would be you, Eraser Head. Teachers lead by example. Your class is the toughest because you actually expelled an entire class because they never met your standards." Saitama said. Everyone gasped at that and Aizawa sighed, standing up.

"Very well. I'll go first." He spoke, having a tired expression and being groggy.

'Get some sleep sometime. It might help.' Saitama thought.

"My name is Aizawa Shoto," Aizawa introduced, "better known as 'Eraser Head.' I'm a Pro Hero, and your homeroom teacher. My quirk allows me to cancel other quirks, but it's ineffective against mutant-type quirks. McGarrett's remark about me expelling an entire class was true. UA doesn't hinder to tradition."

'Now they know the seriousness.' Saitama thought.

"Next person." Aizawa said. The first seat then stood up.

"Aoyama Yuga. My quirk is called Navel Laser." They said.

"Ashido Mina. My quirk is Acid." The next said.

"Asui Tsuyu, but please call me 'Tsu.' My quirk is called Frog." The third said.

"Iida Tenya. My quirk is called Engine." The fourth said.

"Uraraka Ochaco. My quirk is called Gravity." Uraraka said.

"Ojiro Mashirao. My quirk is called Tail." The sixth spoke.

"Kaminari Denki. My quirk is called Electrification." The seventh introduced.

"Kirishima Eijiro. My quirk is called Harden." The eighth said.

"Koda Koji. My quirk is called Anivoice." The ninth said.

"Sato Rikido. My quirk is called Sugar Rush." The tenth said.

"Shoji Mezo. My quirk is called Dupli-Arms." The eleventh said.

"Jiro Kyoka. My quirk is called Earphone Jack." The twelfth said.

"Sero Hanata. My quirk is called Tape." The thriteenth said.

"Tokoyami Fumikage. My quirk is called Dark Shadow." The fourteenth said.

"Todoroki Shoto. My quirk is called Hot 'N Cold." The fifteenth said.

"Hagakure Toru. My quirk is called Invisibility, if it wasn't obvious enough." The sixteenth said, making a light joke.

"Bakugo Katsuki. My quirk is called Explosion." Bakugo said.

"Midoriya Izuku. I wish to keep my quirk a secret. Please respect this request." Izuku said. Everyone understood and Saitama got serious.

"My name is McGarrett Saitama. My quirk is called Blade Summoning. I'm currently employed as a peace keeper for the local police. I was once featured on the news after using my quirk in elementary school to stop a group of cyborgs from killing my classmates. I've also been on a Hero Mission already," Saitama said, "and was given the moniker of 'the Metal Gear Hero: Raiden.' Though some may call me an overachiever, I don't mean to be. I ask that you treat me with respect, and I shall do the same." Everyone looked at him in awe.

'Did I just inspire them all to do better?' Saitama thought. The last one cleared their throat, and everyone looked at them, Saitama included.

"Apologies. I wasn't trying to get them to lose focus." Saitama said.

"It's fine. I was half-expecting it." The student said.

"The floor is yours." Saitama said.

"Yayorozu Momo. My quirk is called Creation." The student said.

"Starting today," Aizawa said, "you're all students of UA. Tomorrow, you will choose your Class President, Class Vice President, Class Representative."

"I'm not to be either." Saitama said.

'Now who will we choose?!' Everyone thought.

"Today we'll be doing exactly as McGarrett predicted. Get your PE uniforms on and meet me at the athletics field." Aizawa said. Saitama gave a look before nodding to Izuku and Uraraka. The two nodded back and Bakugo joined in, now seeing what it really meant to be a hero.

'Time to show them the results of our training!' Saitama, Izuku, and Uraraka thought.

[To Be Continued....]

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