Girls und Panzer: War thunder...

By DanielXD112

682 13 16

A guy named Musashi plays war thunder before his death and he knows about the soul sucking grind of the game... More

Chapter 1: First Customer, First Purchase
Chapter 2: The Grind Starts!

Chapter 3: Waking up the ship with Stuka

159 5 8
By DanielXD112

After they finished knocking out the Tiger tank the girls released the sigh of relief.

Yukari: Phew, that was intense, that Tiger came out of nowhere.

Saori: Yeah, especially where your tank got knocked out.

Hana: It looks active and fun!

Saori: But, I don't want to get a wound on my face.

Yukari: No worries! They do use real shells but many safety precautions are in place.

Miho and Reznov turned around to look at the news, the reporter discussing who will the glory to a bike racing competition and it switches the topic about Senshado she talks about the MVP fromthe last year's high school contest that joined the national training team and Maho Nishizumi appeared on the screen and the other two approched to hear the news

Reporter: What's your secret to win the senshado contest?

Maho: I never gave up, and...

She looks at the camera and

Maho: I never run away, No matter what.

This struck Miho hard and look down in sadly and Reznov pats her back.

Reznov: Cheer up Miho, not every problem can be faced alone but you'll have to prove them wrong.

Miho cheers up a little

Miho: Thank you, Mister.

The three girls look at each other then Saori claps her hand, this grabs the attention of the two.

Saori: Oh yeah!, Can we hang out in your room Miho?

Hana: I will come too.

This cheers Miho up completely

Miho: Sure!

Yukari: Um...

Hana: Akiyama, would you like to come with us?

Yukari: Thank you very much!

They turn too look at Reznov and he said

Reznov: What are you girls looking at me for?

Miho: Um...

Reznov: Let me guess you girls want me to take a ride to Miho's place.

They all nod and he sighs

Reznov: Come on you girls...

The Girls: Yay!


They tried to invite Reznov to have dinner with them but he refused because he had work to do and after dropping them off at Miho's apartment he drove off to the forest and went deeper to find a new tank.

Reznov: *sighs* Why am i even doing this in the evening?

He search deeper then he stumbled across a abandoned tank that the girls failed to notice, he looked around that too see that no one was around.

Reznov: Ha! Finally after an hour of searching i found it at last, and it's much better than the Dicker Max.

He laughed maniacally that night after that he towed the broken tank to his garage and went underground for the maintenance and repair of the tank.

Reznov: Well then.

He picks up and readies the tools that are necessary for repairs.

Reznov: Time to start the maintenance of this tank.

-5:00 am early in the morning-

After hours of painful repairs he was finally done he summons the Stuka checking the gears before flying up in the sky how did he fly without detection i don't know, but one thing for sure he had an evil smile plastered on his face.

Reznov: Hahaha! Nobody can stop me from doing this prank, No one!

Looks like Reznov has finally lost it he had spent hours painfully repairing the tank and now he is taking his stress out by doing this evil wake up call

He pressed a button inside the cockpit that deployed the Jericho siren and then the next step the dive, he dove the nose down for a dive.

Reznov: *laughing maniacally* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The siren on the Stuka was so loud that it instilled fear to those who heard it but for the residents that lived in the school ship were woken up by this loud and scary sound

After that the sound was gone and no one knows where it came from but for those who were woken by it started spreading rumours about the plane they were making up random stories and stuff but one thing for sure they never wanna hear that sound again.


We see Miho who was late, running towards the direction of the school until she came across a girl who was stumbling tiredly

Miho: Are you okay?

???: It's painful.

Miho: Eh?

???: Life is painful, i wish this was all..., just a dream.

Miho: U-um...

Miho helped her up back on her feet

Miho: Pull yourself together!

???: But, I'll go, i must go, i must.

But they heard a vehicle approaching them they turned around and saw a tank with the School's emblem on its side

It stop besides them and the driver's hatch opens and they saw Reznov.

Reznov: Good morning Miho.

Miho: Good morning Mister Reznov.

Reznov saw a girl with Miho but this time she looks like she was going to topple over and sleep on the floor

(A/n: Man she looks dead and me when it's Monday not Friday)

Miho then checks the time and saw that they are running late.

Miho: Mister! Can you give us a ride to school because were running late.

Reznov: Sure! be my guest.

Miho: Thank you!

???: U-um can i come?

Reznov: Of course!

After Reznov agreed Miho and Mako entered through the commander's hatch while he drove the tank towards the school

After they reached the school he stopped the tank and the two girls got off from the tank and they saw the girl who was checking the attendance of the students who came early and on time


Reznov knew the girl it was Midoroki Sono and she was shocked that a tank showed up in front of the school gate she scolded Mako for being tardy even if she is not late today and she might repeat a year even if she has good grades.

