
By Feychild1225

28.8K 1.3K 84

Rain has followed Phayu around since they were children but the alpha only seems to want to treat Rain as a l... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

1.3K 71 7
By Feychild1225

"Pa thinks he found someone who can help with getting inside information on Tony's business," Rain tells Babe and Charlie. He had asked the two of them to meet for lunch especially to discuss this.

"Who?" Babe asks.

"An enigma named Pete. Rumors are he is one of Tony's first children." Rain says.

"An enigma?" Babe feels shock go through him. Even Charlie gives an impressed whistle. Alphas are rare enough, enigmas only make up the smallest percentage of the population, less than .01 percent. There are only about 7000 in all of Thailand.

"Will he help us?" Charlie asks.

"I think so." Rain says. "Pa has asked him to meet with you."

Babe considers then nods. "I want to bring Way."

Charlie shifts uncomfortably in his seat at this but doesn't say anything. Babe understands why Charlie wouldn't be happy with him bringing Way. Although Charlie has never seemed the type to be overly possessive, Way has consistently been cold and insulting to his boyfriend. Babe knows it comes from a place of jealousy on Way's part, but he reminds himself to tell his friend to tone it down if it happens again.

"P'Way?" Rain frowns and Babe wonders if the omega has something against his friend. He's never said anything but now that Babe thinks about it he has always been a little standoffish to Way. Unlike Alan and Charlie or even North and Sonic, all of whom Rain has pretty much adopted, he seems to avoid Way when they are all together. Charlie he understands, he isn't sure what Rain's issue with Way is.

"Way is my friend and an important member of the X-hunter's team." Babe reminds him.

Rain frowns but only says, "I'll arrange the meeting. I will call you with the time." Rain gets up to leave without finishing his meal.

"Wow, in such a hurry," Babe says, "Tell my brother I said hi."

Rain makes a face. "He's making me do homework today. It's the weekend and I have plenty of time, but he makes me do it anyway."

Babe laughs at this, "I tried to talk you into dating a more fun alpha, my brother is just so serious." It's a joke they both know Phayu is the only alpha in Rain's eyes. "Now you have to face the consequences." Rain makes a face at him and drops some money on the table for the bill.

Later that night, almost as soon as Babe leaves for his meeting with Pete, Charlie's phone rings. He's surprised to see Rain's number on the screen.

"Rain, are you looking for P'Babe?" Charlie asks, "He just left."

"I know." Rain says. "I need to talk to you without P'Babe knowing."

Charlie feels a stab of unease. "About what?"

"About P'Way," Rain says. "Something has been bothering me since we met for lunch, and I can't talk to Babe about it. He and P'Way are so close, and it might make him mad."

"P'Way?" Charlie doesn't trust Way, he always felt as if he smiled too much, while keeping his real feelings to himself. However, Charlie just thought it was because of Babe and their relationship. Way has never made any secret that he sees Charlie as a rival for Babe's attention. He wonders what Rain's issue could be with the man.

"I just wanted to ask, P'Way is an alpha right?" Whatever Charlie had expected it wasn't this question.

"You're an omega, if anyone knows the answer it's you." There are two ways that designation can be identified. One is by body type. Alphas tend to be bigger and more muscular while omegas are usually smaller and lither. Betas fall in between on physical build. This is just a general guide though not everyone fits into these boxes. The other way is through their pheromones. An omega like Rain should be very sensitive to alpha pheromones.

"I guess," Rain says, "There's just something that seems, I don't know, off. P'Way isn't like any alpha I have ever met, he smells wrong."

Something occurs to Charlie, "Do P'Babe and I smell normal?" Jeff had never mentioned the special alphas having a different scent but then he is special himself.

"Yeah," Rain says, "I knew the moment I met you that you were an alpha. Of course, P'Babe I've known pretty much my entire life."

Oh, so Way's difference isn't that he is a special alpha, but Charlie feels shaken by this conversation. Maybe he should keep a closer eye on Babe's friend.

Babe and Way meet Pete at the man's downtown office. It looks like Pete has done well for himself, his offices are huge and lavishly decorated.

Babe shakes the man's hand. Pete gives him a smile and says, "Welcome. I have heard so much about you, the king of the hallows."

Babe isn't fazed by the praise; he is used to people's admirations. "Khun Pete, this is my friend Way."

Pete holds out his hand, "I have seen you race as well, you and Babe make a formidable team."

Way hesitates to take the man's hand, which surprises Babe. Way isn't usually reserved. He is a businessman first and foremost and is openly friendly with everyone except Charlie. After a minute, Way take's the enigma's hand. Pete gives him a strange look, but Babe only assumes it was because of his friend's hesitation.

"So how can I help you today?" Pete asks.

"Rain said that you were one of Tony's children, is that true?" Babe asks.

Now it's Pete's turn to look uncomfortable. "It's not a widely known fact."

"Well let's just say Rain's family has connections. So it's true?" Babe asks.

Pete says. "I was one of his first group of children. What's your relationship to Tony?"

"Tony is my step father," Babe says.

Pete looks shocked at this and for a minute Babe thinks he will order him to leave.

Instead he says, "And what does that have to do with me?"

"We need help finding out where Tony gets his money from. We suspect it's from human trafficking. He could be selling alphas with special abilities to the highest bidders." Way says. Pete gives him another of those speculative looks but doesn't look surprised at this news.