Midoroki: Um, Nishizumi, next time you see Reizei on your way to school, just ignore her and get to school on time.

Miho: O-okay.

Mako: Sodoko...

Midoroki: Did you say something.

Mako: Nothing...

Miho: I almost forgot, Thank you very much Mister see you later!

Reznov: See you too!

The two went on their way, and as Reznov was getting ready to leave, Midoroki told him to wait.

Midoroki: Ah, Sir can you wait a minute?

Reznov: Of course! What is your name?

Midoroki: Ah, My name is Midoroki Sono Sir.

Reznov: The name's Viktor Reznov, so what did you want to ask?

Midoroki: May i ask where'd you found the tank?

Reznov: At the forest of course it was in a state of disrepair so i took it home and fix the thing it costed me my sleep but it's worth it.

Midoroki: Then..., can you give us the tank, we really need a powerful one, most of our tanks have a weak cannon.

Reznov: Sure why not i was going to give it to your school anyway but later until i finish all the test to make sure this tank is in proper working condition but don't tell them it's a surprise.

Midoroki: Yes!, well then, see you later Sir!

Reznov: Good luck with your senshado team!


Now we see the Senshado teams that are present in the school hangar waiting for the instructor to show up

Hana: I got worried because you showed up almost late!

Miho: I overslept.

Saori: The instructor is late!, adults love to tease their partners, don't they

(Tell that to Reznov.)

And they saw the plane approaching closer to the ground opening its hatch from the back and dropping a tank, it went backwards hitting a car.

Yuzu: The principal's car... !

Anzu: Bleibt stehen!

The tank drove backwards to readjust its position crushing the principal's car.

Anzu: Woo!

Momo: Squashed.

Then the tank drove forward and stopped in front of the teams, the commander's hatch open revealing the instructor taking her helmet off.

???: Hello!

The girls were amazed.

-Next scene-

The girls were lined up and the instructor walked in front of the students

Saori: I was tricked

Hana: But she looks like a wonderful person.

Momo: Captain Ami Chouno of Senshado training group, our special instructor.

Ami: Nice to meet you!, i heard many of you are new to senshado, so we'll work extra hard!

She look at Miho in recognition.

Ami: Oh, aren't you Master Nishizumi's daughter?, I will always be grateful for her, is your sister doing well?

Miho: Yes.

???: Master Nishizumi?

???: Is she famous?

Ami: Nishizumi style is the most established among the many senshado schools!

Miho was a bit sad and then Saori then raises her hand

Saori: Instructor, are you popular?

Ami: Huh?, Not exactly popular, but i never miss my mark, i blow them away 120 percent of the time!

All of them were amazed, then Yukari raised her hand.

Yukari: Instructor, what are we practicing today?

Ami: Good question!, Let's simulate an actual battle right away.

All: What?!

Yuzu: This soon?

Ami: It'll be all right!, it's all about the real thing, Just get the tank rolling, drive it around, and shoot at the enemies!

She took out a map and showed it to them

Ami: All right, head to your starting points.

But before they could go to their tanks, they heard a tank approaching Miho and Midoroki recognised it and knew who was driving the tank and then the tank stopped in front of them and the driver's hatch open

Reznov: Hahaha!

All of them except Ami recognise the voice.

Yukari: Old man!

Miho: Mister!

Midoroki: Sir!

Reznov: I came to give you all this tank it is a powerful one so you can use it to your advantage against future matches!

He hopped out of the tank after he was done.

Yukari: Old man!, This is Jagdtiger a heavy tank destroyer!

Reznov: Of course! It is.

Yukari started to fangirl about how powerful the tank is, but the Instructor reminded them to get in and start up their engine and which they did and they had a lot of difficulties working with a tank after a short while they got used to it, they got in to position and Reznov decided to stay and watch the match.

Ami: Everyone, I believe you've reached your starting points, the rules are simple, just immobilize all of the other tanks, Basically, go forward, fire those guns, and bring them down, Got it.

She said through the radio.

Anzu: That's really sketchy.

Yuzu: Not as much as your demands.

Ami: Senshado begins with saying thanks and ends with saying thanks. Everyone, bow!

All: Thank you for a good match!

Ami: All right, begin match!

Reznov kept quiet and was focused on watching the match.

Reznov: This is where it all began, i already know what's the outcome but im excited to watch the real thing, now let the battle begin!


Thank you for reading another part that was finished, are you guys excited, hearts are pounding for what was about to happen!

Hahahaha enjoy the chapter!

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