"So you need proof that Tony is receiving money in exchange for the children he adopts out? It won't be easy, Tony covers his tracks really well." Pete says.

"That's why we need your help. P'Pakin thought you might have connections." Babe says. He is starting to feel irritated with the enigma. He feels like there is something going on here that he is missing.

Pete is silent for a while then says, "I know some people that run in the same circles as Tony's clients. I have gone out of my way to cultivate business partnerships with some of them. You aren't the only one who wants to take Tony down."

Babe relaxes slightly, "So what do we do?"

"We really need someone on the inside to help." Pete says.

"Like who?" Babe asks.

Pete gives Way another one of those infuriating glances. Babe is starting to wish he had brought Charlie instead. He doesn't know what's going on between these two but he doesn't like it.

"I might know someone, let me work on it." He glances at his watch. "Ah, it's getting late. Would the two of you like to join me for drinks?"

"I need to meet Charlie." Babe says, ignoring Way's frown at this.

"What about you, Way?" Pete asks.

Babe expects his friend to turn Pete down but after a moment's hesitation Way says, "Sure, why not."

"Excellent." Pete says. Babe begins to wonder if he had misunderstood the looks passing between his friend and the enigma.

Way stares at his drink and wonders why he chose to come with Pete. There is something about the man that makes Way feel as if he sees right through him. Way doesn't like it but at the same time he didn't want to drink alone tonight. He is tired of drinking alone; he has done it a lot since Babe announced that he and Charlie were dating.

In one way it had always hurt how Babe would chase other alphas while keeping Way at arm's length no matter how much Way tried to keep Babe only for himself. In another he could accept it as long as Babe was only having casual flings. Hell, he had set Babe up with some of the alphas himself, it gave him a sense of power over the situation.

Babe announcing that Charlie wasn't just a fling, not just a sex buddy, but an actual boyfriend had been a blow to Way. He had spent the last ten years trying to keep Babe in line and Charlie comes along and ruins everything. It also hurts him deeply that Babe wants Charlie, but not him. It should be him. It's a bitter feeling and at the same time makes him want to cry. "Enough Way," he tells himself.

"What are you thinking about?" Pete asks.

"I am thinking I need another drink." Way says downing the one in front of him.

Pete gives a sad smile and tells the bartender, "Two more whiskeys."

The man pours their drinks; Pete swirls his around watching the amber liquid catch the lights from the bar. Way downs his drink in a single swallow, then asks for two more on the rocks. Pete raises an eyebrow at this but doesn't protest.

"You probably thought I brought you here to flirt with you." Pete says.

"Didn't you?" Way asks.

"Actually, I just felt like you're sad and could use company. I thought you might want to talk to someone. Did I guess correctly?" Pete asks.

Way doesn't answer, he just continues to drink. Again, he feels like the enigma can see through him and knows everything. Way doesn't like it at all.

Things get blurry after that. Way knows he has drunk too much, and Pete carries him home. He thinks that he says something about Babe and complains that he wants to keep drinking.He doesn't like the whiny tone his own voice takes on. "Please bring me some liquor. I will drink, "he says. He feels someone take off his shoes and cover him with something. It feels nice to be taken care of even in this state but the person taking care of him isn't the one Way wants.

"Babe," Way says, "Where is Babe?" There is a hand there and Way holds on to it but even this is wrong. He is glad when he feels himself drifting off to sleep or passing out. He doesn't care which just so he can't think about Babe anymore tonight.

"P'Phayu," Rain says. They are eating breakfast together before Rain has to get ready for school and Phayu for work.

"What's on your mind, sweet boy?" P.Phayu asks, looking up from the drawing he needs to present to a client today.

"How well do you know P'Way? P'Babe's friend." Rain doesn't know why but the alpha had just felt wrong from the first day he had met him. Rain would never admit this to anyone, but he doesn't like Way and the more he sees of him the stronger his suspicions grow. When Babe had said he would take way with him to his meeting with Pete, Rain had almost begged him not to.

"I've only met him a couple times," P'Phayu says with a frown. "You've seen more of him than I have."

Rain nods, that's true. "What was your impression of him?"

"I really didn't pay attention to him at all, to be honest. What's this about?" P'Phayu asks. Rain hears a hint of jealousy and has to bite back a smile. P'Babe is right about his brother's possessiveness.

"I want to have Pa look into his background. I mean before he joined the garage." Rain says. "I don't want to upset P'Babe because I don't trust his friend."

"What are you suspecting, or do you think we should look into everyone at the garage." P'Phayu says.

Rain freezes, of course that is an elegant solution. It would actually make sense for his father to do background checks on everyone at the garage since he is investing in the team. His father isn't exactly in a business where he trusts people on face value.

"I don't know," Rain says, "Have you ever met anyone who just doesn't feel right to you?"

"All the time." P'Phayu answers, "If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, I think you should listen to them. There is an old saying that goes, better safe than sorry. It's better to check on him and find nothing than to not check and it turns out to be something."

Rain stands up and goes around the table, giving P'Phayu a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for believing me." He says.



Well Pit Babe is over and it has become my second favorite series of all time. I just love Babe/Charlie and Alan/Jeff so much. I miss it already.

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